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Joliet Public <strong>School</strong> District 86Special Services Department420 North Raynor Avenue, Joliet, IL 60435<strong>MANDATED</strong> <strong>MEDICATION</strong> <strong>LOG</strong> <strong>School</strong> <strong>Year</strong> <strong>2011</strong>-<strong>2012</strong> 815/740-3196- Fax 815/740-5955Students Name:______________________________Medication: ______________________________________<strong>School</strong>:___________________ Grade:___________ Dose:_________________________ Time:___________Teacher: RX: Monitored By:Codes: A: ABSENT X: NO SCHOOL F: FIELD TRIP W: DOSE WITHHELD H: HOLDIAYN: NONE AVAILABLE E: EARLY DISMISSAL O: NO SHOW T: TRANSFERAUGUST <strong>2011</strong>Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday1 2 3 4 58 9 10 11 1215 16 17 18 1922 23 24 25 2529 30 31JANUARY <strong>2012</strong>Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday2 3 4 5 69 10 11 12 1316 17 18 19 2023 24 25 26 2730 31SEPTEMBER <strong>2011</strong>Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday1 25 6 7 8 912 13 14 15 1619 20 21 22 2326 27 28 29 30OCTOBER <strong>2011</strong>Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday3 4 5 6 710 11 12 13 1417 18 19 20 2124 25 26 27 2831NOVEMBER <strong>2011</strong>Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday1 2 3 47 8 9 10 1114 15 16 17 1821 22 23 24 2528 29 30DECEMBER <strong>2011</strong>Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday1 25 6 7 8 912 13 14 15 1619 20 21 22 2326 27 28 29 30Comments: Initial & Date Each entry_________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________INITIAL PRINTED NAME INITIAL PRINT NAME____________ __________________ ________ __________________________ __________________ ________ __________________________ __________________ ________ ______________FEBRUARY <strong>2012</strong>Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday1 2 36 7 8 9 1013 14 15 16 1720 21 22 23 2427 28 29MARCH <strong>2012</strong>Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday1 25 6 7 8 912 13 14 15 1619 20 21 22 2326 27 28 29 30APRIL <strong>2012</strong>Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday2 3 4 5 69 10 11 12 1316 17 18 19 2023 24 25 26 2730MAY <strong>2012</strong>Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday1 2 3 47 8 9 10 1114 15 16 17 1821 22 23 24 2528 29 30 31JUNE <strong>2012</strong>Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday14 5 6 7 811 12 13 14 1518 19 20 21 2225 26 27 28 29JULY <strong>2012</strong>Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday2 3 4 5 69 10 11 12 1316 17 18 19 2023 24 25 26 2730 31

Dear Parent or Guardian:<strong>MEDICATION</strong> SELF ADMINISTRATION CONSENT <strong>2011</strong>-<strong>2012</strong>Because of liability factors involved with dispensing of any type of medication and district policy, WE ARE UNABLE TO COMPLY WITH ANY REQUESTS TOADMINISTER <strong>MEDICATION</strong> UNLESS PROPER FORM (see below) HAS BEEN COMPLETED BY BOTH PARENT AND THE PHYSICIAN.We are sure you understand how important this should be handled in a consistent, structured manner. Upon receipt of the completed form, we will follow the indicatedprocedures in administering medication to your child.Thank you for your cooperation.DISTRICT #86 <strong>MEDICATION</strong> POLICY_________________________________________Sandra L. Thomas, Ed. D.Director of Special ServicesWhen a child requires medication, the primary responsibility for administering such medication rests solely upon the parents. The district recognizes that some shortand long term conditions can be controlled or corrected only when medicated at intervals, which may include school hours. In those instances, when the doctor hasdetermined that administration during school hours is necessary for optimum benefits, the school district endorses the following procedure:1. Medications are defined as over-the-counter and registered prescription drugs.2. The physician will complete the ORDER FOR <strong>MEDICATION</strong>.3. The parent will complete the PARENT’S REQUEST TO ADMINISTER <strong>MEDICATION</strong>4. Medication will be in the original container or prescription bottle appropriately labeled by the pharmacys, physician or manufacturer.5. Medication will be stored in school in a locked cabinet.6. For students participating in field trips and after school activities, their medication will be monitored by adult supervisors.PARENT PLEASE FILL THIS TOP SECTION:month day yearStudents Name:_________________________ Date of Birth:_______/_______/_________<strong>School</strong> Name: _____________________ Grade:__________ <strong>School</strong> <strong>Year</strong>: <strong>2011</strong>-<strong>2012</strong>PARENT’S PLEASE FILL CONSENT FOR STUDENT TO ADMINISTER <strong>MEDICATION</strong> AT SCHOOL.I hereby request that Joliet Public <strong>School</strong> District 86 allow my child_______________________________ at ______________________<strong>School</strong>to self-administer the medication listed on the bottom of the page ordered byDOCTOR:________________________________Medication Name:__________________________Time:___________________________Prescription #:_______________________________________________Pharmacy Name:_____________________________________________Address:_____________________________________________Phone:_____________________________________________I can be reached at the following telephone number(s) in case there is a problem or question( )__________________ ( )_______________________ ( )_______________________I understand that my child is responsible for the administration for this medication.Parent/Guardian Signature_________________________________________ Today’s Date:____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________PHYSICIAN PLEASE FILL THIS BOTTOM SECTION: SCHOOL YEAR <strong>2011</strong>-<strong>2012</strong>PHYSICIAN’S ORDER FOR <strong>MEDICATION</strong> AT SCHOOL.I have determined that the following medication must be taken during school hours.<strong>MEDICATION</strong>:______________________________________________________________DOSE & FREQUENCY:_______________________________________________________Purpose of Medicine:__________________________________________________________Side Effects:_________________________________________________________________Date of Order:__________________Re-eval Date:__________________Discontinue Date:____________________Route of Administration:PO INHALE INJECTIONOther __________________________Other medications child is taking: _______________________________________________________________________________________Doctors Signature:_________________________________________Today’s Date: _________________________________________Doctors printed name:________________________________________ Doctos Phone: ( ) :____________________________Doctor’s Address:____________________________________________Medication must bebrought to school byparent. Do not sendmedication withstudent on bus.1.The buildingprincipal will beresponsible foradministration ofmedication an theaccuracy of the<strong>MANDATED</strong><strong>MEDICATION</strong> <strong>LOG</strong>.2. The school nursewill monitor themedication procedure.Upon completion ofmedication and/or endof school year, theschool nurse will beresponsible for filing themandated medicationform in the child’shealth record.3. When a childtransfers out themandated medicationlog will be filed inchild’s health record. Acopy of the doctor’smedication order/parentrequest form should begiven to the parent. Theparent will be given theremaining medication.4. At the end of theschool year, allremaining medicationwill be returned toparent in person ordestroyed by thecertified school nurse inthe presence of awitness.Review & Approved by <strong>School</strong> Nurse:Date:

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