Write You a Haskell Stephen Diehl




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force :: IORef Thunk -> IO Value<br />

force ref = do<br />

th Expr -> (Thunk -> IO Value)<br />

mkThunk env x body = \a -> do<br />

a’ Expr -> IO Value<br />

eval env ex = case ex of<br />

EVar n -> do<br />

th do<br />

VClosure c eval env b)<br />

EBool b -> return $ VBool b<br />

EInt n -> return $ VInt n<br />

EFix e -> eval env (EApp e (EFix e))<br />

For example, in this model the following program will not diverge since the omega combinator passed<br />

into the constant function is not used and therefore the argument is not evaluated.<br />

omega = (\x -> x x) (\x -> x x)<br />

test1 = (\y -> 42) omega<br />

omega :: Expr<br />

omega = EApp (ELam ”x” (EApp (EVar ”x”) (EVar ”x”)))<br />

(ELam ”x” (EApp (EVar ”x”) (EVar ”x”)))<br />

test1 :: IO Value<br />

test1 = eval [] $ EApp (ELam ”y” (EInt 42)) omega<br />

Higher Order Abstract Syntax (HOAS)<br />

GHC <strong>Haskell</strong> being a rich language has a variety of extensions that, among other things, allow us to<br />

map lambda expressions in our defined language directly onto lambda expressions in <strong>Haskell</strong>. In this<br />


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