Series HM28 Handheld Digital Manometer Service ... - Solutions Direct

Series HM28 Handheld Digital Manometer Service ... - Solutions Direct

Series HM28 Handheld Digital Manometer Service ... - Solutions Direct


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Operating instructions<strong>Digital</strong> handheldpressure gauge<strong>HM28</strong>

Contents1 Description ....................................... 42 Safety details ...................................43 Operating .........................................43.1 Switching on and off ........................43.2 Pneumatic connection ..................... 43.3 Operating modes .............................43.4 Configuration ...................................63.5 RS 232 mode ...................................73.6 Battery change ..............................103.7 Recalibration..................................104 Specifications ................................104.1 Technical data ...............................104.2 Measuring ranges ..........................124.3 Mains supply unit connection ........125 Maintenance ..................................126 Warning messages and faults .......137 Accessories ...................................138 Calibration instructions ..................142

Operating instructionsON= OnOFF = OffMODE = Select operating mode- Pressure measurement- Min./Max.- Leak rate- DataloggingCLEAR/ZERO = Zero settingPRINT/HOLD = Print and freeze displaySTART/STOP = Data recording / printingSET = Select config. modesSELECT = Select config. dataMatrix displayConnection for pneumatic hosesConnection for plug-in power supply unitConnection for RS 232 interfaceImportant!Please note warning symbolin the operating instructions.Copyright (c) by LOVE CONTROLS.The contents of this publication may not becopied without the express permission ofLOVE CONTROLS.Subject to dimension and design changes.3

1 DescriptionThe „LOVE CONTROLS“ handheld pressuregauge <strong>HM28</strong> is a digital pressure measuringinstrument with integrated pressure sensorfor the measurement of differential, relative orabsolute pressures and vacuum. Its versatilerange of functions and high precision makesit suitable for a wide range of applications.Configuration possibilities:• Autom. switching off, selectable time• Selectable resolution and damping• Selectable units of time• Selectable measurement units• General reset to standard setting• Selectable data transfer rate• Configuration printout• Selectable measuring intervals2 Safety detailsThe pressure values stated on the rating plateand mentioned in these operating instructionsmust not be exceeded otherwise the pressuresensor can be destroyed.Do not use the instrument in dangerzones (explosives zones)!Wear eye protection for pressures> 1bar!3 Operating3.1 Switching on and offSwitching on Press the ON key (the maximumpermissible measuringrange and the class appearson the display).For precision measurementsthe instrument must be switchedon for at least 1 minute(warm-up phase).Switching off Press the OFF key, or automaticswitching off 1,10 or 60min after the last keystroke.In case of a temperature change the instrumentrequires at least 30 minutes to adjust to thenew ambient temperature.3.2 Pneumatic connectionFor measuring ranges up to 7000 mbar, 4/6mm or NPT 1/8" connectors can be connecteddepending on model. Higher ranges areequipped with NPT 1/8".Ensure correct connection of the pneumatichoses!+P high pressureS- low pressure (not availablewith the absolute and relativepressure version)Measuring negative differential or relativepressures:connect “S-” negative pressure,orchange ports “S-“ and “+P”.The <strong>HM28</strong> will display a positive value.When screwing on a coupling itis important to hold with a spannerin the opposite direction.Never hold at case only!3.3 Operating modesThe modes in the matrix below can be selectedin succession by pressing the MODE key.After switching ON, the instrument is alwaysin the mode „normal“.4

