Export Catalogue 2013_LR
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Vegetable Seed <strong>Catalogue</strong>
2 | Enza Zaden<br />
Rob Keene<br />
Director Enza Zaden <strong>Export</strong> B.V.
Introduction<br />
We have great pleasure in presenting to you our new Vegetable Seed <strong>Catalogue</strong>, full of descriptions of the<br />
complete range of vegetable seed varieties we have to offer worldwide. Take the time to browse through<br />
and take note of the many well-known standards, as well as the wealth of new varieties coming onto the<br />
markets. For further information, and descriptions of our varieties in many languages, please refer to our<br />
website www.enzazaden.com where you can find many different country brochures and catalogues.<br />
The Enza Zaden research teams, based in the key vegetable growing areas around the world, align their<br />
breeding objects directly to the needs of the vegetable producers and consumers. Improved product<br />
quality, resistance to diseases and increase in yield capability remain the three main research targets. The<br />
application of modern breeding techniques is the key to the success of Enza Zaden today, investment<br />
based on a clear vision of the future needs of the all the links in the modern vegetable production and<br />
marketing chain.<br />
Enza Zaden has built its position and reputation in 75 years of existence on the strong feeling of<br />
partnership it has with all its customers, and today we emphasize the importance of partnership in its<br />
many forms and styles. Partnership emphasizes the strength of independence with the spirit of successful<br />
collaboration.<br />
Enza Zaden is happy to provide you with its international Vegetable Seed <strong>Catalogue</strong>, which we hope will<br />
provide you with the inspiration to use and recommend our top quality vegetable seed varieties.<br />
Robert M. Keene<br />
Director<br />
Enza Zaden <strong>Export</strong> B.V.<br />
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Index<br />
The power of vegetable breeding 7<br />
The journey of the seed 15<br />
The power of a multilocal company: Northwest Europe 24<br />
Tomato 26<br />
The power of a multilocal company: Southern Europe 44<br />
Pepper 46<br />
The power of a multilocal company: Central and East Europe 64<br />
Cucumber 66<br />
Rootstock 78<br />
The power of a multilocal company: North America 80<br />
Eggplant 82<br />
Squash 86<br />
Melon 90<br />
Pumpkin 96<br />
The power of a multilocal company: South and Central America 100<br />
Lettuce 102<br />
Endive 116<br />
Spinach 118<br />
Corn Salad 120<br />
The power of a multilocal company: Asia and Oceania 122<br />
Onion 124<br />
Bunching Onion 136<br />
The power of a multilocal company: Africa and the Middle East 138<br />
Herbs 140<br />
Cauliflower 146<br />
Radish 150<br />
Kohlrabi 154<br />
Leek 155<br />
Radicchio 156<br />
Fennel 157<br />
Celeriac 158<br />
Celery 159<br />
Broccoli 159<br />
Tropical Range 160<br />
Resistances 166<br />
General Terms and Conditions of Sale 168<br />
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the power of<br />
vegetable breeding<br />
Board of Directors: Hein Bemelmans, Joep Lambalk, Vincent van Bentum, Luuk van der Pal en Jaap Mazereeuw.<br />
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A strong and healthy family company<br />
Enza Zaden is a Dutch breeding company that develops innovative vegetable varieties in a sound manner. We grow and<br />
sell the seeds of those varieties worldwide. Our breeding efforts focus on more than twenty vegetable varieties,<br />
the most important of which are tomato, sweet pepper, lettuce, cucumber, onion and melon. Our vegetables are bought<br />
and consumed all over the world. And they are greatly appreciated by growers, traders and consumers alike.<br />
We are an independent family company. As an independent company we focus on continuity in the long term and<br />
healthy growth. Those two factors are essential for enabling us to focus on our greatest strengths: developing and<br />
supplying high quality vegetable varieties and seeds. Many years of experience and of investments in people, breeding<br />
and innovation have laid the basis for a strong, healthy company.<br />
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Three generations Mazereeuw: Piet en Jaap with on the background a painting of the<br />
founder of Enza Zaden, Jacob Mazereeuw.
the power of vegetable breeding<br />
History, present and future<br />
An entrepreneurial spirit and innovation have been the driving forces behind Enza Zaden’s rich history. So much is<br />
already evident from the strong determination with which Jacob Mazereeuw established De Enkhuizer Zaadwinkel<br />
(‘The Seed Shop of [the Dutch town of] Enkhuizen’) back in 1938, and from the great success he achieved in selling<br />
his products. It is also evident from the smart move his son Piet made in 1959. In that year Piet decided to expand<br />
the company’s activities to include the breeding of vegetable varieties in order to obtain products that would better<br />
meet the requirements of growers and the market. In 2011 Jacob’s grandson Jaap became the third member of<br />
the Mazereeuw family in line to join Enza Zaden’s management team and assume responsibility for the company’s<br />
management.<br />
Expansion<br />
The breeding activities gave Enza Zaden a strong new impetus. The company steadily expanded its range of crops and<br />
varieties. And also the number of branches outside the Netherlands: many research stations, commercial branches and<br />
production stations have been established over the years, and we intend to continue to expand in the future.<br />
Growth and innovation<br />
Today, in <strong>2013</strong>, Enza Zaden is an international company that is active in more than ninety countries. A company with<br />
many years of experience and expertise in the field of traditional breeding. And in the field of innovation we support our<br />
breeders with highly advanced technology. This way we speed up the breeding process, enabling us to quickly respond<br />
to changing market needs and demands. Our enthusiastic employees help us achieve our aims with great passion<br />
and commitment. Employees of more than forty nationalities work closely together all over the world in developing,<br />
producing and selling healthy vegetable varieties.<br />
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the power of vegetable breeding<br />
Realistic sustainable entrepreneurship<br />
Realistic sustainable entrepreneurship is our goal. We believe that a company can only succeed when it is in full<br />
harmony with its environment. As an international vegetable breeding company we can say that we have nature is in<br />
our genes. And that’s why we want to do everything we can to make a positive contribution towards our changing<br />
living environment, healthy food and healthy food production for the rapidly expanding global population.<br />
Organic seeds: Vitalis<br />
The popularity of organic vegetables has grown tremendously worldwide over the past decade. That has led to an<br />
increasing demand for strong, organically grown varieties of top quality. Our subsidiary Vitalis Organic Seeds is a 100%<br />
organic vegetable seed breeding company focusing on professional organic growers.<br />
Vitalis supplies a wide range of organic vegetable seeds of distinctive quality all over the world. The organically certified<br />
