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each a member of Local 1181-New York, NY, contesting the conductand results of the election of Local union officers conducted onJune 5, 2005, and a ruling of International President George datedJune 6, 2006, which ultimately sustained a membership action acceptingthe election outcome.In election challenges timely filed pursuant to Section 14.8 ofthe ATU Constitution and General Laws, the appellants had lodgedseveral varied bases for seeking a new election, including claims ofirregularities in the membership lists which were used to determinevoter eligibility on election day, alleged systematic threats andintimidation designed to discourage voting by members of African-American and Carribean-American descent, perceived collaborationbetween incumbent officers of the Local and employers to make bustransportation to the voting sites available only to select members,claimed improper use of Local union resources, and other impermissibleand/or inappropriate conduct. Those challenges were the subjectof an investigation by a committee appointed by the Local union’sexecutive board, whose recommendation to reject each of thechallenges was adopted at a Local 1181 membership meetingconducted on January 31, 2006.In an extensive ruling dated June 6, 2006, International PresidentGeorge addressed the individual election challenges and in each casefound insufficient evidence in support of such. In considering oneof those challenges, which protested the use of “slate voting” thatpermitted an individual to vote for each member of an entire slateof candidates through a single mark on the election ballot,International President George concluded that the ATUConstitution did not prohibit such, noted that the ballot formathad been approved by all candidates, including those of theslate opposing certain incumbent officers, and observed thatthe balloting instructions specified that a voter was free to votefor individual candidates. Addressing other stated grounds for theappeal before him, International President George also determinedthere was an insufficient basis to conclude that the Local’s investigationof the challenges was biased, inadequate, or had been taintedby an atmosphere of fear and intimidation. In addition, whileacknowledging that the published notice of the membershipmeeting in which the challenges were considered did not specificallyindicate that intended agenda item as the Local union’s counsel hadonce indicated it would, International President George found thatin the totality of the circumstances no purpose would be served byresubmitting the matter to the membership again.The four appellants appeared before the General Executive Boardand each offered elements of an extensive presentation of the issuesunder consideration. Members of the Board thereafter asked numerousquestions, each of which was responded to in full by one or otherof the appellants.Acting on behalf of Local 1181, Michael Lucivero, the Local union’svice president, also appeared before the General Executive Board.Brother Lucivero reviewed each of the election challenges at somelength and thereafter responded to questions posed of him by membersof the Board.Thereafter, the General Executive Board adopted a motion to requirethat the challenges to the election of Local union officers conductedon June 5, 2005, which were previously brought before the Local 1181membership and subsequently addressed by the June 6, 2006, rulingof the International President, be once again put before themembership of Local 1181 subject to the supervision and monitoringof the International <strong>Union</strong>.The meeting adjourned at 4:45 p.m. to reconvene at 9:00 a.m. onThursday, October 12, 2006.THIRD SESSIONThe meeting convened at 9:00 a.m. on Thursday, October 12, 2006.General Executive Board Members present were Tommy Mullins,Joseph Welch, Rodney Richmond, Donald Hansen, Robert Baker,Randy Graham, Javier Perez, Jr., Richard Murphy, Bob Hykaway,Charles Cook, William McLean, Ronald Heintzman, Janis M.Borchardt, Paul Bowen, Larry Hanley, Kenneth Kirk, andGary Rauen. International President Warren George presided. Alsoattending were International Executive Vice President MichaelSiano, International Secretary-Treasurer Oscar Owens, Chief of StaffBenetta Mansfield, General Counsel Leo Wetzel, Canadian CouncilDirector Robin West, Executive Assistant to the InternationalPresident Beth Petrusic, and Administrative Assistant to the InternationalExecutive Vice President Missy Goode.International Representatives Gary Maurer and Marcellus Barneswere also present.International Vice President Larry Kinnear and InternationalRepresentative Ray Rivera were excused.INTERNATIONAL PRESIDENT’S REPORTThe report of the International President for the six-month periodending June 30, 2006, was approved as printed.INTERNATIONAL SECRETARY-TREASURER’S REPORTThe report of the International Secretary-Treasurer for the six-monthperiod ending June 30, 2006, was approved as printed.PRESENTATION ONATU-SPONSORED RETIREMENT SAVINGS PLANSRepresentatives of Morgan-Stanley and the Quorum ConsultingGroup made a presentation to the General Executive Board aboutthe current status of the ATU’s Section 401(k) and Section 407Retirement Savings Plans. In exchanges with the executive officersand members of the Board, methods for further improving levels ofemployee participation were explored.REPORT OF THE INTERNATIONAL EXECUTIVE VICE PRESIDENTORGANIZING CAMPAIGNSDuring this reporting period, we were involved in 44 campaigns.Out of those, we won four (approximately 395 new members) andlost five; 11 were withdrawn for various reasons and 17 were pendingat the close of the June 30, 2006, period.STRIKESLocal 1001-Denver, COOn Monday, April 3, 2006, at 2:01 a.m., the members employedby the Regional <strong>Transit</strong> District (RTD) in Denver went on strike afterrejecting the public body’s final offer. This group included approximately1,750 bus and rail operators, mechanics and clerical workers.On Friday, April 7, 2006, the striking members voted to accept themanagement’s offer, thus ending the job action.Local 1395-Pensacola, FLAs previously reported, the members of Local 1395 employed byPensacola Bay <strong>Transit</strong> (paratransit) went on strike on November 1, 2005.On Wednesday, January 18, 2006, the striking members agreed to returnto work based on a tentative agreement reached (pending the properfunding), thus ending the twelve-week job action.EXPENSESApproximately $283,510.41 was spent during this report periodon organizing, as well as other costs such as materials, mailing lists,and full-time international representatives’ salaries and expenses forthose who assisted in these organizing campaigns. Local union officersand members assigned to assist with these drives were reimbursedby the International for their wages and expenses incurred.www.atu.org MARCH/APRIL 2007 53

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