Write You a Haskell Stephen Diehl




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instance Monad Parser where<br />

return = unit<br />

(>>=) = bind<br />

Of particular importance is that this particular monad has a zero value (failure), namely the function<br />

which halts reading the stream and returns the empty stream. Together this forms a monoidal structure<br />

with a secondary operation (combine) which applies two parser functions over the same stream and<br />

concatenates the result. Together these give rise to both the Alternative and MonadPlus class instances<br />

which encode the logic for trying multiple parse functions over the same stream and handling failure<br />

and rollover.<br />

e core operator introduced here is the () operator for combining two optional paths of parser logic,<br />

switching to the second path if the first fails with the zero value.<br />

instance MonadPlus Parser where<br />

mzero = failure<br />

mplus = combine<br />

instance Alternative Parser where<br />

empty = mzero<br />

() = option<br />

combine :: Parser a -> Parser a -> Parser a<br />

combine p q = Parser (\s -> parse p s ++ parse q s)<br />

failure :: Parser a<br />

failure = Parser (\cs -> [])<br />

option :: Parser a -> Parser a -> Parser a<br />

option p q = Parser $ \s -><br />

case parse p s of<br />

[] -> parse q s<br />

res -> res<br />

Derived automatically from the Alternative typeclass definition are the many and some functions. Many<br />

takes a single function argument and repeatedly applies it until the function fails and then yields the<br />

collected results up to that point. e some function behaves similar except that it will fail itself if there<br />

is not at least a single match.<br />

-- | One or more.<br />

some :: f a -> f [a]<br />

some v = some_v<br />

where<br />


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