Young Socialists Magazine 1917 July Dec.pdf

Young Socialists Magazine 1917 July Dec.pdf

Young Socialists Magazine 1917 July Dec.pdf


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12tion of their babies. The only thingthat penetrated the frozen Dumbnessof my aching body was thetightening of a thread, the leastchange in the motions of the Monster.Then I was all alert soothingit by personal attention until thenumbness in me conquered againand I we"t on feeding it mechanically.At twelv.e o'clock the machinesstopped' with a final roar. Thefloor, the walls, contracted in oneconvulsive spasm and wefe still. Ina moment the loft was deserted.Only at the distant end, the forelady,aloof and superior, movedtoward the special peg reserved forher hat and coat. There they hungon the empty expanse of a sidewaH, as if the entire factory hadbeen designed for this particularnail."Well, how did it go?"If! don't know," I said stupidly;"I'm too tired to think,""Ain't used to power." For thefirst time she became human. in thetremendous scorn for my powerlesspast. "You'U git used to it." Withthat articulate eyelid s~e consignedme to an etemit)' of pressingtreadles, guiding small white ' ob·longs under a flashing needle.Long before the end of the weekI believed that she was right. Foreverand ever, through all theaeons to come, I should sit there~t i tching cuffs. The only differencewould be in the color of the cuffs.Now I was ma.king bright yellowcuffs with purple lines.She had been right. My backno longer ached. The knife hadgone from under my shoulderblades. The. muscles at the backof my neclc had petrified to Permanentinsensibility. She: was right.I had gotten used to it. SO · usedthat I no longer even FELT thehuman beings about me.. The pitytor their 1iIent. rigidity .... II"'M.THB YOUNG SOCIALISTS' MAGAZINEI alS

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