Switching onNormal(differential)andanalogue/holdNormal(absolute)and differentialZoomMin/MaxLeak rateTendency(absolute)Record 1)Print Recordprintholdprintprintprintprintprintstart/stopprintquick keystroke:max. output speedKeystrokeapprox.1s:single or fastoutput start/stopprintingzerodisplayzerodiffzerodisplayzero(reset)zerodisplayclearmemoryDisplay exampleMax. Range:200 mbarNotesMeasuring rangedisplayed in desiredunitFull scale error0.05 %123.45 mbar====== orAccuracy class as a %of full scale readingOnly with differentialor relative pressureHLD 123.4 mbar modelsHold, store indicatedvalueDIF1013.2 mbar1013.2 mbar123.45MAX 150.0 mbarMIN 100.0 mbar1234.5 mbarLEK 2.1 /min1013.2 mbarTND - 15.7 /minREC 432.1 mbarSTOP 30 s MEM 1REC 432.1 mbarRUN 30 s MEM 321432.1 mbarSTOP 30 s MEM 901PRINT RECORDPUSH PRINTPRT 432.1 mbar321 00:13:30PRTRecord stoppedOnly with absolutepressure mode Zerosets Diff to 0Measurement in largefiguresWith absolute pressure,reset to actual valueOnly with Diff./Rel.(unit/time unit)Only with absolutepressure (unit/time unit)If measurementmemory clearedRecording runs up to964 valuesRecording stoppedAppears only if valuesare storedPrinting / display withtimeRecording stopped1) at 70 bar the measurements are stored in [bar]5

3.4 ConfigurationSelect mode:Press >2 seconds on the display appearsCONFIGURATIONStore and exit:Press >2 seconds on the display appearsSAVE CONFIGURATIONDisplay exampleNotesset unit mbar, kPa, bar, 2)mmH 2O, mH 2O,mmHg, psi, inH 2O,inHg, hPa, Pa, MPaUNITmbarsetresolution1)set dampinghighlowoffonRESOLUTIONhighDisplay resolution,influences measuring ratein RS 232 modeDAMPING 90% recovery after 4offmeasurements (when ON)set baudrate 9600, 4800, 2400,1200BAUDRATE9600set auto-offcontinuous1, 10, 60 mincontinueAUTO OFF Automatic switching off or10 min continuous modeset time unithoursminuteshoursTIME UNITminutesFor leak rate, tendencyset1, 5, 10, 20, 30, 60 sRec. interval 2, 3, 5, 10, 30, 60 min1) manual, offREC INTERVAL Off = record mode is5 s (1.3h) deactivated(max. record interval)setdisplay rate2.5 Hz (400 ms)5 Hz (200 ms)DISPLAY RATE Normal mode indication/zoom2.5 Hz (400 ms) (influences DAMPING)general reset? set on default values zeroGENERAL RESET? Reset all settings and clearPUSH ZERO measurement memoryprintconfiguration?print nowGENERAL RESET? After actuating ZERORESET OKPRINT CONFIG? Unit, ...PUSH PRINTPRINT CONFIG?PRINTINGAfter actuating PRINT1) If changed, the measurement memory is cleared 2) See in 4.1 "Technical data"6

3.5 RS 232 modeThe <strong>HM28</strong> can be remotely operated from apersonal computer via an RS 232 interface.The automatic switching off (chapter 3.1) isinactive. Connection by means of a RS232-cable.Plug pin assignment RS 232, DB 9 (female)Pin Assignment Pin Assignment1 DCD 6 DSR2 TXD 7 RTS3 RXD 8 CTS4 DTR 9 SHIELD5 GNDProtocolASCII-commands9600/4800/2400/1200 baud, 8 bit, no parity,1 stop bit,XON/XOFF - protocol (17 dec/19 dec)Notes- The <strong>HM28</strong> is switched on when thesupply voltage is applied- The <strong>HM28</strong> sends "XON" every 3 secondsTo determine the baud rate, read-in"XON" in each transfer rate until "XON"is correctly identified- To go to remote control mode, interrogate"XON", immediately send the "remote"command and then read-in theacknowledgement "ok"- Only lower case letters are accepted- Observe > 0,1 s delay before the nextcommand after "setbaud" command- To acknowledge the answer of the <strong>HM28</strong>without reading it back, just send a "XON"- The symbol "*" followed by the checksummust be suffixed to each string. The stringmust be terminated with a CR- A "TAB" is prefixed to each answer of the<strong>HM28</strong>, a "*" suffixed and the checksumsent.7The answer is terminated with a CR- The checksum is formed from the leastsignificant byte of the command stringCode-decoding of control command«readconfig»Code ConfigurationPressure unitCode ConfigurationSwitch. off time5 MPa(7-70bar) 0 60 min6 Pa(25mbar-7bar) 1 continous7 kPa2 1 min8 bar3 10 min9 mH2O(with 70bar,Time unitotherwise mmH2O) 0 /hours10 mmHg(not with 1 /minutes70bar)Storage interval11 psi2 10 s12 inH2O3 20 s13 inHg (not with70bar)4530 s60 s14 hPa6 2 min15 mbar7 3 minResolution8 5 min0 low9 10 min1 high10 30 minDamping11 60 min0 on12 manual1 off13 offBaudrate14 1 s0 1200 Baud1 2400 Baud2 4800 Baud3 9600 Baud15 5 sDisplay rate0 5 Hz1 2.5 HzReply to control command «readconfig»A whole number is returned as a replymsblsb#### #### #### ####|||| |||| |||| ****- Pressure unit|||| |||| |||*------ Resolution|||| |||| ||*------- Damping|||| |||| **-------- Baudrate|||| ||**----------- Switching off time|||| |*------------- Time unit|***-*-------------- Storage interval*------------------- Display rate

