Apache Solr Reference Guide Covering Apache Solr 6.0




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from urllib2 import *<br />

Now open a connection to the server and get a response. The wt query parameter tells <strong>Solr</strong> to return results in a<br />

format that Python can understand.<br />

connection = urlopen(<br />

'http://localhost:8983/solr/collection_name/select?q=cheese&wt=python')<br />

response = eval(connection.read())<br />

Now interpreting the response is just a matter of pulling out the information that you need.<br />

print response['response']['numFound'], "documents found."<br />

# Print the name of each document.<br />

for document in response['response']['docs']:<br />

print " Name =", document['name']<br />

Python with JSON<br />

JSON is a more robust response format, but you will need to add a Python package in order to use it. At a<br />

command line, install the simplejson package like this:<br />

$ sudo easy_install simplejson<br />

Once that is done, making a query is nearly the same as before. However, notice that the wt query parameter is<br />

now json, and the response is now digested by simplejson.load() .<br />

from urllib2 import *<br />

import simplejson<br />

connection =<br />

urlopen('http://localhost:8983/solr/collection_name/select?q=cheese&wt=json')<br />

response = simplejson.load(connection)<br />

print response['response']['numFound'], "documents found."<br />

# Print the name of each document.<br />

for document in response['response']['docs']:<br />

print " Name =", document['name']<br />

Using <strong>Solr</strong>J<br />

<strong>Solr</strong>J is an API that makes it easy for Java applications to talk to <strong>Solr</strong>. <strong>Solr</strong>J hides a lot of the details of<br />

connecting to <strong>Solr</strong> and allows your application to interact with <strong>Solr</strong> with simple high-level methods.<br />

The center of <strong>Solr</strong>J is the org.apache.solr.client.solrj package, which contains just five main classes.<br />

Begin by creating a <strong>Solr</strong>Client, which represents the <strong>Solr</strong> instance you want to use. Then send <strong>Solr</strong>Reques<br />

ts or <strong>Solr</strong>Querys and get back <strong>Solr</strong>Responses.<br />

<strong>Solr</strong>Client is abstract, so to connect to a remote <strong>Solr</strong> instance, you'll actually create an instance of either Htt<br />

<strong>Apache</strong> <strong>Solr</strong> <strong>Reference</strong> <strong>Guide</strong> <strong>6.0</strong><br />


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