special feature - Indian Institute of Banking & Finance

special feature - Indian Institute of Banking & Finance


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special featurestandards pertaining to our product and serviceofferings and hand holding in case of new launchesof products and services and inviting feedbackfor improvement. In December 2010, bank haspartnered with M/s. McKinsey & Company for a projecton customer service excellence for addressingfollowing aspects.Establishing a new model that will enhance deliverymanagement●Streamlining the call centre and alternate channels●Redesigning the key moments of truth●Establishing an enhanced customer grievance cell●Setting up a customer intelligence unit●Already the branch of future generation has beenlaunched at many centers known as Unionxperiencewhich has state of the art pass book printers for useby the customers, auto generation of cheque depositslips for use by the customers themselves, singlewindow for payments up to `1 lac and a branch assistto take care of customer needs. Customer care isnot a department; rather it is an attitude in the bank.Bank has put in place an unique model of root causeanalysis using the 5 WHYS model for moving towardszero tolerance policy on customer grievances.A highly tech savvy public sector Bank is the firstamong the large public sector banks to complete100% Core Banking Solution network. It has recentlycompleted the Core Banking Solution in all it'ssponsored Regional Rural Banks. The first to launchmobile banking the moment RBI gave approval. Itis one among top banks of the country to startInterbank Mobile Payment Service (IMPS). Ontechnology front, customized solutions are beingprovided like Cashless campus project in RajivGandhi Prodyogiki Viswavidyalaya, Bhopal, GeetamUniversity, Vizag and web based packages forcustomized solutions to Kendriya Vidyalaya Sangathanacross the country.The auto indenting of cheque book on exhaustionof 60% of cheque leaves and requesting for chequebook through various alternate channels includingservices like balance inquiry, stop payment of cheques,mini statement etc. is a reflection of commitmentto customer service excellence through technologyexperience. A call centre is operational in 7 regionallanguages apart from a dedicated number forcustomer's calling from outside the country. In theBank technology is not an end in itself but ameans to empower people and achieve customerdelight.Financial Super marketBank has embarked on a path to provide all kinds offinancial services under one roof. It has products thatrange from demat account to online trading facility,health care insurance, life insurance, mutual fund, billpayment, tax payments through various channels andwealth advisory services etc.Reaching the unreachedFor financial inclusion bank has taken anexcellent initiative like launching of dedicated villageknowledge centers for focused growth of ruralmasses. Another milestone is establishment of “UnionMitr” for counseling to rural population in rural areas.Bank has tied up with organizations like FINO forfinancial inclusion through branchless banking mode.Union Bank money is another initiative in rural areasfor cash withdrawals through tie-up with Nokia. “Unionkisan Mitra” a new beginning for hassle free andspeedy disposal of agriculture loans, wherein anyliterate villager is authorized to take care of the lessadvantaged agriculturists in rural area. Union Pragatiis a humble beginning to issue biometric cardsthrough JLGs. “Union Chetna” an information windowavailable for customers during business hours on adigital screen for pursuing goal of financial literacyand awareness through natikas, comic books availablein 18 regional languages. Under “Union inclusions”initiatives biometric card to card remittances formigrant labourers, launching of mobile van bankingto extend banking reach to unbanked villages inOdisha, solar powering of Union Adarsh Gram are keyinitiatives. Under Union Adarsh Gram yojana bankhas launched a campaign in association with TERIto light up all its 103 adopted villages by providingsolar lanterns.30October - December 2011The Journal of Indian Institute of Banking & Finance

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