Sunnybrook Leadership Institute 2016 - 2019 Catalogue

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<strong>2016</strong> - <strong>2019</strong> CATALOGUE<br />

Learning for Everyone at <strong>Sunnybrook</strong><br />

ABOUT US<br />


FAQs<br />






A Division of Human Resources 1



AND<br />




At <strong>Sunnybrook</strong>, our goal is to create a culture of engagement, respect and inclusiveness that<br />

attracts talent and inspires our employees to achieve excellence.<br />

<strong>Sunnybrook</strong> is committed to investing in building our leadership capacity by providing teaching and<br />

learning opportunities for all our staff, leaders and physicians.<br />

Organizational Development & <strong>Leadership</strong>, Human Resources, through the new <strong>Sunnybrook</strong><br />

<strong>Leadership</strong> <strong>Institute</strong>, provides programs, workshops and services for all staff - informal, emergent,<br />

developing and advanced.<br />

Learning builds confidence, and learning together through the <strong>Sunnybrook</strong> <strong>Leadership</strong> <strong>Institute</strong><br />

enriches the experience.<br />

At <strong>Sunnybrook</strong>…leadership and learning matters.<br />

Barry McLellan<br />

President and CEO<br />

Marilyn Reddick<br />

Vice President, Human Resources<br />

and Organizational Development &<br />

<strong>Leadership</strong><br />





AND<br />



At <strong>Sunnybrook</strong>, we know that it is our people who provide the care that enables our reputation for<br />

excellence. Organizational Development & <strong>Leadership</strong>, Human Resources, through the <strong>Sunnybrook</strong><br />

<strong>Leadership</strong> <strong>Institute</strong>, is committed to supporting all our staff throughout their career and leadership<br />

journey.<br />

The <strong>Sunnybrook</strong> <strong>Leadership</strong> <strong>Institute</strong> provides classroom and online learning opportunities for<br />

professional and personal development. In addition, the Organizational Development & <strong>Leadership</strong><br />

team provides expertise to create customized and holistic approaches for leadership and learning.<br />

In this catalogue you will find information about programs, workshops and services designed to<br />

develop and enhance the knowledge and skills needed to thrive in your career. These skills facilitate<br />

interprofessional team effectiveness and support individual quality of work and life.<br />

At <strong>Sunnybrook</strong>…leadership and learning matters.<br />

Shamena Maharaj<br />

Director, Human Resources<br />

and Organizational Development &<br />

<strong>Leadership</strong><br />

Christopher Townsend<br />

Manager, Organizational Development<br />

& <strong>Leadership</strong><br />



06<br />

12<br />

36<br />

46<br />








07<br />

08<br />

10<br />

10<br />

10<br />

11<br />

About Organizational<br />

Development &<br />

<strong>Leadership</strong><br />

Workshop<br />

Competency Matrix<br />

An Important<br />

Message to Directors,<br />

Managers, and<br />

Supervisors<br />

<strong>Sunnybrook</strong><br />

<strong>Leadership</strong> Days<br />

Organizational<br />

Development &<br />

<strong>Leadership</strong> Week<br />

How to Register<br />

for Workshops,<br />

eLearning, Programs,<br />

and Customized<br />

Services<br />

14<br />

22<br />

26<br />

32<br />

All Staff<br />

Emergent Leaders<br />

Developing Leaders<br />

Advanced Leaders<br />

37<br />

38<br />

39<br />

40<br />

41<br />

42<br />

43<br />

44<br />

45<br />

Developing Nurse<br />

Leaders Program<br />

(DNLP)<br />

Educator Development<br />

Program<br />

Emergent Leaders<br />

Development Program<br />

(ELDP)<br />

Facilitator<br />

Development Program<br />

iLead Quality and<br />

Patient Safety:<br />

Fundamentals<br />

Program<br />

iLead Quality and<br />

Patient Safety:<br />

Advanced Program<br />

<strong>Leadership</strong> Certificate<br />

Program<br />

Management<br />

Excellence Program<br />

(MExP)<br />

Teaching for Learning<br />

and Collaboration<br />

(TLC) Program<br />

47<br />

48<br />

48<br />

49<br />

50<br />

51<br />

52<br />

53<br />

54<br />

54<br />

55<br />

eLearning Design and<br />

Development<br />

Financial Planning<br />

Health and Wellness<br />

Internationally Educated<br />

Professionals (IEP)<br />

Effective Meetings and<br />

Presentations eLearning<br />

Patient Administrative<br />

Associate (PAA)<br />

Education<br />

Patient Administrative<br />

Associate (PAA)<br />

Review Day<br />

Patient Service Partner<br />

(PSP) Training<br />

Patient Service Partner<br />

(PSP) Workshop:<br />

Working Together on a<br />

Patient Care Unit<br />

Personality Dimensions<br />

Preparing for Retirement<br />


56<br />

60<br />

64<br />

70<br />





(CESF)<br />



AND<br />




57<br />

58<br />

Customized eLearning<br />

Design<br />

Customized<br />

Organizational<br />

Development &<br />

<strong>Leadership</strong> Services<br />

61<br />

62<br />

63<br />

Education Tuition<br />

Reimbursements<br />

Awards and Grants<br />

Speaker Support Fund<br />

64<br />

68<br />

Frequently Asked<br />

Questions<br />

Other Resources<br />

70<br />

72<br />

Index<br />

Locations<br />

Hospital Rd.<br />

H<br />

Life Saving Dr.<br />


Introduction<br />

07<br />

08<br />

10<br />

10<br />

10<br />

11<br />

About Organizational<br />

Development & <strong>Leadership</strong><br />

Workshop Competency Matrix<br />

An Important Message to Directors,<br />

Managers, and Supervisors<br />

<strong>Sunnybrook</strong> <strong>Leadership</strong> Days<br />

Organizational Development &<br />

<strong>Leadership</strong> Week<br />

How to Register for Workshops,<br />

eLearning, Programs, and<br />

Customized Services<br />

The <strong>Sunnybrook</strong> <strong>Leadership</strong> <strong>Institute</strong><br />

<strong>Catalogue</strong> – Building Your <strong>Leadership</strong><br />

Capacity<br />

This catalogue describes learning opportunities that are available to<br />

everyone at <strong>Sunnybrook</strong> – staff, leaders and physicians. Our hope is to<br />

help you find leadership learning opportunities that are specific to your<br />

current and aspirational leadership role within the organization.<br />

This catalogue also outlines other services offered such as lunchtime<br />

wellness workshops, training for PSPs and PAAs and workshops for<br />

those who wish to improve their ability to educate others. You will also<br />

find workshops on how to design and develop eLearning modules,<br />

which will help you leverage learning within your department or across<br />

the organization. As well, we describe our customized services to help<br />

departments to become more effective. Finally, if you are participating<br />

in formal education outside of <strong>Sunnybrook</strong>, there is information on how<br />

to access our tuition reimbursement fund, the Continuing Education<br />

Support Fund (CESF).<br />

We hope you are encouraged to take the time to invest in yourself and<br />

be more at <strong>Sunnybrook</strong>.<br />

The Organizational Development and <strong>Leadership</strong> Team<br />

6<br />


About Organizational Development & <strong>Leadership</strong> (OD&L)<br />

The goal of Organizational Development & <strong>Leadership</strong> is to assist in the pursuit of organizational effectiveness. Our five<br />

strategic priorities are:<br />

1 2 3 4 5<br />

1. <strong>Leadership</strong> Development: Builds the capacity of staff and teams to achieve organization, team and individual goals.<br />

2. Learning Management System: Supports our teachers and learners by enabling content growth and capacity building.<br />

3. Educator Development: Supports the design of innovative methods of teaching and learning.<br />

4. Partnerships: Create and leverage internal and external partnerships to enhance interprofessional collaboration.<br />

5. Systems Change: Support organizational change and transition initiatives both social and technical systems (people,<br />

process and strategy).<br />

Introduction<br />


Workshop Competency Matrix: <strong>Sunnybrook</strong> <strong>Leadership</strong> <strong>Institute</strong><br />

<strong>Sunnybrook</strong> <strong>Leadership</strong><br />

Supporting the<br />

<strong>Institute</strong><br />

Performance<br />

(SLI)<br />

Management<br />

- Supporting<br />

Program Core<br />

<strong>Sunnybrook</strong>’s<br />

Competencies<br />

Core and <strong>Leadership</strong> Competencies<br />

The goal of the Performance Management Program is to create a culture of engagement, respect and<br />

inclusiveness that attracts and inspires employees at all levels and in all roles, to achieve personal and<br />

professional excellence. The six CORE competencies and two LEADERSHIP competencies are the foundation<br />

Competencies are a set of behaviours that encompass skills, knowledge, abilities and personal attributes that help<br />

us understand what is expected and what we need to do in our day-to-day roles. <strong>Sunnybrook</strong> has identified six core<br />

competences that are foundational for all staff. Two leadership competencies have been developed for our emergent,<br />

developing and advanced leaders. Each of the workshops in this SLI <strong>Catalogue</strong> has been matched to at least two of the<br />

Core or <strong>Leadership</strong> competencies. This match indicates the key competencies addressed in the workshop.<br />

this review process. Each of the workshops in this SLI <strong>Catalogue</strong> has been matched to at least two of the Co<br />

or <strong>Leadership</strong> competencies. This ‘match’ indicates the key competencies addressed in the workshop.<br />

The charts that follow will assist in you selecting workshops that address the competencies in which further<br />

learning and skills development are of interest. Read on to continue your learning and development journey<br />

The charts that follow will assist you in selecting workshops to further your learning on specific competencies. Read on to<br />

continue your learning and development journey.<br />



Workshop Titles<br />

For ALL Staff<br />

Each workshop below is matched to one or more of our <strong>Sunnybrook</strong><br />

Competencies. This match indicates the key competencies addressed<br />

in the workshop.<br />

Teamwork and Collaboration<br />

Communication<br />

Conflict Resolution<br />

Emotional Self Awareness /<br />

Professional Behaviour<br />

Change Management<br />

Operational Ability<br />

Workshops for All Staff, Leaders and Physicians<br />

Conflict: Understanding Your Style<br />

Crucial Conversations<br />

Crucial Conversations Applied<br />

Cultural Intelligence<br />

Developing Positive Assertiveness<br />

Emotional Intelligence<br />

Health Literacy: An Introduction<br />

Health Literacy: Applying Universal Precautions to Teaching Patients/Families<br />

Health Literacy: Teach Back<br />

How to Give and Respond to Feedback<br />

LIVE <strong>Sunnybrook</strong><br />

Myers-Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI): Developing Self Awareness<br />

Preparing for an Interview<br />

Secrets of Being a Successful Team Member<br />

The Power Within: Building Personal Resilience for Healthcare Professionals<br />

Thriving During Change: Using What You Already Know<br />

Understanding and Resolving Conflict<br />

Writing Clear and Professional Emails<br />

8<br />


Workshop Titles<br />


For ALL Staff<br />


Competencies<br />

Each workshop, below, is matched to one or more of our<br />

<strong>Sunnybrook</strong> Competencies. This match indicates the key<br />

competencies addressed in the workshop.<br />

Teamwork and Collaboration<br />

Communication<br />

Conflict Resolution<br />

Emotional Self Awareness /<br />

Professional Behaviour<br />

Change Management<br />

Operational Ability<br />

<strong>Leadership</strong> and Coaching<br />

Ability<br />

Strategic Thinking<br />

Workshops for Emergent Leaders (Supervisors, Team Leaders, In-Charge, and Physicians)*<br />

Applied Coaching in Healthcare<br />

Effective Meeting Management<br />

Engaging Others Through Storytelling<br />

Facilitating Meetings: How to Get People Really Talking…<br />

Foundations of Coaching Dialogue<br />

Myers-Briggs Type Indicator: Leading Others<br />

Peer Coaching in a Community of Practice<br />

Project Management Essentials For the Unofficial Project Manager<br />

Transforming a Group to a Team<br />

Workshops for Developing Leaders (Middle Management and Physicians )**<br />

All About Managing Change<br />

Applied Emotional Intelligence in Healthcare<br />

Building <strong>Leadership</strong> Capacity through Integrative Thinking<br />

Building Partnerships: The Art of Negotiation<br />

Career Conversations<br />

Crucial Accountability<br />

Crucial Accountability Applied<br />

Influencer: Strategies for Leading Change<br />

Living your <strong>Leadership</strong> Legacy<br />

Measuring Team Effectiveness<br />

Mindful <strong>Leadership</strong> - Building Resilience in Others<br />

Networking for Success<br />

Strategic Thinking<br />

Workshops for Advanced Leaders (Directors, Senior Leaders and Physicians)<br />

Appreciative <strong>Leadership</strong><br />

Developing Leader Self Awareness Using the Herrmann Brain<br />

Dominance Index (HBDI)<br />

Emotional Intelligence for Leaders<br />

Speech and Presence<br />

Value-Based <strong>Leadership</strong><br />

* Developing and Advanced Leaders are welcome to attend.<br />

** Advanced Leaders are welcome to attend.<br />

Introduction<br />


An Important Message to Directors, Managers, and Supervisors<br />

Learning is a process and not an event. Research shows that time spent identifying the need for the learning, before the<br />

learning event, and time spent afterwards reviewing what was learned, will increase the likelihood of applying the new<br />

knowledge and skills in the workplace.<br />

Prior to your staff member attending a <strong>Sunnybrook</strong> <strong>Leadership</strong> <strong>Institute</strong> (SLI) workshop, please meet and discuss the<br />

following:<br />

• Learning goals relevant to the workshop focus.<br />

• The strengths and skills that your staff is bringing to the learning experience.<br />

• Your expectations regarding a change in knowledge, skills and/or behaviour.<br />

A similar discussion with your staff member needs to take place after the SLI workshop, with a particular focus on:<br />

• One or two key takeaways pertaining to the workshop content.<br />

• One or two key skills that your staff will incorporate into day-to-day work.<br />

• How you (the director, manager or supervisor) will support and encourage a change in behaviour.<br />

• Setting several dates and times for regular follow-up meetings to discuss his/her progress.<br />

<strong>Sunnybrook</strong> <strong>Leadership</strong> Days<br />

To support our Emergent, Developing and Advanced Leaders, Organizational Development & <strong>Leadership</strong> hosts<br />

<strong>Leadership</strong> Days three times per year. These events are opportunities to hear from leading-edge external and internal<br />

thought and practice leaders. You will leave these events motivated, refreshed and inspired to continue on your<br />

leadership journey.<br />

Organizational Development & <strong>Leadership</strong> (OD&L) Week<br />

Organizational Development & <strong>Leadership</strong> Week celebrates and promotes the work of the OD&L department. The OD&L<br />

