Young Socialists Magazine 1911 Jan June.pdf

Young Socialists Magazine 1911 Jan June.pdf

Young Socialists Magazine 1911 Jan June.pdf


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16 THB .LI'1"1'LB IIOOtALIST .... G£.UlB.. " 'A PRIZE FOR EVERY BOY AND GIRLThe "Little Socialist Magazin:" _FOR BOYS AND GIRLS' CfNIt",,'i M M ~MAY, <strong>1911</strong> I . No.5 ~Every boy and girl who lends fifty cents for ONE NEW sUbscriber will receive. onrequest, one of the following bOOks :I . ."Wendell Phillips" "Now and Then" "Shoot to Kill". For the amount of FIVE NEW subscribers we will lend oneof the following fine novels :"Looking Backward" "The Sea WoIr' "The Son of the Wolf" "The Jungle""Call of the WHd" "Daughter of the Snows" "Little Brother of the Rich". "The Sale of an Appetite" "Evolution of Man" liThe Iron Heel"For TEN NEW subscribers either of these:"Forgings of the New" "Love of Life" "The Spy"For FIFTEEN NEW subscribers seat in within one year we will present thesebeautiful Itory books."The Money Changers" "Mother" "Lost Face" "Revolution" "Martin Eden"Every book on the above Ults is highly entertaining and instructive. NOWLET US SEE WHAT YOU CAN DO FOR US AND FOR YOURSELVES.Write name and addresl ofyounel£ and that of subscriber plainly and do not forgetto write City or Post Office and the State,and STATE WHAT BOOK YOU DESIRE.Little Socialist <strong>Magazine</strong>·15 SPRUCE STRE~T. NEW YORKEvery Mother and Fother should read:Bebel's MasterpieceWOMAN AND SOCIALISMThe Sexual Question510 Pages, Elegan tly Bound. PoSlagc Prepaid $1.50os viewed by Church, State. Science and PatholotJ,in the PAST, PRESENT and FUTURE.~ Jllltn~~~n~ w,uk t1\ \'11' ,c~l1~ g,'tllf "'tl1l1trg'.e rnlli u9.([illl i ll ~1 hlllll fllt g1111 ;~"ur15 t il IItnke itA futurr.[ruly ~\rtnt nn~ frtt.np, tbrll, \!11 111h Ilf e\tntrica,JRtlt t bnt are to. br..~g tht'l15 t ~cent rntnplnn,(fnlwi)ill~ hilt'ry'15 pn~l'"~t in'pirr~ to "dilln.[hat sh nll ble .. gl1llr n~t .Ilnnb: tht p'Rth tlf:i:lntg­[hut. tCUt glorg liu;[hen glllir fntbul won th.tm.c¥ntnt thnt ne'tJ,t.! biu.ltit:h rrwnri:l15 nkuait \!.11UJIt tht nnltni Itf milli),,30YI b~i:lllg uui) rrnml l,fOIhertin you .hnll f ili i).lUhittt t rn tb tnn l!, lral:l \!llll,~nn:h n gnll:l1l1 bnlli),[ill gOll'be tnnil r all I.t.l:ltll IID€ IS"nr fntbtrlal1i:1,e\ui) tuh-tll brtnkl tltr IIhlClliltgf)f tbnt grnlli)rr b:n\!.,lUhtli nU tlf: tong15 nrt ri~htthl,lr(\uMg gtlll JnAg sa\!,-·.([hue hnb..e bren "ur 'tvntc:ilWllrbs,.. ~ult.iU, ~0 'tJ t. nui) [mth';',' ;firr. the tlf:onb..nllls rhnnge."lBronght ~ ~ tn trirn'. gllut".".ltllu.e ~t glluth of ~ine:rirn.iIhrrt: i. bhUit to bo,e~ltb. gout routtUI!'.(falling hmb flU" gOli.lSOCIALIST LITERATURE CO.- 1..5 Spruce St .... t, New York

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