seeds are all grown and processed under strict organic conditions. They consequently meet the specific demands and<br />
requirements of both organic consumers and organic growers and all the relevant legislation in Europe and America.<br />
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the power of vegetable breeding<br />
A real multilocal company<br />
Enza Zaden is an international company, or rather, as we like to put it ourselves, a multilocal company. Enza Zaden has<br />
breeding stations, production stations and commercial branches in all parts of the world. We work with local people<br />
who know all the ins and outs of our sector and their local market and with breeders who know precisely what varieties<br />
are needed to meet the market demands. Varieties which are geared to local needs and cultivation conditions.<br />
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18 19<br />
20 40<br />
35<br />
21 1<br />
9 26 27<br />
2 22<br />
3<br />
28<br />
5 6 25<br />
10 29<br />
4 23 7 8<br />
15 30<br />
32<br />
12<br />
11<br />
24<br />
17 34<br />
16 31<br />
36 39<br />
33<br />
38<br />
37 41<br />
Enza Zaden Research Stations<br />
1 The Netherlands - Enkhuizen<br />
2 France - Allonnes, Saumur<br />
3 France - Chateaurenard, Provence<br />
4 Spain - Santa Maria del Aguila, Almería<br />
5 Spain - Albujon, Murcia<br />
6 Italy - Tarquinia, Lazio<br />
7 Italy - Acate, Sicily<br />
8 Turkey - Antalya<br />
9 Germany - Dannstadt<br />
10 USA - San Juan Bautista, California<br />
11 USA - Brandenton, Florida<br />
12 Mexico - Culiacán, Sinaloa<br />
13 Australia - Narromine, NSW<br />
14 New Zealand - Pukekohe, North Island<br />
15 China - Beijing<br />
16 China - Guangdong<br />
17 India - Pune<br />
Enza Zaden Commercial Subsidiaries<br />
18 The Netherlands - Enkhuizen (Enza Zaden Benelux)<br />
19 The Netherlands - Enkhuizen (Enza Zaden <strong>Export</strong>)<br />
20 The Netherlands - Voorst (Vitalis)<br />
21 United Kingdom - Evesham<br />
22 France - Allonnes, Saumur<br />
23 Spain - Santa Maria del Aguila, Almería<br />
24 Morocco - Agadir<br />
25 Italy - Tarquinia, Lazio<br />
26 Germany - Dannstadt<br />
27 Poland - Warsaw<br />
28 Bulgaria - Plovdiv<br />
29 USA - Salinas, California<br />
30 China - Beijing<br />
31 China - Hong Kong<br />
32 Mexico - Los Mochis, Sinaloa<br />
33 Brazil - Holambra, Sao Paulo<br />
34 India - Pune<br />
35 Russia - Moscow<br />
Seed Production Stations<br />
36 Tanzania - Arusha<br />
37 South Africa - Oudtshoorn<br />
38 Argentina - Mendoza<br />
R&D and Commercial<br />
Joint Ventures<br />
39 Indonesia - Purwakarta<br />
(East West Seed Indonesia)<br />
40 The Netherlands - Wageningen (KeyGene)<br />
41 South Africa - Stellenbosch (Westcape)<br />
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the journey of<br />
the seed<br />
The start of a successful variety<br />
Offering added value and developing new ideas for products and vegetable varieties to meet future demands - those<br />
are our constant aims. We listen to growers, retailers, traders, consumers and distributors and exchange thoughts with<br />
them. That way we remain up-to-date of all the latest trends and developments in the market, all over the world. Our<br />
breeders in turn use that information to develop new varieties.<br />
Working together in the chain<br />
Each link in the chain has its own priorities. Growers need reliable varieties with the distinctive quality which enable<br />
them to make a profit. Traders and retailers want varieties with a good shelf life. A good shelf life is also essential for the<br />
processing industry, along with the possibility of easy processing the vegetables. And the main concerns of consumers<br />
are flavour and health. By working together with all the links in the chain we develop varieties with added value for all<br />
the chain parties.<br />
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the journey of the seed<br />
Creative and innovative breeding<br />
Our Research & Development (R&D) department is the heart of our company. It is the source of our innovative varieties<br />
and the hub of our breeding efforts. The combination of creativity, expertise and many years’ experience in breeding<br />
programmes is our greatest strength. We invest more than 30% of our turnover in innovation, in research and also in<br />
the development of our employees’ knowledge. This enables us to continuously develop top-quality vegetable varieties<br />
that are reliable and offer security, anywhere in the world.<br />
We have closely linked R&D units all over the world. So we are able to quickly exchange specific knowhow in order to<br />
arrive at new or improved varieties. But there is another great advantage to having such local branches: we are right<br />
in the middle of local markets and are therefore familiar with all the specific climatic and cultivation requirements of a<br />
certain country or region, and with the local markets’ needs and wishes.<br />
We still use traditional breeding methods, but we combine our expertise and creativity with modern, highly advanced<br />
technology to make our breeding processes a lot faster and more efficient.<br />
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the journey of the seed<br />
KeyGene<br />
We are constantly in search of methods for speeding up our breeding processes. Enza Zaden is one of the founding<br />
fathers of KeyGene, one of the largest biotechnological companies in the world in the field of plant genetics. KeyGene<br />
was established in 1989 by a group of Dutch breeding companies.<br />
The company, which is based in the Dutch town of Wageningen, carries out pre-competitive research to help the<br />
affiliated breeding companies to make their breeding programmes more effective and more efficient. Besides searching<br />
for new markers for marking more genes, KeyGene also develops software for making it easier to administratively<br />
manage analytical methods and breeding programmes.<br />
Westcape Biotech Pty.<br />
The establishment, in 2012, of Westcape Biotech Pty. in Stellenbosch, South Africa implied a great step forward in<br />
making our breeding process more efficient. Westcape is a joint venture with the innovative Expressive Research, a<br />
biotechnological company that is active in the fields of cell and tissue culture and molecular diagnostics.<br />
This cooperation has greatly increased our capacity for cell and tissue cultivation activities in particular. Thanks to<br />
Westcape we are able to offer our breeders worldwide even better support with products obtained in cell and tissue<br />
cultivation processes.<br />
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the journey of the seed<br />
Production and quality of our seed<br />
Once we have developed and thoroughly tested a new variety we start producing high quality seed of that variety on a<br />
large scale. This is the responsibility of our Seed Production department.<br />
The seed is produced all over the world and is then sent to our head office in Enkhuizen for further processing. Using<br />
the latest technology we dry the seed, grade it and remove any contaminations and deviating seeds from the batches.<br />
The seed is then ready for the last thorough check in our quality laboratory. Extensive quality tests and intensive<br />
research help us to raise the quality of our seed to a higher level. Our seed health lab makes sure the seed we offer<br />
commercially is healthy and free of harmful pathogens. With all these operations and inspections we guarantee our<br />
