Procurement Notice of Individual Consultant - UNDP

Procurement Notice of Individual Consultant - UNDP

Procurement Notice of Individual Consultant - UNDP


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<strong>Procurement</strong> <strong>Notice</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Individual</strong> <strong>Consultant</strong>Dear Sir/Madam,<strong>UNDP</strong> Indonesia hereby invites you to submit a proposal for the following <strong>Individual</strong> <strong>Consultant</strong>assignment:Title <strong>of</strong> the assignment:Project name:Period <strong>of</strong> assignment/services:REDD+ Institutional and Legal Expert, (National,1 post)IC/<strong>UNDP</strong>-REDD+/007/2012Five (5) MonthsThis procurement notice will be open until 27 Januaryassignment can be found in the Terms <strong>of</strong> Reference (ToR).2012 at 14.00 hours. Details on theTo submit your proposal, please complete the following documents:• Use the technical and price proposal template to submit your proposal;• Attach a completed and signed P11 form;• Complete and attach the Vendor Form;• Attach a copy <strong>of</strong> your latest CV (make sure to highlight any previous experience in similarprojects or closely related areas).Please ensure that all the documents mentioned above are submitted. Incomplete submissions maylead to rejection.The selection <strong>of</strong> the individual consultant will be based on:Highest qualified candidate; selection <strong>of</strong> the candidate with the highest combined technicaland financial score; orLowest priced evaluated <strong>of</strong>fer <strong>of</strong> technically qualified consultantPlease submit your IC Proposal to: Redd-bids.id@undp.orgHard copy to :Address:Attention:<strong>UNDP</strong> REDD+, Menara Thamrin, 10th FloorJl. M.H. Thamrin Kav 3Jakarta 10250<strong>Procurement</strong> Unit REDD+ / Masrina SidabutarMarked with –IC/<strong>UNDP</strong> – REDD+/007/2012REDD+ Institutional and Legal Expert, (National,1 post)

Note: For consultants above the age <strong>of</strong> 62, <strong>UNDP</strong> regulations require that a full medical evaluation isperformed. Medical evaluation documentation does not need to be submitted with the otherrequested documents listed in this document, but will be requested should the consultant bechosen.For any clarification please send an email to:roy.rahendra@undp.org; saito.nainggolan@undp.org and please cc any email tomasrina.sidabutar@undp.org;

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