CLUB CONTACT DETAILS - West Adelaide Football Club

CLUB CONTACT DETAILS - West Adelaide Football Club

CLUB CONTACT DETAILS - West Adelaide Football Club


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CRAMPS AND FOOTY• About two out of every three athletes have experienced painful muscle cramp duringsport. It usually occurs in the muscles directly involved in the exercise eg. thecalf/thigh muscle during footy• A number of theories have tried to explain what causes cramps during exercise. Themain cause appears to be altered neuromuscular function – which involves thenerves and the muscle and is caused by extreme fatigue in the exercised muscle.• Extremes of temperature (high or low) don’t appear to be the direct cause of cramp inexercise, but they do increase the risk.• The evidence that dehydration can cause cramps is also sketchy, however it is veryimportant that footballers reduce their risk of being dehydrated by drinking enoughfluid when training and competing - especially when hot/humid. This can be donethrough water and Sports Drinks.• While some athletes loose large amounts of sodium (salt) in their sweat, theevidence that this can cause cramp is still inconclusive.• If you are a big sweater, in some individual cases, supplementing with extra sodium(salt) may be helpful, but needs to be done under the guidance of your SportsDietitian.• Research has revealed that abnormal blood levels of potassium, magnesium orcalcium do not cause cramp in exercise. For this reason you don’t need tosupplement with these as they will not help prevent cramps.Reducing the risk of cramp1. Be fit. Cramps are less common in footballers who are well trained and theirmuscles are conditioned for footy2. Have enough carbohydrate before and during exercise, which may help preventearly muscle fatigue3. Drink regularly to prevent dehydration4. Stretch before and after exerciseRECOVERY16

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