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<strong>The</strong> <strong>Dwarf</strong> <strong>Holds</strong> | Rohirric Units 108 <strong>The</strong> <strong>Dwarf</strong> <strong>Holds</strong> | Rohirric Units109Special Rohirric UnitsBanner of EorlSummoned By:Abilities:Royal Guards of Meduseld<strong>The</strong>oden’s BodyguardChosen by Théoden himself from theelite of Rohan’s Royal Guards, theseselect few warriors form the personalbodyguard of the King. Unmatchedamongst Rohan’s military on both horseand on foot, Théoden’s Royal Guard areadept at standing down even the toughestfoes. <strong>The</strong>y will fight and die valiantlyin the service of their lord and King.Reduces damage to <strong>The</strong>oden while theGuardsman is nearby. Must be on foot.Summoned By:Abilities:<strong>The</strong> highest symbol of Rohirric authorityis the Banner of Eorl, flown only by theKing and his retinue. It inspires any manof Rohan who sees it flapping majesticallyin the breeze - the while horse on agreen field.Leadership: +50% Attack Damage, +50%Experience Gain, -20% Recharge TimeGamling summons this banner with his King’s Standard power. Whileit lasts, the banner provides Leadership with a very wide range. It alsoreplenishes units in nearby battalions.Note that the banner is however vulnerable to enemy attack, especiallyfrom Fire Arrows...Hurls a heavy throwing weapon at anenemy. Must be mounted.Mounts horse<strong>The</strong>se single units are summoned, two at a time, by King <strong>The</strong>oden’sTo <strong>The</strong> King! ability when he is low on health. <strong>The</strong>y can mount horsesor stay on foot; each mode is useful. On horseback, they can throwa spear to damage enemy units. On foot, they reduce damage that<strong>The</strong>oden takes when nearby at the cost of their own armour. <strong>The</strong>y willexpire after a short time, however.

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