customers the best seeds.<br />
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the journey of the seed<br />
Upgrading our seed<br />
Certain after-treatments can boost the quality and reliability of some types of seed. For example we pellet very small<br />
seeds to give them more body. This involves coating each seed with a thin layer of clay, which makes the seed easier<br />
to sow. The clay moreover contains nutrients for the first phase of the seedlings’ development, and products to protect<br />
them against pathogens in that vulnerable early phase.<br />
Good Seed and Plant Practices<br />
Healthy seed and healthy plants give growers greater security. It was for that very reason that an international system<br />
was introduced specifically for reducing the risk of infection of tomato seeds and tomato plants: Good Seed and Plant<br />
Practices (GSPP). We are proud that all our seed production stations are accredited under this quality mark.<br />
Our global production stations<br />
Tanzania<br />
We have an ideally located production station in Tanzania. The constant climate in that area enables us to produce<br />
seed of fruity crops all year-round. Also timely seed production enables us to quickly introduce new varieties. This is of<br />
crucial importance in the dynamic vegetable seed market.<br />
South Africa and Argentina<br />
From our locations in Oudtshoorn and Mendoza we coordinate our increasing seed production activities (mainly open<br />
field crops) respectively in South Africa and Argentina.<br />
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Northwest Europe<br />
the power of a multilocal company<br />
Northwest Europe is the real ‘home market’ for Enza Zaden. The market where many products are developed which<br />
also find their place in the important international 'spin-off' markets. The varieties Enza Zaden develops for this region<br />
are core products for the company.<br />
The greenhouse market in Northwest Europe is a very sophisticated market, complete with new technology, innovation<br />
and knowledge. The Netherlands takes the lead role in developing the know-how. <strong>Export</strong>s include products, genetic<br />
resources, technological developments and knowledge, promoting The Netherlands to surrounding countries as the<br />
origin of professional cultivation.<br />
The knowledge and technology of Dutch growers is at the centre of the Northwest European market. They export more<br />
than half of their products within a radius of 500 km around the Netherlands. England and Germany are their main<br />
neighbour markets, but export products are shipped to many other European countries and even further. Trust and<br />
reliability are key factors to providing buyers with the assurance of continuous and consistent supply.<br />
In order to be able to advise growers in the Northwest European countries and to offer the right varieties, it is important<br />
for Enza Zaden to be fully aware of the market requirements of our customers. Developments in our target markets are<br />
becoming increasingly important. What are the product needs of a supermarket in Germany? What type of products do<br />
you find in England at the local greengrocer’s? We need to constantly monitor and understand the dynamics involved in<br />
the target markets.<br />
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Tomato<br />
Enza Zaden has a very wide range of tomato<br />
varieties, from large beef tomatoes to tasty<br />
vine tomatoes (truss tomatoes) and from baby<br />
plum tomatoes to pink tomatoes for the Asian<br />
market.<br />
Enza Zaden develops varieties that are in line with<br />
market demands. In 1995, Campari was the first<br />
vine tomato variety with a delicious sweet taste. This<br />
variety is available under the brand name Tasty Tom<br />
in the Netherlands, and is called Campari in the USA.<br />
Sunstream was the first baby plum tomato available for<br />
harvesting both as loose tomatoes and as tomatoes on<br />
the vine.<br />
The Asian market has a specific demand for pink<br />
tomatoes. This is an interesting development for Enza<br />
Zaden, particularly since the gene that determines this<br />
colour has been identified, and the first commercial<br />
variety has been introduced. On a worldwide level, the<br />
tomato is the most important vegetable product on the<br />
market, and in China, the pink beef tomato is by far the<br />
dominant variety sold.<br />
Lola Garcia<br />
Senior Breeder Tomato<br />
Spain<br />
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Tomato<br />
Indeterminate large beef<br />
Belfast<br />
Belfast is a remarkably early tomato variety suitable for short cropping in non-heated greenhouses.<br />
The first trusses mature early and bear very large beef size fruits on average 220 grams in size<br />
and larger. The indeterminate plant has a vigorous growth habit which makes Belfast a highly<br />
recommended variety for spring cultivation. The fruits are round in shape, uniform in size, firm and<br />
have a very high quality. Belfast is a professional grower’s choice.<br />
Belle<br />
Belle is the worldwide standard for the cultivation of beef tomatoes in non-heated conditions. Its<br />
quality and reliability is recognized by many growers, shippers and consumers. Belle is widely<br />
adaptable, performing well in greenhouses, tunnels and under nets. The plant growth is compact,<br />
quite open and easy to work in. A strong feature is the regular fruit setting and development. Belle<br />
is quite early into production and is a steady producer of high quality beef tomatoes.<br />
Belfast<br />
Berberana<br />
Berberana is a very large beef tomato variety, fruit size 280 grams and above, with the ability<br />
to adapt to grow successfully in a wide range of different conditions and seasons. Berberana is<br />
suitable for both non-heated greenhouse and open field cultivation. Trusses form easily up the<br />
plant and fruit setting is good, giving altogether an excellent total yield. Many growers plant<br />
Berberana because of its flexibility and consistency in performance, as well as its good disease<br />
resistance pattern.<br />
Buran<br />
Buran is a new indeterminate beef tomato hybrid to enter the Enza Zaden portfolio. Large fruiting,<br />
high yielding and flexible, Buran has made a mark for itself in many different markets. A variety<br />
considered as one of our best large fruiting beef tomato hybrids for extended distance shipping.<br />
Buran is recommended for cultivation in non-heated greenhouses.<br />
Belle<br />
Berberana<br />
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Tomato<br />
Indeterminate large beef<br />
Elpida<br />
Perhaps the most successful Enza Zaden beef tomato of all time. Elpida is market leader throughout the<br />
world. Widely adapted to many cropping types and season, a strong and steady growing plant habit<br />
and a phenomenally high yield of dark green to red quality fruits. Farmers growing Elpida have little<br />
need to look elsewhere for a class variety with staying power.<br />
Elpida<br />
Lezaforta<br />
Lezaforta is a new Enza Zaden indeterminate beef tomato hybrid with Spotted Wilt and Nematode<br />
resistance. The fruits are large in size, on average 220-250 grams, very uniform in shape and with a<br />
high quality. Lezaforta is recommended for both autumn and spring cropping in non-heated protected<br />
cultivations. A new hybrid for any grower keen on taking into their cropping programmes a high yielding<br />