Week includes week-long events, showcases at each campus, a keynote address, and an online challenge. All events are<br />

open to <strong>Sunnybrook</strong> staff, leaders and physicians.<br />

10<br />


How to Register for Workshops, eLearning, Programs, and<br />

Customized Services<br />

Visit myEducation on the Sunnynet Quick Links menu or log onto sunnynet.ca/myEducation for information or to<br />

register for workshops and eLearning modules.<br />

For In-class Workshops:<br />

Register early at myEducation<br />

For eLearning Modules:<br />

Registration can be completed at anytime at myEducation<br />

For Certificate Programs:<br />

Please refer to the Program section of this <strong>Catalogue</strong> for specific registration information.<br />

For Customized Services:<br />

Contact Organizational Development & <strong>Leadership</strong> at organizational.development@sunnybrook.ca<br />

Navigating myEducation<br />

Go to Sunnynet > Quick Links > myEducation<br />

1. Select ‘Course Registration’<br />

2. Type in the workshop or eLearning module title in the<br />

‘Search for a Course’ field or a key word or acronym (e.g.<br />

WHMIS) in the same field<br />

3. Click the ‘Search’ button to view the list of available courses<br />

4. Click the ‘Register’ button to register for the selected<br />

workshop or module<br />

5. Click on the ‘My Learning’ button to see all your current<br />

registrations, completed courses, and certifications<br />

Workshop Attendance<br />

To ensure the most effective interaction and learning, workshops may be cancelled if fewer than 12 people are registered. If<br />

you must cancel your registration, please go to myEducation to withdraw from the workshop at least 24 hours in advance.<br />

This allows us to offer your place to someone on the waiting list.<br />

Introduction<br />


<strong>Sunnybrook</strong> <strong>Leadership</strong><br />

<strong>Institute</strong> Workshops<br />

ALL STAFF .................................................................<br />

14<br />

The Power Within: Building Personal Resilience for<br />

Conflict: Understanding Your Style .....................................<br />

Crucial Conversations ................................................................<br />

Crucial Conversations Applied ..............................................<br />

Cultural Intelligence ...................................................................<br />

14<br />

14<br />

15<br />

15<br />

Healthcare Professionals .................................................................<br />

Thriving During Change: Using What You Already Know..<br />

Understanding and Resolving Conflict ....................................<br />

Writing Clear and Professional Emails .....................................<br />

19<br />

19<br />

20<br />

20<br />

Developing Positive Assertiveness .......................................<br />

16<br />

EMERGENT LEADERS ....................................................<br />

22<br />

Emotional Intelligence (EI) ......................................................<br />

16<br />

Applied Coaching in Healthcare ..............................................<br />

22<br />

Health Literacy: An Introduction ..........................................<br />

16<br />

Effective Meeting Management ...............................................<br />

22<br />

Health Literacy: Applying Universal Precautions to<br />

Engaging Others Through Storytelling ...............................<br />

23<br />

Teaching Patients and Families .............................................<br />

17<br />

Facilitating Meetings: How to Get People Really<br />

Health Literacy: Teach Back .....................................................<br />

17<br />

Talking About What is Really Important ...........................<br />

23<br />

How to Give and Respond to Feedback ...........................<br />

17<br />

Foundations of Coaching Dialogue .......................................<br />

24<br />

LIVE <strong>Sunnybrook</strong> ..........................................................................<br />

18<br />

Myers-Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI):<br />

Myers-Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI): Developing<br />

Leading Others ................................................................................<br />

24<br />

Self-Awareness ............................................................................<br />

18<br />

Peer Coaching in a Community of Practice .....................<br />

24<br />

Preparing for an Interview .......................................................<br />

18<br />

Project Management Essentials for the Unofficial<br />

Secrets of Being a Successful Team Member ...............<br />

19<br />

Project Manager ...................................................................................<br />

25<br />

Transforming a Group to a Team ...........................................<br />

25<br />

12<br />

<strong>Sunnybrook</strong> <strong>Leadership</strong> <strong>Institute</strong> Workshops

DEVELOPING LEADERS ..............................................<br />

26<br />

ADVANCED LEADERS ...............................................<br />

32<br />

All About Managing Change ........................................................<br />

Applied Emotional Intelligence in Healthcare ....................<br />

Building <strong>Leadership</strong> Capacity through<br />

Integrative Thinking ........................................................................<br />

Building Partnerships: The Art of Negotiation ..................<br />

Career Conversations .....................................................................<br />

Crucial Accountability ...................................................................<br />

Crucial Accountability Applied .................................................<br />

Influencer: Strategies for Leading Change ...........................<br />

Living Your <strong>Leadership</strong> Legacy .................................................<br />

Measuring Team Effectiveness .................................................<br />

Mindful <strong>Leadership</strong> and Building Resilience in Others ...<br />

Networking for Success ................................................................<br />

Strategic Thinking ............................................................................<br />

26<br />

26<br />

27<br />

27<br />

28<br />

28<br />

28<br />

29<br />

29<br />

29<br />

30<br />

30<br />

30<br />

Appreciative <strong>Leadership</strong> ........................................................ 32<br />

Developing Leader Self-Awareness Using Herrmann<br />

Brain Dominance Instrument (HBDI) ................................. 32<br />

Emotional Intelligence for Leaders ..................................... 33<br />

Speech and Presence ................................................................ 33<br />

Value-Based <strong>Leadership</strong> ......................................................... 34<br />

<strong>Sunnybrook</strong> <strong>Leadership</strong> <strong>Institute</strong> Workshops<br />


<strong>Sunnybrook</strong> <strong>Leadership</strong><br />

<strong>Institute</strong> Workshops<br />

These workshops are available<br />

to All Staff (individuals who<br />

are direct employees of<br />

<strong>Sunnybrook</strong>), Leaders and<br />

Physicians<br />



Related Workshops:<br />

• Crucial Conversations<br />

• Understanding and Resolving<br />

Conflict<br />

Duration: 3 Hours<br />

Available: <strong>2016</strong>/17 and onward<br />

Pre-requisite: None<br />

For: All Staff<br />

Description<br />

Each of us has preferences for how we behave and cope when we find ourselves in conflict situations. Reflection about what<br />

you do and say (your actions and behaviours) when in conflict will help you to identify your preferences. In this workshop,<br />

you will have an opportunity to explore your usual conflict-managing style preferences, learn more about the style choices<br />

you and others have available and how to use different style choices more effectively.<br />


Duration: 14 Hours<br />

Pre-requisite: None<br />

Available: <strong>2016</strong>/17 and onward For: All Staff<br />

Related Workshops:<br />

• Conflict: Understanding Your Style<br />

• Crucial Accountability<br />

• Developing Positive Assertiveness;<br />

• Understanding and Resolving<br />

Conflict<br />

Description<br />

A crucial conversation is what happens between two or more people when stakes are high, opinions are opposing, and<br />

emotions run strong. These are the kinds of conversations that are often not held, or if they are, are handled poorly.<br />

Both those approaches can lead to unsatisfactory results and undesirable long-term consequences including damaged<br />

relationships and poor team performance. In this workshop, you will experience the skills needed to have effective and<br />

productive difficult conversations.<br />

Strongly Recommended: Attendance at the Crucial Conversations Applied workshop within nine months<br />

14<br />

<strong>Sunnybrook</strong> <strong>Leadership</strong> <strong>Institute</strong> Workshops: All Staff


Duration: 3 Hours<br />

Pre-requisite: Crucial Conversations<br />

Available: <strong>2016</strong>/17 and onward For: All Staff<br />

Related Workshops:<br />

• Conflict: Understanding Your Style<br />

• Developing Positive Assertiveness<br />

• Understanding and Resolving<br />

Conflict<br />

Description<br />

Building on the Crucial Conversations workshop, you will apply the skills acquired in Crucial Conversations to day-to-day<br />

situations. In this workshop, you will identify the appropriate skills needed to address specific circumstances as presented in<br />

scenarios based on real-life conversation challenges. This practice will increase your competence and confidence, enabling<br />

you to have accurate, respectful and safe conversations back at work.<br />


Related Workshop: None<br />

Duration: 4 Hours<br />

Available: <strong>2016</strong>/17 and onward<br />

Pre-requisite: None<br />

For: All Staff<br />

Description<br />

Culture encompasses differences in ethnicity, age, education, experience, religion, and all other facets of what makes us<br />

who we are. In an increasingly diverse healthcare environment, understanding your own personal world view and how it<br />

may differ from others helps you to better understand and communicate your expectations. In this workshop, you will<br />

explore the importance of identifying and testing your assumptions as a means for developing and nourishing productive<br />

relationships.<br />

<strong>Sunnybrook</strong> <strong>Leadership</strong> <strong>Institute</strong> Workshops: All Staff<br />



Related Workshops:<br />

• Conflict: Understanding Your Style<br />

• Crucial Conversations<br />

Duration: 3 Hours<br />

Available: <strong>2016</strong>/17 and onward<br />

Pre-requisite: None<br />

For: All Staff<br />

Description<br />

Depending on the situation, a person may not speak up when it would be good to do so. Conversely, a person may speak<br />

too forcefully, expressing opinions and ideas in a way that dominates a conversation and overpowers what others may<br />

want. Neither approach is considered to be communicating with positive assertiveness. In this workshop, you will explore<br />

and practice assertive communication techniques using planned scenarios and real-life situations.<br />


Duration: 4 Hours<br />

Pre-requisite: Crucial Conversations<br />

Available: <strong>2016</strong>/17 and onward For: All Staff<br />

Related Workshops:<br />

• Applied Emotional Intelligence in<br />

Healthcare<br />

• Emotional Quotient Inventory<br />

(EQi) for Leaders<br />

Description<br />

Emotional Intelligence (EI) refers to the capacity for recognizing our own feelings and those of others, and regulating our<br />

emotional expression to maintain healthy relationships. Research shows that high EI is a significant factor in leadership and<br />

professional success and that it can be learned. Through discussion and cases, you will have the opportunity to apply EI<br />

concepts and competencies to better understand how to integrate them in your daily interactions at work.<br />


Duration: 1 Hour<br />

Pre-requisite: None<br />

Available: <strong>2016</strong>/17 and onward For: All Staff<br />

Related Workshops:<br />

• Health Literacy: Applying Universal<br />

Precautions to Teaching Patients<br />

and Families<br />

• Health Literacy: Teach Back<br />

Description<br />

Health Literacy is the ability to access, understand, evaluate, communicate and apply information to promote, maintain and<br />

improve health across the life course. People working in healthcare settings can teach more effectively if they understand<br />

health literacy and the universal precautions to lessen the effects of low health literacy. This workshop will provide you with<br />

an overview of health literacy in Canada, the factors that contribute to low health literacy and the universal precautions for<br />

low health literacy.<br />

16<br />

<strong>Sunnybrook</strong> <strong>Leadership</strong> <strong>Institute</strong> Workshops: All Staff




Related Workshops:<br />

• Health Literacy: An Introduction<br />

• Health Literacy: Teach Back<br />

Duration: 3 Hours<br />

Available: <strong>2016</strong>/17 and onward<br />

Pre-requisite: None<br />

For: All Staff<br />

Description<br />

This workshop is for staff involved in selecting, teaching or developing education for patients and families. It will provide an<br />

overview of health literacy and the best practices in patient education to lessen the effects of low health literacy. You will<br />

have an opportunity to engage in a series of discussions and hands-on activities that will provide experience with practical<br />

strategies for improving patient and family teaching.<br />


Related Workshop:<br />

• Health Literacy: An Introduction<br />

Duration: 2 Hours<br />

Available: <strong>2016</strong>/17 and onward<br />

For: All Staff<br />

Pre-requisite:<br />

Health Literacy: Applying the<br />

Universal Precautions to Teaching<br />

Patients and Families<br />

Description<br />

Teach Back is a method that will help you, as a healthcare provider, ensure the information you are teaching is explained<br />

clearly, is understood, and can be applied by the patient or family. Teach Back is an evidence-based health literacy intervention<br />

that promotes quality, patient safety and adherence to the teaching delivered. This workshop will provide you with an<br />

overview of the Teach Back method, an awareness of the competencies needed for an effective teach back, and practical<br />

ways to apply this method in the hospital setting. The Teach Back method will be practiced using typical teaching scenarios.<br />



Related Workshop:<br />

• Crucial Conversations<br />

Duration: 3 Hours<br />

Available: <strong>2016</strong>/17 and onward<br />

Pre-requisite: None<br />

For: All Staff<br />

Description<br />

Feedback is about recognizing accomplishments and improving performance. Both happen through meaningful<br />

appreciative comments as well as raising concerns with clarity and respect. Equally important is how to respond to<br />

feedback in a thoughtful manner regardless of the skill of the person giving it. This workshop will provide strategies to help<br />

you communicate feedback respectfully and how to clarify what you are hearing, if needed, when receiving it from others.<br />

You will also learn how to write actionable comments for a performance review when you are selected as a multi-rater for a<br />

peer or a manager.<br />

<strong>Sunnybrook</strong> <strong>Leadership</strong> <strong>Institute</strong> Workshops: All Staff<br />



Related Workshop: None<br />

Duration: 4 Hours<br />

Available: <strong>2016</strong>/17 and onward<br />

Pre-requisite: None<br />

For: All Staff<br />

Description<br />

<strong>Sunnybrook</strong> Health Sciences Centre means many things to many people, but what seems to be common is that <strong>Sunnybrook</strong><br />

is there for people when it matters most. In this interactive and reflective workshop you will explore how <strong>Sunnybrook</strong>’s<br />

mission, vision and values are reflected in our professional practices, education and research initiatives. Particular emphasis<br />

will be placed on discussing Interprofessional Care and Education. This session is critical for all staff who want an overview<br />

of what <strong>Sunnybrook</strong> is all about.<br />



Duration: 4 Hours<br />

Available: <strong>2016</strong>/17 and onward<br />

Pre-requisite: None<br />

For: All Staff<br />

Related Workshops:<br />

• Developing Leader Self-Awareness<br />

using Herrmann Brain Dominance<br />

Instrument (HBDI)<br />

• Myers-Briggs Type Indicator<br />

(MBTI): Leading Others<br />

Description<br />

An important part of leadership development is taking the time to understand ourselves and the impact we have on others<br />

and vice versa. After completing a Myers-Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI) assessment, you will explore your innate preferences<br />

with respect to mental energy, information gathering, decision making and lifestyle/work patterns. Particular emphasis will<br />

be placed on communication and identifying the kind of information you need to function optimally. You will also have an<br />

opportunity to consider the preferences of others and how to adapt to their needs.<br />


