WORKS - God's Puzzle Solved

WORKS - God's Puzzle Solved

WORKS - God's Puzzle Solved


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40 GOD’S WORK VS MAN’S WORKThe Days of Peleg (Genesis 10:25). Now each tribe andculture, could seek God in their own personal way, inpeace. That is until Abraham was born. Abraham,from The City of Ur, was “the only one faithful to God”and, only, obeyed God’s voice (Genesis 26:5). God acceptedAbraham and his children, through Isaac, hislegitimate son, to inherit The Promised Land.GOD’S TEMPLEYour Savior told Nicodemus, “a man cannot enter TheKingdom of God unless he would be born of water andThe Spirit” (John 3:5). This is baptism, when one byfree choice, goes under the water to be cleansed. Bydoing so, a new clean person, with God’s Holy Spiritwill guide him to The Truth.This is, exactly, what God did in the beginning, withthe earth, “And the earth was without form and void[chaos]; and darkness was upon the face of the deep[ocean]. And the Spirit of God moved upon the face ofthe waters” (Genesis 1:2).Then God said, “let there be light” (God’s goodness).This was the first baptism and in Hebrew, called“a mitzvehoath.” This baptism was an oath, knownas, “The Eternal Covenant,” to cleanse His creation.Through this baptism, God could give Life Eternal inThe Kingdom. God would dwell with man, in TheGarden of Eden, where God, Himself, was The HolyTemple.The earth, as one land mass, being four square, as a

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