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United States Version PDF - Amalgamated Transit Union

United States Version PDF - Amalgamated Transit Union


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A MESSAGE FROM THE INTERNATIONAL EXECUTIVE VICE PRESIDENTSwearing toTell the TruthSince the beginning of the new year, I have twice had the opportunity to represent our U.S.members while testifying on important transit issues on Capitol Hill. Finally, after 12 years ofRepublican control of Congress, the ideas of working people are once again being taken seriously.It’s about time.Democrats Want to Bolster <strong>Transit</strong> SecurityForemost on the minds of Democrats is the issue of transit security. Democrats in both theHouse and Senate were defeated by Republican leadership on numerous occasions in recent yearswhen they attempted to bolster transit security through increased investment and mandatorytraining for front line employees. Incredibly, even after the horrific events on transit systemsin Madrid and London, the Republicans seemed to be waiting for an act of transit terrorismto occur on U.S. soil before taking any action. Democrats are looking to pass legislation soon.Training, TechnologyWhile testifying on this issue, we received questions from members of Congress on whatexactly can be done in this area. Training is of course the number one answer. But beyondthat, we tell lawmakers that modern technology must be employed to the maximum extentfeasible, including the use of upgraded communication devices, global positioning trackingsystems, and so-called dirty bomb detection systems, among other options. And of course,as we found out with the London Underground, cameras can be extremely helpful in bringingpeople to justice.Separately, I recently testified before the NationalSurface Transportation Policy and Revenue StudyCommission, which was created by Congress tocome up with new ideas on public transportationissues. We let them know that many of the transitsystems that our members work for – especiallysmall to mid-size transit agencies – are strugglingto make ends meet because of a lack of funding.We recommended that Congress change the ruleson federal funding by allowing certain transitsystems to use their federal transit funds foroperating assistance. We also urged the commission to recommend new legislation that wouldencourage states to invest more in transit. If we can achieve these two goals, I believe thatit would improve the lives of many of our members and provide expanded transit choicesfor our customers....the ideas ofworking peopleare once againbeing takenseriously.A PrivilegeTestifying before Congress on behalf of the ATU is a privilege. My only hope is thatour views will be given ample consideration, as these issues are too important to keepon the back burner any longer.www.atu.org MARCH/APRIL 2007 5

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