variety with exceptional fruit quality.<br />
Variety Cultivation Maturity Fruit Resistances Remarks<br />
Heated<br />
greenhouse<br />
Non-heated<br />
greenhouse<br />
Open field<br />
Weight<br />
(grams) Shape HR IR<br />
Indeterminate large beef<br />
Aegean x x<br />
Mediumlate<br />
220-250 ToMV/Ff:A-C/Va/Vd/Fol:0,1 TYLCV Large and tasty beef tomato.<br />
Amaneta<br />
x<br />
Mediumearly<br />
200-220 ToMV/Va/Vd/Fol:0,1/For TSWV/Ma/Mi/Mj<br />
Excellent variety with regular fruit-set, especially suited for<br />
long crop.<br />
Amaral x x<br />
Mediumlate<br />
180-220<br />
ToMV/Ff:A-E/Lt/Va/Vd/<br />
Fol:0,1/For<br />
TSWV/Ma/Mi/Mj<br />
High quality fruits.<br />
Arbason x x<br />
Mediumearly<br />
200-220 ToMV/Va/Vd/Fol:0,1<br />
Reliability and very high production in combination with<br />
high stress tolerance.<br />
E15B.35000<br />
x<br />
Mediumearly<br />
240-280 ToMV/Ff:A-E/Va/Vd/Fol:0-2 TYLCV/Ma/Mi/Mj Large deep-red fruits of top quality.<br />
Belfast x Early 220-250 ToMV/Ff:A-E/Va/Vd/Fol:0-2 TSWV/Ma/Mi/Mj Very early variety with high fruit-load on first trusses.<br />
Bellfort x Early 280-320 ToMV/Ff:A-E/Va/Vd/Fol:0-2 TSWV/Ma/Mi/Mj New beef variety with high early and total yield.<br />
Belle x x<br />
Mediumearly<br />
200-220 ToMV/Va/Vd/Fol:0,1<br />
Standard beef tomato in many markets. Easy to grow,<br />
even in difficult conditions.<br />
HR: High Resistance | IR: Intermediate Resistance | Si: Silvering (Chimera) | For explanation of the codes of resistances, see page 166.<br />
Current information concerning the resistances is available on www.enzazaden.com = beef flat round = beef round<br />
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Indeterminate large beef<br />
Fizuma<br />
Fizuma is a 220 gram flat round beef tomato highly recommended for growing in a long crop under<br />
controlled (heated) greenhouse conditions, in this way the potential of the variety is optimized. The<br />
quality and uniformity of the fruits of Fizuma throughout the cropping period are remarkable. Easy<br />
to harvest and strong against cracking, Fizuma’s fruit quality makes it an ideal variety for regular<br />
supply into the fresh produce retail outlets.<br />
Fizuma<br />
Variety Cultivation Maturity Fruit Resistances Remarks<br />
Heated<br />
greenhouse<br />
Non-heated<br />
greenhouse<br />
Open field<br />
Weight<br />
(grams) Shape HR IR<br />
Indeterminate large beef<br />
Berberana<br />
x<br />
Mediumearly<br />
280-320 ToMV/Ff:A-E/Va/Vd/Fol:0,1 TSWV/Ma/Mi/Mj Widely adaptable variety with high yield potential.<br />
Bruni x x<br />
Mediumearly<br />
250-300<br />
ToMV/Ff:A-E/Va/Vd/<br />
Fol:0,1/For<br />
TYLCV/Ma/Mi/Mj<br />
Vigorous plant producing large clusters. Excellent fruit<br />
firmness.<br />
Buran<br />
x<br />
Mediumearly<br />
180-220 ToMV/Ff:A-E/Va/Vd/Fol:0,1 TSWV/Ma/Mi/Mj High production of uniform fruits. Good shipping qualities.<br />
Elpida x x<br />
Mediumearly<br />
220-250 ToMV/Va/Vd/Fol:0,1/For On/Ma/Mi/Mj<br />
Flexible variety suitable for year-round cultivation. High<br />
fruit quality.<br />
Fizuma x Early 200-220<br />
ToMV/Ff:A-E/Va/Vd/<br />
Fol:0,1/For<br />
On<br />
New variety with high yield potential and excellent fruit<br />
quality. Good setting in dark conditions.<br />
Floyd x Early 220-250<br />
ToMV/ToANV/Ff:A-E/Va/<br />
Vd/Fol:0,1/For<br />
On/Ma/Mi/Mj<br />
Excellent continuous fruit setting in long crop.<br />
Forenza x Early 200-220 ToMV/Ff:A-E/Va/Vd/Fol:0,1 On/Ma/Mi/Mj Early high yield.<br />
Hechicero x x<br />
Mediumlate<br />
220-250<br />
ToMV/Ff:A-E/Lt/Va/Vd/<br />
Fol:0-2/For<br />
TYLCV/Ma/Mi/Mj<br />
Remarkable production results in open field during<br />
summer. Very good fruit quality.<br />
HR: High Resistance | IR: Intermediate Resistance | Si: Silvering (Chimera) | For explanation of the codes of resistances, see page 166.<br />
Current information concerning the resistances is available on www.enzazaden.com = beef flat round = beef round<br />
Enza Zaden | 29
Variety Cultivation Maturity Fruit Resistances Remarks<br />
Heated<br />
greenhouse<br />
Non-heated<br />
greenhouse<br />
Open field<br />
Weight<br />
(grams) Shape HR IR<br />
Indeterminate large beef<br />
Lezaforta x x Early 220-250 ToMV/Ff:A-E/Va/Vd/Fol:0-2 TSWV/Ma/Mi/Mj<br />
Mondial x Early 180-220 ToMV/Ff:A-E/Va/Vd/Fol:0,1 TSWV/Ma/Mi/Mj<br />
Adaptable hybrid with balanced plant and fast<br />
fruit development.<br />
Early, high yielding variety. Compact plant type.<br />
Excellent fruit setting.<br />
Rally x Early 220-250 ToMV/Ff:A-E/Va/Vd/Fol:0,1 TSWV/Ma/Mi/Mj Very early large-sized beef tomato.<br />
Sebatina x x Early 220-250 ToMV/Ff:A-E/Va/Vd/Fol:0-2<br />
TSWV/TYLCV/Ma/<br />
Mi/Mj<br />
Fast growing variety with compact plant and<br />
large, uniform fruits.<br />
Vedetta<br />
x<br />
Mediumearly<br />
180-200 ToMV/Va/Vd/Fol:0,1 TSWV<br />
Flexible variety with deep red fruit colour and high<br />
uniformity.<br />
Vernal<br />
x<br />
Mediumearly<br />
220-240 ToMV/Va/Vd/Fol:0,1 TYLCV/Ma/Mi/Mj<br />
Strong growing variety suitable for production<br />
under high temperatures.<br />
Vinicio x x<br />
Mediumearly<br />
220-250 ToMV/Ff:A-E/Va/Vd/Fol:0-2 TSWV/Ma/Mi/Mj<br />
Large sized beef tomato with good setting and<br />
very firm fruits.<br />
Indeterminate pink large beef<br />
Dimerosa x Early 180-220<br />
ToMV/ToANV/Ff:A-E/Ss/Aal/Va/<br />
Vd/Fol:0,1<br />
High yielding pink tomato with good shipping<br />
qualities. Resistant to cracking.<br />
HR: High Resistance | IR: Intermediate Resistance | Si: Silvering (Chimera) | For explanation of the codes of resistances,<br />
see page 166. Current information concerning the resistances is available on www.enzazaden.com = beef flat round = beef round<br />
30 | Enza Zaden
Tomato<br />
Indeterminate pink large beef<br />
Dimerosa<br />
Enza Zaden’s first commercial pink fruiting beef tomato hybrid, specifically recommended for<br />
cropping in non-heated greenhouses. The fruits are on average 180-220 grams in size,<br />
flat round in shape with an excellent quality for shipping long distances. Dimerosa has a strong<br />
growing indeterminate plant habit, an early start to production and a very high overall yield.<br />
Indeterminate small beef<br />
Afamia<br />
Afamia is a very versatile indeterminate export type tomato with fruits on average 180 grams in<br />
size. It is recommended for growing in both non-heated greenhouses and in the open field in<br />
subtropical regions. Afamia has a high total yield of uniform, high quality fruits produced uniformly<br />
up the plant in large clusters.<br />
Dimerosa<br />
Halay 344<br />
Halay 344 is a leading variety in many markets which require a steady growing, indeterminate<br />
small beef variety either for the export markets or local consumption. The fruits are very uniform,<br />
on average 180-200 grams in size, very firm and with an attractive market appearance. Halay 344<br />
has the ability to set fruits well under difficult conditions and produce large, uniform clusters.<br />
Afamia<br />
Enza Zaden | 31
Variety Cultivation Maturity Fruit Resistances Remarks<br />
Heated<br />
geenhouse<br />
Non-heated<br />
greenhouse<br />
Open field<br />
Weight<br />
(grams) Shape HR IR<br />
Indeterminate small beef<br />
Afamia x x<br />
Mediumearly<br />
180 ToMV/Va/Vd/Fol:0,1/For TSWV/Ma/Mi/Mj<br />
Large clusters and high production potential.<br />
Very uniform size and shape.<br />
Alindi x x Early 180 ToMV/Ff:A-E/Va/Vd/Fol:0,1 TYLCV/Ma/Mi/Mj<br />
Good stable production throughout the season.<br />
