WORKS - God's Puzzle Solved

WORKS - God's Puzzle Solved

WORKS - God's Puzzle Solved


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Mankind originally was created by God as part ofthe animal kingdom like, The Neanderthal Man andperhaps even Big Foot. Originally, mankind lived incaves and struggled for survival like many animals.There is a wonderful, loving purpose for your CreatorFather to do everything He has done. Your “animalbeginning” has a purpose and a future hope. “Hope”decrees a “prophecy.” “Prophecy,” foretells, “a predestinatedpurpose,” “In whom also we have obtainedan inheritance, being predestinated according to thepurpose of him [God] who works all things after thecounsel [thoughts] of his own will. That we should beto the praise of his [God’s] glory, who first trusted inChrist” (Ephesians 1:11-12).Paul states you start as an animal with no purposeand finally receive (gift) The Glory of God by inheritance.What is The Glory of God? Moses asks to seeThe Glory of God, “And he said, I [God] will make allmy goodness pass before you and I will proclaim thename of the Lord before you and will be gracious towho I will be gracious and will show mercy on whomI will show mercy” (Exodus 33:18-19). This is God’soriginal plan in Genesis 1:26 to make man in God’simage. This is God’s predestinated purpose. God isreproducing Himself!You are to become a Son of God (Revelation 21:7),“Having made known to us the mystery of his will, accordingto his pleasure [joy] which he has purposed inhimself” (Ephesians 1:9).It gives God great joy and pleasure to reproduce Himselfso you can become Sons of God, in His image withx

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