Ninja Wars.pdf - Dorks and Dragons!

Ninja Wars.pdf - Dorks and Dragons!

Ninja Wars.pdf - Dorks and Dragons!


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Act 14—Smoke <strong>and</strong> Moonlight*This act can be used whenever the DM sees fit afterthe (attempted) assassination of Toshikazu. This act introducestwo of the three highly-powerful ninjasworking with the wu jen Daisake Mayazato. Althoughit’s unlikely that the PCs will do more than spot theninjas for the first time, this act is important becauseit’s the stimulus that makes the local yakuza clanchange their policy of adding to the chaos. For thefirst time, the yakuza leaders decide that events havegone too far, <strong>and</strong> that they must do something to bringthem back under control. This leads indirectly to theconclusion of the adventure.Set-upThis act can occur whenever the PCs are abroad inthe town (for example, immediately after the assassinationof Toshikazu). Read the following:A screaming woman pelts down the street towardsyou. At first her cries seem like completelyuncontrolled sounds of terror. But then you makeout some of the words: “Foes! Fire! Help me, gods,they’re killing them, they’re killing the pilgrims!”The woman is too terrified to answer any questionsin an articulate manner. If questioned, however, shewill point in the direction of the commotion: somewherein the neighborhood in which the transient pilgrimsstay.Assuming that the PCs decide to investigate, readthe following:It’s easy enough to choose the right direction,you realize: simply go against the flow of panickedhumanity. Everyone seems to want to get out of thepilgrim quarter—pilgrims <strong>and</strong> non-pilgrims alike.Ahead you hear screams, <strong>and</strong> smoke climbs againstthe sky.Wrecking CrewWhen the PCs reach the center of the pilgrim quarter,they find a number of buildings on fire. Read thefollowing:The heat is intense, <strong>and</strong> you feel the skin of yourface tighten. You squint against the brightness . . .<strong>and</strong> you see figures! Two humanoid figures movingin the midst of the inferno.Immediately, the figures see you. Obviously discerningthat you’re different from the fleeingmasses, they step out of the flames <strong>and</strong> start towalk slowly towards you.Yes, they’re human in figure, except their eyesflare with a brilliant, unnatural light. And brightsparks—almost miniature lightning bolts—flicker<strong>and</strong> lick around them . . .These two frightening figures are the two “superninjas,”Smoke <strong>and</strong> Moonlight (see Chapter VII forstats). Each carries a pearl of fire protection, <strong>and</strong> hascast on himself the spells fiery eyes <strong>and</strong> the “custom”spell ghost lightning (again, see Chapter VII). Theyhave been ordered into town to disrupt the pilgrimquarter, <strong>and</strong> they’ve decided on this as the most efficientway of doing so. Although their main goal isn’t tokill people, the fire has claimed a h<strong>and</strong>ful of lives.The ninjas won’t attack the PCs; instead, they’llst<strong>and</strong> motionless, observing them. If the PCs don’t doanything within one round, the ninjas both cast dimensiondoor —which has enough range to take themoutside the city walls—<strong>and</strong> then return to their homebase. If the PCs attack them, they fight, using theirconsiderable abilities to their best effect.Once engaged in combat, the ninjas continue tofight until one or the other of them is reduced to 75%of his normal hit points. At this point, they use theirabilities to withdraw—perhaps by using the leap specialmartial arts maneuver-then cast dimension doorto make their escape.At no time do the ninjas speak, but they consistentlytreat the PCs with respect <strong>and</strong> honor.As soon as the ninjas have gone, the residents of theneighborhood scurry back to fight the fire.Whether or not the PCs fight the ninjas, rumors willinstantly spread around the town about the “spiritmonsters” that were setting fires in the pilgrim quarter.Although these magical creatures didn’t havewings—at least, not visible ones—it’s “obvious” thatthey’re somehow related to the tiger-bird spirit that’sbeen bedeviling the town.RUMORSBy this time, the rumors are building to a crescendo,<strong>and</strong> the town is taking on a siege mentality. Few peoplego out at night, <strong>and</strong> sales of good luck charms <strong>and</strong>“anti-spirit potions” are at an all-time high (of coursenone of these gimmicks does any good whatsoever).Benju is well aware of the town’s near-hysteria, <strong>and</strong>recognizes the threat that it represents to him. Wordreaches the PCs through any appropriate channelthat the daimyo wishes them to step up their investigationsimmediately.Probable OutcomeIf the PCs don’t go to investigate the commotion,they’ll learn about the fires <strong>and</strong> the deaths, but allthey’ll hear about the ninjas are distorted rumors of“spirit monsters” <strong>and</strong> creatures with glowing eyes.37

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