Ninja Wars.pdf - Dorks and Dragons!

Ninja Wars.pdf - Dorks and Dragons!

Ninja Wars.pdf - Dorks and Dragons!


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in the shrine, wishing to lead the PCs to where theycan view the body.The Dearly DepartedThe body of the slain pilgrim rests on a low woodentable in a ramshackle hut just inside the wall of thetown’s graveyard (area 15). Two samurai guard theshack from busybodies. They carry katanas <strong>and</strong> wakizashis,<strong>and</strong> both also carry daikyu <strong>and</strong> 12 arrows;they are unarmored. Two eta gravediggers are waitingoutside the shack, ready to deal with the body (use“general townsfolk” statistics).Buntaro leads the PCs into the shack to show themthe body. Read the following:Buntaro’s description has prepared you for whatyou see. The pilgrim died badly, you can see immediately.The deep tears in the man’s throat <strong>and</strong>chest are just what you’d expect from the clawingattack of a man-sized or larger creature-perhapsa tiger. But then, a tiger would have dragged thecorpse off to eat it, isn’t that so? And-no matterwhat Buntaro may think-it’s doubtful that eventhe most unobservant samurai wouldn’t have noticeda tiger entering the shrine.And is this the environment for tigers anyway?There’s nothing more of use to be learned from examiningthe body. Buntaro waits impatiently until thePCs are done, then leads them away from the shed,nodding to the gravediggers to do their work. Oncethe group is back inside the wall of the town, read thefollowing:Buntaro turns to you <strong>and</strong> bows-the bare minimumrequired by politeness <strong>and</strong> not one degreemore, although he’s not being directly insulting . . .quite.“My master orders me to tell you to go about yourinvestigation now,” he growls at you. “You are free totravel the town, <strong>and</strong> speak with who you will. Youare to report anything you learn directly to me or toYuji Takaesu. My master also orders me to say”—<strong>and</strong>here Buntaro looks as though he’s tasted somethingfoul—“that, if you wish to pass your information onto him directly, you may do so. Speak to either myselfor Takaesu- san, <strong>and</strong> we will arrange an audience.Finally, my master orders me to invite you toview the sunset with him from the Shining Templeof Bishamon this evening. He orders me to tell you itwould be his honor to see you there.”And then, with another perfunctory bow, Buntaroturns his back <strong>and</strong> strides away, flanked by hissamurai.The PCs have the remainder of the day to w<strong>and</strong>eraround Aru town, learning the lay of the l<strong>and</strong> <strong>and</strong>talking to anyone they like.19

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