Balanced plant and quality fruits.<br />
Fiorentino x x<br />
Mediumearly<br />
180 ToMV/Va/Vd/Fol:0-2 TYLCV/Ma/Mi/Mj<br />
Exceptional fruit quality and good shelf life. Maintains<br />
the fruit size throughout the season.<br />
Halay 344 x x<br />
Hanedan x x<br />
Mediumlate<br />
Mediumearly<br />
180 ToMV/Ff:A-E/Va/Vd/Fol:0,1 Very productive. <strong>Export</strong> fruit quality.<br />
150 ToMV/Lt/Va/Vd/Fol:0,1 TYLCV Winter season variety, excellent fruit quality.<br />
Kanavaro x Early 160 ToMV/Ff:A-E/Va/Vd/Fol:0,1/For On/Ma/Mi/Mj High early yield and good total production.<br />
Luanova x Early 180 ToMV/Va/Vd/Fol:0,1/For TYLCV/Ma/Mi/Mj Remarkable fruit quality and unifomity.<br />
Marenza<br />
(E 27.34750)<br />
x<br />
Mediumearly<br />
150 ToMV/ToANV/Va/Vd/Fol:0,1/For TYLCV New variety with excellent export qualities.<br />
HR: High Resistance | IR: Intermediate Resistance | Si: Silvering (Chimera) | For explanation of the codes of resistances,<br />
see page 166. Current information concerning the resistances is available on www.enzazaden.com = small beef flat round = small beef round<br />
32 | Enza Zaden
Tomato<br />
Indeterminate small beef<br />
Sylviana<br />
Enza Zaden’s latest export type tomato hybrid, Sylviana meets all the requirements of the<br />
discerning grower. A strong growing indeterminate plant habit combined with excellent setting<br />
ability gives Sylviana a really high yielding capacity. The fruits are on average 180-200 grams in<br />
size, flat round in shape, firm and with a high quality. Sylviana is a reliable variety and is suitable<br />
for use in long crops, and for both cultivation outdoors and in non-heated greenhouses.<br />
Sylviana<br />
Variety Cultivation Maturity Fruit Resistances Remarks<br />
Heated<br />
greenhouse<br />
Non-heated<br />
greenhouse<br />
Open field<br />
Weight<br />
(grams) Shape HR IR<br />
Indeterminate small beef<br />
Polison x Early 150 ToMV/Va/Vd/Fol:0,1<br />
Ma/Mi/Mj<br />
Very productive. One of the earliest varieties available<br />
on the market.<br />
Praetorius x x<br />
Mediumearly<br />
150 ToMV/Va/Vd/Fol:0,1 TYLCV/Ma/Mi/Mj<br />
Balanced plant and regular production. Especially for<br />
summer cropping. For single and truss harvest.<br />
Savarona<br />
x<br />
Mediumearly<br />
180 ToMV/Lt/Va/Vd/Fol:0,1<br />
Ma/Mi/Mj<br />
Maintains good fruit set and plant growth in cooler<br />
conditions very well. Even colouring to deep red fruit<br />
colour.<br />
Sylviana x x<br />
Mediumearly<br />
180 ToMV/Ff:A-E/Va/Vd/Fol:0-2<br />
Ma/Mi/Mj<br />
Reliable variety for long crop. Easy setting and very<br />
uniform fruits.<br />
Tessera x x<br />
Mediumearly<br />
180 ToMV/Ff:A-E/Lt/Va/Vd/Fol:0-2<br />
Ma/Mi/Mj<br />
Excellent presentation and shipping qualities.<br />
Semi-determinate small beef<br />
Bersola x Early 160 ToMV/Fol:0 Early high yield.<br />
Monsan<br />
x<br />
Mediumearly<br />
180 ToMV/Va/Vd/Fol:0,1 Ma/Mi/Mj High quality semi-determinate tomato.<br />
HR: High Resistance | IR: Intermediate Resistance | Si: Silvering (Chimera) | For explanation of the codes of resistances,<br />
see page 166. Current information concerning the resistances is available on www.enzazaden.com = small beef flat round = small beef round<br />
Enza Zaden | 33
Tomato<br />
Indeterminate medium/small beef<br />
Diamantino<br />
Diamantino is Enza Zaden’s number one long cropping winter variety for growing in heated<br />
greenhouses in the Mediterranean markets. Grown both for loose harvest and for truss<br />
picking, Diamantino gives excellent high quality, uniform medium sized fruits. The strong<br />
growing open plant habit, combined with an excellent setting ability makes Diamantino an<br />
exceptional high yielding variety.<br />
Pitenza<br />
Pitenza is Enza Zaden’s famous truss harvest tomato hybrid, widely used by professional<br />
growers throughout the world. Also very suitable for loose picking. The fruits are on<br />
average 100-120 grams in size, round and firm and very attractive red at full maturity. The<br />
shelf life is outstanding. Pitenza has a strong growing plant habit and sets fruits well under<br />
different growing conditions. Pitenza is recommended for both unheated greenhouse and<br />
tunnel crops. It is one of the very few varieties to be able to produce good truss tomatoes<br />
during the winter period.<br />
Diamantino<br />
Variety Cultivation Maturity Fruit Truss Resistances Remarks<br />
Heated<br />
greenhouse<br />
Non-heated<br />
greenhouse<br />
Weight<br />
(grams) Shape Harvest HR IR Si<br />
Indeterminate medium/small beef<br />
Careza x Early 90 x ToMV/Ff:1-5/Va/Vd/Fol:0,1/For On x Very productive variety for heated crops.<br />
Diamantino x x Medium-early 130 x ToMV/Va/Vd/Fol:0,1/For On x<br />
Dirk x x Medium-early 130 x ToMV/Va/Vd/Fol:0,1/For On x<br />
Pitenza x Medium-early 110 x ToMV/Va/Vd/Fol:0,1<br />
E15M.40088 x Medium-early 90-95 ToMV/Ff:A-E/Va/Vd/Fol:0,1/For On x<br />
Balanced plant and very good setting ability.<br />
Excellent presentation.<br />
High quality truss tomato. Very productive in<br />
warm conditions.<br />
Standard cluster tomato for non-heated<br />
greenhouses.<br />
Loose type for Scandinavian markets. Easy<br />
setting, excellent yield and quality, long shelf life.<br />
HR: High Resistance | IR: Intermediate Resistance | Si: Silvering (Chimera) | For explanation of the codes of resistances,<br />
see page 166. Current information concerning the resistances is available on www.enzazaden.com = medium/small beef round<br />
34 | Enza Zaden
Indeterminate cocktail<br />
Annamay<br />
A superb new hybrid from Enza Zaden. Annamay is a slightly smaller sized cocktail tomato with an<br />
extremely attractive fruit quality and very sweet and aromatic flavour. The trusses are well shaped,<br />
compact and very uniform. Annamay has a strong and compact plant habit. A variety for the<br />
heated greenhouse growers.<br />
Annatefka<br />
Annatefka is a cocktail tomato very suitable for truss harvest. The fruits are on average 30 grams<br />
in size, very uniform in shape and have an excellent taste and quality. Anatefka is noted for its<br />
high brix and attractive fruit presentation appearance. The plant grows steadily throughout a long<br />
production cycle, setting trusses and fruits regularly and well. An attractive variety, Anatefka is a<br />
must for the discerning grower.<br />
Arlinta<br />
The top cocktail tomato hybrid from the Enza Zaden stable, Arlinta has proved itself time and<br />
again to be the first choice of the professional growers in this segment. Arlinta has a strong<br />
growing plant which produces high quality, regular trusses through the long cropping season.<br />
The fruits are on average 30 grams in size, very uniform in shape and extremely sweet and<br />
presentable. Don’t miss the chance to grow the best cocktail tomato in the world.<br />
Annatefka<br />
Arlinta<br />
Enza Zaden | 35
Tomato<br />
Variety Cultivation Maturity Fruit Truss Resistances Remarks<br />
Heated<br />
greenhouse<br />
Non-heated<br />
greehouse<br />
Open field<br />
Weight<br />
(grams) Shape Harvest HR IR Si<br />
Indeterminate cocktail<br />
Adoration x x<br />
Mediumearly<br />
40-60 x<br />
ToMV/Ff:1-5/Va/Vd/Fol:0,1/<br />
For<br />
On<br />
x<br />
Superb quality, very flexible cocktail<br />
tomato.<br />
Annamay x x<br />
Mediumearly<br />
30-40 x ToMV/Ff:1-5/Va/Vd/Fol:0,1 On x Excellent truss shape and high yield.<br />
Annatefka x Early 30-40 x<br />
ToMV/Ff:A-E/Va/Vd/Fol:0,1/<br />
For<br />
