ANO-90.0010 - Civil Aviation Authority

ANO-90.0010 - Civil Aviation Authority

ANO-90.0010 - Civil Aviation Authority


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9. FREE BALLOON PILOT LICENCE (BPL)9.1. ELIGIBILITY9.1.1. SPL: Applicant shall hold a valid Student Pilot Licence.9.1.2. AGE: Applicant shall not be less than 16 years of age.9.1.3. MEDICAL: Applicant shall hold a Class 2 Medical Certificate.9.2. FLIGHT RADIO TELEPHONE OPERATOR LICENCE (FRTOL)9.2.1. FRTOL privileges shall be endorsed on the Balloon Pilot Licence.9.3. AIRWORTHINESS9.3.1. Each person operating a Balloon shall ensure that the Balloon hasbeen issued with a Certificate of Airworthiness (C of A) by the CAA.9.4. BALLOON FLYING TRAINING9.4.1. A Microlight Organization – Balloon may be authorized to conducttraining for Balloon Pilot Licence provided it meets the CAAprescribed requirements of a Flying Training Organization (FTO).9.5. AERONAUTICAL KNOWLEDGE9.5.1. KNOWLEDGE: The applicant shall have demonstrated a level ofknowledge appropriate to the privileges granted to the holder of a freeballoon pilot Licence, in at least the following subjects: AIR LAW: Rules and regulations relevant to the holder of afree balloon pilot Licence; rules of the air; appropriate airtraffic services practices and procedures; AIRCRAFT GENERAL KNOWLEDGE: principles of operation offree balloon systems and instruments; Operating limitations of free balloons; relevant operationalinformation from the flight manual or other appropriatedocument; Physical properties and practical application of gases used infree balloons; FLIGHT PERFORMANCE AND PLANNING: effects of loadingon flight characteristics; mass calculations; Use and practical application of launching, landing and otherperformance data, including the effect of temperature; Pre-flight and en-route flight planning appropriate tooperations under VFR; appropriate air traffic servicesprocedures; altimeter setting procedures; operations inareas of high-density traffic; HUMAN PERFORMANCE AND LIMITATIONS: humanperformance and limitations relevant to the free balloonpilot;Page 27 of 27

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