Book 4 - Appraisal Institute of Canada

Book 4 - Appraisal Institute of Canada

Book 4 - Appraisal Institute of Canada


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RC E OeportAIC Candidatesare the future<strong>of</strong> the pr<strong>of</strong>essionGeorges Lozano, MPAAIC Chief Executive Officernstitute members have beenimpacted by a significant number<strong>of</strong> program and policy changes inrecent years and none more sothan Candidate members. Candidatesrepresent some 40% the membershipand, in the last two years, more than700 Candidates have been added to the<strong>Institute</strong>’s roster <strong>of</strong> members. These newCandidates tend to be younger and assuch, are affecting the demographics <strong>of</strong>the <strong>Institute</strong> in a very positive way.It has been almost one year since theCandidate policy came into effect andalready we can discern marked differencesin the pr<strong>of</strong>ile <strong>of</strong> the new Candidatesin comparison to the previous.First <strong>of</strong> all, the new group <strong>of</strong> Candidatesis joining the <strong>Institute</strong> with a differentunderstanding <strong>of</strong> the pr<strong>of</strong>ession andthe career path that it provides. Theyhave been attracted by the pr<strong>of</strong>ession’sinternational stature and recognition aswell as by its open-endedness and themany specialties and practice areas thatit covers.Given the significantly morestringent requirements to becomea Candidate and, subsequently, toobtain a pr<strong>of</strong>essional designation,these new Candidates expect a lot<strong>of</strong> hard work and are prepared tomeet this challenge in expectation <strong>of</strong>the rewards that an AIC designationpromises. Many <strong>of</strong> these Candidateshave strong educational backgroundsincluding undergraduate degrees andother post secondary studies, givingthem the broad knowledge base thatwill serve them well as multidisciplinarypr<strong>of</strong>essionals. It is interesting to notethat the gender balance <strong>of</strong> this newgroup <strong>of</strong> Candidates is significantlydifferent from the previous, withalmost 40% <strong>of</strong> them being women, incomparison with the less than 30% <strong>of</strong>membership that women represented inprevious years.Perhaps the greatest differencebetween the new Candidates andthe preceding generation may be theexpectations that they have with respectto their chosen areas <strong>of</strong> work. Whileapproximately two thirds <strong>of</strong> AIC membershave been identified as appraisers whodo point in time estimates <strong>of</strong> value oncommercial and residential properties,one third <strong>of</strong> the membership is involvedin other aspects <strong>of</strong> valuation, bothin private practice and as employeeswithin the private and public sectors.Anecdotal evidence suggests that theproportion <strong>of</strong> new Candidates interestedin non-traditional areas <strong>of</strong> the pr<strong>of</strong>essionis growing. This is evidenced by theincreasing membership in the non-feesector and the many specialty areas thatare emerging.As highly qualified pr<strong>of</strong>essionals,AIC’s future designated members maychoose to work in a wide range <strong>of</strong>appraisal related jobs in addition todoing appraisals on ICI and residentialproperties. Increasing numbers will steertowards top management positionswithin real estate related public andprivate sector organizations. Others willdevelop practices that serve specialtyreal property market niches and <strong>of</strong>ferconsulting and advisory services therein.The well‐received We Value <strong>Canada</strong>seminar that all Candidates must takeincludes a section where they developcareer plans and pr<strong>of</strong>essional goals. Itsuggests that the pr<strong>of</strong>ession is aboutto expand into many new areas <strong>of</strong> realproperty advisory services and thatappraisers will increasingly be at theforefront <strong>of</strong> all areas where real propertyvaluation expertise is required.10C a n a d i a nAppraiserVolume 51 • book 4 • 2007EvaluateurC a n a d i e n

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