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Page 28<br />

Have Your<br />

Say !<br />

The Cambourne Crier is dedicated to act as<br />

a voice and a forum for all the residents of<br />

Cambourne<br />

(whether Great, Lower or Upper).<br />

Parking Plea<br />

Has anyone else noticed how it is now becoming the norm to park halfon/half-off<br />

the road/pavement/grass verge in Cambourne?<br />

Not only is it very unsightly, but more importantly it now means that a<br />

walk around Cambourne with a pram can sometimes involve umpteen<br />

detours off the pavement and on to the road to get round inappropriately<br />

parked cars. People in wheel-chairs must feel similarly put out.<br />

I realise that the roads in Cambourne are often quite narrow, but if people<br />

made more use of their driveways/garages, along with more sensible<br />

parking generally, parking on pavements should not be necessary.<br />

Where parking on roads is necessary, we should park in a way which<br />

doesn't intrude on our pavements or grass verges - since to do so:<br />

(a) damages our grass verges/pavements and costs us all money<br />

through our council charge to repair;<br />

(b) is unsightly and makes the village look cheap;<br />

(c) is selfish to pavement users who are often forced onto the road;<br />

(d) is dangerous for prams, wheelchair users and the blind.<br />

(e) would impede emergency services.<br />

We should all challenge ourselves, our guests and our fellow villagers to<br />

park in a considerate way.<br />

We should challenge inconsiderate or dangerous parking to the extent if<br />

necessary by notifying the Police.<br />

I realise this message may irritate some people who feel they must<br />

park in this way. But my plea to everyone is to think more carefully<br />

about parking in all our streets in Cambourne<br />

Name & Address Supplied.<br />

Recycling Response<br />

In response to the letter 'Recycling Headache' in the last issue of The<br />

Crier, I also share the concern of the letter writer regarding the recycling<br />

facilities at Morrisons Cambourne.<br />

As a responsible retailer we are more than happy to provide this space<br />

within our store car park for the local council to position recycling bins,<br />

however the emptying of the bins and the general upkeep of this area is<br />

the sole responsibility of the local council. Recently, I have become increasingly<br />

concerned about the infrequency of collections from the recycling<br />

bins and the subsequent issues caused as a result of this.<br />

I would welcome reassurance from the council that the provision of<br />

workable recycling bins remains a priority for them.<br />

Kevin Gilbert,<br />

Morrisons Cambourne Store General Manager.<br />


We welcome letters and contributions from<br />

any Cambourne resident on any topic.<br />

We accept such contributions in good faith<br />

and trust that they are an accurate reflection<br />

of opinion and circumstance.<br />

If you wish to report on anything or air an<br />

opinion on the letters page then please send<br />

your copy in to us. The easiest way to send<br />

in items is as an e-mail to:<br />

Editorial@cambournecrier.co.uk<br />

An Appreciation:- KEVAN CRANE<br />

Kevan started to work within this community soon after I moved to<br />

Cambourne in 2002 and it was then I made his acquaintance.<br />

From day one he was committed to the role he was appointed as the<br />

Community Development Officer for the 3 principal social landlords<br />

with residents in Cambourne. Most tenants were welcomed by him as<br />

well as prospective ones as their properties were being developed. He<br />

was always ready to give advice and support or if required more<br />

detailed or professional advice was needed he would put residents in<br />

touch with the appropriate agency. Although he was employed principally<br />

for social housing needs he readily gave his time to the community<br />

as a whole and organised events for ALL to enjoy.<br />

With his help the Cambourne Summer Festival received grant funding<br />

for a few of the earlier years. The 3 C’s Club which meets on a<br />

regular basis was started and run by Kevan along with the Churches<br />

Together in Cambourne and was instrumental in the formation of<br />

Housing Association Residents Forum.<br />

His assistance in the formation of the Cambourne Youth Partnership<br />

was invaluable. Kevan’s touch helped with the provision of the current<br />

Youth Building, which is also used to run computer, literary and<br />

maths skills courses.<br />

Cambourne certainly has become a better place with his enthusiasm<br />

and has benefited greatly from his involvement.<br />

Kevan leaves us a great legacy and the foundation that he has created<br />

will I feel stand us all in good stead especially to his successors.<br />

I am sure that you will join with me in saying a big thank you<br />

Kevan for all that you have done for us and wish you God’s Speed<br />

and along with your family, every happiness as you return to the<br />

Ministry and your move to the Baptist Church in Kings Lynn. Our<br />

loss is their gain.<br />

Howard Fall<br />

We do require a name and address for our<br />

records before publishing but will withhold<br />

these on request. Please let us know how<br />

you want your letter signed.<br />

The Editors<br />

Text or basic Microsoft Word format preferred for<br />

e-mailed contributions. Photos always welcome. All<br />

contributions subject to editing. Opinions are those<br />

of the authors and do not necessarily represent those<br />

of the Cambourne Crier editors.<br />


I have noticed that the outside of the Indian restaurant hasn’t<br />

been finished i.e. around the extractor fans, the rear door not<br />

painted and the bottom cladding left unfinished.<br />

I also notice that the delivery van for this restaurant drives up<br />

to the back door leaving black tyre marks and oil on the slabs,<br />

there also seems to be several cracked slabs in this area.<br />

It looks awful, is there anyone with authority who could contact<br />

the owners of this restaurant about these matters?<br />

Name and Address Supplied.

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