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<strong>Headline</strong>NEWS 3<strong>Gitnang</strong> <strong>Luzon</strong>OCTOBER 30, 2013US hospital supervisor eyes Bagac mayoral seatBAGAC, Bataan -- A supervisingclinical laboratory scientistin a US government hospitalis eyeing this town mayoral seatcome 2016.Alex Bantugan disclosed to<strong>Headline</strong> <strong>Gitnang</strong> <strong>Luzon</strong> thathe will be running for mayor ofBagac in 2016.“Every time I’m here inBagac, I see my kababayanssuffering from poverty and neglect.The very reason why I willbe throwing my hat in the politicalarena. I want to improvethe plight of my kababayans,”he said.“I will be running not forpower and prestige but beca<strong>us</strong>eof my sincerest desire toserve the people of Bagac,” hestressed.Bantugan is one of the twolargest clans in this town. Theother one is Nojadera.As early as 2008, Bantugan’sname was already circulatingto run mayor for here.In the late ‘80s, he wasa high school teacher at nowclosed Santa Catalina Institutein this town.Incumbent Mayor RamilDel Rosario is currently in histhird and final term. •PROCLAIMED. Barangay chairman-elect John Eric Tumang (6th from right) of San Antonio, Mexico, Pampanga is proclaimed as winner in the election in their barangay, along with winning kagawadcandidates Henry “Dobal” Bondoc, Greta “Gretchen” Pineda, Adonis Salas, Ronald Manalo, Rene “Denic” Canda, Fernando “Pey” Esguerra and Randy “Botong” Santos.With them are Tumang’s parents, Board Member Teddy Tumang and Febby. --Contributed photoTwo robbers fall in OraniBy Michael CigaralORANI, BATAAN -- Twomen were arrested after a 16-year old victim complainedto the police that he had beenrobbed by the s<strong>us</strong>pects the otherday.Chief Inspector Arnel Dial,chief of police here, identifiedthe arrested s<strong>us</strong>pects as EdwardMark Tolentino, 18, and a16-year old boy and resident ofBarangay Pacar, Orani.The victim, also a 16-yearMARIVELES, Bataan-- The president of the Associationof Barangay Captains(ABC) in Bataan expressedsupport to Vice Mayor TuringIsip’s purported plan to run formayor here in 2016.“This is my mayor in 2016.If <strong>you</strong> do not run, I will,” ABCBataan President Joey Carandangtold Isip in the vernacularas they shook hands in a casualmeeting in a local restauranthere.The informal meeting ofthe two local officials was witnessedby Municipal CouncilorAngel Sunga and this writer.As early as now, the dominantpolitical group in thisold man from Abucay townsaid he was then walking alongthis town’s plaza when he wasapproached by the s<strong>us</strong>pectsand took his cellular phone andcash money at knife point.The victim asked for police<strong>help</strong> and, in a follow up operation,the s<strong>us</strong>pects were arrested.Recovered from the s<strong>us</strong>pectswere the knife <strong>us</strong>ed in thecrime and the victim’s moneyand cellphone.The s<strong>us</strong>pects were chargedwith a case of Robbery. ●Mariveles ABC presidentbacks mayoral wannabetown already floated Isip astheir possible bet for mayor in2016.A political leader here notedthat if the vice mayor would bethe mayoral bet in 2016, theother aspirants in the groupwill for sure give way to him.The political leader addedthat to keep the group intactand dominant, it would be bestthat Isip be the mayoral bet.Last-term Mayor Jesse Concepcionand Isip are allies supportedby the same politicalgroup in this town.Isip earlier said that withthe full backing of the group,he is more than ready to run asmayor. • (Butch Gunio)‘Climb For The Environment’project launched soonBy Michael R. CigaralBy Michael R. CigaralBALANGA CITY -- Donations for the victimsof 7.2-magnitude Bohol earthquake given to theDiocese of Balanga reached P592,845.50, BishopRuperto Santos reported to newsmen here.In a press statement, Santos said that theamount was sent and channeled through socialaction ministries of the Archdiocese of Cebu andORANI, BATAAN --“Climb for the environment:3 advocates, 3 highest mountains,1 environmental goal.”This will be the theme fora nationwide reforestationproject being conceptualizedby a group of environmentalistsand partners inthe government and privatesectors.Dennis Cuarto, one of thedirectors of a group of environmentadvocates, “MgaBayani ng Kalikasan” (heroesfor the environment)revealed in an excl<strong>us</strong>ive interviewwith <strong>Headline</strong> <strong>Gitnang</strong><strong>Luzon</strong> that they arenow in final negotiationswith key personalities thatwill lead this grand environmentalevent that is set to belaunched early next year.Former Bataan CongressmanFelicito Payumo willlead the <strong>Luzon</strong> team, GinaLopez of ABS CBN and theLopez Group for the Visayasand Presidential Adviser forEnvironmental Concerns,Secretary Neric Acosta forMindanao area.The country’s three majormountains are the maintarget of the project, namely:Mt. Pulag in <strong>Luzon</strong>, Mt.Kanlaon in the Visayas andthe Philippines’ highestpeak, Mt. Apo for Mindanao.February, next year, isscheduled for Mt. Pulag,April will be for Mt. Canlaonand June is for Mt. Apo.Cuarto added that asidefrom reforestation of thesaid mountains they will alsoconduct clean-up drives, treeplanting and fund raising onselected environmental projectsnationwide.PTT Philippines Corporation,Bases Conversionand Development Authority(BCDA) and the ManilaNorth <strong>Luzon</strong> Tollways Corporationare among the majorsponsors of the event. •Balanga clergy raises P.6-Mfor Bohol earthquake victimsthe Dioceses of Tagbilaran and Talibon in Bohol.The chief clergyman added that these “gracio<strong>us</strong><strong>help</strong> were accompanied by the prayers ofhope and healing to all.”‘’God grants them strength and may God alwaysbless our services. My gratitude and appreciationfor the support and solidarity of Bataenyos.God saves and sanctifies Bataan,’’ Santossaid. •

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