On/Ma/Mi/Mj<br />
x<br />
New reliable hybrid. Can be grown under<br />
artificial light.<br />
Arlinta<br />
x<br />
Mediumearly<br />
30-40 x<br />
ToMV/Ff:A-E/Va/Vd/Fol:0,1/<br />
For<br />
On/Ma/Mi/Mj<br />
x<br />
Vigorous variety with compact plant.<br />
Firm, tasty, deep red fruits.<br />
Avalantino<br />
x<br />
Mediumearly<br />
80-90 x<br />
ToMV/Ff:A-E/Va/Vd/Fol:0,1/<br />
For<br />
On<br />
x<br />
Larger-sized cocktail tomato with<br />
remarkable fruit quality. High yield.<br />
Temptation x x<br />
Mediumearly<br />
60-70 x<br />
ToMV/Ff:A-E/Va/Vd/Fol:0,1/<br />
For<br />
x<br />
Vigorous plant with regular setting. Nice<br />
shiny fruits with excellent taste.<br />
Annaluca x Early 40-50 x ToMV/ToANV/Va/Vd/Fol:0,1 On x<br />
Very uniform trusses with dark red and<br />
very glossy fruits. Perfect for flow-pack.<br />
HR: High Resistance | IR: Intermediate Resistance | Si: Silvering (Chimera) | For explanation of the codes of resistances,<br />
see page 166. Current information concerning the resistances is available on www.enzazaden.com = cocktail<br />
36 | Enza Zaden
Indeterminate Cherry<br />
Marinika<br />
Marinika is a new cherry tomato for non-heated crops with excellent taste and flavour. Vigorous,<br />
medium long jointed plant with good setting and stable production through the winter. Variety<br />
produces large split trusses and is recommended for loose fruit picking. The fruits are round<br />
in shape, on average 18-20 grams in weight, very firm and have a beautiful shiny red colour at<br />
maturity.<br />
Tomaggio<br />
Tomaggio is an exciting new cherry tomato hybrid for heated greenhouse production. The plant<br />
grows regularly and gives good truss formation and fruit setting. The small cherry fruits, on<br />
average between 20-22 grams in size, are very firm, sweet and crunchy, the taste is superb. The<br />
fruits are very strong against splitting and fast to mature. Tomaggio is recommended both for<br />
loose and truss harvest, the trusses are extremely uniform and present very attractively in the tray.<br />
Marinika<br />
Variety Cultivation Maturity Fruit Truss Resistances Remarks<br />
Heated<br />
greenhouse<br />
Non-heated<br />
greenhouse<br />
Open field<br />
Weight<br />
(grams) Shape Harvest HR IR Si<br />
Indeterminate cherry<br />
Marinika<br />
x<br />
Mediumearly<br />
18-20<br />
ToMV/Ff:A-E/Ss/Aal/<br />
Fol:0,1/For/Pst<br />
TYLCV<br />
Loose fruit picking type for winter<br />
production.<br />
Nectar x x Early 15-18 ToMV/Ff:A-E/Fol:0,1 x<br />
Sakura x Early 18-22 x ToMV/Ff:A-E/Fol:0,1 Ma/Mi/Mj x<br />
Tomaggio x Early 20-22 x ToMV/Va/Vd/Fol:0/For On<br />
Tomalien x Early 22 x ToMV/Ff:A-E/Fol:0,1/For On/Ma/Mi/Mj x<br />
The standard hybrid for taste and<br />
presentation. Long trusses.<br />
Early into production. Long, single trusses.<br />
Attractive red fruits, good shelf life.<br />
Very uniform trusses. Sweet and crunchy<br />
taste.<br />
Truss cherry with deep red colour and<br />
excellent taste.<br />
Trebus<br />
x<br />
Mediumearly<br />
25-30 x ToMV/Fol:0,1/For<br />
Variety which combines production with<br />
quality. Ideal for early autumn crops.<br />
Zorayda<br />
x<br />
Mediumearly<br />
18-20 x<br />
ToMV/Ff:A-E/Ss/Aal/<br />
Fol:0,1<br />
TYLCV<br />
Truss cherry for non-heated cultivations.<br />
Stable performance throughout the<br />
season.<br />
HR: High Resistance | IR: Intermediate Resistance | Si: Silvering (Chimera) | For explanation of the codes of resistances,<br />
see page 166. Current information concerning the resistances is available on www.enzazaden.com = cherry<br />
Enza Zaden | 37
Variety Cultivation Maturity Fruit Truss Resistances Remarks<br />
Heated<br />
greenhouse<br />
Non-heated<br />
greenhouse<br />
Open field<br />
Weight<br />
(grams) Shape Harvest HR IR Si<br />
Indeterminate large plum<br />
Centenario x x Early 160-180<br />
ToMV/Ff:A-E/Va/Vd/Fol:0-2/<br />
For<br />
TYLCV<br />
New high yielding Saladette producing<br />
long trusses with more than 8 fruits.<br />
Excellent colour and firmness.<br />
Corleone x x<br />
Mediumearly<br />
160-180 ToMV/Ff:A-E/Va/Vd/Fol:0-2<br />
TYLCV/Ma/<br />
Mi/Mj<br />
Strong growing and flexible variety.<br />
Quality fruits.<br />
Naram x x<br />
Mediumearly<br />
130-150 x ToMV/Ff:B,D/Va/Vd/Fol:0,1 Ma/Mi/Mj<br />
Very uniform trusses with nice green<br />
parts.<br />
Paipai x x Early 160-180 ToMV/Va/Vd/Fol:0,1<br />
TSWV/Ma/<br />
Mi/Mj<br />
Flexible plum hybrid with exceptional<br />
fruit quality. Compact plant with short<br />
internodes.<br />
Policarpo x x Early 180-200 ToMV/Va/Vd/Fol:0,1/Pst<br />
Ma/Mi/Mj<br />
New variety with high yield and good<br />
setting in hot conditions.<br />
Savantas x x Early 100-110 x ToMV/Ff:A-E/Fol:0,1/For Ma/Mi/Mj x<br />
Very attractive trusses. Uniform<br />
production pattern.<br />
Susanti x Early 105-115 x<br />
ToMV/Ff:A-E/Va/Vd/Fol:0,1/<br />
For<br />
Ma/Mi/Mj<br />
Very nice presentation. Produces superb<br />
quality tomatoes also under artificial light.<br />
HR: High Resistance | IR: Intermediate Resistance | Si: Silvering (Chimera) | For explanation of the codes of resistances,<br />
see page 166. Current information concerning the resistances is available on www.enzazaden.com = large plum<br />
38 | Enza Zaden
Tomato<br />
Indeterminate large plum<br />
Centenario<br />
Centenario is a large indeterminate plum type which is widely adapted to growing in different<br />
climates and seasons, particularly recommended for open field production on stakes in<br />
subtropical regions. The plant has a vigorous growth habit and sets fruits easily. The fruits are<br />
on average 160-180 grams in size, long plum shaped, firm and well suited to long distance<br />
shipping. Centenario has proved to be a reliable grower’s variety.<br />
Paipai<br />
Paipai is a new very flexible indeterminate plum variety, showing remarkable performance in<br />
a variety of growing conditions. Epecially recommended for non-heated and open field crops.<br />
The plant is compact, with very short internodes which makes it very labour-friendly. The<br />
hybrid is early into production, setting on average 8 fruits per truss. Large-sized fruits ripen to<br />
attractive, smooth, deep red colour. Paipai has outstanding shelf-life and shipping qualities.<br />
Policarpo<br />
Policarpo is a new, large fruiting Saladette type tomato hybrid for production in non-heated<br />
greenhouses as well as in the open field. The fruits are very large, on average 180-200 grams in<br />
size, firm and very suitable for shipping long distances. Policarpo has a strong, steady growing<br />
plant habit and sets fruits easily and regularly up the whole plant whilst maintain size at the top.<br />
The resistance package makes Policarpo a very versatile variety to grow.<br />
Susanti<br />
Susanti<br />
Susanti is an indeterminate plum variety particularly recommended for production in heated<br />
greenhouses. It has a very high overall yield of top quality fruits making Susanti a standard<br />
recommended variety. Susanti produces extremely uniform trusses of quick and even colouring<br />
attractive shiny fruits, with a fantastic taste and easy to slice. The plant habit is strong growing<br />
and well balanced.<br />
Enza Zaden | 39
Variety Cultivation Maturity Fruit Truss Resistances Remarks<br />
Heated<br />
greenhouse<br />
Non-heated<br />
greenhouse<br />
Open field<br />
Weight<br />
(grams) Shape Harvest HR IR Si<br />
Indeterminate small plum<br />
Ardiles x Early 40-45 x ToMV/Ff:A-E/Va/Vd/Fol:0,1/For On/Ma/Mi/Mj x<br />
