t230 grass trimmer t230x grass trimmer c230 ... - Shindaiwa USA

t230 grass trimmer t230x grass trimmer c230 ... - Shindaiwa USA

t230 grass trimmer t230x grass trimmer c230 ... - Shindaiwa USA


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General Safety InstructionsStay AlertYou must be physically and mentally fit tooperate this unit safely.WARNING!Never operate powerequipment of any kindif you are tired or if you are under theinfluence of alcohol, drugs, medicationor any other substance that could affectyour ability or judgement.WARNING!The Properly Equipped OperatorWear hearing protection devices and abroad-brimmed hat or helmet.Wear close-fittingclothing to protect legs andarms. Gloves offer addedprotection and are stronglyrecommended. Do notwear clothing or jewelrythat could get caught inmachinery orunderbrush. Securelong hair so thatit is above shoulderlevel. NEVERwear shorts!Always wear eyeprotection such as goggles orsafety glasses to shield againstthrown objects.Always wear aharness when operating aunit equipped with a blade.Always operate withboth hands firmly grippingthe unit.Minimize the Risk of Fire!NEVER smoke or light fires near theunit.ALWAYS stop the engine and allow itto cool before refueling. Avoid overfillingand wipe off any fuel that may havespilled.ALWAYS inspect the unit for fuel leaksbefore each use. During each refill,check that no fuel leaks from aroundthe fuel cap and/or fuel tank. If fuelleaks are evident, stop using the unitimmediately. Fuel leaks must be repairedbefore using the unit.ALWAYS move the unit to a place wellaway from a fuel storage area or otherreadily flammable materials beforestarting the engine.NEVER place flammable material closeto the engine muffler.NEVER run the engine without thespark arrester screen in place.Keep a proper footingand do not overreach.Maintain your balanceat all times duringoperation.Wear appropriate footwear (non-skidboots or shoes): do not wear open-toedshoes or sandals. Never work barefooted!When operating with a blade, makesure the handle is positioned toprovide you with maximumprotection from contactingthe blade.Keep away from the rotating<strong>trimmer</strong> line or blade at all times,and never lift a movingattachment above waist-high.Always make sure the appropriatecutting attachment shield is correctlyinstalled and in good condition.Figure 1

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