Ed & Ray Hersman in WWII - Robert Marks.org

Ed & Ray Hersman in WWII - Robert Marks.org

Ed & Ray Hersman in WWII - Robert Marks.org


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3.4. ARMY TRAINING <strong>Ed</strong> & <strong>Ray</strong> <strong>Hersman</strong> <strong>in</strong> <strong>WWII</strong>hell hole Camp Atturbury, Indiana”. That is where we ended up. We weremet by “cadre” at Atturbury, were taken to our quarters and had to fall outright away. We were then taken on a ten mile forced march. This march wasvery tough on all of us s<strong>in</strong>ce we were very soft. We learned the Army stride.This stride is 30 <strong>in</strong>ches, is hard on a tall person, and sheer murder for shortpeople. Two of the latter soon found this out.The outfit I was assigned to was the 3rd Platoon, Company G, 2nd battalion,329th Division.Three months of hell followed. Calisthenics, long night and day hikes,forced marches at double time extend<strong>in</strong>g for miles, with and without fullfield gear, obstacle courses galore, and tra<strong>in</strong><strong>in</strong>g with all sorts of weapons,but mostly the rifle and carb<strong>in</strong>e.My first time on the rifle range I belsod (missed the target) and received“Maggies drawers” many times. The second time I fired sharpshooter andthe third time I fired expert, the Army’s highest rat<strong>in</strong>g. I also fired expertwith the M1 carb<strong>in</strong>e. I didn’t do well at all with the .45 pistol. The Company IdiotThe company idiot’s name was Crouch who was from Kentucky. He was thebutt of many cruel jokes and pranks. He <strong>in</strong>variably lost his pay through badloans, poker etc. Some of the fellows would get him to dr<strong>in</strong>k a lot of beer atthe PX, then when he became a little drunk they would put him <strong>in</strong> a coldshower.On the rifle range Crouch could absolutely not be taught to fire Armystyle. The sergeants tried to teach him, the lieutenants and capta<strong>in</strong>s alsoworked with him and failed. One day the colonel was observ<strong>in</strong>g us fire andswore he would teach Crouch to shoot. The colonel attempted to teachCrouch how to shoot rapid stand<strong>in</strong>g fire. He made him rig his sl<strong>in</strong>g right,he kicked his feet <strong>in</strong>to the right position, he forced his right arm <strong>in</strong>to thehigh position the Army advocates. The colonel stepped back and confidentlytold Crouch to start fir<strong>in</strong>g. Down came the arm, the feet shifted to a new25

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