Related Workshop: None<br />

Duration: 3 Hours<br />

Available: <strong>2016</strong>/17 and onward<br />

Pre-requisite: None<br />

For: All Staff<br />

Description<br />

Would you like to excel at your next interview but you don’t know what to expect? This workshop will help you prepare<br />

for your next job interview. You will find out about the typical interview process and the usual questions, including the<br />

behaviour-based interview (BBI) questions that the interviewer might ask. You will develop sample responses to these usual<br />

questions and practice them in an interview scenario. There will also be an opportunity to ask, and receive responses to any<br />

questions and concerns that you have.<br />

18 <strong>Sunnybrook</strong> <strong>Leadership</strong> <strong>Institute</strong> Workshops: All Staff



Related Workshop: None<br />

Duration: 3 Hours<br />

Available: <strong>2016</strong>/17 and onward<br />

Pre-requisite: None<br />

For: All Staff<br />

Description<br />

Anyone can be a team member and yet not everyone is a great team member. Cooperation, collaboration, and dialogue are<br />

just a few of the secrets to becoming and sustaining your success as a valued team member. In this workshop, you will<br />

learn how to develop strong and effective collaborative relationships with your manager, peers and/or direct reports.<br />




Related Workshop:<br />

• Mindful <strong>Leadership</strong> and Building<br />

Resilience in Others<br />

Duration: 3 Hours<br />

Available: <strong>2016</strong>/17 and onward<br />

Pre-requisite: None<br />

For: All Staff<br />

Description<br />

Healthcare leaders face unique challenges of constant change, staff turnover, and other pressures from internal and external<br />

sources. In this workshop, you will learn about the multiple factors of resilience that will help you become more aware of<br />

your own roadblocks and develop your own practices and strategies to build your resilience. There will also be opportunities<br />

for individual reflection and dialogue with others. By the end, you will leave with an increased understanding of the<br />

value of resilience in achieving individual and organizational wellness.<br />



Related Workshop: None<br />

Duration: 4 Hours<br />

Available: 2017/18 and onward<br />

Pre-requisite: None<br />

For: All Staff<br />

Description<br />

Every day we experience change. At times, it can seem daunting. However, one fact is certain: you already know how to<br />

deal with it. What is important is gaining the understanding that there is a specific process that you undergo during change.<br />

The more you understand it, the more you will come to know what to expect along the way. This workshop will help you<br />

anticipate change and adapt your responses in order to create a more satisfying experience. It will also build on change<br />

strategies you have used in the past so you are able to face change with confidence.<br />

<strong>Sunnybrook</strong> <strong>Leadership</strong> <strong>Institute</strong> Workshops: All Staff<br />




Related Workshop:<br />

• Conflict: Understanding Your Style<br />

Duration: 3 Hours<br />

Available: <strong>2016</strong>/17 and onward<br />

Pre-requisite: None<br />

For: All Staff<br />

Description<br />

Recognizing when there is conflict and identifying the sources underlying it are the first two steps in moving to resolution.<br />

This workshop will provide you with the knowledge and skills that will help you, through dialogue, to discover the sources<br />

of conflict for all parties. You will learn techniques that will help you to clarify the other person’s concerns, communicate<br />

your own, and apply strategies that can lead to a mutually agreed goal.<br />


EMAILS<br />

Related Workshop: None<br />

Duration: 20–25 Minutes<br />

Available: <strong>2016</strong>/17 and onward<br />

Pre-requisite: None<br />

For: All Staff<br />

Description<br />

Research tells us that a poorly worded email can not only misinform the recipient or misrepresent facts, it can also damage<br />

relationships and, in some cases, cause or escalate legal issues. With so many meetings and other demands on your time,<br />

you might be tempted to write an important email in an improper manner. This eLearning module will provide you with the<br />

tools needed to write your messages and ideas clearly and persuasively to colleagues and other stakeholders.<br />

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<strong>Sunnybrook</strong> <strong>Leadership</strong> <strong>Institute</strong> Workshops: All Staff

“<br />

Before you are a leader, success is all about<br />

growing yourself. When you become a leader,<br />

success is all about growing others.<br />

”<br />

— Jack Welch<br />

<strong>Sunnybrook</strong> <strong>Leadership</strong> <strong>Institute</strong> Workshops: All Staff<br />


<strong>Sunnybrook</strong> <strong>Leadership</strong><br />

<strong>Institute</strong> Workshops<br />

These workshops are for<br />

Emergent Leaders: Supervisors,<br />

Team Leaders, In-Charge Roles<br />

and Physicians.<br />

Developing and Advanced Leaders are<br />

welcome to attend.<br />


Related Workshop:<br />

• Peer Coaching in a Community<br />

of Practice<br />

Duration: 3 Hours<br />

Available: <strong>2016</strong>/17 and onward<br />

Pre-requisite: Foundations of Coaching Dialogue<br />

For: Emergent Leaders<br />

Description<br />

We face unique challenges of working as a coach leader in healthcare. Many coaching conversations happen on-the-go<br />

with patients, students, colleagues and teams. One of the myths of coaching is that different situations need different<br />

interventions. In this workshop, you will learn how a simple coaching process can help people move forward in their unique<br />

circumstances. You will also deepen your coaching skills through detailed practice and reflection.<br />


Duration: 90 Minutes<br />

Pre-requisite: None<br />

Available: <strong>2016</strong>/17 and onward For: Emergent Leaders<br />

Related Workshops:<br />

• Facilitating Meetings: How to<br />

get People Really Talking about<br />

What Is Really Important<br />

Description<br />

Sometimes it seems that so much time is spent in meetings that it becomes difficult to get other work done. A key part of<br />

having effective meetings is how well the chairperson plans the meeting, facilitates during it and follows up on key action<br />

items afterwards. Using <strong>Sunnybrook</strong>’s Board Committee, Guidelines for Presenters, this workshop will provide you with tools<br />

to reduce the amount of time spent in meetings and make them more productive.<br />

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<strong>Sunnybrook</strong> <strong>Leadership</strong> <strong>Institute</strong> Workshops: Emergent Leaders



Related Workshop:<br />

• Speech and Presence<br />

Duration: 3 Hours<br />

Available: 2018/19 and onward<br />

Pre-requisite: None<br />

For: Emergent Leaders<br />

Description<br />

Storytelling is a powerful tool that leaders and educators use to engage listeners and learners whether they are patients,<br />

families, staff or students. Stories can be based on past events, present situations or future projections. When training,<br />

teaching, sharing a vision or an idea, well-told stories call people to action. In this workshop, you will explore how to use<br />

storytelling to influence organizational culture, help others connect with a purpose, and build engagement.<br />




Related Workshop: None<br />

Duration: 3 Hours<br />

Available: <strong>2016</strong>/17 and onward<br />

Pre-requisite: Effective Meeting Management<br />

For: Emergent Leaders<br />

Description<br />

There are times after leading a meeting that we may feel there has been little engaged discussion in spite of our best<br />

efforts. Research indicates this happens when we focus on meeting outcomes and do not use effective team processes<br />

that encourages members to share information, handle conflict and make decisions. This session will provide you an<br />

understanding of how groups work in a meeting setting and how to create an environment that will build participation and<br />

dialogue.<br />

<strong>Sunnybrook</strong> <strong>Leadership</strong> <strong>Institute</strong> Workshops: Emergent Leaders<br />



Related Workshops:<br />

• Applied Coaching in Healthcare<br />

• Peer Coaching in a Community<br />

of Practice<br />

Duration: 7 Hours<br />

Available: <strong>2016</strong>/17 and onward<br />

Pre-requisite: Crucial Conversations<br />

For: Emergent Leaders<br />

Description<br />

In this workshop, you will examine how Solution-Focused dialogue can be a simple yet powerful tool in bringing about<br />

positive change within and among people. This workshop is specially designed so that you can coach in ten minutes or less<br />

just by using three simple types of questions. You will find this session to be highly hands-on and practical as it requires<br />

practice to develop fluency in learning the language of coaching.<br />



Duration: 4 Hours<br />

Available: <strong>2016</strong>/17 and onward<br />

For: Emergent Leaders<br />

Pre-requisite:<br />

Myers-Briggs Type Indicator:<br />

Developing Self-Awareness<br />

Related Workshop:<br />

• Developing Leader Self-Awareness<br />

using the Herrmann Brain<br />

Dominance Instrument (HBDI)<br />

Description<br />

Leading teams can be challenging and time consuming. Using your Myers-Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI) report, you will<br />

explore how your MBTI type influences your leadership style. In this workshop, you will have an opportunity to identify blind<br />

spots, leverage your type strengths, and create a leadership development plan. In addition, you will have an opportunity to<br />

consider how your followers may experience your leadership style and how you can adapt to others’ styles, as needed.<br />



Related Workshop:<br />

• Applied Coaching in Healthcare<br />

Duration: 3 Hours<br />

Available: 2017/18 and onward<br />

Pre-requisite: Foundations of Coaching Dialogue<br />

For: Emergent Leaders<br />

Description<br />

As part of integrating coaching skills, peer coaching in a community of practice enables people to learn with and from<br />

others by sharing wisdom from their own lived experiences. It is particularly useful for both applying and sustaining what is<br />

learned because it allows for experimentation of new ideas while integrating practical models. In this workshop, you will use<br />

the peer-coaching method to customize your learning including exchanging personalized feedback with your peers.<br />

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<strong>Sunnybrook</strong> <strong>Leadership</strong> <strong>Institute</strong> Workshops: Emergent Leaders



Related Workshop:<br />

• Influencer: Strategies for Leading<br />

Change<br />

Duration: 7 Hours<br />

Available: <strong>2016</strong>/17 and onward<br />

Pre-requisite: None<br />

For: Emergent Leaders<br />

Description<br />

Being a project manager is more than managing logistics, project deliverables, and a project schedule to complete the work<br />

on time. Being unofficial also means that it is equally important to have the ability and skills that inspire the team to contribute<br />

to the project success using your ‘informal authority’. This workshop will assist you to identify of the mindsets, skillsets,<br />

and toolsets that will assist you to consistently bring a project to successful completion.<br />


Related Workshop: None<br />

Duration: 7 Minutes<br />

Available: <strong>2016</strong>/17 and onward<br />

Pre-requisite: None<br />

For: Emergent Leaders<br />

Description<br />

Transforming a group of individuals into a cohesive team can feel like a huge challenge. In this on-line module, you will be<br />

presented with different models outlining the stages of team development. At the end of this eLearning module you will<br />

see how the models complement each other. As well, you will have ideas about what could be done at each stage of team<br />

development to help the group move towards becoming a fully functioning, high performing, and cohesive team.<br />

<strong>Sunnybrook</strong> <strong>Leadership</strong> <strong>Institute</strong> Workshops: Emergent Leaders<br />


<strong>Sunnybrook</strong> <strong>Leadership</strong><br />

<strong>Institute</strong> Workshops<br />

These Workshops are for<br />

Developing Leaders:<br />

Middle Management and<br />

Physicians.<br />

Advanced Leaders are welcome<br />

to attend.<br />


Duration: 7 Hours<br />

Pre-requisite: None<br />

Available: <strong>2016</strong>/17 and onward For: Developing Leaders<br />

Related Workshops:<br />

• Crucial Conversations<br />

• Influencer: Strategies<br />

for Leading Change<br />

• Project Management<br />

Essentials for the Unofficial<br />

Manager<br />

Description<br />

Remember the days when we spoke about change as something that had a beginning and an end? Now, we live in a world<br />

of constant change. In this workshop, you will learn about the evolving theory of change and explore a scalable model that<br />

you can apply to any size of change initiative, from simple to complex. Bring either a change project that you are about to<br />

introduce or one from the past that did not turn out as well as you had hoped.<br />



Related Workshops:<br />

• Crucial Conversations<br />

• Emotional Intelligence<br />

for Leaders<br />

Duration: 90 Minutes<br />

Available: <strong>2016</strong>/17 and onward<br />

Pre-requisite: Emotional Intelligence (EI)<br />

For: Developing Leaders<br />

Description<br />

The field of healthcare is charged with emotions. When responding to unforeseen situations and tremendous pressures<br />

leaders are challenged to recognize their emotional triggers and regulate their emotional expression at work. In this<br />

workshop, you will further enhance your understanding of how emotional intelligence strategies can help you to selfmanage<br />

in pressured situations and manage stress in a healthy way, while sustaining your sense of wellbeing and resilience.<br />

26<br />

<strong>Sunnybrook</strong> <strong>Leadership</strong> <strong>Institute</strong> Workshops: Developing Leaders



Related Workshop: None<br />

Duration: 4 Hours<br />

Available: 2018/19 and onward<br />

Pre-requisite: None<br />

For: Developing Leaders<br />

Description<br />

One of the key roles of a leader in a modern healthcare organization is to make robust choices. Often these choices<br />

inevitably involve competing priorities and tension among many variables within a complex organizational fabric. In this<br />

workshop, you will learn how to leverage seemingly disparate knowledge in order to build creative resolutions.<br />



Duration: 7 Hours<br />

Available: 2018/19 and onward<br />

Pre-requisite: Crucial Conversations<br />

For: Developing Leaders<br />

Related Workshops:<br />

• Emotional Intelligence (EI)<br />

• Foundations of Coaching<br />

Dialogue<br />

Description<br />

You negotiate every day. It may be with patients, families, vendors, colleagues, your manager or direct reports. In successful<br />

negotiations, the needs of all parties are explored. This means there is two-way communication, expectations are expressed,<br />

possibilities are generated, and the best outcome is achieved without damage to relationships. In this workshop, you will<br />

learn and practice the skills you need to become a win-win negotiator.<br />

<strong>Sunnybrook</strong> <strong>Leadership</strong> <strong>Institute</strong> Workshops: Developing Leaders<br />



Related Workshop:<br />

• Crucial Conversations<br />

Duration: 2 Hours<br />

Available: <strong>2016</strong>/17 and onward<br />

Pre-requisite: None<br />

For: Developing Leaders<br />

Description<br />

The <strong>Leadership</strong> and Coaching Ability competency in our Performance Management Program encourages all leaders to<br />

initiate career conversations with their direct reports. These conversations will help your direct report to identify strengths<br />

and interests, to seek out and develop skills and confidence and, at the same time, to see a future at <strong>Sunnybrook</strong>. You will<br />

leave this workshop with a greater understanding of how to have this type of conversation - one that encourages trust, Self-<br />

Awareness, and the discovery of opportunities for growth.<br />


Related Workshops:<br />

• Crucial Conversations Applied<br />

Duration: 7 Hours<br />

Available: <strong>2016</strong>/17 and onward<br />

Pre-requisite: Crucial Conversations<br />

For: Developing Leaders<br />

Description<br />

There are times when holding another person accountable for performance gaps, unmet expectations, and broken promises<br />

or commitments cannot be delayed, no matter the person’s position or temperament. Building on the skills acquired in<br />

Crucial Conversations, you will explore how to clearly and concisely address these situations. In this workshop, you will<br />

investigate approaches to help you focus on meaningful natural consequences when performance gaps and problems are<br />

not resolved.<br />

Strongly Recommended: Attendance at “Crucial Accountability Applied” within six months<br />


