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IV FAIR OF YOUTHASSOCIATIONSSATURDAY OCTOBER 3rdAt Rei en Jaume I Square[17.30 h] Start of the AssociationsFair; [18.00 h] Start of activities andworkshops; [21.30 h] Dinner; [23.00 h]Live music performance. Organizedby: Consell dels Joves de Gandia.PAS DE L’HORT DRUMMERSSATURDAY, OCTOBER 3rd[18:30 h] Downtown Gandia. Pas del’Hort drummers parade; [20:00 h]Major Square. Accompanying theprocession in honor of Sant Francescde Borja. In conclusion, the groupwill perform a piece in honor of SantFrancesc de Borja.CLASSIC AND ANTIQUECARS EXHIBITIONSUNDAY, OCTOBER 4th[From 8:00 to 20:00 h] Sant Francescde Borja street. III classic and antiquecars exhibition of Gandia’sFira i Festes. Organizedby: Associació deVehicles AnticsGandiaM o t o rC l à s -sic.MOROS ICRISTIANSPARTYT H U R S D AY,OCTOBER 8th[21.00 h] PradoSquare. Brotherhooddinner; [24.00 h] atthe streets of the old town andPasseig Germanies street. EntraetaFestera.FRIDAY, OCTOBER 9th[10.00 to 12.00 h] Downtown Gandia.Conquesta Gun Salute with traditionalfirearms. The Salute will be at SantJosep square, Vallier st., Passeigst., Major st., Rei en Jaume square;[12.00 to 14.00 h] At the streets of theold town and Passeig Germanies.Entraeta Festera; [19.00 h] Sant Josepsquare. Festive Announcement byPep García Roig. Bands Entrà whenfinishing the announcement; [19:30 h]Gandia downtown and Raval. Entràof Moros and Cristians. Route: SantFrancesc de Borja street - Passeigde les Germanies - Vallier street- Sant Josep square. At the endthere is a dinner and party.XX PAELLACONTEST FIRA I FESTES 2009Organized by: Junta Central Fallera.Federació de Falles de GandiaFRIDAY, OCTOBER 9th[12:00 h] Ingredients distribution;[13:00 h] Start cooking of paellas; [15:00 h] Lunch.77O r g a n i z e d b y :Associació deM o r o s d e lRaval.

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