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makes you unique, especially if the band grows and you can brag about being one of the first to<br />

seem them.<br />

The topic of our fourth ad swerves a little away from the flow of the others. It is an<br />

information/help line for those suffering or for those who know someone who is suffering from<br />

cyberbullying. We aren’t ones to say there is a specific age that cyberbullying occurs within. It<br />

can happen to anyone. Even the most popular person you know. We put this ad in our <strong>magazine</strong><br />

because it isn’t easy for people to talk about what happens online, not everyone will take it<br />

seriously. Some will just tell you to turn your phone off. But it won’t always go away like that.<br />

We wanted to include a helpline because calling someone we know will help, is comforting, and<br />

gives those too afraid to speak out, a chance.<br />

Moving onto our fifth, this ad targeted younger readers as it sparks a sense of wonder and<br />

the thinking of “Maybe I can do that one day”. The NASA ad was included because our<br />

development in technology and space travel is phenomenal, it fascinates children to the point of<br />

when they’re asked what they want to be when they grow older, many of them will say “I wanna<br />

be an astronaut!”, and that is what we wanted. We want to promote a child’s curiosity. We want<br />

them to dream, want them to have goals and ambitions. We want them to decide their own life.<br />

Which is why we included it, we want to respark that childlike ambition in our readers. Not only<br />

that, but the quote “failure is not an option” sparks determination, it hits home. We want to make<br />

that quote real.<br />

Now coming across the sixth ad, you might be thinking, how do bikes have anything to<br />

do with technology? At least everyday bikes, they’re powered by us aren’t they? Magazine, go<br />

home, you’re drunk. But truly, I’m not. While there are technological advancements for bikes,<br />

what this ad is for is to act as another broad warning for bikers. Especially rule number 3, “Act<br />

like a car”. This means, no texting, no answering calls unless it is Bluetooth, no listening to<br />

music in BOTH ears while biking. All ages bike, and all ages forget that they share a road, and<br />

most of the time there aren’t designated zones for bikers, meaning it isn’t the cars fault if they<br />

drive close to you because they have a car coming on their side. Answering texts keeps you from<br />

looking up and seeing dangers. Which already is a pretty big deal. Answering calls is the same,<br />

listening to music in both ears, blocks out traffic and such around you which will put you at risk.

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