Duration: 3 Hours<br />

Pre-requisites:<br />

Available: <strong>2016</strong>/17 and onward • Crucial Accountability<br />

For: Developing Leaders<br />

• Crucial Conversations Applied<br />

• Crucial Conversations<br />

Related Workshops:<br />

• Conflict: Understanding Your<br />

Style<br />

• Developing Positive<br />

Assertiveness<br />

• Understanding and Resolving<br />

Conflict<br />

Description<br />

Building on the skills acquired in the Crucial Conversations and Crucial Accountability workshops, you will further explore<br />

how to have a critical dialogue in situations when agreed-upon expectations are not met. In this workshop, you will have<br />

the opportunity to practice the skills needed to address performance gaps in scenarios based on real-life situations. This<br />

practice will enable you to build your competence and confidence to have effective and respectful conversations about<br />

accountability at work.<br />

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<strong>Sunnybrook</strong> <strong>Leadership</strong> <strong>Institute</strong> Workshops: Developing Leaders



Related Workshop:<br />

• Crucial Conversations<br />

Duration: 14 Hours<br />

Available: <strong>2016</strong>/17 and onward<br />

Pre-requisite: None<br />

For: Developing Leaders<br />

Description<br />

Influencing change, whether personal, social or organizational, depends on your ability to diagnose the causes preventing<br />

you, your team or the organization from implementing sustainable change. This workshop will focus on the six sources of<br />

influence as identified by VitalSmarts®. This research reveals that change is ten times more likely to be achieved when using<br />

all six sources. Your skill and confidence to lead sustainable change will be enhanced by identifying and implementing highleverage<br />

behaviours that lead to desired results.<br />


Duration: 4 Hours<br />

Pre-requisite: None<br />

Available: 2017/18 and onward For: Developing Leaders<br />

Related Workshops:<br />

• Emotional Intelligence (EI)<br />

• Foundations of Coaching<br />

Dialogue<br />

Description<br />

Today’s leaders are asked to do more with fewer resources. In addition, they are expected to coach and mentor employees<br />

and at the same time navigate diverse and sometimes conflicting expectations. How you respond defines how others see<br />

you as a leader. In this workshop, you will develop your leadership vision and explore how to practice it mindfully so you can<br />

demonstrate your vision in everyday interactions. The benefit: you will keep your leadership compass pointed in the right<br />

direction.<br />


Related Workshop:<br />

• Transforming a Group to a Team<br />

Duration: 4 Hours<br />

Available: 2017/18 and onward<br />

Pre-requisite: Crucial Conversations<br />

For: Developing Leaders<br />

Description<br />

How do you determine your team’s effectiveness? Do you use metrics that measure productivity or do you gauge it by<br />

how well everyone on the team gets along? There are many ways to evaluate teams; it depends on how you want to use the<br />

results. This workshop will examine different team effectiveness measuring instruments and how to use the results to build<br />

team engagement for continuous improvement. In preparation, you will be asked to participate in three team assessment<br />

tools.<br />

<strong>Sunnybrook</strong> <strong>Leadership</strong> <strong>Institute</strong> Workshops: Developing Leaders<br />




Related Workshop: None<br />

Duration: 7 Hours<br />

Available: <strong>2016</strong>/17 and onward<br />

For: Developing Leaders<br />

Pre-requisite: The Power Within:<br />

Building Personal Resilience for Health<br />

Care Professionals<br />

Description<br />

This workshop is a second part to The Power Within workshop. With a focus on practical applications of resilience at work,<br />

you will use a real case as a mini-project in class. The mini-project will help you put your ideas into practice of how to<br />

increase adaptability in designing organizational processes and structure. In this workshop, you will develop a clear picture<br />

of what a mindful leader does to build an intentional space with embedded resilience.<br />


Related Workshop: None<br />

Duration: 2 Hours<br />

Available: 2018/19 and onward<br />

Pre-requisite: None<br />

For: Developing Leaders<br />

Description<br />

Networking is one of the most powerful tools to support personal and organizational success. In this workshop, you will<br />

review tips on how to network with others, internally and externally, in a way that is comfortable and natural. By the end<br />

of the workshop you’ll have everything you need to get out there and establish meaningful and productive relationships to<br />

support you, your team and the organization.<br />


Related Workshop: None<br />

Duration: 3 Hours<br />

Available: 2017 and onward<br />

Pre-requisite: None<br />

For: Developing Leaders<br />

Description<br />

Strategic thinking involves being able to apply “possibility thinking” to every situation. It is not about doing “business as<br />

usual” but rather pushing the envelope to see what can be done smarter and what else can be done “instead of”, or as an<br />

“add on”. The workshop focuses on the ability to ask the right questions in order to see beyond today and to anticipate<br />

the future. Participants will practice these skills to gather and synthesize data. This new knowledge will help you identify<br />

opportunities in your environment.<br />

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<strong>Sunnybrook</strong> <strong>Leadership</strong> <strong>Institute</strong> Workshops: Developing Leaders


<strong>Sunnybrook</strong> <strong>Leadership</strong><br />

<strong>Institute</strong> Workshops<br />

These workshops are<br />

for Advanced Leaders:<br />

Directors, Senior Leaders<br />

and Physicians<br />


Related Workshop: None<br />

Duration: 3 Hours<br />

Available: <strong>2016</strong>/17 and onward<br />

Pre-requisite: None<br />

For: Advanced Leaders<br />

Description<br />

Do you want to harness positive power to set in motion positive ripples of confidence, energy, enthusiasm, and performance<br />

at work? In this workshop, you will explore the five elements of appreciative leadership that increases your capacity to<br />

discover, magnify, and connect what is good and healthy in people and in the world around them. This workshop will be<br />

particularly useful for deepening your empathy, inspiring transformation, and mobilizing positive innovation when working<br />

with others.<br />




(HBDI)<br />

Related Workshops:<br />

• Myers-Briggs Type Indicator<br />

(MBTI): Leading Others<br />

Duration: 4 Hours<br />

Available: <strong>2016</strong>/17 and onward<br />

For: Advanced Leaders<br />

Pre-requisite:<br />

Myers-Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI):<br />

Developing Self-Awareness<br />

Description<br />

The Herrmann Brain Dominance Instrument (HBDI) offers you a unique way of understanding yourself. Based on research<br />

of the brain, it is a useful companion to the MBTI assessment tool. It will help you further explore how you innately prefer to<br />

learn, work and communicate. As part of this workshop, you will receive your own HBDI profile that will help you to<br />

understand your preferences, adapt your thinking in different settings, and develop strategies for self-improvement.<br />

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<strong>Sunnybrook</strong> <strong>Leadership</strong> <strong>Institute</strong> Workshops: Advanced Leaders


Related Workshop:<br />

• Applied Emotional<br />

Intelligence in Healthcare<br />

Duration: 3 Hours<br />

Available: 2017/18 and onward<br />

Pre-requisite: Emotional Intelligence (EI)<br />

For: Advanced Leaders<br />

Description<br />

Building on the general emotional intelligence concepts, this workshop focuses on its implication on leadership behaviour<br />

and emotional competencies. Emotional Intelligence (EI) is introduced as competencies that can be measured and<br />

developed using assessment tools such as EQ-i 2.0 and EQ-i <strong>Leadership</strong>. Participants will have an opportunity to debrief<br />

their assessment results in depth.<br />


Duration: 3 Hours<br />

Pre-requisite: None<br />

Available: 2018/19 and onward For: Advanced Leaders<br />

Related Workshop:<br />

• Engaging Others through<br />

Storytelling<br />

Description<br />

One of the most sought-after characteristics of the 21st-century leader is to be an effective speaker who can communicate<br />

key messages with clarity, confidence, and congruence. Like any skill, effective speaking can be learned and developed<br />

with systematic practice that focuses on the core skills of the craft. Based on concepts from the performing arts and<br />

communication theory, you will learn how to construct and deliver a compelling message. There will also be video-recording<br />

of individual presentations, real-time feedback, and reflection.<br />

<strong>Sunnybrook</strong> <strong>Leadership</strong> <strong>Institute</strong> Workshops: Advanced Leaders<br />



Related Workshop: None<br />

Duration: 3 Hours<br />

Available: 2018/19 and onward<br />

Pre-requisite: None<br />

For: Advanced Leaders<br />

Description<br />

A pre-requisite for great leadership is a solid foundation of personal values, principles, and ethics while also<br />

demonstrating the organization’s values. Effective leaders develop a strong value-based culture that strengthens<br />

their own performance and those who are within their sphere of influence. In this workshop, you will discover ways<br />

to identify and align personal and organizational values. This knowledge will help you to make critical decisions while<br />

simultaneously establishing your leadership legacy.<br />

34<br />

<strong>Sunnybrook</strong> <strong>Leadership</strong> <strong>Institute</strong> Workshops: Advanced Leaders

<strong>Sunnybrook</strong> <strong>Leadership</strong> <strong>Institute</strong> Workshops: Advanced Leaders<br />


Certificate Programs<br />

Developing Nurse Leaders Program (DNLP) ..............<br />

Educator Development Program ...................................<br />

Emergent Leaders Development<br />

Program (ELDP): Making the Transition ......................<br />

37<br />

38<br />

39<br />

iLead Quality and Patient Safety:<br />

Advanced Program ...................................................<br />

<strong>Leadership</strong> Certificate Program .............................<br />

Management Excellence Program (MExP) ..........<br />

42<br />

43<br />

44<br />

Facilitator Development Program .................................<br />

iLead Quality and Patient Safety:<br />

Fundamentals Program ....................................................<br />

40<br />

41<br />

Teaching for Learning and Collaboration (TLC)<br />

Program, Centre for Faculty Development,<br />

University of Toronto ................................................<br />

45<br />

36<br />

<strong>Sunnybrook</strong> <strong>Leadership</strong> <strong>Institute</strong> Certificate Programs


The Developing Nurse Leaders Program is a commitment by <strong>Sunnybrook</strong> to prepare nurses to competently and confidently<br />

assume the responsibilities of this entry-level Nurse Leader role. Through a partnership with Nursing Education and<br />

Organizational Development & <strong>Leadership</strong>, our emergent nurse leaders have the opportunity to explore the leadership and<br />

operational responsibilities of this role.<br />

Duration: 7 days over 4 consecutive weeks<br />

Classroom Hours: 49<br />

Program Summary<br />

Learning activities include classroom sessions, simulation, job<br />

shadowing, manager coaching, and a learning development plan.<br />

Participants will have the opportunity to explore the knowledge and skill<br />

needed to:<br />

• Communicate effectively by adjusting to the different personalities<br />

and needs of individuals and team<br />

• Respond proactively to conflict and problem situations by self-managing<br />

personal style and by facilitating individual and team discussions<br />

to achieve resolution<br />

• Address responsibilities related to the Occupational Health & Safety<br />

Act; proactively manage safety situations<br />

• Explore how Human Resources policies and collective agreements<br />

apply to leading a team<br />

• Develop, refine and apply classroom learning to realistic clinical<br />

situations in a safe learning environment<br />

Available:<br />

3 times per academic year<br />

For:<br />

Registered Nurses (RNs) in roles such<br />

as Team Leader, Clinical Care Leader,<br />

Patient Care Coordinator or Charge<br />

Nurse<br />

Recognition:<br />

• Developing Nurse Leaders Program<br />

Certificate;<br />

• Name added to <strong>Sunnybrook</strong><br />

<strong>Leadership</strong> <strong>Institute</strong> Plaque;<br />

• Invitation to <strong>Sunnybrook</strong><br />

<strong>Leadership</strong> <strong>Institute</strong> Graduation<br />

Ceremony.<br />

Registration:<br />

Participation in this program is by<br />

invitation. If you are interested in this<br />

program, speak to your manager.<br />

<strong>Sunnybrook</strong> <strong>Leadership</strong> <strong>Institute</strong> Certificate Programs<br />



This series was developed to enhance teaching and education practice of educators who work with students,<br />

colleagues and/or patients. Each workshop addresses the fundamentals of teaching and learning competencies as<br />

defined by The <strong>Institute</strong> for Performance and Learning (formerly the Canadian Society for Training and Development -<br />

CSTD). This series presents a balance of theory, practice and application to create an interactive learning space for the<br />

participants.<br />

Duration: Five 90-minute workshops plus a final brief presentation. Modules can be taken individually or as a series.<br />

The final presentation can only be delivered after completion of the five modules. All modules must be completed<br />

within a two-year period.<br />

Classroom Hours: 9.5<br />

Program Summary<br />

Each session includes interactive delivery of theoretical content and<br />

pre- and post-work for each module. Participants are encouraged to<br />

bring a small learning project (or part of one) so that learning can be<br />

applied immediately.<br />

Program Modules<br />

1. Assessing Learning Needs: Identify learning needs accurately<br />

and effectively by developing appropriate questions in class to<br />

inform the design and delivery of their training.<br />

2. Designing: Write learner-centred outcomes that are supported<br />

by appropriate learning methods that enhance learning.<br />

Available:<br />

Series will be available at least once per<br />

academic year.<br />

For:<br />

Staff, Leaders and Physicians who teach<br />

students, colleagues and/or patients.<br />

Recognition:<br />

• Educator Development Certificate;<br />

• Invitation to <strong>Sunnybrook</strong> <strong>Leadership</strong><br />

<strong>Institute</strong> Graduation.<br />

3. Facilitating: Describe how to create a comfortable learning<br />

environment that effectively involves learners.<br />

4. Supporting Transfer of Learning: Identify a range of appropriate<br />

learning activities and resources that further enhance and sustain<br />

learning during and after the training.<br />

Registration:<br />

To register, for each module go to<br />

myEducation.<br />

5. Evaluating: Explore how evaluation principles and practices<br />

may be used to capture both intended and unintended learning<br />

(outcomes) and calibrate current teaching strategies to meet<br />

emerging learning objectives.<br />

6. Individual Presentation: Celebrate and present highlights of<br />

what you learned in the learning process with fellow participants<br />

in a safe and warm environment.<br />

38<br />

<strong>Sunnybrook</strong> <strong>Leadership</strong> <strong>Institute</strong> Certificate Programs



The Emergent Leaders Development Program (ELDP), formally known as Supervisor <strong>Leadership</strong> Development<br />

Program (SLDP), is designed as an orientation for staff transitioning into a first-time or entry-level leadership position<br />

in non-nursing roles. This training will assist new leaders to successfully transition to a more formal supervisory<br />

position. The focus of all sessions is on the development of leadership, and operational skills and abilities, to prepare<br />

the leader to confidently and competently assume the responsibilities of the role.<br />

