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<strong>The</strong> <strong>Dwarf</strong> <strong>Holds</strong> | Isengard Heroes 138 <strong>The</strong> <strong>Dwarf</strong> <strong>Holds</strong> | Isengard Heroes139New and Revised Isengard HeroesSaruman was already a potent hero; in the mod, we’ve given himbut one new special ability: Storm, at Rank 10. Storm can be castanyw<strong>here</strong> on the map and slows a building’s resource collection orproduction speed while doing some damage.Abilities: Rank 1Saruman the WhiteCurunir, the SkilledSaruman the White was once regardedas the wisest of the Istari, and was certainlythe most skilled in craftsmanship.His very name in Sindarin, Curunir, translatedroughly to ‘man of skill’. However,Saruman’s study of the Dark Lords slowlyled him to admiration of his power, andby the time of the White Council, theWhite Wizard had begun to search forthe One Ring.Blasts target units with a waveof energySaruman starts at rank five in a multiplayer match.Saruman of Many ColoursPawn of the Dark LordAfter Sauron returned to Mordor, <strong>here</strong>gained control of the palantir of MinasIthil, and used it to establish contactwith Saruman. An uneasy alliance wasformed between the two powers, withSaruman gaining knowledge from Sauronand preparing an army to launch anassault upon Middle-earth. Sarumanin this period cast aside the label ofWhite, stating that the white page couldbe rewritten; the white cloth dyed. Hebecame Saruman of Many Colours.Rank 2Throws a ball of energyAbilities: Rank 1Crushes target units with awave of energyRank 4Temporarily gain control oftargeted enemiesRank 2Throws a larger ball of energywhich sets fire to the groundaround the unit for 15 secondsRank 5Rank 5Rank 10Give targeted units experienceLeadership: +20% Armour,+100% Combat Experience,+50% Furnace productionReduces production speed andresource output of an enemybuilding while damaging itRank 4Rank 5Rank 8Temporarily gain control oftargeted enemies in a largerradiusLeadership: +60% Armour,+200% Combat Experience,+75% Furnace production,+100% Fear ResistanceIncrease production speed oftarget building for 60 secondsIsengard HeroesRank 10Damage, disorient and weakena hero. Lasts until Saruman ismoved

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