Garincha x x Early 12 ToMV/Fol:0,1 TSWV/Ma/Mi/Mj<br />
Vespolino x x Early 25-30 x ToMV/Fol:0,1 Ma/Mi/Mj x<br />
Productive and easy to grow mini<br />
plum tomato variety.<br />
Santa type fruits with superb taste<br />
and flavour.<br />
Outstanding fruit quality. Spectacular<br />
performance in long cultivations<br />
through the winter.<br />
Vesuvius x x<br />
Mediumearly<br />
35-40 x ToMV/Va/Vd/Fol:0,1 On/Ma/Mi/Mj<br />
Midi San Marzano, intense glossy red<br />
fruit colour and nice green parts.<br />
Vialli x Early 10<br />
ToMV/ToANV/Ff:A-E/Va/Vd/<br />
Fol:0,1/For<br />
Ma/Mi/Mj<br />
x<br />
Labour-friendly and very productive<br />
Santa type.<br />
San Marzano<br />
Pozzano x x<br />
Mediumearly<br />
120-150 ToMV/Va/Vd/Fol:0,1<br />
Productive San Marzano for spring<br />
and autumn cultivation. Non<br />
greenback.<br />
HR: High Resistance | IR: Intermediate Resistance | Si: Silvering (Chimera) | For explanation<br />
of the codes of resistances, see page 166. Current information concerning the resistances is<br />
available on www.enzazaden.com = Santa = mini plum = long mini plum = San Marzano<br />
40 | Enza Zaden
Tomato<br />
Indeterminate small plum<br />
Ardiles<br />
A new top mini plum hybrid from the Enza Zaden portfolio, Ardiles is the number one<br />
recommended variety for professional heated greenhouse growers. The fruits are on average<br />
40-45 grams in size, very firm and attractive shiny red in colour at full maturity. Ardiles produces<br />
very regular large trusses and has an excellent overall total yield. A quality tomato variety in its<br />
segment, widely appreciated in the trade for its flavour and presentation.<br />
Garincha<br />
Garincha is a beautiful small oval shaped mini plum tasty tomato for the professional heated<br />
glasshouse markets. The very uniform fruits are 12 grams in size, extremely sweet and very<br />
attractive shiny red in colour at full maturity. The production capacity of Garincha is extraordinary,<br />
trusses set well and regularly up the plant, which stays in balance through a long crop. Garincha is<br />
very suitable for loose harvest, but can also be used for truss harvest when required. A top variety<br />
with many attractive qualities.<br />
Ardiles<br />
Garincha<br />
Enza Zaden | 41
Variery Maturity Fruit Resistances Remarks<br />
Determinate open field round<br />
Weight<br />
(grams) Shape HR IR<br />
Enz10 Early 180-200 Lt/Va/Vd/Fol:0,1 TYLCV/Ma/Mi/Mj Very productive, good leaf cover.<br />
Fora 922 Medium-early 230-250 ToMV/Va/Vd/Fol:0,1 TSWV/Ma/Mi/Mj Large sized uniform fruits. A high yielding variety.<br />
Hala21 Early 160-180 Lt/Va/Vd/Fol:0,1 TSWV/TYLCV/Ma/Mi/Mj Early generative variety. Good setting in hot conditions.<br />
Imran Early 180-220 Lt/Va/Vd/Fol:0,1 TSWV/Ma/Mi/Mj Uniform deep red fruits. Early into production.<br />
Jamilla Medium-early 180-220 Va/Vd/Fol:0,1 TSWV/Ma/Mi/Mj<br />
Very strong plant with continuous setting. Long harvesting<br />
period.<br />
Lisetta Medium-early 160-180 Lt/Va/Vd/Fol:0,1 TSWV/Ma/Mi/Mj Very productive variety with concentrated setting. Firm fruits.<br />
Lojain Medium-early 170-190 ToMV/Va/Vd/Fol:0,1 TYLCV<br />
Sadeen Early 160-180 Lt/Va/Vd/Fol:0,1<br />
Excellent production in hot conditions. Extremely good fruit<br />
quality and firmness.<br />
Widely adabtable variety for spring and summer in different<br />
growing areas. Very productive.<br />
Sukaina Medium-early 180-200 Lt/Va/Vd/Fol:0,1 Ma/Mi/Mj Strong plant with good leaf cover. High yield potential.<br />
Zain40 Early 180-200 Lt/Va/Vd/Fol:0,1 Ma/Mi/Mj Uniform deep red fruits with excellent shipping qualities.<br />
E 26.34096 Early 160-180 Lt/Va/Vd/Fol:0,1 TYLCV/Ma/Mi/Mj<br />
Very productive new hybrid for autumn cultivation. Quality<br />
fruits.<br />
HR: High Resistance | IR: Intermediate Resistance | Si: Silvering (Chimera) | For explanation of the codes of resistances, see page 166.<br />
Current information concerning the resistances is available on www.enzazaden.com<br />
= beef flat round = beef round = plum<br />
42 | Enza Zaden
Tomato<br />
Determinate open field round<br />
Caddo<br />
A very new large round determinate hybrid to enter the Enza Zaden portfolio. The fruits are very<br />
large, on average over 200 grams in size, firm and extremely attractive for the consumer. The<br />
plant provides the rich harvest with a very good cover, and harvesting can be carried out over a<br />
relatively short period of time. Caddo is particularly recommended for production in hot or semitropical<br />
areas.<br />
Lojain<br />
Lojain is a superb quality tomato hybrid with an outstanding resistance package. The round fruits<br />
are very firm with a deep red colour and an average size of 170-190 grams. Fruit set is excellent.<br />
The plant has good growth and covers the maturing fruits very well. Lojain is a highly productive<br />
variety.<br />
Determinate open field plum<br />
Morelia<br />
A leading Enza Zaden determinate plum variety with a very high production and excellent fruit<br />
quality, recommended mainly for fresh market usage. The plant gives the fruits good coverage and<br />
is quite vigorous. The fruits are medium sized, on average between 160 and 180 grams, very firm<br />
and with an attractive red colour at full maturity. Morelia has a good resistance package which<br />
makes it a highly recommended variety for production under a wide range of growing conditions.<br />
Lojain<br />
Variery Maturity Fruit Resistances Remarks<br />
Determinate open field round<br />
Weight<br />
(grams) Shape HR IR<br />
Caddo Early 250-300 Va/Vd/Fol:0-2/For TYLCV<br />
Very compact plant with concentrated setting. Uniform, high<br />
quality fruits.<br />
Pawnee Early 280-300<br />
ToANV/Va/Vd/Fol:0-2/<br />
For<br />
TYLCV<br />
Early into production. Large fruits, resistant to cracking.<br />
Watonga Early 250-300 ToANV/Va/Vd/Fol:0-2 TSWV/Ma/Mi/Mj Vigorous, high yielding hybrid. Excellent eating quality.<br />
Determinate open field plum<br />
Morelia Medium-early 160-180 Va/Vd/Fol:0,1 TYLCV<br />
Good leaf cover. Uniform, attractive red, firm plum shaped<br />
fruits.<br />
HR: High Resistance | IR: Intermediate Resistance | Si: Silvering (Chimera) | For explanation of the codes of resistances, see page 166.<br />
Current information concerning the resistances is available on www.enzazaden.com<br />
= beef flat round = beef round = plum<br />
Enza Zaden | 43
44 | Enza Zaden
Southern Europe<br />
the power of a multilocal company<br />
Southern Europe is the winter market garden for the whole of Western Europe and beyond. Italy, Spain, Morocco and<br />
Turkey are the four major horticultural markets producing greenhouse and open field fresh vegetables from autumn<br />
through the winter and into late spring for the needs of the hungry consumers in Europe as a whole.<br />
The Enza Zaden key research facilities are located in the major vegetable production regions of Spain, Italy and Turkey,<br />
where we can benefit from local knowledge and understanding of the needs of growers and consumers alike. By<br />
working directly in the main markets we can expose our genetic material to the scrutiny of the markets directly. We<br />
breed in the greenhouse crops of tomato, pepper, cucumber and eggplant, and the open field crops of squash, melon,<br />
lettuce, cauliflower and many other smaller crops.<br />
At our research facility in Italy, in Tarquinia just north of Rome, we have a very active breeding programme in two very<br />