Duration: Once per week for 9 consecutive days.<br />

Classroom Hours: 56<br />

Program Summary<br />

Learning activities include classroom sessions, journaling, manager<br />

coaching and pre-reading. Throughout the program, time will be<br />

allocated to work on small group learning projects. Groups will meet<br />

to prepare a presentation that is a synthesis of what was learned<br />

throughout the program to address a specific shared leadership<br />

challenge that is chosen by the group. During the program, there will<br />

be the opportunity to explore the knowledge and skills needed to:<br />

• Communicate effectively by adjusting to the different<br />

personalities and needs of individuals and teams<br />

• Provide, and respond to, feedback for improving performance<br />

and working relationships<br />

• Respond proactively to conflict and problem situations by selfmanaging<br />

personal style and by facilitating individual and team<br />

discussions to achieve resolution<br />

• Assess the personal and organizational impacts of change and<br />

apply strategies to lessen them<br />

• Address responsibilities related to the Occupational Health &<br />

Safety Act; proactively manage safety situations<br />

• Become familiar with collective agreements and explore the<br />

relevant Human Resources Policies that influence how the team<br />

works together<br />

Available:<br />

Once per academic year.<br />

For:<br />

Emergent Leaders, specifically<br />

supervisors, team leads and coordinators,<br />

in non-clinical departments and nonnursing<br />

programs.<br />

Recognition:<br />

• Emergent <strong>Leadership</strong> Development<br />

Program Certificate;<br />

• Name on <strong>Sunnybrook</strong> <strong>Leadership</strong><br />

<strong>Institute</strong> Plaque;<br />

• Invitation to the the <strong>Sunnybrook</strong><br />

<strong>Leadership</strong> <strong>Institute</strong> Graduation.<br />

Registration:<br />

Participation in this program is by<br />

invitation from your manager. If you are<br />

interested in this program, speak to your<br />

manager.<br />

<strong>Sunnybrook</strong> <strong>Leadership</strong> <strong>Institute</strong> Certificate Programs<br />



This series has been developed to support and enhance in-class facilitation skills for the instructors teaching in the SLI<br />

programs. It is intended to refresh facilitation skills with dynamic and practical topics intended to equip the SLI in-class<br />

instructors and facilitators to engage learners on a whole new level.<br />

Duration: Five modules, two hours in length. Modules can be taken separately or as a series.<br />

Classroom Hours: 10<br />

Program Summary<br />

The program consists of five modules, each two hours in length.<br />

Modules may include pre-workshop readings, highly interactive<br />

delivery of practical content, live feedback on simulations, group<br />

discussion, and reflections.<br />

Program Modules<br />

1. Inquiry Based Facilitation: 12 Different Ways to Respond to<br />

Questions: Explore creative ways of responding to questions<br />

that promote inquiry and self-directed learning from participants.<br />

2. Feedback: How to Elicit and Exchange Useful Feedback in<br />

Class: Seek, elicit and exchange feedback in class through<br />

experiential learning.<br />

3. 3 Keys of Facilitating for Transformation: Reflection, Inquiry,<br />

and Storytelling: Engage in mixed methods of delivery and<br />

reflection to learn how to construct relevant stories to illustrate<br />

learning points.<br />

4. Facilitator’s Presence: Voice, Stance, and Space: Experiment<br />

with different voicing and stance options often used in theatrical<br />

performance to refine presence as a facilitator.<br />

Available:<br />

Complete series will be offered<br />

throughout the academic year.<br />

For:<br />

Developing Leaders: Specifically for<br />

instructors who would like to enhance<br />

in-class facilitation skills. SLI workshop<br />

instructors will be considered first for the<br />

registration.<br />

Recognition:<br />

• Facilitator Development Certificate;<br />

• Invitation to <strong>Sunnybrook</strong> <strong>Leadership</strong><br />

<strong>Institute</strong> Graduation.<br />

Registration:<br />

To register for each module, go to<br />

myEducation.<br />

5. Emergent Curriculum Design: Balancing Learning Plan and<br />

Teaching Plan: Elicit and maintain generative learning space<br />

with tools and techniques from speech performance including<br />

improvisation, coaching and flipped classroom.<br />

40 <strong>Sunnybrook</strong> <strong>Leadership</strong> <strong>Institute</strong> Certificate Programs


Quality and Patient Safety has developed this introductory program for any staff who wish to learn how to contribute<br />

to effective and sustainable quality improvement (QI). This program equips participants with the knowledge and skills<br />

to identify, develop, implement and measure simple and effective quality and patient safety initiatives.<br />

Duration: There is no time limit for completing the iLead Course requirements.<br />

Classroom Hours: Approximately 31 hours<br />

Program Requirements:<br />

To complete this program, participants must complete 4.5 course<br />

credits (3 mandatory + 1.5 electives) and engage in an independent<br />

QI Activity.<br />

Available:<br />

Workshops are offered annually<br />

throughout the academic year.<br />

Compulsory Workshops*:<br />

• iLead: Model for Improvement (7 hours, 1.0 credit)<br />

• iLead: Change Management for Improvement (7 hours, 1.0 credit)<br />

• iLead: Measurement for Quality Improvement (4 hours, 1.0 credit)<br />

Electives*:<br />

• iLead: Tools for Quality Improvement (4 hours, 0.5 credit)<br />

• iLead: Patient Safety Basics (7 hours, 1.0 credit)<br />

• iLead: Lean Healthcare (4 hours, 1.0 credit)<br />

• iLead: Human Factors Principles (4 hours, 1.0 credit)<br />

iLead Independent QI Activity:<br />

For:<br />

All staff, leaders and physicians<br />

Recognition:<br />

• iLead Quality and Patient Safety<br />

Fundamentals Certificate;<br />

• Access to ongoing quality<br />

and patient safety education,<br />

symposiums and conferences;<br />

• Photo displayed on Department of<br />

Quality and Patient Safety Wall of<br />

Graduates.<br />

Registration:<br />

To register for each workshop, go to<br />

myEducation.<br />

The purpose of this activity is to expose participants to the various<br />

opportunities to participate in and lead quality and patient safety<br />

improvement work. Participants will have the opportunity to shadow<br />

or engage in local or hospital-wide activities.<br />

*Please go to myEducation for workshop descriptions<br />

<strong>Sunnybrook</strong> <strong>Leadership</strong> <strong>Institute</strong> Certificate Programs<br />



Quality and Patient Safety, in partnership with the <strong>Sunnybrook</strong> <strong>Leadership</strong> <strong>Institute</strong>, has developed this advanced-level<br />

program for any staff who wish to lead a change initiative in their daily work. This program equips participants with the<br />

knowledge and skills to engage in effective and sustainable quality improvement (QI) with their team, unit, department<br />

or across the organization.<br />

Duration: There is no time limit for completing the iLead Course requirements.<br />

Classroom Hours: Approximately 72 hours<br />

Program Requirements:<br />

To complete this program, participants must complete 6.5 course<br />

credits (4.5 mandatory + 2.0 electives) and engage in an independent<br />

QI Activity.<br />

Available:<br />

Workshops are offered annually<br />

throughout the academic year.<br />

Compulsory Workshops*:<br />

• iLead: Sustainability & Spread (7 hours, 1.0 credit)<br />

• iLead Measurement for QI – Part II (4 hours, 0.5 credit)<br />

• iLead Failure Modes & Effects Analysis (7 hours, 1.0 credit)<br />

• iLead Canadian Incident Analysis Framework (7 hours, 1.0 credits)<br />

Electives*:<br />

• iLead Complexity, Reliability and High Reliability Organizations<br />

(7 hours, 1.0 credit)<br />

• Coaching for Improvement (4 hours, 0.5 credit)<br />

<strong>Sunnybrook</strong> <strong>Leadership</strong> <strong>Institute</strong> (SLI)<br />

Core Workshops:<br />

• Crucial Conversations (14 hours, 1.0 hours)<br />

• Cultural Intelligence (4 hours, 0.5 credit)<br />

For:<br />

All staff, leaders and physicians<br />

Recognition:<br />

• iLead Quality and Patient Safety<br />

Advanced Certificate;<br />

• Name added to <strong>Sunnybrook</strong><br />

<strong>Leadership</strong> <strong>Institute</strong> Plaque;<br />

• Invitation to <strong>Sunnybrook</strong> <strong>Leadership</strong><br />

<strong>Institute</strong> Graduation Ceremony;<br />

• Access to ongoing quality<br />

and patient safety education,<br />

symposiums and conferences;<br />

• Photo displayed on Department of<br />

Quality and Patient Safety Wall of<br />

Graduates.<br />

Registration:<br />

To register for each workshop, go to<br />

myEducation.<br />

• Emotional Intelligence (EI) (7 hours, 1.0 credit)<br />

• Myers-Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI): Developing Self-Awareness<br />

(3 hours, 0.5 credit)<br />

iLead Independent QI Activity:<br />

The purpose of this activity is to expose participants to the various<br />

opportunities to participate in and lead quality and patient safety<br />

improvement work. Participants will have the opportunity to shadow<br />

or engage in local or hospital-wide activities.<br />

*Please go to myEducation for workshop descriptions<br />

42<br />

<strong>Sunnybrook</strong> <strong>Leadership</strong> <strong>Institute</strong> Certificate Programs


This program is an opportunity for emergent, developing and advanced leaders to develop their ability to influence<br />

others by building respectful relationships and trust. Starting with the foundation of increasing self-awareness,<br />

participants can choose from a number of workshops that explore effective communication, conflict resolution,<br />

change management, strategy and coaching skills. At the end of this program, they will have better understanding of<br />

how to lead themselves, others, teams and organizations.<br />

Duration: Participants must complete the four <strong>Sunnybrook</strong> <strong>Leadership</strong> <strong>Institute</strong>’s core workshops plus an additional 20<br />

hours of workshops within a 3-year period. See below for more information.<br />

Classroom Hours: 45<br />

Program Summary<br />

This program requires the completion of four core SLI workshops,<br />

which provide a foundation of leadership. In addition, participants<br />

must complete a minimum of 20 hours of workshops chosen from<br />

emergent, developing and/or advanced streams that align with the<br />

participants formal leadership role.<br />

<strong>Sunnybrook</strong> <strong>Leadership</strong> <strong>Institute</strong> (SLI) Core Workshops:<br />

• Crucial Conversations (14 hours)<br />

• Cultural Intelligence (4 hours)<br />

• Emotional Intelligence (EI) (4 hours)<br />

• Myers-Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI): Developing Self-<br />

Awareness (3 hours)<br />

Available:<br />

Workshops are offered throughout the<br />

academic year.<br />

For:<br />

Emergent, Developing and Advanced<br />

Leaders.<br />

Note: Managers may nominate staff<br />

to participate in a workshop from a<br />

leadership stream that is higher than their<br />

current role. Please contact<br />

leadership.institute@sunnybrook.ca<br />

for more information.<br />

Electives:<br />

Please refer to the Emergent, Developing and Advanced leadership<br />

workshops starting on page 16.<br />

Recognition:<br />

• <strong>Leadership</strong> Program Certificate;<br />

• Name added to <strong>Sunnybrook</strong><br />

<strong>Leadership</strong> <strong>Institute</strong> Plaque;<br />

• Invitation to <strong>Sunnybrook</strong> <strong>Leadership</strong><br />

<strong>Institute</strong> Graduation Ceremony.<br />

Registration<br />

To register go to myEducation.<br />

<strong>Sunnybrook</strong> <strong>Leadership</strong> <strong>Institute</strong> Certificate Programs<br />



This program is designed to provide insights and coaching for those moving into a new role as a manager. Key<br />

concepts, practices and practical tools will be provided in addition to the opportunity to build networks and receive<br />

coaching to support success.<br />

Duration: 9 days over 8 weeks, 3-month check-in and 6-month final presentation.<br />

Classroom Hours: 63<br />

Program Summary<br />

This program consists of four modules plus three month check-in<br />

after last day of class. There will also be an action learning project<br />

presentation six months after last day of class where key learnings<br />

will be shared.<br />

Program Modules<br />

1. Introduction & Strategy: Learn about <strong>Sunnybrook</strong>’s Strategic<br />

Plan, and how to align multi-year operating plans to the strategy.<br />

2. Operations: Get hands on practice in budgeting, procurement,<br />

quality and patient safety.<br />

3. Talent & Performance Management: Explore day-to-day people<br />

management responsibilities in the context of <strong>Sunnybrook</strong>’s<br />

Talent Management Strategy.<br />

4. <strong>Leadership</strong> and Team Effectiveness: Create a personal<br />

leadership vision and build your influence, conflict management<br />

skills, and coaching skills.<br />

Available:<br />

Offered once per academic year.<br />

For:<br />

Developing Leaders, specifically managers<br />

or directors who are either new<br />

to their role or new to <strong>Sunnybrook</strong> (i.e.<br />

within 18 months of the program start<br />

date) and have direct reports, budget,<br />

and performance<br />

accountability.<br />

Recognition:<br />

• Management Excellence Program<br />

(MExP) Certificate;<br />

• Name added to <strong>Sunnybrook</strong><br />

<strong>Leadership</strong> <strong>Institute</strong> Plaque;<br />

• Invitation to <strong>Sunnybrook</strong> <strong>Leadership</strong><br />

<strong>Institute</strong> Graduation Ceremony.<br />

Registration:<br />

1. Participation in this program is by<br />

invitation from your manager.<br />

2. Experienced managers and directors<br />

may register to attend individual<br />

modules by contacting<br />

leadership.institute@sunnybrook.ca<br />

44 <strong>Sunnybrook</strong> <strong>Leadership</strong> <strong>Institute</strong> Certificate Programs



Through a partnership with the University of Toronto and <strong>Sunnybrook</strong> <strong>Leadership</strong> <strong>Institute</strong>, the TLC program provides a<br />

series of workshops for clinical educators interested in further developing their teaching skills. Specifically, the program<br />

provides clinicians with skills and abilities to effectively teach and evaluate students in various settings.<br />

Duration: With the exception of Module 1, all other modules can be taken separately. <strong>Sunnybrook</strong> <strong>Leadership</strong> <strong>Institute</strong><br />

(SLI) core workshops can also be taken in any order within a two year period.<br />

