Ninja Wars.pdf - Dorks and Dragons!

Ninja Wars.pdf - Dorks and Dragons!

Ninja Wars.pdf - Dorks and Dragons!


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managed to capture a live ninja—which should be virtuallyimpossible—there’s still only the PCs’ word thatthe mysterious figure was Buntaro.If the PCs want to bull on through <strong>and</strong> try to denounceBuntaro to Benju, they should find it impossibleto arrange an audience with the daimyo nomatter how hard they try. (It simply isn’t the righttime yet for such a denunciation . . .) They shouldquickly realize that the only appropriate way to dealwith Buntaro is to gather truly incontestible evidenceagainst him.It’s conceivable—although neither likely nordesirable—that the PCs might come into possession ofthe note. If they do, they find it encrypted in a complexcode breakable only by magical means (withinthe time-frame of this adventure, that is). Should theydecipher it, they find that it reads:Watch the W<strong>and</strong>erers, they are tialuable. But also watch for ambiguity.Probable OutcomeIf the PCs decide not to follow Buntaro, there are noovert consequences. They simply don’t learn thatsomebody is trying to protect him.Act 16—Two Messages*This act can be used whenever the DM sees fit afterPCs have seen the “superninjas” Smoke <strong>and</strong> Moonlight.(If the PCs didn’t participate in that encounter,only the second message is relevant. The DM can deviseanother NPC <strong>and</strong> encounter through which topass on that communication.)First MessageThis act can occur virtually anywhere, at any timeof day or night. Read the following:The man approaching you is dressed as a simplelaborer. But his manner is reminiscent of a messenger.As if to confirm this, he bows to you <strong>and</strong> holdsout a folded piece of the finest parchment.“Honored lords (<strong>and</strong> ladies),” he says, strugglingto add a patina of culture to his rough voice.“Please, I have reason to believe that this message isof great importance.”If asked about where he got the message, he tells amysterious story. Read the following:“To tell you honestly, noble travellers,” he tellsyou, “I don’t know. I returned to my minka but anhour ago, <strong>and</strong> I found this parchment in the centerof the floor. I picked it up, mystified as you canimagine, <strong>and</strong> with that . . . My mind became dazed,as though I dreamed. And a voice spoke in mydream, bidding me deliver this parchment to thetravellers who serve Benju- sama. I discussed thiswith one who I trust, <strong>and</strong> he told me that it wouldbe best if I obeyed the voice. And so here I am, nobleones.”The messenger (use the “General Townsfolk” statistics)is telling the truth about the message . . . as far ashe knows it. (In fact, the “voice” is actually the resultof a memory spell cast by Daisake Mayazato, who wasconcealed in the laborer’s minka. The PCs should beunable to discover this, however.) He will admit ifpressed that he did read the message, but has no ideawhat it means, <strong>and</strong> definitely doesn’t know whoSmoke <strong>and</strong> Moonlight are. If the PCs ask about theperson who the messenger trusted, refer to the followingsection.The note reads:To those who saw us before the fire:Greetings. Though we may seem in conflict, our quarrel is not with you,<strong>and</strong> your deaths would diminish us. We meet honor with honor, <strong>and</strong> ask respectfully<strong>and</strong> with compliments that you not oppose us, our brother or our father.If duty dem<strong>and</strong>s that you do oppose us, we will match honor with honor.We promise that your deaths, should they be required, will be as speedy <strong>and</strong>worthy of esteem as it is within our power to grant.With honor,Moonlight & Smoke39

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