Control commands/syntax Answer from <strong>HM28</strong>/syntax Descriptionremote * 182 CR (tab)[ok] * 13 CR Switch to remote control andblock keypadlocal * 53 CR (tab)[ok] * 13 CR Switch to keypadoff * 101 CR (tab)[ok] * 13 CR Switch off instrumentreadpress * 243 CR (tab)"Value" _ "Unit" * Checksum CR Interrogate measurementreadpressfast * 161 CR (tab)"Value" * Checksum CR (tab)"Value" * Checksum CR Fast measurement interrogation"RESOLUTION high" output10 M/s"RESOLUTION low" output 20 M/s$ (tab)[ok] * 13 CR Exit "readpressfast" modefollowing send "XON"readrange * 211 CR (tab)"Range" _ "Unit" * Checksum CR Interrogate measuring rangereadbat * 253 CR (tab)"full"/"empty" * 230/98 CR Interrogate battery capacity (lobat)(full=ok, empty=change)readrecord * 69 CR (tab)"Recinterval" _ (tab)"Value" _ (tab)"Value" _ (tab)"Value" Interrogate stored measured(tab)[record_stopped] * 200 CR Recording is stopped(tab)[out_of_range] * 164 CR Measurement out of range(tab)[record_end] * 0 CR Recording stopped (waits at "XON"and sends back "ok" )readtemp * 124 CR (tab)"Value" _ °C * Checksum CR Interrogate internal temperature,±4°C (±39 °F)clearmem * 112 CR (tab)[ok] * 13 CR Clear datalogging memoryreadconfig * 60 CR (tab)Code (see decoding in table page 17) * Checksum CR Readout actual configurationsetzero * 54 CR (tab)[ok] * 13 CR Zero indicationsetdefault * 91 CR (tab)[ok] * 13 CR Reset all settings and clear memory,change to keypadsetunit_kpa * 146 CR (tab)[ok] * 13 CR Corresponding unitssetunit_mbar * 248 see 4.1 Technical datasetunit_bar * 1398

Control commands/syntax Answer from <strong>HM28</strong>/syntax Descriptionsetunit_mmh2o * 57setunit_mmhg * 255setunit_psi * 162setunit_inh2o * 54setunit_inhg * 252setunit_hpa * 143setunit_pa * 39setunit_mpa * 148setbaud_9600 * 1 CR (tab)[ok] * 13 CR Select baud rate (answer withsetbaud_4800 * 254 new baud rate, wait >0,1ssetbaud_2400 * 248 before "XON")setbaud_1200 * 245resolution_high * 62 CR (tab)[ok] * 13 CR Select measurement resolutionresolution_low * 240 and indication, high:10 M/s,low: 20 M/ssettempmode_0 * 33 CR (tab)[ok] * 13 CR Temp. measuring will be switchedoff at RS232 modesettempmode_1 * 34 Temp. measuring will be doneperiodically (default value)setrecint_off * 86 CR (tab)ok * 13 CR Select storage interval (secondes)setrecint_man * 87 (tab)oksetrecint_1 * 76 (tab)oksetrecint_5 * 80 (tab)oksetrecint_10 * 124 (tab)oksetrecint_20 * 125 (tab)oksetrecint_30 * 126 (tab)oksetrecint_60 * 129 (tab)oksetrecint_2m * 186 (tab)ok Select storage interval (minutes)setrecint_3m * 187 (tab)oksetrecint_5m * 189 (tab)oksetrecint_10m * 233 (tab)ok9