Classroom Hours: 37<br />

Program Summary<br />

The program consists of six in-class sessions. These sessions are two<br />

hours in duration, where each includes pre-workshops, interactive<br />

delivery of theoretical models, reviewing video teaching simulations,<br />

role plays and ongoing feedback. In addition, in order to achieve<br />

recognition on the SLI plaque, participants must also take the SLI<br />

core workshops.<br />

Program Modules<br />

1. Setting the Educational Climate: Explore how the educational<br />

climate can enhance or limit learning.<br />

2. Identifying Learner Needs and Setting Objectives: Formulate<br />

learning objectives after following the process of identifying the<br />

learner’s needs.<br />

3. Making Learning Stick: Identify behaviours necessary to enhance<br />

learning.<br />

4. Managing the Teaching Session: Effectively lead group teaching<br />

sessions.<br />

5. Checking In: Explore behaviours necessary for confirming<br />

learning.<br />

6. Giving and Receiving Feedback: Discover behaviours related to<br />

giving effective feedback.<br />

Available:<br />

Series will be available over an 8-month<br />

period.<br />

For:<br />

For all staff, leaders and physicians who<br />

want to develop their clinical teaching<br />

skills.<br />

Recognition:<br />

• Teaching for Learning &<br />

Collaboration Certificate;<br />

• Invitation to <strong>Sunnybrook</strong> <strong>Leadership</strong><br />

<strong>Institute</strong> Graduation Ceremony;<br />

• Name added to <strong>Sunnybrook</strong><br />

<strong>Leadership</strong> <strong>Institute</strong> Plaque, if SLI<br />

core workshops are also completed.<br />

Registration:<br />

To register for each module, go to<br />

myEducation.<br />

<strong>Sunnybrook</strong> <strong>Leadership</strong> <strong>Institute</strong> (SLI)<br />

Core Workshops:<br />

• Crucial Conversations (14 hours)<br />

• Cultural Intelligence (4 hours)<br />

• Emotional Intelligence (EI) (4 hours)<br />

• Myers-Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI): Developing Self-Awareness<br />

(3 hours)<br />

<strong>Sunnybrook</strong> <strong>Leadership</strong> <strong>Institute</strong> Certificate Programs<br />


Other Workshops<br />

Effective Meetings and Presentations<br />

eLearning Modules ..................................................... 50<br />

eLearning Design and Development<br />

Workshops ................................................................... 47<br />

Financial Planning: Start Early! ............................... 48<br />

Health and Wellness Workshops ............................ 48<br />

Internationally Educated Professionals (IEP)<br />

Workshops ................................................................... 49<br />

Effective Meetings and Presentations<br />

eLearning Modules ..................................................... 50<br />

Patient Administrative Associate (PAA)<br />

Education ..................................................................... 51<br />

Patient Administrative Associate (PAA)<br />

Review Day .................................................................. 52<br />

Patient Service Partner (PSP) Training ................. 53<br />

Patient Service Partner (PSP) Workshop:<br />

Working Together on a Patient Care Unit ............ 54<br />

Personality Dimensions ............................................. 54<br />

Preparing for Retirement Workshops ................... 55<br />

46<br />

Other Workshops


Duration: 9 classroom hours plus 16 hours of coaching and peer support<br />

Available: Workshops offered up to 3 times per year<br />

For: All Staff<br />

The purpose of these workshops is to enable departments to design, develop and implement online learning modules<br />

specific to their needs. Participants will experience and learn about adult learning and eLearning design principles. In<br />

addition, industry standards and best practices will be explored and all learners will receive course template samples.<br />

Using a centralized and decentralized design cycle, the following workshops are provided:<br />

Instructional Design<br />

• Adapt the eLearning Design process for asynchronous eLearning content<br />

• Scope the requirement of your eLearning module, including accessibility<br />

• Write effective evaluation questions aligned to the learning outcome<br />

Storyboarding in Microsoft PowerPoint<br />

• Create an ideal template to support the look and feel of the learning content<br />

• Customize learning content using graphics and animation<br />

Designing in Articulate Studio (Putting it all together)<br />

• Explore design strategies using our eLearning authoring tool of choice<br />

To register for each workshop go to myEducation<br />

Other Workshops<br />



Duration: 3 Hours<br />

Available: Offered once per academic year<br />

For: All Staff<br />

It’s never too soon to plan for your financial future. This workshop is presented by experts from:<br />

• HOOPP – learn how the plan works and how to maximize your benefits. Everyone, particularly newer members,<br />

will benefit.<br />

• Service Canada – find out about the Canada Pension Plan (CPP) and Old Age Security (OAS).<br />

• Financial Planning – learn about the key issues facing people in their working years; RRSPs, TFSAs and RESPs; basic<br />

concepts of investment management, and the key elements in a solid, simple financial ‘game plan’.<br />

To register go to myEducation<br />


Duration: 1-2 Hours<br />

Available: Offered 8 times annually<br />

For: All Staff<br />

At <strong>Sunnybrook</strong>, we recognize that our staff provides the care and service that enables our reputation for excellence.<br />

Organizational Development and <strong>Leadership</strong> (OD&L) is pleased to partner with experts in the health and wellness industry<br />

to provide you with a variety of lunchtime workshops to help rejuvenate, motive and support you.<br />

Through, Homewood Human Solutions, <strong>Sunnybrook</strong>’s Employee Family Assistance Provider, OD & L schedules workshops<br />

that cover a number of wellness strategies including effective approaches to managing stress, sleep habits, and positive<br />

parenting.<br />

OD&L also engages Wellspring, Westerkirk House at <strong>Sunnybrook</strong> to provide workshops on ways to reduce feelings of<br />

stress using proven techniques such as Tai Chi, Qi Gong and Yoga at your Desk.<br />

For more information, watch for announcements on Sunnynet.<br />

To register go to myEducation<br />

48 Other Workshops






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LEA<br />

RNI<br />

NG<br />


ED<br />

EBU<br />

ILDI NG L<br />

IVES<br />

KE<br />

HEART<br />

ABI<br />

ES<br />




Internationally Educated Professionals (IEP) are clinical and non-clinical staff who immigrated to Canada, and Canadians<br />

who have obtained their degrees outside of Canada. We value the diverse perspectives, skills and abilities they bring to our<br />

organization. In order to leverage these talents, Organizational Development & <strong>Leadership</strong> offers two workshops.<br />

Duration: 2 workshops, 2 Hours each<br />

Available: Each workshop offered once per academic year<br />

For: Internationally Educated Professionals<br />

IEP – Effective Communication in the Workplace<br />

Explore the impact of culture on communication with a particular emphasis on different communication styles. In addition,<br />

you will develop strategies to enhance your skills when speaking in person, discuss the difference between indirect and direct<br />

communication and learn how to choose the best words based on intended impact in a workplace situation.<br />

IEP – Giving and Receiving Feedback & Strategies for Email and Telephone<br />

Discover how to provide and receive feedback so you can improve your performance at work. You will also learn how<br />

feedback is generally shared between others in the Canadian workplace as well as practice how to give useful feedback to<br />

others. You will find out how to use email and voicemail to provide or elicit feedback.<br />

To register go to myEducation<br />

Resource for Managers<br />




EARCH<br />









GEME<br />

NT<br />












IVE<br />

NESS<br />






ACADEM<br />




ENCE<br />













HEART<br />

& STROKE<br />





NG<br />



E<br />


ABI<br />















BI<br />







ST. JOHN’S<br />








ATE<br />

ARE<br />




CARE<br />

RNING<br />











Attracting, Retaining, and<br />

Leading Internationally Educated<br />

Professionals (IEPs):<br />

Leader’s<br />

Guide<br />

Attracting, Retaining and Leading Internationally Educated Professionals – Leader’s<br />

Guide: This guide was designed to help leaders appreciate and leverage the talents<br />

of IEPs. Learn practical information and about other resource to build recruitment,<br />

selection, orientation and onboarding strategies to promote a culturally inclusive team<br />

and workplace.<br />

Please email organizational.development@sunnybrook.ca to receive a copy.<br />

Other Workshops<br />



Summary:<br />

All of us at <strong>Sunnybrook</strong> spend an enormous amount of time in committee meetings. In order to maximize the effectiveness<br />

of hospital meetings/committees and to ensure there is respect for the valuable time that all of us give to attend these<br />

meetings, Guidelines have been developed for leading meetings and for presentations. Three 20-minute eLearning modules<br />

have been developed to explore these guidelines as well as skills to help participants develop some best practices for<br />

leading meetings and making presentations.<br />

Meetings 101<br />

Duration: 20 Minutes<br />

Available: <strong>2016</strong>/17 and onward<br />

For: All Staff, Leaders and Physicians<br />

This module will explore leading meetings that are efficient, outcome focused and engaging for participants. This workshop<br />

will review <strong>Sunnybrook</strong>’s guidelines (Board Committees: Guidelines for Presenters) that outline responsibilities of the<br />

chairperson and committee members to make meetings more meaningful for all. In addition, best practices will be provided<br />

to help participants implement some better meeting habits.<br />

Leading and Chairing Meetings Guidelines 101<br />

Duration: 20 Minutes<br />

Available: <strong>2016</strong>/17 and onward<br />

For: All Staff, Leaders and Physicians<br />

A key part of effective meetings is how well the chairperson plans the meeting ahead of time, facilitates during and<br />

follows up on key action items afterwards to ensure critical items move forward. The purpose of this module is to provide<br />

chairpersons with tools to effectively and efficiently manage meeting outcomes and processes.<br />

Presentation Guidelines 101<br />

Duration: 20 Minutes<br />

Available: <strong>2016</strong>/17 and onward<br />

For: All Staff, Leaders and Physicians<br />

Board Committees: Guidelines for Presenters, November, 2015 was developed to reduce the amount of time spent at<br />

meetings or to make them more productive. One area that the guidelines emphasize is the importance of delivering<br />

effective presentations at meetings. The purpose of this workshop is to provide presenters with tools to effectively and<br />

efficiently present at meetings.<br />

To register go to myEducation<br />

50 Other Workshops


Duration: Up to 23 hours over 6 months<br />

For: New Patient Administrative Associates (PAAs), or<br />

current PAAs.<br />

The purpose of this PAA training series is to provide employees who are new to this position with the knowledge of all<br />

administrative systems needed to be successful in this role. Training is provided online, in classrooms and in the Information<br />

Services labs at the Bayview campus by subject matter experts. The eleven modules can be taken in any order and must be<br />

completed in a six-month period. This opportunity is also available to current PAAs who wish to brush up on their knowledge.<br />

To register for this program, managers must email organizational.development@sunnybrook.ca indicating the employee’s<br />

name, the training modules and the month the employee will start attending. OD&L will send program confirmation to the<br />

manager and employee along with specific registration instructions.<br />

Training:<br />

Online<br />

• Bed Management System (BMS): Learn about the Bed Management System-BMS used within <strong>Sunnybrook</strong>.<br />

• Care Visibility: Explore how to update the Care Visibility display.<br />

• Contracts and Collective Agreements: Identify the working knowledge of basic legislation and collective<br />

agreement principles.<br />

• Privacy: Understand patient privacy and confidentiality at <strong>Sunnybrook</strong> and learn how to protect patients’ personal<br />

health information.<br />

• Payroll: Identify the basic elements of Payroll, such as time correction completion, pay codes, deadlines and pay queries.<br />

Classroom<br />

• Health Data Resources (HDR): Learn how to enter patients’ medical records into a database so that they are<br />

accurate, up-to-date and accessible at all times.<br />

• SRM e-Requisitioning: Discover how to submit and manage your shopping cart orders through Plexxus E-Req.<br />

• Staff Scheduling (ESP): Learn how to schedule and pay your employees properly using the ESP Staff Scheduling<br />

program.<br />

Other Workshops<br />


Information Services (I.S.)<br />

• Patient Care System (PCS) - Admitting: Learn how to create MRN’s, register patients to out-patient clinic, admit<br />

patients/discharge, transfer patients to units and complete bed swaps.<br />

• Electronic Patient Record (EPR): Discover how to view test results, clinical documentation and patient<br />

demographic information, place electronic requisitions for orders, look up active and inactive medications for patients<br />

on inpatient units and graph and trend laboratory results.<br />

• Outlook: Learn how to quickly search your communications, organize your work, and better share your information<br />

with others.<br />

PAA Recognition: Upon completion of program, PAAs must contact Organizational Development & <strong>Leadership</strong> at<br />

organizational.development@sunnybrook.ca to receive their Patient Administrative Associate Training Certificate and their<br />

pay-rate increase.<br />


Duration: 7 Hours<br />

Available: One per academic year<br />

The purpose of this review day is to provide current Patient Administrative Associates (PAAs) with the opportunity to learn<br />

more about recently revised and new processes. This review day is optional and topics could include:<br />

• Admitting<br />

• Communication & Collaboration<br />

• Health Data Resources (HDR)<br />

• Payroll<br />

• Privacy<br />

• Risk Management<br />

• Staff Scheduling (ESP)<br />

To register go to myEducation<br />

52 Other Workshops


Duration: Up to 15 hours over 6 months<br />

The purpose of the PSP training series is to provide employees with the practical experience, knowledge and skills needed<br />

to be successful in this role. Training is provided online and in classroom at the Bayview site—can be taken in any order and<br />

must be completed within a six-month period. This opportunity is also available to current PSPs who wish to refresh their<br />

knowledge.<br />

To register for this training, managers must email organizational.development@sunnybrook.ca indicating the employee’s<br />

name, the training modules and the month the employee will start attending. Organizational Development & <strong>Leadership</strong> will<br />

send program confirmation to the manager and employee along with specific registration instructions.<br />

This program consists of two certificates:<br />

Certificate A: Designed for the new PSP who has not completed Certificate B or it has expired.<br />

Certificate B: Designed for the non-PSP employee and expires after one year.<br />

Certificate A<br />

Online<br />

Oxygen - Explore how to safely work with an oxygen<br />

cylinder.<br />

Physiotherapy - Safe Patient Handling: Learn how to<br />

make patient repositioning and transferring tasks safer,<br />

easier and less tiring.<br />

Violence Prevention - Understand Workplace Violence<br />

Prevention at <strong>Sunnybrook</strong>.<br />

WHMIS - Describe responsibility to prevent accidental<br />

and long-term exposure to the harmful effects of<br />

hazardous<br />

Classroom<br />

Environmental Services - Learn about bed making,<br />

cleaning, waste segregation and responsibilities are<br />

addressed in the ES class.<br />

Food Services - Learn about Food Services processes;<br />

quality assurance, customer service and equipment.<br />

Infection Prevention & Control - Identify how to clean,<br />

disinfect and sterilize reusable medical equipment/<br />

devices to prevent the transmission of infection to health<br />

care providers and patients.<br />

Certificate B<br />

Online<br />

Oxygen - Explore how to safely work with an oxygen<br />

cylinder.<br />

Violence Prevention - Understand Workplace Violence<br />

Prevention at <strong>Sunnybrook</strong>.<br />

WHMIS - Describe responsibility to prevent accidental and<br />

long-term exposure to the harmful effects of hazardous.<br />

Classroom<br />

Environmental Services - Learn about bed making, cleaning,<br />

waste segregation and responsibilities are addressed in the<br />

ES class.<br />

Food Services - Learn about Food Services processes;<br />

quality assurance, customer service and equipment.<br />

Infection Prevention & Control - Identify how to clean,<br />

disinfect and sterilize reusable medical equipment/devices<br />

to prevent the transmission of infection to health care<br />

providers and patients.<br />

Physiotherapy - Acquire the knowledge and practical<br />

handling skills to be able to assist with patient<br />

repositioning and transfers safely and effectively from<br />

both a patient and staff perspective.<br />

Note: For non-PSPs who are hired within one year, you must complete Physiotherapy-Safe Patient Handling and<br />

