Ed & Ray Hersman in WWII - Robert Marks.org

Ed & Ray Hersman in WWII - Robert Marks.org

Ed & Ray Hersman in WWII - Robert Marks.org


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4.19. BROTHER RAY <strong>Ed</strong> & <strong>Ray</strong> <strong>Hersman</strong> <strong>in</strong> <strong>WWII</strong>crossed the Rh<strong>in</strong>e the Germans marched the prisoners almost back to theElbe River where we caught them.The supply sergeant of G Company who I had fought with, came look<strong>in</strong>gfor <strong>Ray</strong> and outfitted him completely <strong>in</strong> new clothes. He also gave him candybars and cartons of cigarettes.That night we had a hot supper and the mess sergeant really heaped<strong>Ray</strong>’s mess kit full of food. <strong>Ray</strong> ate some of the food and <strong>in</strong>stantly vomitedit up. His starved stomach just couldn’t stand decent food.Conley wanted <strong>Ray</strong> and I to spend the night with his company but thesection wanted them to stay with them which we did.Capta<strong>in</strong> Overdite, the doctor from the aid station, <strong>in</strong>spected <strong>Ray</strong> andsaid he was go<strong>in</strong>g to send him to the hospital the next morn<strong>in</strong>g. The supplysergeant gave <strong>Ray</strong> a new sleep<strong>in</strong>g bag and we slept <strong>in</strong> a German house thatnight.A German plane dropped a small bomb that night on the house G Companywas <strong>in</strong>. None of the men were hurt badly but they were shook up prettybad.Our section was hold<strong>in</strong>g some prisoners <strong>in</strong> the basement of the house wewere <strong>in</strong>.4.19.2 SouvenirsAfter the war at home I saw all the r<strong>in</strong>gs and small hand guns <strong>Ray</strong> had andasked him where he got them. He said the r<strong>in</strong>gs came from the prisoners <strong>in</strong>the basement that night and that he took them because the Germans hadtaken his class r<strong>in</strong>g the day he was captured. The guns were given to him bymen <strong>in</strong> the section and G Company.4.19.3 Part<strong>in</strong>gThe next morn<strong>in</strong>g <strong>Ray</strong> decided he didn’t want to go back but wanted to staywith my section. I f<strong>in</strong>ally conv<strong>in</strong>ced him that it would be hard on Mom if82

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