3.6 Battery changeControl commands/syntax Answer from <strong>HM28</strong>/syntax Descriptionsetrecint_30m * 235 CR (tab)ok * 13 CRsetrecint_60m * 238 (tab)oksetautooff_man * 198 CR (tab)ok * 13 CR Select autom. switching off time (minutes)setautooff_1 * 187 (tab)oksetautooff_10 * 235 (tab)oksetautooff_60 * 240 (tab)oksetdamp_off * 115 CR (tab)ok * 13 CR Damping offsetdamp_on * 21 (tab)ok Damping onsetdisrate_2.5 * 23 CR (tab)ok * 13 CR Set display rate (Hz)setdisrate_5 * 183 (tab)oksetunit_perh * 5 CR (tab)ok * 13 CR Tendency .../hsetunit_permin * 225 (tab)ok Tendency .../min(tab)[er] * 10 CR ErrorNote: The character _ indicates a space- Open battery receptacle- Insert 9 V-alkali battery (IEC 6LR61) oraccumulatorEnsure correct polarity!Correct disposel of the usedbatteries according to environmentregulations!3.7 RecalibrationRecalibration to be carried out by speciallyskilled staff only.Relevant instructions see in section 8. Werecommend to recalibrate the instrument atleast once a year.4 Specifications4.1 Technical dataMeasuring mediaMedia-compatibletypesinstrument air orinert gasesall media compatiblewith stainless steel18/8 (DIN 1.4305)10

UnitsMeasuring rangesup to 7 bar 10 to 30 bar 70 barmbar x x xbar x x xPa x - -kPa x x xhPa x x -MPa - x xmmH 2O x x -mH 2O - - xmmHg x x -psi x x xinH 2O x x xinHg x x -Linearity, hysteresis andrepeatability(10 °C to 35 °C) ± 0,2 % F.S.(50 °F to 95 °F) (standard) ± 1 digit± 0,1 % F.S.(option) ± 1 digit± 0,05 % F.S.(option) ± 1 digit(according tomeasuring range)Operating temperature -5 °C to 50 °C(23 °F to 122 °F)Storage temperature -20 °C to 60 °C(-4 °F to 140 °F)Humidity30 to 95 % rHCase protection class IP 54Power supply9 V-battery (IEC6LR61) oraccumulatorregulated plug-inmains supply unit(7 to 14 VDC)Current consumption

