details - Universitatea Spiru Haret

details - Universitatea Spiru Haret

details - Universitatea Spiru Haret


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• coordination of the environment protection measures, of ecological reconstructionand protection of the danube confluents with the pollution risks,• the development of the danube tourism and cooperation with the mountain regiontourism (resorts and rural),• increase of the water quality, rehabilitation of the technical and urban networks ofwater supply and sewage system,• integration of the protection measures to the risks of flooding, land sliding andearthquakes,• re-use by upgrading the infrastructure of the old ports and increase of the numberof jobs.- For the business environment:• better opportunities for the industrial environment, mainly the SMEs• re-launching the local economies,• integration of the products (new brands) and innovative processes at a regional-Danube scale (brand products, innovative equipment and technologies, developmentof the aquaculture, including in the mountain region,• better interstate transborder cooperation.- For Education and research:• adjusting general education to the requirements of the ever-changing economy,• development of vocational education, for new professions and revival of the traditionalones,• adjustment of the curricula in the primary and secondary education to the specificcriteria of the landscape areas (humid, field, mountain, etc)• ecological education at all levels, multi- and trans-national, in a Carpathian-Danubian –Pontic perspective, in order to provide a future sustainabledevelopment in the region,• boosting the development of the civic abilities of behavior, cooperation andcommunication,• new opportunities of research/design for the academia, master andundergraduate students, by building mixed multidisciplinary groups, to

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