盐 沼 植 物 群 落 研 究 进 展 分 布 、 演 替 及 影 响 因 子

盐沼植物群落研究进展:分布、演替及影响因子 - 生态环境学报

盐沼植物群落研究进展:分布、演替及影响因子 - 生态环境学报


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388 生 态 环 境 学 报 第 21 卷 第 2 期 (2012 年 2 月 )582-590.[136] Boesch D F, Josselyn M N, Mehta A J, et al. Scientific assessment ofcoastal wetland loss, restoration and management in Louisiana [J].Journal of Coastal Research, Special Issue, 1994, 20:103.[137] Donnelly J P, Bertness M D. Rapid shoreward encroachment of saltmarsh cordgrass in response to accelerated sea-level rise [J]. Proceedingsof the National Academy of Sciences, USA, 2001, 98:14218-14223.[138] Wang Q, Wang C H, Zhao B, et al. Effects of growing conditions onthe growth of and interactions between salt marsh plants: implicationsfor invasibility of habitats [J]. Biological Invasions, 2006, 8:1547-1560.[139] 王 卿 . 互 花 米 草 在 上 海 崇 明 东 滩 的 入 侵 历 时 <strong>、</strong> <strong>分</strong> <strong>布</strong> 现 状 和 扩 张 趋势 的 预 测 [J]. 长 江 流 域 资 源 与 环 境 , 2011, 20:690-697.WANG Qing. Spartina alterniflora invasion in Chongming Dongtan,Shanghai: History, status and prediction[J]. Resources and Environmentin The Yangtze Basin, 2011, 20:690-697.Review on salt marsh plant communities: distribution, successionand impact factorsWANG Qing 1 , WANG Chenghuan 2 , HUANG Shenfa 1 , SHA Chenyan 1 , RUAN Junjie 1 , WANG Min 1 *1. Shanghai Academy of Environmental Sciences, Shanghai 200233, China;2. School of Life Sciences, Shanghai Key Laboratory of Urbanization and Ecological Restoration, East China Normal University, Shanghai 200062, ChinaAbstract: Salt marsh, as a common coastal wetland, is widely distributed in temperate and subtropical regions of the world. Saltmarsh plays an important role in the coastal food web and exporting of nutrients to the sea, which provides great valuable ecosystemservices for human society. Understanding the general pattern and ecological mechanisms of temporal and spatial dynamics of saltmarshes is the important basis in the salt marshes ecological studies. Salt marsh lies at the sea-land interface, and the special environmentalcharacteristics lead to the special patterns of spatial distribution and succession process of salt marsh plant communities.Affected by the sea tides periodically, abiotic factors such as salinity, water depth and redox potentials vary along the elevation gradient.Thus, the intra- and interspecific relationships of biotic communities are altered gradually. Due to the interactions betweenabiotic and biotic factors along the elevation gradient, plant zonation is found very common in salt marshes in the world. Environmentalchange is the driving factor of the succession of salt marsh plant communities. Generally, the autogenic successions of plantcommunities occur on the relatively stable coastline, while allogenic successions occur in the silting and developing salt marshesnear by the large estuaries. Salt marshes are fragile and sensitive to environmental changes. In the past decades, direct and indirecthuman activities, such as aquaculture, physical destruction of habitat, pollution and biological invasions have had great impacts onthe salt marshes in the world. At present, salt marsh plant communities’ researches are focused on the relationships between saltmarsh plant communities and other biotic communities, and the functions of plant community in salt marsh ecosystem process. In thecontext of global climate change, the responses of salt marsh plant communities to the global warming and sea-level rising become ahot spot as well.Key words: human activity; impact factor; plant community; salt marsh; zonation

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