Physiotherapy.<br />

PAA Recognition: Upon completion of program, PSPs must contact Organizational Development & <strong>Leadership</strong> at<br />

organizational.development@sunnybrook.ca to receive their Patient Service Partner Training Certificate.<br />

Other Workshops<br />




Duration: 4 Hours<br />

Available: Once per academic year<br />

For: Current PSPs<br />

The purpose of this day is to provide current PSPs an opportunity to explore leadership and interpersonal skills. Topics could<br />

include:<br />

• Positive Assertiveness<br />

• Managing Conflict on the Team<br />

• Communicating with Respect<br />

• Giving and Responding to Feedback<br />

This workshop will explore the knowledge and skills oulined above and will provide opportunities to apply them to real-life,<br />

workplace situations. Managers and PSPs may be surveyed to identify relevant workshop topics.<br />

To register go to myEducation<br />


Duration: 3 Hours<br />

Available: <strong>2016</strong>/17 and onward<br />

For: Intact Teams<br />

Personality Dimensions helps individuals to learn more about their personality temperament and what motivates their<br />

behaviour. As well, they will begin to notice the behaviours of others who have different personality preferences and<br />

temperaments. This workshop will assist you in exploring, in a fun and interactive way, how our individual differences<br />

contribute to, and influence group dynamics, communication, problem solving and creativity. Participation by intact groups<br />

will enhance ways of successfully working together.<br />

To register go to myEducation<br />

54 Other Workshops


Being Financially Prepared<br />

Duration: 3 Hours<br />

Available: Offered once per academic year<br />

For: All Staff, specifically for those who are within 10 years<br />

of retirement<br />

Canadians are living longer and can expect to live more than 20 years in retirement. This workshop will focus on planning<br />

for the financial aspects of retirement. Experts will present from:<br />

• HOOPP – Learn how the pension is calculated, survivor benefits, and the impact of an early or postponed retirement.<br />

• Service Canada – Find out about federal government pension programs, including Canada Pension Plan (CPP) and Old<br />

Age Security (OAS).<br />

• Financial Planning – Learn about the key retirement issues; the choices when withdrawing money from an RRSP and<br />

resulting tax and OAS claw-back costs; ways to reduce your retirement income tax burden; and planning a reasonable<br />

retirement budget.<br />

To register go to myEducation<br />

How to Stay Vibrant in Retirement<br />

Duration: 3 Hours<br />

Available: Offered once per academic year<br />

For: All Staff, specifically for those who are within 10 years<br />

of retirement<br />

When planning for retirement there is an overwhelming tendency to focus only on financial planning. However, there are<br />

other sides of retirement that also need attention to prepare us for the whole experience. Start to plan now for what you will<br />

do during those years!<br />

• Emotional Effects of Retirement – This new life stage and lifestyle means that daily routines, identity,<br />

and roles all change.<br />

• Life, Medical and Dental Insurance Coverage – How will these be affected when you retire?<br />

• Volunteering – Learn about the many and varied opportunities<br />

• Estate Planning, Wills and Powers of Attorney for Property and Personal Care - What to think about<br />

when planning your will.<br />

To register go to myEducation<br />

Other Workshops<br />


Customized Services<br />

Supporting Online Learning and Development,<br />

Department Strategic Planning and Organizational Goal<br />

Alignment<br />

Customized eLearning Design ..................................................................................................................................................... 57<br />

Customized Organizational Development & <strong>Leadership</strong> (OD&L) Services ....................................................................... 58<br />

56<br />

Customized Services


Organizational Development & <strong>Leadership</strong> provides expertise designing, developing and implementing eLearning<br />

modules for all clinical and non-clinical departments. Using adult learning and eLearning design principles, our<br />

eLearning and Learning Management System (LMS) Specialists partner with subject matter experts to create an online<br />

learning experience that engage learners.<br />

Our eLearning and LMS Specialists will work with you to:<br />

• DESIGN:<br />

• The designing process starts by asking the right questions and engaging you, the subject matter expert, to<br />

provide a picture that influences our design of the learning experience.<br />

• IMPLEMENT:<br />

• Once the eLearning design is complete, our team manages the full implementation on myEducation, our learning<br />

management system (LMS), and continues to administrate the process.<br />

• MEASURE:<br />

• Our team will assist and insist that accurate monitoring and measurement processes are appropriately positioned<br />

in the design of your eLearning modules.<br />

To get started, contact myEducation@sunnybrook.ca<br />

Customized Services<br />





Our classroom-based workshops are listed in Section 2 of this catalogue. These learning opportunities support the<br />

professional and personal growth for staff. There are times when your team, department or service may want to experience<br />

one of these workshops as an intact group. All of our catalogue workshops can be customized to meet the needs of your<br />

group.<br />


A retreat is often a half-day or a full-day event for a specific group that usually takes place at a venue outside of the<br />

workplace. The purpose of the retreat may be to focus on team development, process improvement, change and transition,<br />

or strategic planning. The Organizational Development & <strong>Leadership</strong> (OD&L) team has the expertise to assist you in<br />

clarifying your goals, working with you to design the most effective session, and if desired, facilitate the retreat so you can<br />

actively participate and learn with your team.<br />


Research states that implementing new or changed processes and projects have a greater chance of success if those<br />

affected by the changes are involved. This approach usually means that several planned sessions involving all stakeholders<br />

may be needed over a period of time. OD&L facilitators will work with you to design, plan and facilitate for the different<br />

phases of a change project.<br />


Organizational Development & <strong>Leadership</strong> can build a leadership program specifically for an intact team, department or<br />

service. It does require a commitment for staff to be able to attend a series of workshops over an extended period of time.<br />

We will work with you to design, deliver and evaluate the program to ensure your overall objectives are met.<br />

To learn more about any of these customized services, email leadership.institute@sunnybrook.ca<br />

58 Customized Services

Customized Services<br />


Continuing Education<br />

Support Fund (CESF)<br />


<strong>Sunnybrook</strong> Health Sciences Centre is committed to helping our employees achieve education that provides the foundation<br />

for inventing the future of healthcare. One of the ways we do this is to offer funding for education through the Continuing<br />

Education Support Fund (CESF).<br />

If you are pursuing short-term or long-term educational endeavours outside of <strong>Sunnybrook</strong>, or want to be recognized as<br />

someone who is excelling through their professional development, or wish to bring in a special speaker to an education<br />

event for your team, the CESF is available to you for financial support through the following streams: Education Tuition<br />

Reimbursements, Awards and Grants, and Speaker Support.<br />

Eligibility Requirements<br />

To be eligible for either one, you must be:<br />

Education Tuition Reimbursements ..............................<br />

Awards and Grants ..........................................................<br />

61<br />

62<br />

• A <strong>Sunnybrook</strong> employee or Grant Research staff<br />

• Employed for a minimum of three months and/<br />

or worked approximately 450 hours as of the CESF<br />

application deadline date, and<br />

Speaker Support Fund (Pre-approval Process)............ 63<br />

• Paid out of the <strong>Sunnybrook</strong> operational budget.*<br />

*St. John’s Rehab staff can request continuing education<br />

support through its own Education Fund.<br />

60<br />

Continuing Education Support Fund (CESF)

Education Tuition Reimbursements<br />

Bursary Support provides financial assistance to help cover<br />

tuition for long-term educational endeavours, such as<br />

degrees, diplomas, and long-term certificates.<br />

Educational Support provides financial assistance to help<br />

cover tuition for short-term education, such as seminars,<br />

workshops, conferences, poster presentations and shortterm<br />

certificates.<br />

All education events must:<br />

• Start within, or completed during the calendar year<br />

(January 1 to December 31)<br />

• Be relevant to the work of the hospital, and<br />

• Contribute to achieving the mission, vision and values of<br />

<strong>Sunnybrook</strong>.<br />

This is a competitive process and applications are assessed<br />

based on the organization’s needs, number of applications,<br />

and the amount of funding available. As a result, funding<br />

awards may vary from year to year.<br />

Application Process<br />

To apply for reimbursement, complete the online application form and submit supporting documentation from your<br />

educational institution. Applications are accepted from August to October. Applications are reviewed and approved<br />

by the CESF committee in late November. Applicants will be notified in early December regarding the status of their<br />

reimbursement. All approved reimbursements are deposited into your regular pay.<br />

To find out more go to Sunnynet: Home > Employees > Education Reimbursement/CESF<br />

Continuing Education Support Fund (CESF)<br />


Awards and Grants<br />

These awards and grants recognize staff who are pursuing<br />

their education in order to excel in their professional<br />

practice. This program awards $1,000 – $2,500, depending<br />

on the award, to support educational costs. These awards<br />

are presented at a special ceremony to which family and<br />

friends are invited.<br />

The awards are:<br />

All education events must:<br />

• Start within, or to be completed during the calendar<br />

year (January 1 to December 31)<br />

• Be relevant to the work of the hospital, and<br />

• Contribute to achieving the mission, vision and values of<br />

<strong>Sunnybrook</strong>.<br />

• Administrative Professional Award<br />

• Corporate Support Services Award<br />

• Service Employees Education Award<br />

• Frima Starr-Paloc Education Award*<br />

• Health Professionals Grant<br />

• Management Grant<br />

• Peter Ellis Award*<br />

Application Process<br />

To apply, complete the online application form and submit supporting documentation. Applications are accepted from<br />

January to February. Applicants are notified in March and winners are invited to attend a special ceremony in April to<br />

receive their financial award.<br />

To find out more go to Sunnynet: Home > Employees > Education Reimbursement/CESF<br />

* Special thanks to our donors for their generous contribution<br />

62 Continuing Education Support Fund (CESF)

Neil Pasricha<br />

Author, “The Book of Awesome” and “The Happiness Equation”<br />

Speaker Support Fund (Pre-approval Process)<br />

The Speaker Support Fund helps departments, programs<br />

or disciplines fund the cost of speaker(s) and facilitator(s)<br />

for a one-time educational event. This fund covers the<br />

cost of speaker fees, including travel and compensation,<br />

up to $3,000. Priority will be given to those events with an<br />

Interprofessional focus.<br />

Eligibility Requirements:<br />

• The applicant (department, program or discipline) must<br />

be paid out of the <strong>Sunnybrook</strong> operational budget.<br />

• A minimum of 50% of attendees must also be paid out<br />

of the operational budget.<br />

Application Process<br />

To apply, complete the online application form and submit supporting documentation. Applications are accepted from April<br />

to June. Successful applicants are notified in July. Funds will be transferred to the department cost centre once the event<br />

has taken place.<br />

To find out more go to Sunnynet: Home > Employees > Education Reimbursement/CESF<br />

Continuing Education Support Fund (CESF)<br />


Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)<br />

<strong>Sunnybrook</strong> <strong>Leadership</strong> <strong>Institute</strong> (SLI) Workshops<br />

1. Do I have to pay to attend an SLI workshop? There is no charge to attend a workshop if you are a <strong>Sunnybrook</strong><br />

employee who is paid out of the operating budget. Other staff (e.g. Fellows, ACMS staff, etc.) may have to pay for<br />

material costs. To find out more, email leadership.institute@sunnybrook.ca.<br />

2. How do I register for workshops listed in this catalogue? Go to Sunnynet.ca and search for myEducation on Quick<br />

Links. Log on to myEducation using your <strong>Sunnybrook</strong> Network Login Credentials.<br />

3. How do I register for SLI workshops if I don’t have <strong>Sunnybrook</strong> Network Login Credentials? Please contact leadership.<br />

institute@sunnybrook.ca.<br />

4. How are SLI workshops I’ve completed tracked? All completed SLI workshops are updated in myEducation within a<br />

week of completing the workshop. You should sign an attendance sheet during the session in order to be recognized as<br />

completing the workshop.<br />

5. What do I do if I find there is a discrepancy with SLI workshops I’ve completed and what is reflected on myEducation?<br />

Please email leadership.institute@sunnybrook.ca and someone from Organizational Development & <strong>Leadership</strong> will be<br />

pleased to assist you.<br />

6. What if I cannot attend the entire workshop, will I still get recognized for completing it? In order for you to make<br />

the most of your learning opportunity, you must attend 75% of the core content to be recognized as completed. SLI<br />

Instructors do monitor attendance and will make adjustments to the attendance sheet accordingly.<br />

7. I noticed that SLI Workshops are divided into four streams: All Staff, Emergent Leaders, Developing Leaders and<br />

Advanced Leaders. Why is that? We have expanded our audience for SLI to include all <strong>Sunnybrook</strong> staff because we<br />

realize that leadership isn’t only based on one’s formal position. We have worked hard to provide content that aligns to<br />

the particular challenges leaders face based on the scope of their leadership role within the organization.<br />

8. How do I know which leadership stream of workshops I should focus on? Generally speaking, we have described our<br />

SLI leadership streams this way:<br />

• “All Staff” is all <strong>Sunnybrook</strong> employees, no matter what role they have in the organization.<br />

• “Emergent Leaders” are supervisors, team leaders, in-charge and physicians.<br />

• “Developing Leaders” are middle managers and physicians<br />

• “Advanced Leaders” are directors, senior leaders and physicians.<br />

9. What if I’m still not sure what leadership stream I fit in to? Please contact leadership.institute@sunnybrook.ca and we<br />

will be happy to clarify.<br />

64<br />


Ideas, suggestions and or comments –<br />

please email leadership.institute@sunnybrook.ca<br />

10. What if I want to attend a workshop that is in a leadership stream more advanced than my current formal leadership<br />

role? Your manager may nominate you to participate in an SLI workshop that is outside your current leadership role.<br />

Please contact leadership.institute@sunnybrook.ca for more information.<br />

11. As a physician, can workshops taken as part of SLI count towards external educational programs? Certificate<br />

Programs that are accredited are indicated on myEducation as part of the workshop description.<br />

12. Can I use my education days to attend workshops?<br />

The number of education days and how they can be used varies by profession. Check with your manager.<br />

13. Do you provide customized workshops to departments, services or teams? Yes, we will work with a department,<br />

service or team to customize, deliver and evaluate any workshop, to meet specific needs. There may be material costs for<br />

this service. Please direct inquiries to leadership.institute@sunnybrook.ca. Please refer to page 56 of this catalogue to find<br />

out more.<br />

<strong>Sunnybrook</strong> <strong>Leadership</strong> <strong>Institute</strong> (SLI) Certificate Programs<br />

1. I noticed that some SLI Certificate Programs provide participants with a certificate as recognition of completion and<br />

other programs also include adding participant names on the SLI plaque. Why is that? The <strong>Sunnybrook</strong> <strong>Leadership</strong><br />

