Ninja Wars.pdf - Dorks and Dragons!

Ninja Wars.pdf - Dorks and Dragons!

Ninja Wars.pdf - Dorks and Dragons!


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2. Temple Gate. The gate is flanked by two hugeebony lions, st<strong>and</strong>ing 10’ high. The lions’ eyes aregold, <strong>and</strong> their teeth are crystal (not diamond, althoughthey look like it). Legend holds that the lionswill animate <strong>and</strong> attack anyone who tries to desecratethe temple atop the flight of stairs.3. Marketplace. Every three or four days, basedon some kind of arcane calculation, is market day. Onthese days, the marketplace is a bustling mass of humanity,as hawkers try to sell anything <strong>and</strong> everythingto anyone who happens by.4. “The Waiting Stone” Ryokan. This is one ofthe many ryokans in Aru.5. Shrine of the West Wind. This small temple isdetailed in Chapter V.6. Yamaguchi Warehouse.7. The House of Heavenly S<strong>and</strong>. This establishmentis detailed in Chapter V.8. The Gr<strong>and</strong> Noh Theater. This is a large, elaboratebuilding in which noh <strong>and</strong> kabuki theater is performedmost evenings.9. “The Tengu” Sake House. A middle-classdrinking establishment.10. Whispering Breeze Tea Garden.11. “Tojo’s”. A well-known restaurant.12. “Aki’s”. Another well-known restaurant. (Asdescribed in Chapter VI, Tojo <strong>and</strong> Aki are brothers aswell as business rivals.)13. Livery Stables.14. Fusae’s Minka.15. Graveyard. Most bodies are cremated outsidethe city walls. Some people’s religion, however, requiresthat they be buried. This is a small, well-keptgraveyard, surrounded by a low wall. The gates ofwrought iron are more for show than anything, <strong>and</strong>are rarely closed.Benju’s DonjonThis building is sturdily built of heavy, dark wood.The outside walls are blue, <strong>and</strong> the roof green embellishedwith gold.Inside, all of the hallways have polished hardwoodfloors. The floors of all rooms are covered with tatamimats.The donjon is the residence of the daimyo <strong>and</strong> hishousehold. All of Benju’s samurai, <strong>and</strong> most of his servantslive in other buildings in the Castle District. Onlythe most personal of effects are in the rooms here.Other equipment, clothes, etc. are fetched from storageelsewhere whenever they’re needed.Ground Floor1. Bath.2. Dressing room.3. Antechamber.4. Closet. This area contains writing materials <strong>and</strong>miscellaneous utensils.5. Latrines.6. Reception Room. There is a low table in themiddle of the room on which rests a beautiful flowerarrangement.7. Private Reception Room. A little smaller <strong>and</strong>less formal than the main reception room, this iswhere the daimyo would meet with people on less officialbusiness.8. Waiting room. Here servants would serve sakeor cha to people awaiting a meeting with the daimyo.9. Parlor. On the solid west wall hangs a delicatewatercolor of a l<strong>and</strong>scape, painted by Benju’s wife.This is a private room, <strong>and</strong> Benju often comes here tomeditate.10. Tea Room. Again, this is a private room. Onlymembers of Benju’s family or his closest friends everreceive cha here.11. Kitchen. This is more a preparation room thana true kitchen. There is no hearth, although some limitedcooking could be done over a brazier. Mostcooked meals are prepared in another building.12. Servants’ rooms. Each room has a futon <strong>and</strong>a chest in which the servants can store their clothes.Second Floor13. Buntaro’s room. In addition to his futon, Buntarohas a wardrobe in which he keeps his formal regalia.Unless he’s carrying it with him, Buntaro’sdaikyu st<strong>and</strong>s in a corner, wrapped lovingly in silk.14. Lady Satomi’s room. A wardrobe contains aselection of kimonos of the finest quality. A tiny bonsaitree in a lacquer pot sits on a low table.15. Benju’s room. The room is spartan, almostbare, with nothing to indicate that it belongs to themost powerful man in Aru.16. Naomi’s room. The wardrobe contains a selectionof beautiful kimonos, <strong>and</strong> a samisen of highquality in a lacquer case.17. Takako’s room. The wardrobe contains arange of clothes. A small brazier burns around theclock, on which tiny slivers of aromatic wood smoke,scenting the air.18. Sumihiro’s room. Unlike the other bedrooms,which are scrupulously clean, this is slightlyuntidy. A worn kimono is bundled in a corner, <strong>and</strong> amismatched pair of ebi (socks) lie on a low table.19. Toshikazu’s room. A small shelf holds half adozen books on topics ranging from falconry throughmilitary tactics to the philosophy of religion.20. Yuji’s room. The wardrobe contains Yuji’s formalregalia, plus the warrior’s second-best katana.21. Guest room. For the day or two surroundingthe Ceremony of the Three Thous<strong>and</strong> Steps, thisroom is occupied by Hiro Matsu. At other times it’sempty.22. Antechamber.23. Guest room. For the day or two surroundingthe Ceremony of the Three Thous<strong>and</strong> Steps, thisroom is occupied by Zukimoto Chikitada.7

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