Ed & Ray Hersman in WWII - Robert Marks.org

Ed & Ray Hersman in WWII - Robert Marks.org

Ed & Ray Hersman in WWII - Robert Marks.org


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4.22. END OF THE EUROPEAN WAR<strong>Ed</strong> & <strong>Ray</strong> <strong>Hersman</strong> <strong>in</strong> <strong>WWII</strong>4.21.1 German Soldiers SurrenderA column of Germans came <strong>in</strong> and surrendered one day. I sorted throughtheir guns look<strong>in</strong>g for some to mail home. I found three good rifles, but onlymanaged to send two home.We sent a convoy to with<strong>in</strong> 30 miles of Berl<strong>in</strong> to pick up some British andFrench who had been prisoners of war. The Germans offered no resistanceand really wanted us to go on <strong>in</strong> and take Berl<strong>in</strong>.We f<strong>in</strong>ally met the Russians at Ziripiz and thought they were a dumbbunch of people.4.22 End of the European WarSome of us were to be allowed to go on furlough at this time. We were given achoice of two weeks <strong>in</strong> London or Riviera. I chose London. I went to Londonvia Paris. In Paris I sold several cartons of cigarettes on the black market tof<strong>in</strong>ance the trip.I arrived <strong>in</strong> London and stayed at the American Red Cross near HydePark. My stay <strong>in</strong> London was enjoyable. I went to movies, met four girls(two Irish, one English and one WAC), visited such th<strong>in</strong>gs as Westm<strong>in</strong>sterAbbey, the tower, Sa<strong>in</strong>t Paul’s Cathedral, etc. I was <strong>in</strong> London when thewar ended <strong>in</strong> Europe.I went back to the outfit at Ziripiz, but they were on the verge of mov<strong>in</strong>gout. We boarded trucks and went to Platl<strong>in</strong>g <strong>in</strong> Bavaria. Platl<strong>in</strong>g is nearPassau, Austria. The Danube River is only two or three miles away. Mostof my time at Platl<strong>in</strong>g was spent fish<strong>in</strong>g and shoot<strong>in</strong>g some of the Germanguns I had.4.22.1 Dachau concentration campWe started tra<strong>in</strong><strong>in</strong>g aga<strong>in</strong> to go fight Japan but the war ended while we wereout <strong>in</strong> the field one day. We were all wait<strong>in</strong>g now to come home. We visited85

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