Life Extension Travel, Get Well, Recover & Feel Alive No More Guesswork... First Target the Cause... Stop Treating the Symptoms

Life Extension Travel, Get Well, Recover & Feel Alive
No More Guesswork... First Target the Cause... Stop Treating the Symptoms


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If you are already on insulin, absolutely do not stop taking insulin, and do not stop<br />

measuring your glucose levels, without your doctor's permission.<br />

77<br />

What Causes Type II Diabetes<br />

Type 2 diabetes can be cured!! But before understanding any cure for type 2<br />

diabetes, it is first necessary to understand the cause of type 2 diabetes.<br />

First of all, being overweight does NOT cause type 2 diabetes!!! Scientists generate a lot of data, but<br />

frequently have no clue how to interpret the data.<br />

The reason there is a high statistical correlation between being overweight and having type 2 diabetes is that the<br />

same thing that causes type 2 diabetes also causes some people to be overweight. For example, bad fats (such<br />

as in margarine) are what cause type 2 diabetes, and bad fats can also cause a person to be overweight.<br />

Thus the statistical correlation is not a "causal" relationship, but rater a "common cause" relationship. It is<br />

extremely rare when a scientist discusses "common cause" statistical correlations because they get paid to sell<br />

drugs. Let me repeat: being overweight does NOT cause type 2 diabetes.<br />

Here is more information about what really causes type 2 diabetes:<br />

<br />

"Another lipid in a cell wall is cholesterol. And you thought it was a terrible thing. The cholesterol in each<br />

one of your cells forms a "hydrophobic" bond within the cell wall. Hydrophobic means "fear of water." It’s<br />

a cute way to describe this function of our cells, but in our lives it simply describes the reason we don’t<br />

melt in a rainstorm or fall apart when we take a shower or bath. Our cells resist water. Without this<br />

resistance, we would be water-soluble and we'd all dissolve in a rainstorm.<br />

Our diets in this country (and in Budwig’s country at the time) lack these highly unsaturated fatty acids<br />

and contain an excess of man-made oils known as trans fats (or partially hydrogenated oils). These oils<br />

are very much like cholesterol and our bodies cannot tell the difference. These oils get into our cell walls<br />

and destroy the electrical charge. Without the charge, our cells start to suffocate. Without the oxygen,<br />

the only way the cell can replicate is anaerobically. (They also are very tough oils and have a 20-year<br />

shelf life. They impede the process of cellular exchange, or letting nutrition in and letting wastes out.<br />

Trans fats are also responsible for Type II diabetes, since insulin is a very large molecule it has a difficult<br />

time passing through a cell wall created with man-made fats and not cholesterol.)"<br />

http://www.mnwelldir.org/docs/cancer1/budwig.htm<br />

In other words, trans-fatty acids attach themselves to the cell walls, and because they are a different type and<br />

shape of molecule, make the cell walls "rigid," and the large glucose molecules cannot penetrate the cell walls<br />

and get into the cells.<br />

Here is a more detailed way to explain it (taken from an email from a medical doctor):<br />

<br />

"Insulin binds with a cell wall receptor that causes a transport molecule to come to the wall and escort<br />

the glucose/ascorbate to where it is needed. The trouble is that it can't easily come through a port made<br />

of the wrong fatty acids. The cell may still have some good ports so increasing insulin will still help. Over<br />

time as the body continues to store excess glucose as triglyceride in fat cells and doesn't burn fat the<br />

person becomes obese--just look around you, it's everywhere.<br />

Most diets are low-fat and the fats they do contain are bad fats and the problem just gets worse."<br />

Type II or Type 2 diabetes is one of the rare diseases that is not caused by a microbe or impurities in<br />

vaccinations. It is caused by our diet of "bad fats" and the lack of "good fats" in our diet.<br />

These same bad fats cause heart disease and many cases of people being overweight.

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