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Let us help you! - Headline Gitnang Luzon


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<strong>Headline</strong><strong>Gitnang</strong> <strong>Luzon</strong>OCTOBER 30, 20139BARANGAY POLLS from Page 1Balibago Barangay ChiefRodelio “Tony” Mamacwon his third and last termagainst former Angeles CityCouncilor Alfie Bonifacio inan election marred by tensionover a dispute in thetransfer of ballot boxes. Hislead was at least 800 voteswhen he was proclaimed bythe Commission on Elections(Comelec) on Tuesdaymorning.Balibago is consideredthe premiere b<strong>us</strong>iness andentertainment center of thecity where there are over2,200 registered b<strong>us</strong>inesses.CL POLLS from Page 1curred in the region such asvote buying, and illegal distributionof campaign materials.“The election period willstill be in effect until November12 and winning candidateswill officially assume office onhuman trafficking from Page 1country.Maria Rhodora Abrazaldo, BI headsupervisor at the CIA, said their effortsto stop human trafficking “remain highat the CIA” where more than one millionpassengers are expected in 2013.She was interviewed on Monday duringthe ceremony for the Qatar Airways’inaugural Clark-Doha daily flights.Abrazaldo disclosed that at least10,940 passengers were stopped fromboarding their airplane at the CIAsince May 2012 when she started to assumeher post. Her data covers the perioduntil September 2013.Abrazaldo added that at least 216MOST WANTED from Page 2arrest.“Our station had been monitoring places where thes<strong>us</strong>pect is possibly hiding. When the intelligence teamwas sure of his location, we conducted Manhunt-Charlieand was able to arrest him without struggle,” Clark said.The chief of police added that the s<strong>us</strong>pect is too <strong>you</strong>nglente from Page 10In an interview, Mamacthanked voters who chosethe “tuwid na daan (straightpath),” a known slogan ofPresident Benigno AquinoIII.Mamac also thanked thelocal Commission on Electionsoffice, policemen andteachers who “served well”during the 2013 Barangayelections.The re-elected villagechief also called on winningand losing bets to unite.“The election is over. Thisis now the time for <strong>us</strong> tounite and support programsthat will <strong>help</strong> our city,”new storm from Page 1northwest toward <strong>Luzon</strong> at20 kilometers per hour withmaximum s<strong>us</strong>tained windsof 45 kph.Tropical Storm Vinta isthe fifth cyclone that enteredthe country this month andthe 22nd for this year, accordingto PAGASA.PAGASA weather forecasterChris Perez said thatVinta is not affecting thecountry and no public stormwarning signal has beenraised but the cyclone canstill intensify while it is atsea.Perez said that if “Vinta”s<strong>us</strong>tains its current directionand speed, it may makeMamac said.Mamac also vowed tosupport the programs andprojects of Mayor EdgardoPamintuan.In Dau, Mabalacat City,Barangay Captain Marino“Atlas” Morales lost his bidfor third term to former CityCouncilor Oscar Aurelio.Aurelio, who led by over1,650 votes, was proclaimedat around 3:30 a.m. onTuesday.“People want change,”said Aurelio after beingasked on his upset winagainst Morales, Associationof Barangay CouncilNovember 30,” Olaño added.Meanwhile, Philippine NationalPolice (PNP) Police RegionalOffice-3 Director, ChiefSupt. Raul Petrasanta, saidthere are no reported untowardand election-related incidentsthat happened in Monday’spolls.Of the total 8,000 police personnelin the region, 61 percentof them were deployed for theconduct of barangay electionswhile the remaining 38 percentlandfall over Northern andCentral <strong>Luzon</strong> by Wednesdayor Thursday.PAGASA said Vinta’sforecast location this morning(Wednesday) was 600km east northeast of Virac,Catanduanes and 300 kmEast of Baler, Aurora byThursday morning and bypassengers were turned over to theInter Agency Council Against Trafficking(IACAT). They were assessed andestablished as possible victims of traffickingfor further investigation anddisposition of the IACAT.Abrazaldo said that the lack of“proper” document remained to be thepremiere reason for denying the passengersto board their flights.“We don’t deny people of their rightsto travel j<strong>us</strong>t on mere s<strong>us</strong>picion,” saidAbrazaldo. She added that the BI also deniedpeople to travel when they “don’t haveenough money to support their trips.”Abrazaldo said there are “only” 24 BIImagine, these dead people aresomebody I don’t know anythingabout. It’s like meeting them forthe first time when they are alreadydead,” said Tang Boy who was evengrinning while narrating his experience.“But one thing that really getsme scared is the disease I can acquirein doing this deadly and dirtyjob,” he said. “Masulit ing obra kasipotang buklat me ing mete, magumpisaya pang maagnas (The jobis really hard especially the moment<strong>you</strong> open the coffin where thebody are sometimes in the stage ofdecomposition),” he added whileit is very apparent that he feelssqueamish recalling the images inhis head.According to Tang Boy, thestart of the body’s decompositionstage partly depends on the coffin<strong>us</strong>ed. A metal coffin, which isoftentimes made with completelysealed metal box, will prolong thedecomposition stage, sometimesreaching up to 20 to 30 years beforethe corpse inside it will turninto a skeleton. Unlike a woodencasket, it will only take the body 3to 5 years to decompose.Another factor will be theembalming procedure <strong>us</strong>ed by thefuneral parlor.In fact, as an added trivia tothis story, Tang Boy said that everytime he digs a grave, the first thinghe asks for is where the person diedand embalmed.“Those who died abroad, like inthe US and A<strong>us</strong>tralia, are heavilyembalmed preventing the flesh torot even after a long time,” he said.When asked if he already encountereda ghost while digging agrave, he said that it never happened.