Black Book Aug 15.pdf

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ReferencesBilly Ferguson, Prudential Corporate Property,Fairbairn Business Centre“A big THANK YOU to you for your personal attendance onsite at the new Fairbairn Business Centre today. This was animportant part of successfully launching the new officesuite. I think this sends a strong message to our endcustomer M&G and also demonstrates the importance ofthis project to Corporate Property. Many thanks for all yourefforts to get Fairbairn launched successfully. CP havereceived initial good feedback and we hope to continueand improve on this”.Pitney Bowes Software“I just wanted to thank you all very much for your amazing contribution to the GreenlandsProject over the past few months.From everything I hear, the move this morning has gone extremely well and it’s all downto the hard work, energy and passion you have shown throughout the project to make itsuccessful.We have created an outstanding environment for our people, somewhere that will changethe way they work and create a far more collaborative workplace for the next phase inPBS’s journey.Thank you sincerely for the part you played and I hope you will be able to make theopening BBQ which we are planning for the end of <strong>Aug</strong>ust once all the furniture hasarrived (invites to follow) so that I can thank you again publicly for your hard work!Many thanks”Billy Ferguson, Prudential Corporate Property, Sheldon Square,Paddington Level 8“Thank you to you and for your team's efforts in making the construction andmove into Level 8 a big success. Well done!Robert Qvist, Director, TMD Building Consultancy“Now that the project has reached practical completion, I wanted to write to thank youfor all your hard work on the project. The scheme was challenging with many changesrequested by the client. The professional manner in which you dealt with these issues,allowing the project to remain on programme and to achieve the standard expected,deserves recognition. Accordingly, I have stressed to the client the flexibility andteamwork First Choice have demonstrated and the prominent role you both had inthis.I look forward to working with you again in the future and thank you again for all yourefforts.”Kim Grove Facilities Assistant KCC“Can I please take a few moments of your time to thankJohn & Josh for their commitment and the courtesythat they have both shown to me and my colleagueshere at Kroner House during the first phase of therefurbishment.They both show a very professional manner in theirapproach to their work, and if ever a problem doesarise they always deal with it straight away. ( these arevery few and far between )When John is not on site , Josh takes the role of sitemanager in his stride.John and I have built up a very good workingarrangement, we communicate with each other on adaily basis which results in a smooth running of theproject, as I can keep the staff up to date on theprogress of the refurbishment.I look forward to working with them both on the next 3phases“Gerry Burtenshaw, Regional Facilities Manager, National Australia BankGraham Seabrook, Seabrook Architects“It has been a pleasure to work with First choiceLtd over the last few years particularly on verycomplicated fit out projects for private clientsparticularly in the residential sector.First Choice’s approach to their contractualobligations has always been first class particularlyin maintaining a commitment to complete theproject to the client’s satisfaction and cooperativeworking with the consultants’ team ongeneral project management, client variations andwithin budget and contract figures.I have no hesitation in recommending First Choiceto Future clients and wish you every success withyour ongoing projects.”Matthew James, Senior Building Surveyor,EC Harris LLP“On behalf of the ECH project team , many thanksfor your dedication to the project over the pastfew months.As we all know, this particular project has notbeen particularly easy and has proved to be, attimes, very much been a moving target - not tomention stressful.However, your diligence, professionalism andcheerful approach have enabled us to deliver thisproject successfully, I consider. I am unsurewhether this would have been the case had younot been assigned to this project.”I witnessed the employees arriving yesterday and today. Everyone is veryimpressed with the new look and even more importantly; they were allproductive, at work for Pru, very shortly after arriving. The Pru UK managementare all positive about the project. Given the fast track nature of this phase of theproject, this is a huge achievement”“I would like to extend my thanks to your companies performance over the last 6 weeks of NAG's refurbishment projectin Wood Street. The bank have not been the most forthcoming of clients and you have bent over backwards toaccommodate their wishes. With all our demands and changes your professional conduct has done you credit.As I often find even the unsung hero needs praise when it is due.”

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