special feature - Indian Institute of Banking & Finance

special feature - Indian Institute of Banking & Finance


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BOOK REVIEWspecial featurespecial featuredo so. In today's era of job hopping for greener pastures, one may not be surprisedby Mathai's action. But this event is really intriguing as Mathai continued to work as aprofessor in IIMA, without going for any other assignment outside, till his untimely demiseat the age of 57 years.It is also interesting to note the amount of time he spent to travel to distant Rajastanvillages by road, time after time - under failing health, to spread financial literacy, undertakeeconomic upliftment schemes / studies etc., under the Jawaja project, knowing pretty wellthat substantive outcomes may not come out of such dedicated efforts. In the currentera of financial inclusion / literacy, inclusive growth etc, the pioneering efforts of Ravi Mathaiwill have much to contribute, if anyone cares to wade through those early studies / outcome.The following quote of the author succinctly captures Ravi Mathai, the man - “With peoplein high office, one assumes certain things. They are in it for the money -- they like toproject themselves at every turn, they enjoy the power that goes with the office and, alltoo often, they view their current office as a launching pad for a bigger and more lucrativeone. Matthai just didn't seem to care for any of these things. His was a state of not wanting,that ordinary mortals would almost find impossible to relate to. He didn't seem to wantanything for himself, he was simply delighted in building the institution, in watching peoplegrow and flower. He practiced the Gita ideal of nishkam karma (action done withoutexpectation of reward) without ever preaching it. (236)” Coming these words from a currentIIMA professor is a great tribute to an exalted soul of the past. How many people of the daycan hope to get such exemplary remarks after their time is anybody's guess.There are many interesting and learning points which the reader is invited to readand understand first hand. It is felt that the book should be read by all the managementstudents in general and IIMA students in particular. The book is a must read for thedirectors of academic institutions and people dealing with academic affairs in the countryto understand the peculiarities involved in dealing with highly educated faculty and thespecial care needed to nurture, blossom and retain them.I would like to end the review again with a quote from the book. “No national honourscame the way of this pioneer in management education. --- Men like Matthai need none.The institution that he helped build - brick by red brick - and that is hailed as a centreof excellence is a greater tribute to him than any award that anybody could confer. In theinitial decades after Independence, India was fortunate in having institution-builders ofthe highest caliber. Nehru showed the way by building the institutions of democracy. Thenwe had the likes of Homi Bhabha, Vikram Sarabhai, J. R. D. Tata, V. K. R. V. Rao andR. K. Talwar. In that constellation of institution-builders, Ravi Matthai shines brightly.”(254) Great words and observations indeed that one can hope to see / read / write aboutany one. A must read for institution builders of present and the future.The Journal of Indian Institute of Banking & Finance October - December 2011 63

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