“When <strong>you</strong> open the grave andcasket, <strong>you</strong>’ll see a lot of insects ordecomposers. These are what I consideras ‘ghosts’,” he explained.Tang Boy only earns a net ofP800 per grave while constantlyfacing the risk of getting sick due tothe effects of his “deadly” job.(ABC) president and son ofMabalacat City Mayor Marino“Boking” Morales.Aurelio vowed to prioritizehealth care service andthe improvement of roadsand other infrastructure.“Transparency will alsobe in my government,” headded.Aurelio said he will also<strong>help</strong> get employment for hispeople.Aurelio offered a reconciliationto Mayor Morales,saying “it’s j<strong>us</strong>t politics andwe all have our differentagenda to serve but only onecan prevail.” ●Want to broaden <strong>you</strong>r b<strong>us</strong>iness horizon?IWRITE from Page 5health forum from Page 2She explained that the survival rightis being addressed by the Capitol’s vario<strong>us</strong>health programs for all ages. The provincialgovernment is also responding tothe developmental right of the childrenthrough scholarship programs and schoolfacilities enhancement programs.The PSWDO also emphasized that theprovincial government ratified the ProvincialChildren’s Code in 2011; createdthe Child Ab<strong>us</strong>e Prevention and InterventionNetwork (CAPIN) and established theChild Protection Units in the 11 district andprovincial hospitals to ensure the protectionright of the children.The Capitol has also encouraged the activeinvolvement of the <strong>you</strong>th in communitybuilding and decision making to giveemphasis on the participation right of thechildren as manifested through the conductof this forum and other related activities.Dr. Fida Donna Guevarra, obstetriciangynecologistof Escolastica Romero DistrictHospital (ERDH), explained the risksinvolved in teenage pregnancies. She explainedthat <strong>you</strong>nger moms are more vulnerableto complications since their bodies,particularly their reproductive systems,are not physically ready for childbearing.Dr. Malou Malamog and Liza Lapira ofthe health department disc<strong>us</strong>sed risk ofSexually Transmitted Infections (STI) andDangers of Substance Ab<strong>us</strong>e, respectively.Governor Pineda, together with Dr. LeonitaGorgolon, regional director of CHD-3, capped the activity with reminders ofself-control and goal setting to preventteenage pregnancies.“Set <strong>you</strong>r priorities straight. You have tostudy and work hard to land a stable job orcareer so that <strong>you</strong> can ensure a better lifefor <strong>you</strong>r family and <strong>you</strong>r future kids,” GovernorPineda added. ●LET US HELP YOU!CALL US:VISIT US:were part of the anti-criminalitygroup to assure the peace andorder situation in the region.The police had also arresteda total of 91 people in Central<strong>Luzon</strong> for the violation ofthe Comelec gun ban. •Friday morning at 180 kmwest of Baguio City.Ilocos, Cordillera, CagayanValley, Central <strong>Luzon</strong> andMetro Manila will continueto experience cloudy skiesand isolated rain showersespecially in the evening andafternoon due to the northeastmonsoon. •personnel when she arrived more thana year ago. She added that the BI-Clarkhas 70 personnel as of October 2013.“We are ready and we’re j<strong>us</strong>t enoughto take care of the increasing flightsand passengers at Clark. But requestsfor additional personnel stay,” saidAbrazaldo. She added that the immigrationbooths at Clark are now 24compared to 12 before the start of theP418-million Terminal II expansionproject at the CIA.Abrazaldo said her office is “open24 hours a day to receive complaintsagainst erring BID workers and officials.”•to be involved in crimes like murder and rape and shouldbe apprehended to prevent him from doing more felonies.“Eighteen years old, yet the most [he is already a]wanted in town. He should be stopped as early as nowto prevent him from being a notorio<strong>us</strong> criminal,” Clarksaid. ●But he has no regrets.“You see, a lot of people come tome from all classes, rich and poor,asking me to bury their dead. Therich will not haggle for the P800service charge. But the poor willsometimes talk to me and say thatthey only have so much to offer.But I never denied them. Throughthat, I believe, I was able to <strong>help</strong> insimple ways of giving them and thedead a favor, without compromise.That is my joy in living,” he ended. ●cast their votes as thatduring the election inMay when allegedlythe amount of moneyinvolved in buyingvotes by some is relativelyhigh.***As always, therewere disenfranchisedvoters whocomplained of theirmissing names in thecomplete list of voters.Despite their wantingto exercise theirright to suffrage, theyfailed. On the secondthought, they mighthave been disenfranchisedbeca<strong>us</strong>e offailing to vote for twoconsecutive electionsthat the Commissionon Elections (Comelec)intentionally deletedtheir names onits list.***Last Mondaynight, it seems thatthe New Year’s Everevelry came too soon(045)435-0938 • 436-1576 • EMAIL US: headlinegitnangluzon@gmail.com2nd Floor U2 Bldg., MacArthur Hiway, Dolores, City of San Fernando (P)as fireworks lit up thesky. What started asa pompo<strong>us</strong> campaignfor some election candidatesended up asequally ostentatio<strong>us</strong>victory parties for thepoll winners.***Finally, our earscan rest from the loudchants and jingles ofcampaign showboatswhich despite theComelec ruling prohibitingsuch, manyhave resorted to havingthem to boosttheir chances of winning.That is how itis in Philippine elections.***Congratulations toall the winners.***For other opinions,comments, suggestionsor adversereactions, <strong>you</strong> mayreach iWrite at 0919-5107665. ●WWW.HEADLINEGL.COM

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