<strong>Institute</strong> recognizes those participants who have completed programs that specifically develop the leadership skills of<br />

communication, self-awareness and conflict management by recognizing them with an SLI certificate and adding their<br />

names to our SLI plaque. Our other certificate programs support the development of facilitation and education, but not<br />

specifically leadership, therefore they are awarded certificates to acknowledge this achievement.<br />

2. How do I register for SLI Certificate Programs? Each program has its own registration process. Please refer to page 11 of<br />

this catalogue to find out more.<br />

3. How will I know when I have enough workshops to be eligible to receive a certificate? Please ensure that you read the<br />

certificate requirements and track your accomplishments. If you meet all of the SLI requirements and have not heard from<br />

us, please contact leadership.institute@sunnybrook.ca.<br />

4. If I miss any modules as part of a SLI Certificate Programs, can I still graduate? The criteria is listed for each program.<br />

You must complete all modules in order to graduate. You can complete make-up modules within the year.<br />

FAQs<br />


Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)<br />

5. I noticed some criteria changes for certain SLI Certificate Programs. If I have already completed some of the<br />

workshops for a particular program, do I have to start again? If you began to attend workshops for a specific SLI<br />

Certificate Program prior to September <strong>2016</strong>, you have until June 2017 to complete the requirements as it was defined<br />

for the Program when you started.<br />

Education Tuition Reimbursement<br />

1. Do we have tuition reimbursement? Yes we do. It is called the Continuing Education Support Fund (CESF).<br />

2. When do I apply for tuition reimbursement? Applications for tuition reimbursement are accepted between August<br />

and October.<br />

3. How do I apply for CESF? You must complete the online portion of the application and deliver appropriate paper<br />

documentation to the CESF Dropbox located outside of H110 or the one located on the 8 th floor Holland Centre outside<br />

of auditorium. For more information, visit CESF page at Sunnynet/Employees/EducationReimbursement/CESF.<br />

4. Who is eligible to receive tuition reimbursement? Any <strong>Sunnybrook</strong> employee who has completed probation, and is<br />

paid out of the <strong>Sunnybrook</strong> operating budget, can apply for reimbursement. Staff at St. John’s Rehab, however, can<br />

request continuing education support through the St. John’s Rehab education fund.<br />

5. Once my application has been submitted online, how can I check that the application has been received? Once you<br />

have submitted your online application, you will see a screen that thanks you for your application. This means it has<br />

been received.<br />

6. When do I find out if I have been awarded funding? In early December you will be notified that your application status<br />

is available on the CESF link (http://cesf.sw.ca).<br />

7. Where can I find the CESF application link? The CESF application link is available under the Employee Resources tab<br />

located on Sunnynet. The link http://cesf.sw.ca can also be inputted in the address field of your internet browser on any<br />

computer that is connected to the <strong>Sunnybrook</strong> network.<br />

Other Workshops<br />

How do I register for PAA or PSP training? Your manager will need to email organizational.development@sunnybrook.ca<br />

indicating approval for you to attend and the requested training dates.<br />

66 FAQs


Other Resources<br />

<strong>Leadership</strong> & Business & Book Book<br />

Summaries <strong>Leadership</strong> Book for for <strong>Sunnybrook</strong><br />

Summaries for<br />

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<strong>Leadership</strong><br />

& Business<br />

& Business<br />

Book<br />

Book<br />

mmaries<br />

Summaries for <strong>Sunnybrook</strong><br />

Employees<br />

<strong>Sunnybrook</strong> for <strong>Sunnybrook</strong><br />

ployees<br />

Employees<br />

Employees<br />

Each Book Book Summaries Summary Includes: Includes:<br />

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ch Book Summary Includes:<br />

✓ Key Concepts ✓ Key Key Concepts<br />

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Key Concepts<br />

✓ Table of Contents<br />

✓ Full summary<br />

✓ Author and publisher<br />

Full summary ✓ Full summary ✓ Full summary<br />

✓ Author and publisher ✓ Author ✓ Author and publisher and publisher<br />

information<br />

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Overview ✓ Overview of the ✓ book’s<br />

features Overview of the book’s of the book’s<br />

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features<br />

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features features<br />

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<strong>Leadership</strong><br />

<strong>Leadership</strong><br />

Summaries<br />

Summaries<br />

of the Top<br />

of the<br />

Business<br />

Top Books Business from<br />

Books<br />

Books<br />

from a<br />

from<br />

wide<br />

a wide<br />

range of<br />

range<br />

important<br />

of important<br />

subject subject areas: areas:<br />

subject areas:<br />

<strong>Leadership</strong> & Business Book Summaries can be<br />

<strong>Leadership</strong> Business Book Summaries can be<br />

accessed in the following formats:<br />

• Global Business<br />

accessed in the following formats:<br />

• Health Care<br />

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<strong>Leadership</strong> SumS<br />

of the of the Top Top Busi B<br />

Books from a w<br />

range range of import of subject area<br />

<strong>Leadership</strong> Book Summaries from a wide range<br />

of important subject areas:<br />

• Business Biographies • Busin •<br />

• Business Biographies<br />

• Business Strategy • Busin •<br />

• Business Strategy • Change Management<br />

• • •<br />

Change Management Chang<br />

• Communication<br />

• Communication<br />

•<br />

• Customer Focus Comm •<br />

• Customer Focus • Diversity • Custo •<br />

• Diversity • Economics & Finance • Divers •<br />

• Economics &• Finance Entrepreneurship • Econo •<br />

• Entrepreneurship<br />

• Global Business<br />

• Entrep •<br />

• Health Care<br />

• Globa •<br />

• Human Resources<br />

• Human Resources • Innovation • Health •<br />

• Innovation • <strong>Leadership</strong> • Huma •<br />

• <strong>Leadership</strong> • <strong>Leadership</strong> Development • Innov •<br />

• <strong>Leadership</strong> • Development<br />

Major Works<br />

•<br />

• Leade •<br />

Major Works •<br />

Management<br />

•<br />

• •<br />

Management • Leade<br />

Marketing<br />

• Marketing<br />

• •<br />

• Personal Growth Major<br />

• Personal Growth • • •<br />

Productivity Mana<br />

• Productivity• Relationships • Marke •<br />

• Relationships<br />

• Social Responsibility • Perso •<br />

• Social Responsibility<br />

• Teams<br />

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• Teams<br />

• Technology<br />

• Technology<br />

• Relati •<br />

• Social •<br />

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Features<br />

Mobile<br />

Audio<br />

Digital<br />

Features<br />

✓ Mobile To find access out from more any go device, to Sunnynet: ✓ Audio Employees versions > available Organizational for Development & <strong>Leadership</strong> > <strong>Leadership</strong> Development ><br />

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Book<br />

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Summaries<br />

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✓ Brief Comprehensive abstract of summary each book of ✓ 1,500 Summaries of the for top more <strong>Leadership</strong> than<br />

including accessing via new EBSCOhost®) iPhone app (when hundreds of summaries ✓ each Comprehensive book summary of 1,500 and business of the top books, <strong>Leadership</strong> with<br />

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Career Cruising engages and inspires people of all ages to achieve their<br />

full potential in school, career, and life.<br />

careercruising.com<br />

To find out more go to Sunnynet: Sunnynet > Employees > Organizational Development & <strong>Leadership</strong> > <strong>Leadership</strong><br />

Development > Career Resources<br />

Other Resources<br />


INDEX<br />

A<br />

All About Managing Change ......................................................26<br />

Applied Coaching in Healthcare ..............................................22<br />

Applied Emotional Intelligence in Healthcare ...................26<br />

Appreciative <strong>Leadership</strong> ..............................................................32<br />

Awards and Grants .........................................................................62<br />

B<br />

Building <strong>Leadership</strong> Capacity through<br />

Integrative Thinking .................................................................27<br />

Building Partnerships: The Art of Negotiation ..................27<br />

C<br />

Career Conversations ....................................................................28<br />

Conflict: Understanding Your Style ........................................14<br />

Customized eLearning Design...................................................57<br />

Customized Organizational Development &<br />

<strong>Leadership</strong> Services .................................................................58<br />

Crucial Accountability ...................................................................28<br />

Crucial Accountability Applied .................................................28<br />

Crucial Conversations ....................................................................28<br />

Crucial Conversations Applied ..................................................15<br />

Cultural Intelligence ........................................................................15<br />

D<br />

Developing Leader Self-Awareness Using Herrmann<br />

Brain Dominance Instrument (HBDI) ..............................32<br />

Developing Nurse Leaders Program (DNLP) ....................37<br />

Developing Positive Assertiveness .........................................16<br />

E<br />

Education Tuition Reimbursements .......................................61<br />

Educator Development Program ............................................38<br />

Effective Meetings and Presentations<br />

eLearning Modules ...................................................................50<br />

Effective Meeting Management ...............................................22<br />

eLearning Design and Development Workshops ............47<br />

Emergent Leaders Development Program (ELDP):<br />

Making the Transition ..............................................................39<br />

Emotional Intelligence (EI) ..........................................................16<br />

Emotional Intelligence for Leaders .........................................33<br />

Engaging Others Through Storytelling ................................23<br />

F<br />

Facilitating Meetings: How to Get People Really<br />

Talking About What is Really Important .......................23<br />

Facilitator Development Program ...........................................40<br />

Financial Planning: Start Early! ..................................................48<br />

Foundations of Coaching Dialogue ........................................24<br />

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) ....................................64<br />

H<br />

Health and Wellness Workshops .............................................48<br />

Health Literacy: An Introduction ..............................................16<br />

Health Literacy: Applying Universal Precautions to<br />

Teaching Patients and Families .........................................17<br />

Health Literacy: Teach Back .......................................................17<br />

How to Give and Respond to Feedback ..............................17<br />

How to Register for Workshops ..............................................11<br />

I<br />

iLead Quality and Patient Safety:<br />

Fundamentals Program .........................................................41<br />

iLead Quality and Patient Safety:<br />

Advanced Program ..................................................................42<br />

Influencer: Strategies for Leading Change .........................29<br />

Internationally Educated Professionals (IEP)<br />

Workshops ...................................................................................49<br />

70<br />


INDEX<br />

L<br />

<strong>Leadership</strong> Book Summaries .....................................................68<br />

<strong>Leadership</strong> Certificate Program ...............................................43<br />

Leading and Chairing Meetings Guidelines 101 .................50<br />

LIVE <strong>Sunnybrook</strong> .............................................................................18<br />

Living your <strong>Leadership</strong> Legacy ................................................29<br />

M<br />

Management Excellence Program (MExP) .........................44<br />

Measuring Team Effectiveness .................................................29<br />

Meetings 101 ........................................................................................50<br />

Mindful <strong>Leadership</strong> and Building<br />

Resilience in Others .................................................................30<br />

Myers-Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI)<br />

Developing Self-Awareness .................................................18<br />

Myers-Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI):<br />

Leading Others ...........................................................................24<br />

N<br />

Networking for Success ...............................................................30<br />

Project Management Essentials for<br />

the Unofficial Project Manager ...........................................25<br />

S<br />

Secrets of Being a Successful Team Member ...................19<br />

Speaker Support Fund ..................................................................63<br />

Speech and Presence ....................................................................33<br />

Strategic Thinking ...........................................................................30<br />

<strong>Sunnybrook</strong> <strong>Leadership</strong> Days ...................................................10<br />

T<br />

Teaching for Learning and Collaboration (TLC)<br />

Program, Centre for Faculty Development,<br />

University of Toronto .....................................................................45<br />

The Power Within: Building Personal Resilience<br />

for Healthcare Professionals ................................................19<br />

Thriving During Change: Using What You<br />

Already Know .............................................................................19<br />

Transforming a Group to a Team ............................................25<br />

O<br />

Organizational Development & <strong>Leadership</strong> Week ..........10<br />

U<br />

Understanding and Resolving Conflict .................................20<br />

P<br />

Patient Administrative Associate (PAA) Education ......51<br />

Patient Administrative Associate (PAA)<br />

Review Day ..................................................................................52<br />

Patient Service Partner (PSP) Training .................................53<br />

Patient Service Partner (PSP) Workshop ............................54<br />

Peer Coaching in a Community of Practice .......................24<br />

Personality Dimensions ................................................................54<br />

Preparing for an Interview ..........................................................18<br />

Preparing for Retirement Workshops ...................................55<br />

Presentation Guidelines 101 ........................................................50<br />

V<br />

Value-Based <strong>Leadership</strong> ..............................................................34<br />

W<br />

Worshop Competency Matrix ...................................................8<br />

Writing Clear and Professional Emails ..................................20<br />

Index<br />



Organizational Development & <strong>Leadership</strong> serves all <strong>Sunnybrook</strong> sites.<br />

Organizational Development & <strong>Leadership</strong> offers all workshops at our Bayview location. You can work with us to have<br />

workshops and some of our other services delivered at any of <strong>Sunnybrook</strong>’s sites.<br />

Please email us at Organizational.Development@<strong>Sunnybrook</strong>.ca.<br />

The <strong>Sunnybrook</strong> Health Sciences Centre sites are:<br />

Bayview Campus<br />

2075 Bayview Avenue<br />

Toronto, Ontario<br />

Holland Orthopaedic and Arthritic Centre<br />

43 Wellesley Street East<br />

Toronto, Ontario<br />

St. John’s Rehab<br />

285 Cummer Avenue<br />

Toronto, Ontario<br />

<strong>Sunnybrook</strong> Centre of Prehospital Medicine<br />

Regional Base Hospital Program<br />

77 Brown’s Line<br />

Toronto, Ontario<br />

Central Ambulance Communication Centre (CACC)<br />

Wallaceburg, Ontario<br />

72<br />


H<br />


H<br />


H<br />


H<br />


H<br />


Cummer Ave.<br />

Church St.<br />

Hospital Rd.<br />

H<br />

Donna Ct.<br />

Wellesley St. E.<br />

H<br />

Maxome Ave.<br />

Life Saving Dr.<br />

H<br />

Bayview Campus<br />

2075 Bayview Avenue<br />

Toronto, ON<br />

M4N 3M5<br />

St. John’s Rehab<br />

285 Cummer Avenue<br />

Toronto, ON<br />

M2M 2G1<br />

Holland Centre<br />

43 Wellesley Street East<br />

Toronto, ON<br />

M4Y 1H1<br />

Locations<br />


NOTES<br />

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Organizational Development & <strong>Leadership</strong><br />

<strong>Sunnybrook</strong> Health Sciences Centre<br />

Room H110<br />

2075 Bayview Avenue<br />

Toronto, ON M4N 3M5<br />

Canada<br />

P : 416-480-4038<br />

E : 76 Organizational.Development@<strong>Sunnybrook</strong>.ca<br />

A Division of Human Resources

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