Write You a Haskell Stephen Diehl




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1. Evaluate f to λy.e<br />

2. Evaluate [y/x]e<br />

Call-by-need:<br />

1. Allocate a thunk v for x<br />

2. Evaluate f to λy.e<br />

3. Evaluate [y/v]e<br />

Terms that have a normal form in one model, may or may not have a normal form in another. In callby-need<br />

and call-by-name evaluation diverging terms are not necessarily evaluated before entry, so some<br />

terms that have a normal form in these models may diverge under call-by-value.<br />

Call-by-value<br />

Call by value is an extremely common evaluation model. Many programming languages both imperative<br />

and functional use this evaluation strategy. e essence of call-by-value is that there are two categories of<br />

expressions: terms and values. Values are lambda expressions and other terms which are in normal form<br />

and cannot be reduced further. All arguments to a function will be reduced to normal form before they<br />

are bound inside the lambda and reduction only proceeds once the arguments are reduced.<br />

For a simple arithmetic expression, the reduction proceeds as follows. Notice how the subexpression (2<br />

+ 2) is evaluated to normal form before being bound.<br />

(\x. \y. y x) (2 + 2) (\x. x + 1)<br />

=> (\x. \y. y x) 4 (\x. x + 1)<br />

=> (\y. y 4) (\x. x + 1)<br />

=> (\x. x + 1) 4<br />

=> 4 + 1<br />

=> 5<br />

Naturally there are two evaluation rules for applications.<br />

e 1 → e ′ 1<br />

e 1 e 2 → e ′ 1 e 2<br />

e 2 → e ′ 2<br />

v 1 e 2 → v 1 e ′ 2<br />

(λx.e)v → [x/v]e<br />

(E-App1)<br />

(E-App2)<br />

(E-AppLam)<br />

For a simple little lambda calculus the call-by-value interpreter is quite simple. Part of the runtime evaluation<br />

of lambda calculus involves the creation of closures, environments which hold the local variables<br />

in scope. In our little language there are two possible values which reduction may converge on, VInt<br />

and VClosure.<br />


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