Notes - Ealing Council

Notes - Ealing Council

Notes - Ealing Council


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NoteIssues raised from the floor1. Concern about replanting of trees by November and the cast iron lampposts inChurchfields.Action Point/InformationThe Chair confirmed these wouldbe planted by November but thecast iron lampposts issue was lesseasy to resolve.2. What is happening about the Church Road/Uxbridge Road crossing? Still waiting for a response fromTfL.3. A governor from Hobbayne Primary School) said cllrs had supported improvements inaccess to the school.Work has started on road markingsigns in Dryden Avenue and afeasibility study will be done for apelican crossing on Greenford Aveoutside the school (not a zebracrossing).Cllr Costello directed all that the money is to be used for things, but not those done normally, but it can bring forward jobs so youdon’t have to wait as long.4. Concern about lampposts being black and need to be careful of gaps when doingdropped kerbs -both adversely affect people with disabilities.5. The consultation documents for the Hanwell Community Centre were only in English;suggest they should be in other languages too.6. What lights will be put across Church fields? - Those left over from the Heritagezone?EG to look into black lamppostsfurther, other concerns should bereported to the council on 020 88256000, or emailcustomers@ealing.gov.ukConsultation was done inaccordance with current councilpolicyIf we are going to have the cast ironcolumns we will have to wait untilthe Heritage Zone is completed.7. Concerns about safety in Brent Park at midday and afternoons. Concern to be forwarded to wardsergeant8. Disappointment with Bunny Park opening hours, only open for 1.5 hours-no good ifyou travel far, also no rabbits any more.Comment noted4

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