Write You a Haskell Stephen Diehl




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Type Error Provenance<br />

Before our type inference engine would generate somewhat typical type inference error messages. If two<br />

terms couldn’t be unified it simply told us this and some information about the toplevel declaration<br />

where it occurred. Leaving us with a bit of a riddle about this error came to be.<br />

Cannot unify types:<br />

Int<br />

with<br />

Bool<br />

in the definition of ’foo’<br />

Effective error reporting in the presence of type inference is a difficult task, effectively our typechecker<br />

takes our frontend AST and transforms it into a large constraint problem but effectively destroys position<br />

information information in the process. Even if the position information were tracked, the nature of<br />

unification is that a cascade of several unifications can give rise to invalid solution and the immediate<br />

two syntactic constructs that gave rise to a unification fail are not necessarily the two that map back<br />

to human intuition about how the type error arose. Very little research has done on this topic and it<br />

remains a open topic with very immediate and applicable results to programming.<br />

To do simple provenance tracking we will use a technique of track the “flow” of type information through<br />

out typechecker and associate position information associated with the inferred types back to their position<br />

information in the source.<br />

type Name = String<br />

data Expr<br />

= Var Loc Name<br />

| App Loc Expr Expr<br />

| Lam Loc Name Expr<br />

| Lit Loc Int<br />

data Loc = NoLoc | Located Int<br />

deriving (Show, Eq, Ord)<br />

So now inside of our parser we simply attach Parsec information on to each AST node. For example for<br />

the variable term.<br />

variable :: Parser Expr<br />

variable = do<br />


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