4.2 Measuring rangesMetric Range English Range Max. load capacity Max. static pressure(rounded)0 ... 2.5 kPa 0 ... 10 inH2O 12.5 kPa 50 inH2O 700 kPa 100 psid0 ... 7 kPa 0 ... 28 inH2O 35 kPa 140 inH2O 700 kPa 100 psid0 ... 20 kPa 0 ... 80 inH2O 150 kPa 600 inH2O 700 kPa 100 psid0 ... 30 kPa 0 ... 120 inH2O 150 kPa 600 inH2O 700 kPa 100 psid0 ... 50 kPa 0 ... 200 inH2O 400 kPa 1600 inH2O 700 kPa 100 psid0 ... 100 kPa 0 ... 14.5 psid/g 400 kPa 58 psid/g 700 kPa 100 psid0 ... 110 kPa 0 ... 15.9 psia 400 kPa 58 psia -- --0 ... 200 kPa 0 ... 29 psia/d/g 700 kPa 100 psia/d/g 700 kPa 100 psid0 ... 700 kPa 0 ... 100 psia/d/g 1700 kPa 245 psia/d/g 1700 kPa 245 psid0 ... 1000 kPa 0 ... 145 psid/g 2700 kPa 390 psid/g 2700 kPa 390 psid0 ... 1700 kPa 0 ... 245 psid/g 2700 kPa 390 psid/g 2700 kPa 390 psid0 ... 3000 kPa 0 ... 435 psig 7000 kPa 1000 psig -- --0 ... 7000 kPa 0 ... 1000 psig 14000 kPa 2000 psig -- --a = absolute pressured = differential pressureg = relative pressureConversion factors1 mbar = 0,1 kPa1 mbar = 0,0010 bar1 mbar = 10,20 mmH 2O1 mbar = 0,7501 mmHg1 mbar = 0,0145 psi1 mbar = 0,4015 inH 2O1 mbar = 0,02953 inHg1 mbar = 1,0 hPaThe maximum load capacity applies forrelative overpressure and negativepressure. The instrument is calibratedfrom 0 to100% of the measuringrange. Exceeding or underrunning thisrange by up to about 10% is stilldisplayed.Differential pressure sensors (d)doesn’t measure the same value onthe P and S side mandatorily becauseof her geometry.124.3 Power supply unit connectionThe <strong>HM28</strong> can be operated by a regulatedplug-in power supply unit.InputOutput5 Maintenance115V, 60 Hz9 V DC ± 20 %, 100 mA(7 to 14 V DC)The <strong>HM28</strong> requires no maintenance. It can becleaned with a damp cloth. Do not use cleaningagents containing solvents!See the relevant chapters for battery changeand recalibration.

6 Warning messages and faultsFault/indication Possible cause RemedyERROROUT OF RANGE10% exceeding or underrunningof measuring rangeApply permissible measuringpressureCHANGE BATTERY Battery voltage too lowInsert new batteryNo change inmeasurementDoes not switch onInstrumentinaccurateOver pressure applied topressuresensorNo power supplyInaccurate recalibrationNot zeroedNatural aging of the pressuresensorDispatch instrument for repairFit new battery as requiredBattery possibly not correctly insertedPlug in power supply unit correctlyRepeat recalibrationVent and actuate zeroCarry out recalibration7 AccessoriesStandard 1 9 V block battery1 operating instructionsOptionPlug-in power supply unit115V, 60HzLeather case with carrying strap<strong>Service</strong> setHand pump with variobellows 5barHandpump 20 barSCS test certificateAdapter RS232 9M-25FAdapter NPT1/8"Communication SW packagecomprising:- RS232-IF cable (9 pole fem.)- Communication-software forMS Windows- Measurement placesmanagement software forMS Windows13

8 Calibration instructionsRecalibration to be carried out byspecially skilled staff only!Actuate the following key combinations:• First press MODE and keep itpressed• Next and additionally, press CLEAR/ZERO and keep pressed untilCALIBRATION is displayedExit from this mode is possible at any time viaMODE or OFF.The instrument must be in operation for atleast 30 minutes (warm up stabilization time).acceptable values acquired. In theevent of a maloperation, the calibrationprocess is interrupted and the previouscalibration data are retained.An incorrect internal instrument temperaturecan lead to accuracy fluctuations!The pressure set points have to be set in[mbar]!Check the instrument accuracy afterrecalibration!New calibration values are only storedwhen all five setpoints have beenrunning through correctly andCalibration at 22 °C (71,6 °F) environmental temperatureCalibrationPointDisplayExecuteNotesCALIBRATIONCALIB 22 °C0 % F.S.SET x mbarOK25% F.S. SET x mbarOK50% F.S. SET x mbarOK75% F.S. SET x mbarOK100% F.S. SET x mbarCALIBRATION OK- Set set point x- Press ZERO/CLEAR- Set set point x- Press ZERO/CLEAR- Set set point x- Press ZERO/CLEAR- Set set point x- Press ZERO/CLEAR- Set set point x- Press ZERO/CLEAR140 % F.S. not availablewith absolute pressuresensor

LOVE CONTROLS DivisionDwyer Instruments, Inc.Highway 212 AT 12Michigan City, IN 46360USAPhone ++1 219 879 8868Fax ++1 219 872 9057I-<strong>HM28</strong>/0501, Art. Nr. 70 792 146 Printed in Switzerland

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