special feature - Indian Institute of Banking & Finance

special feature - Indian Institute of Banking & Finance


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editorialThis issue of Bank Quest is mainly focused on the theme 'Customer Service-Best Practices', andthe first article is on 'Strategies to improve Customer Service in Banks' by Mr. M. D. Mallya,Chairman & Managing Director, Bank of Baroda. The author highlights the need to put inplace a strong service architecture supported by well aligned strategies. The article recognizes thatthe ability of banks to perceive customer's needs and bank's groundwork to offer quality service tomeet such needs will be the differentiating factors among different banks in terms of quality ofservice. He cites operational and softer parts of customer service as two broad building blocks ofcustomer service and suggests strategies around creating a culture of operational excellence,building customer relations teams, increasing sensitivity to customer needs, sharing know-howwith customers, strengthening research to perceive customer aspirations, institutionalizingfeedback system, learning from recommendations of various committees on customer service,incentives and motivation to best customer service units through awards. The author advocatesthe need to develop a customer centric organizational culture and operational efficient deliverymodels.Smt. K. J. Udeshi, former Chairperson, Banking Codes & Standards Board of India (BCSBI)in her article 'The wheels grind slowly, but surely-for the bank customer' points out that with thederegulation of savings bank deposit interest rate, the focus on bank customer has finally come tocentre stage. She also explains the background of setting up of Banking Codes and StandardsBoard of India and its impact in meeting customer expectations, which are based on threeparameters fairness, transparency and systemic change. BCSBI will continue to exercise its roleof a watchdog and ensure that compliance by banks does not slip as there is a requirement ofchange in mind-set and greater accountability to implement.'Customer service is a perennial topic for discussion for the service sector in general and bankingin particular' says Mr. M. R. Das in his article 'Best Practices in Customer Service in IndianBanks: An Economist's Perspective' He articulates best practice in customer service in terms oftimeliness, explaining terms and conditions, exuding trust, giving exclusive attention, use ofcomputers, ombudsman, banking codes and standards, motivating customers to use technologyproducts and customer feedback. He asserts that the customer service to the financially excludedis more vital and difficult than to the financially included and emphasizes the need forcollaboration among banks for resource optimization and achieving results.The next article in this issue is 'Customer Service in Banks - Best Practices' written byMr. S. N. Sharma and Mr. L. P. Padhy. They explain the significance of customer service in4 October - December 2011The Journal of Indian Institute of Banking & Finance

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