A4 Application Form Resident.pmd - HDFC Bank

A4 Application Form Resident.pmd - HDFC Bank

A4 Application Form Resident.pmd - HDFC Bank


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in the nature of FORM2A - MEMORANDUM CONTAINING SALIENT FEATURES OF THE PROSPECTUSRefund <strong>Bank</strong>(s), as per Demographic Details received from theDepositories, shall be eligible to receive refunds through directcredit. Charges, if any, levied by the Refund <strong>Bank</strong>(s) for thesame would be borne by the Company.2. NECS – Payment of refund would be done through NECSfor Applicants having an account at any of the centres wheresuch facility has been made available. This mode of paymentof refunds would be subject to availability of complete bankaccount details including the MICR code from the Depositories.3. RTGS – Applicants having a bank account at any of the centreswhere such facility has been made available and whose refundamount exceeds ` 2 lacs, have the option to receive refundthrough RTGS provided the Demographic Details downloadedfrom the Depositories contain the nine digit MICR code of theApplicant’s bank which can be mapped with the RBI data toobtain the corresponding Indian Financial System Code (IFSC).Charges, if any, levied by the Applicant’s bank receiving thecredit would be borne by the Applicant.4. NEFT – Payment of refund shall be undertaken throughNEFT wherever the Applicant’s bank has been assigned theIndian Financial System Code (IFSC), which can be linked to aMagnetic Ink Character Recognition (MICR), if any, availableto that particular bank branch. IFSC Code will be obtainedfrom the website of RBI as on a date immediately prior to thedate of payment of refund, duly mapped with MICR numbers.Wherever the Applicants have registered their nine digit MICRnumber and their bank account number while opening andoperating the demat account, the same will be duly mapped withthe IFSC Code of that particular bank branch and the paymentof refund will be made to the Applicants through this method.The process flow in respect of refunds by way of NEFT is atan evolving stage, hence use of NEFT is subject to operationalfeasibility, cost and process efficiency. In the event that NEFTis not operationally feasible, the payment of refunds would bemade through any one of the other modes as discussed in thesections.5. For all other Applicants, including those who have notupdated their bank particulars with the MICR code, the refundorders will be dispatched through Speed Post or Registered Post.Such refunds will be made by cheques, pay orders or demanddrafts drawn on the relevant Refund <strong>Bank</strong> and payable at par atplaces where <strong>Application</strong>s are received. <strong>Bank</strong> charges, if any,for cashing such cheques, pay orders or demand drafts at othercentres will be payable by the Applicants.40. Mode of making refunds for ASBA Applicants:In case of ASBA Applicants, the Registrar shall instruct therelevant SCSB to unblock the funds in the relevant ASBAAccount for withdrawn, rejected or unsuccessful or partiallysuccessful ASBA <strong>Application</strong>s within 12 Working Days of theIssue Closing Date.41. TRANSFER OF NCDs AND ISSUANCE OF ALLOTMENTADVICE:With respect to Applicants other than ASBA Applicants,our Company shall (i) ensure dispatch of Allotment Advice/intimation within 12 Working Days of the Issue Closing Date,and (ii) give instructions for credit of NCDs to the beneficiaryaccount with Depository Participants, for successful Applicantswho have been allotted NCDs in dematerialized form, within12 Working Days of the Issue Closing Date. The AllotmentAdvice for successful Applicants who have been allotted NCDsin dematerialized form will be mailed to their addresses as perthe Demographic Details received from the Depositories.With respect to the ASBA Applicants, our Company shallensure dispatch of Allotment Advice and/ or give instructionsfor credit of NCDs to the beneficiary account with DepositoryParticipants within 12 Working Days of the Issue Closing Date.The Allotment Advice for successful ASBA Applicants willbe mailed to their addresses as per the Demographic Detailsreceived from the Depositories.Our Company shall use best efforts to ensure that all steps forcompletion of the necessary formalities for commencement oftrading at the Stock Exchange where the NCDs are proposedto be listed are taken within 12 Working Days from the IssueClosing Date.The Company will provide adequate funds required for dispatchof refund orders and Allotment Advice, as applicable, to theRegistrar to the Issue.OTHER INFORMATION42. Withdrawal of <strong>Application</strong>s during the Issue Period:Withdrawal of ASBA <strong>Application</strong>s; ASBA Applicants canwithdraw their ASBA <strong>Application</strong>s during the Issue Period bysubmitting a request for the same to Lead Manager, the Co-Lead Managers, Lead Broker, sub-broker, Trading Memberof the Stock Exchange or the Designated Branch, as thecase may be, through whom the ASBA <strong>Application</strong> had beenplaced. In case of ASBA <strong>Application</strong>s submitted to the LeadManagers, the Co-Lead Managers, Lead Brokers, subbrokersor Trading Members of the Stock Exchange at theSpecified Cities, upon receipt of the request for withdrawal fromthe ASBA Applicant, the relevant Lead Manager, the Co-LeadManagers, Lead Broker, sub-broker or Trading Memberof the Stock Exchange, as the case may be, shall do therequisite, including deletion of details of the withdrawn ASBA<strong>Application</strong> <strong>Form</strong> from the electronic system of the StockExchange. In case of ASBA <strong>Application</strong>s submitted directly tothe Designated Branch of the SCSB, upon receipt of the requestfor withdraw from the ASBA Applicant, the relevant DesignatedBranch shall do the requisite, including deletion of details ofthe withdrawn ASBA <strong>Application</strong> <strong>Form</strong> from the electronicsystem of the Stock Exchanges and unblocking of the funds inthe ASBA Account directly.43. Withdrawal of Non-ASBA <strong>Application</strong>s (other thanDirect Online <strong>Application</strong>s):Non-ASBA Applicants can withdraw their <strong>Application</strong>s duringthe Issue Period by submitting a request for the same to LeadManager, the Co-Lead Managers, Lead Broker, sub-brokeror Trading Member of the Stock Exchange, as the case maybe, through whom the <strong>Application</strong> had been placed. Uponreceipt of the request for withdrawal from the Applicant, therelevant Lead Manager, the Co-Lead Managers, Lead Broker,sub-broker or Trading Member of the Stock Exchange, asthe case may be, shall do the requisite, including deletion ofdetails of the withdrawn Non-ASBA <strong>Application</strong> <strong>Form</strong> from theelectronic system of the Stock Exchange.44. Withdrawal of <strong>Application</strong>s after the Issue Period:In case an Applicant wishes to withdraw the <strong>Application</strong> afterthe Issue Closing Date, the same can be done by submittinga withdrawal request to the Registrar to the Issue prior to thefinalization of the Basis of Allotment.45. Revision of <strong>Application</strong>s:As per the notice No: 20120831-22 dated August 31, 2012Shriram Transport Finance Company Limited23

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