A4 Application Form Resident.pmd - HDFC Bank

A4 Application Form Resident.pmd - HDFC Bank

A4 Application Form Resident.pmd - HDFC Bank


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in the nature of FORM2A - MEMORANDUM CONTAINING SALIENT FEATURES OF THE PROSPECTUSoperating instructions and (iii) specimen signatures of authorizedsignatories. Failing this, our Company reserves the right toaccept or reject any <strong>Application</strong> in whole or in part, ineither case, without assigning any reason therefor.9. <strong>Application</strong> by Commercial <strong>Bank</strong>s, Co-operative <strong>Bank</strong>sand Regional Rural <strong>Bank</strong>s: Commercial <strong>Bank</strong>s, Co-operativebanks and Regional Rural <strong>Bank</strong>s can apply in the Issue basedon their own investment limits and approvals. The <strong>Application</strong><strong>Form</strong> must be accompanied by certified true copies of their (i)memorandum and articles of association/charter of constitution;(ii) power of attorney; (iii) resolution authorising investments/containing operating instructions; and (iv) specimen signaturesof authorised signatories. Failing this, the Company reservesthe right to accept or reject any <strong>Application</strong> in whole or inpart, in either case, without assigning any reason therefor.Pursuant to SEBI Circular no. CIR/CFD/DIL/1/2013 datedJanuary 2, 2013, SCSBS making applications on their ownaccount using ASBA facility, should have a separate accountin their own name with any other SEBI registered SCSB.Further, such account shall be used solely for the purposeof making application in public issues and clear demarcatedfunds should be available in such account for ASBAapplications.10. <strong>Application</strong> by Insurance Companies: In case of<strong>Application</strong>s made by insurance companies registered withthe Insurance Regulatory and Development Authority,a certified copy of certificate of registration issued byInsurance Regulatory and Development Authority must belodged along with <strong>Application</strong> <strong>Form</strong>. The <strong>Application</strong>s mustbe accompanied by certified copies of (i) Memorandum andArticles of Association (ii) Power of Attorney (iii) Resolutionauthorising investment and containing operating instructions(iv) Specimen signatures of authorized signatories. Failingthis, our Company reserves the right to accept or rejectany <strong>Application</strong> in whole or in part, in either case, withoutassigning any reason therefor.11. <strong>Application</strong> by Indian Alternative Investment Funds:<strong>Application</strong>s made by Alternative Investments Funds eligibleto invest in accordance with the Securities and ExchangeBoard of India (Alternative Investment Fund) Regulations,2012, as amended (the “SEBI AIF Regulations”) forAllotment of the NCDs must be accompanied by certifiedtrue copies of (i) SEBI registration certificate; (ii) a resolutionauthorising investment and containing operating instructions;and (iii) specimen signatures of authorised persons. Failingthis, our Company reserves the right to accept or rejectany <strong>Application</strong> in whole or in part, in either case, withoutassigning any reason therefor. The Alternative InvestmentFunds shall at all times comply with the requirementsapplicable to it under the SEBI AIF Regulations and therelevant notifications issued by SEBI.11. <strong>Application</strong>s by Trusts: In case of <strong>Application</strong>s madeby trusts, settled under the Indian Trusts Act, 1882, asamended, or any other statutory and/or regulatory provisiongoverning the settlement of trusts in India, must submit a(i) certified copy of the registered instrument for creation ofsuch trust, (ii) Power of Attorney, if any, in favour of one ormore trustees thereof, (iii) such other documents evidencingregistration thereof under applicable statutory/regulatoryrequirements. Further, any trusts applying for NCDspursuant to the Issue must ensure that (a) they are authorizedunder applicable statutory/regulatory requirements and theirconstitution instrument to hold and invest in debentures,(b) they have obtained all necessary approvals, consents orother authorisations, which may be required under applicablestatutory and/or regulatory requirements to invest indebentures, and (c) <strong>Application</strong>s made by them do not exceedthe investment limits or maximum number of NCDs that canbe held by them under applicable statutory and or regulatoryprovisions. Failing this, our Company reserves the rightto accept or reject any <strong>Application</strong>s in whole or in part, ineither case, without assigning any reason therefor.12. <strong>Application</strong>s by Public Financial Institutions, StatutoryCorporations, which are authorized to invest in the NCDs:The <strong>Application</strong> must be accompanied by certified true copiesof: (i) Any Act/ Rules under which they are incorporated; (ii)Board Resolution authorising investments; and (iii) Specimensignature of authorized person. Failing this, our Companyreserves the right to accept or reject any <strong>Application</strong>sin whole or in part, in either case, without assigning anyreason therefor.13. <strong>Application</strong>s by Provident Funds, Pension Funds,Superannuation Funds and Gratuity Fund, which areauthorized to invest in the NCDs: The <strong>Application</strong> must beaccompanied by certified true copies of: (i) Any Act/Rules underwhich they are incorporated; (ii) Power of Attorney, if any, infavour of one or more trustees thereof, (iii) Board Resolutionauthorising investments; (iii) such other documents evidencingregistration thereof under applicable statutory/regulatoryrequirements; (iv) Specimen signature of authorized person; (v)certified copy of the registered instrument for creation of suchfund/trust; and (vi) Tax Exemption certificate issued by IncomeTax Authorities, if exempt from Tax. Failing this, our Companyreserves the right to accept or reject any <strong>Application</strong> inwhole or in part, in either case, without assigning any reasontherefor.14. <strong>Application</strong>s by National Investment Fund: Theapplication must be accompanied by certified true copies of:(i) resolution authorising investment and containing operatinginstructions; and (ii) Specimen signature of authorized person.Failing this, our Company reserves the right to accept orreject any <strong>Application</strong> in whole or in part, in either case,without assigning any reason therefor.15. Companies, bodies corporate and societies registeredunder the applicable laws in India: The <strong>Application</strong> must beaccompanied by certified true copies of: (i) Any Act/ Rules underwhich they are incorporated; (ii) Board Resolution authorisinginvestments; and (iii) Specimen signature of authorized person.Failing this, our Company reserves the right to accept orreject any <strong>Application</strong>s in whole or in part, in either case,without assigning any reason therefor.16. Indian Scientific and/or Industrial ResearchOrganizations, which are authorized to invest in the NCDs:The <strong>Application</strong> must be accompanied by certified true copiesof: (i) Any Act/ Rules under which they are incorporated; (ii)Board Resolution authorising investments; and (iii) Specimensignature of authorized person. Failing this, our Companyreserves the right to accept or reject any <strong>Application</strong>sin whole or in part, in either case, without assigning anyreason therefore.Partnership firms formed under applicable Indian laws inthe name of the partners and Limited Liability PartnershipsShriram Transport Finance Company Limited9

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