Young Socialists Magazine 1917 July Dec.pdf

Young Socialists Magazine 1917 July Dec.pdf

Young Socialists Magazine 1917 July Dec.pdf


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the deed \\'as sign¢ transferringLouisiana to France, and againlater on fr:om France to the UnitedStates. Along the walls are th t:portrait p:t.intings of the Gover·. nors frolll the first Spanish Regentdown to the last politician tha ~bribed his way to the gubernatorialchair. Spanish stocks andprison cells for minor offendehare on the ground floor and basement,and as a shudder creepsthrough your spine, you wonderwhat means o f torture a regularcriminal underwent.In the French gallery is :to~ronze death masque of Napoleontaken when the Emperor breathedhis last. After the sculptor hadmade a bronze Olasque from theoriginal one of plaster of Paris,the latter broke. so that only the.bronze onc remained. The sculptorpresented it to the people ofLouisiana in the Ca~ldo. on th~spot where it now lies. Severaledicts and proclamations signedby NapOleon enable one to realizethe \"'a.5t control of tit

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