ELSTER KENT Water Meterboxes - Incledon
ELSTER KENT Water Meterboxes - Incledon
ELSTER KENT Water Meterboxes - Incledon
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<strong>ELSTER</strong> <strong>KENT</strong> <strong>Water</strong> <strong>Meterboxes</strong><strong>Meterboxes</strong> for Domestic Meters
LockingDeviceAccuracyand long-lifestem fromengineeringexcellenceReadingSlotSlidingCouplingBase PlateTrickleFlow ValveGlass NylonReinforcedInsertThere is an Elster Kent meterbox to house15, 20, and 25mm meters.For 15mm domestic installations, there is the RDP4meterbox for 114mm long plastic meters. Forplastic or brass meters 165mm long, there is thestandard meterbox.Features:1. Class C meters are fitted in all sizes of meterboxes,and there is an approved pulse output on all V100TPSM and V110T KSM for upgrade to Automatic MeterReading (AMR).2. Patented locking mechanism, requiring a specialkey to open the lid.3. Unique couplings, designed to slide back facilitatingmeter replacement.4. The meter/ballcock assembly is keyed where itpasses through the meterbox to prevent it fromrotating during installation.5. High quality ballcock shut off valves without risingheadparts which can cause leaks.20mm GlassNylon ReinforcedFemale InsertSTANDARD PLASTIC METERBOX 165mmPLASTIC V100T KSMMeterbox Features:• Base Plate• 13mm 3 way plastic trickleflow ball valve (plastic)Meterbox Option:Lockshield for 3 way ball valve (plastic)Specifications:External Connections:20mm glass nylon reinforced insert.Mass With Meter: 2,2kgMeter Type:165mm long 20mm Class C, wet dialvolumetric V100T KSM meter with pulseoutput and non-return valve.Stop Valve:13mm 3 way plastic trickle flow ball valve.