2015 Reports




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Youth Musical<br />

“The Last King of Israel” was Dapto<br />

Anglican Church’s 5 th musical.<br />

I don’t think I’ve written an AGM report<br />

for each one of those musicals but I know<br />

I have written one for at least the last<br />

three. The biggest struggle for me has<br />

become finding something new to say.<br />

The bragging rights are there, I suppose.<br />

In many ways we outdid any of our<br />

previous musicals. For most of the cast I<br />

have never seen such a disciplined group<br />

of youth who took such responsibility for<br />

learning lines, showing up to practices and<br />

persisting in improving their<br />

performances. The live band was the best<br />

we’ve had by far, even though we only<br />

had one song with the mouth organ in it.<br />

Our show stopping number “Mr<br />

Cellophane” caused such a stir that some<br />

ladies were escorted from the building.<br />

Our overall production quality is amazing,<br />

which you would hope for now that we<br />

have the gift of experience under our<br />

belts. I was encouraged to have people<br />

unconnected to our church take to<br />

Facebook to wholeheartedly endorse the<br />

event, and, I had more conversations than<br />

ever before with people who don’t love<br />

Jesus about how incredible, and thoughtprovoking,<br />

our story was.<br />

I could go on and on (and believe me, I do)<br />

but the best thing about the musical is the<br />

thing that hasn’t changed in the 10 years I<br />

have done it. It’s something that a spectator<br />

of the final product misses and can never<br />

understand. As the people who are involved<br />

in the musical we know we don’t just walk<br />

away with a final product. This is why we<br />

have young adults who have been in every<br />

single musical, and I’m sure would serve in<br />

the next one too. It’s why we cry at the end<br />

of the final performance, even though we saw<br />

each other every day for the last two weeks<br />

and we’ll see them at church again tomorrow.<br />

It’s why the words “belonging” and “family”<br />

get thrown around so much. We gather<br />

together in God’s name and there He is with<br />

us. The musical is one of the best<br />

experiences of Christian community this side<br />

of heaven. If you could understand the way<br />

our young people serve each other,<br />

encourage each other, pray together and spur<br />

one another on you wouldn’t come to see the<br />

final product either. You’d come to watch the<br />

practices.<br />

- Elise Semenchuk<br />


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