ANO-90.0010 - Civil Aviation Authority

ANO-90.0010 - Civil Aviation Authority

ANO-90.0010 - Civil Aviation Authority


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YUMPU automatically turns print PDFs into web optimized ePapers that Google loves. Not less than 2 hours solo flight time; Not less than 20 launches and 20 landings.8.7. SKILL TEST8.7.1. The applicant shall have demonstrated the ability to perform as pilotin-commandof a glider, the procedures and maneuvers to a degree ofcompetency appropriate to the privileges granted to the holder of aglider pilot Licence, and to: Operate the glider within its limitations; Complete all maneuvers with smoothness and accuracy; Exercise good judgment and airmanship; Apply aeronautical knowledge; and8.7.1.5. Maintain control of the glider at all times in a manner suchthat the successful outcome of a procedure or maneuver isnever seriously in doubt.8.8. EXAMINATIONS AND TESTS8.8.1. Pass Type Technical TT- Pass GPL –1 examination.8.8.3. `Satisfactory’ check by a CAA Inspector/Designated Examiner.8.9. PRIVILEGES OF GLIDER PILOT LICENCE8.9.1. The holder of a Glider Pilot Licence may pilot any type of glider forwhich his Licence is endorsed.8.9.2. The holder of a Glider Pilot Licence may carry out aerial workoperation subject to approval and limitations imposed by the CAA.8.10. OPERATING LIMITATIONS - GLIDERS8.10.1. The holder of a GPL shall not act as pilot-in-command of a glidercarrying passengers unless he has: Completed not less than 20 hours of flight time as a pilotin-commandof gliders; Recommendation by the Approved person with a log bookendorsement; and8.10.1.3. Holds a Passenger Rating on GPL.8.10.2. The holder of a GPL shall only pilot gliders by day in VisualMeteorological Conditions.8.11. MICROLIGHT ORGANIZATION MEMBERSHIP8.11.1. A person shall not operate a Glider unless the person is a bona fidemember of a Microlight Organization – Glider in accordance with theprescribed procedures of the Organization; and has been allotted amembership number.Page 23 of 23

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