Write You a Haskell Stephen Diehl




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[x/e ′ ]x = e ′<br />

[x/e ′ ]y = y (y ≠ x)<br />

[x/e ′ ](e 1 e 2 ) = ([x/e ′ ] e 1 )([x/e ′ ]e 2 )<br />

[x/e ′ ](λy.e 1 ) = λy.[x/e ′ ]e y ≠ x, x /∈ fv(e ′ )<br />

And likewise, substitutions can be applied element wise over the typing environment.<br />

[t/s]Γ = {y : [t/s]σ | y : σ ∈ Γ}<br />

Our implementation of a substitution in <strong>Haskell</strong> is simply a Map from type variables to types.<br />

type Subst = Map.Map TVar Type<br />

Composition of substitutions ( s 1 ◦ s 2 , s1 ‘compose‘ s2 ) can be encoded simply as operations over<br />

the underlying map. Importantly note that in our implementation we have chosen the substitution to<br />

be left-biased, it is up to the implementation of the inference algorithm to ensure that clashes do not<br />

occur between substitutions.<br />

nullSubst :: Subst<br />

nullSubst = Map.empty<br />

compose :: Subst -> Subst -> Subst<br />

s1 ‘compose‘ s2 = Map.map (apply s1) s2 ‘Map.union‘ s1<br />

e implementation in <strong>Haskell</strong> is via a series of implementations of a Substitutable typeclass which<br />

exposes the apply which applies the substitution given over the structure of the type replacing type<br />

variables as specified.<br />

class Substitutable a where<br />

apply :: Subst -> a -> a<br />

ftv :: a -> Set.Set TVar<br />

instance Substitutable Type where<br />

apply _ (TCon a) = TCon a<br />

apply s t@(TVar a) = Map.findWithDefault t a s<br />

apply s (t1 ‘TArr‘ t2) = apply s t1 ‘TArr‘ apply s t2<br />

ftv TCon{}<br />

= Set.empty<br />

ftv (TVar a) = Set.singleton a<br />

ftv (t1 ‘TArr‘ t2) = ftv t1 ‘Set.union‘ ftv t2<br />

instance Substitutable Scheme where<br />

apply s (Forall as t) = Forall as $ apply s’ t<br />


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