local species groups, namely radicchio and fennel. This is just one example of how we use the full international research<br />
facilities of Enza Zaden and apply it to significant local crops. Italy is a ‘traditional’ vegetable producing country with<br />
many generations of experience. The portfolio of types and varieties is huge, making it an enormous challenge to make<br />
a success of our business in all the types and segments.<br />
Turkey is also a very ‘traditional’ Mediterranean vegetable producing market. Winter production under protected<br />
greenhouse conditions is found all around the coast from Izmir in the Northwest to Mersin in the East. Enza Zaden’s<br />
strategic research station located in Antalya is the source of new, exciting varieties adaptable to the local market and<br />
countries in the close vicinity.<br />
Enza Zaden | 45
Pepper<br />
At the moment, ninety percent of Enza Zaden’s pepper<br />
breeding activities focus on the following varieties:<br />
• Blocky types: blocky peppers are<br />
available in different colours. The<br />
green, red, orange and yellow fruits<br />
are mainly known in the western<br />
world, whereas white peppers, for<br />
example, are popular in Eastern<br />
Europe.<br />
• Lamuyo peppers: this type is mainly<br />
popular in the Mediterranean Region and<br />
in Central and South America. For the latter<br />
area, open field varieties are being developed.<br />
• Turkish peppers: these varieties are developed<br />
to be grown under protected cultivation in<br />
Turkey.<br />
• Cone-shaped peppers: these varieties are<br />
developed to be grown under protected cultivation in<br />
Spain and Italy.<br />
• Hot Peppers: the hot pepper breeding programme is<br />
a rapidly developing programme that focuses on two<br />
markets: Mexico (Jalapeno and Ancho peppers) and<br />
varieties used in Middle East markets.<br />
Enza Zaden’s breeding activities in The Netherlands focus<br />
on heated glasshouse crops, in Spain the main markets<br />
are for non-heated protected cultivation varieties.<br />
Breeding in peppers is a global activity, combining<br />
technical and research input from The Netherlands, Spain<br />
and America. Open field peppers are bred in California<br />
and Florida for use in the USA and Mexican markets as<br />
well as many other open field markets worldwide.<br />
Young Han<br />
Distributor Korea<br />
46 | Enza Zaden
Pepper<br />
Blocky red<br />
Artega<br />
Artega combines high production with outstanding fruit quality. A new hybrid recommended for<br />
production in non-heated greenhouses under a wide range of production seasons. The fruits are<br />
very uniform in shape, heavy and firm, colouring green to red at full maturity. The plant habit is<br />
strong growing and open. Artega is a leading variety producing export quality peppers.<br />
Maranello<br />
Maranello is the leader variety in its segment in the heated greenhouse market in The Netherlands.<br />
Maranello is an extremely high yielding variety producing large blocky fruits which mature quickly<br />
from green to an attractive red colour. The excellent setting ability combined with the open plant<br />
habit makes harvesting very easy. Maranello is the professional grower’s variety of today.<br />
Relampago<br />
Relampago is a top quality hybrid recommended for production in all non-heated greenhouse<br />
crops. The plant is strong growing making fruit set easy and uniform. Relampago is a high yielding<br />
variety, producing very uniform large fruits which mature from green to a very attractive deep red<br />
colour. It has a very good virus resistance package.<br />
Artega<br />
Blocky green<br />
Sweet 46<br />
Sweet 46 has very attractive large dark shiny green blocky fruits at the immature stage. At<br />
maturity the fruits remain green and are very sweet. Very suitable for use in traffic light packs<br />
where a green fruit which stays green is needed. It is recommended for production in non-heated<br />
greenhouses. The strong growing plant produces regularly up the plant; the total yield is very high.<br />
A unique variety bred for the specialist grower.<br />
Maranello<br />
Sweet 46<br />
Enza Zaden | 47
Variety Cultivation Maturity Fruit Resistances Remarks<br />
Non-heated<br />
greenhouse<br />
Heated<br />
greenhouse<br />
Shape<br />
Diameter<br />
(mm) HR IR<br />
Blocky green/red<br />
Artega x Early 75-85 Tm:0-2 Top fruit quality throughout the season. Perfect blocky shape.<br />
Barbero<br />
(E20B.1012392)<br />
x Early 80-90 Tm:0-3 TSWV:0<br />
Very early variety with compact plant type. Excellent fruit<br />
quality.<br />
Bungi x Early 90+ Tm:0-3 TSWV:0<br />
Flexible, large sized TSWV resistant pepper. Extremely firm<br />
fruits.<br />
Dotan x Early 80-90 Tm:0-3 TSWV:0 Fast fruit ripening and quick plant recovery.<br />
Ferrari x x Early 75-85 Tm:0-2 Open plant, regular setting. Widely adaptable and reliable.<br />
Healey x Medium-early 90+ Tm:0-2 Maintains large fruit-size all season long. High yield.<br />
Imperio x Early 90-95 Tm:0-3 TSWV:0<br />
Maduro x Medium-early 80-85 Tm:0-2<br />
Large fruited variety for winter production. The fruit set, shape<br />
and uniformity in cold conditions are unique.<br />
New variety providing steady and reliable performance. Very<br />
good vigour and endurance.<br />
Maracana<br />
(E20B.5064)<br />
x Medium-early 80-85 PepMoV/Tm:0-2<br />
Very high production potential. Fast colouring and excellent<br />
shelf life.<br />
Maranello x Early 85-95 Tm:0-2<br />
A very early producer of firm, large sized, quality fruits all<br />
season long.<br />
HR: High Resistance | IR: Intermediate Resistance | For explanation of the codes of resistances, see page 166.<br />
Current information concerning the resistances is available on www.enzazaden.com<br />
48 | Enza Zaden
Variety Cultivation Maturity Fruit Resistances Remarks<br />
Non-heated<br />
greenhouse<br />
Heated<br />
greenhouse<br />
Shape<br />
Diameter<br />
(mm) HR IR<br />
Blocky green/red<br />
Mercurio x Early 75-85 Tm:0-3 TSWV:0<br />
Muley x Medium-early 75-85 Tm:0-3 TSWV:0/MaMiMj<br />
Medium sized pepper with easy setting and fast fruit<br />
development.<br />
Nematode and TSWV resistant variety for non-heated<br />
protected cultivations.<br />
Red Light x Medium-early 80-90<br />
PepMoV/PVY:0-2/<br />
Tm:0-2<br />
TSWV:0<br />
Strong plant suitable for long cropping period. Remarkable<br />
shelf life.<br />
Relampago x Early 85-90 Tm:0-3 TSWV:0<br />
Roselo x Medium-early 85-95 Tm:0-2 TSWV:0<br />
Amazing setting under high temperatures. Compact plants<br />
with good leaf cover and strong growth.<br />
Vigorous plant with good endurance. Firm fruits. Especially<br />
suited for difficult/harsher growing conditions.<br />
Scirocco x Early 80-85 Tm:0-3 Very generative and open plant habit, easy to work in.<br />
Sweet 46 x Medium-early 80 Tm:0-2<br />
Tamarin x Medium-early 90-110 Tm:0-3 TSWV:0<br />
Veyron x Early 85 Tm:0-3<br />
Unique stay green variety with regular production and high<br />
yield.<br />
Large fruited variety for spring production in subtropical<br />
areas. Continuous setting and high quality fruits.<br />
Easy setting, labour friendly plant type and fast fruit<br />
colouring.<br />
Viper x Early 85-95 Tm:0-2 Large fruit size, vigorous plant, high yielding variety.<br />
HR: High Resistance | IR: Intermediate Resistance | For explanation of the codes of resistances, see page 166.<br />
Current information concerning the resistances is available on www.enzazaden.com<br />
Enza Zaden | 49
Variety Cultivation Maturity Fruit Resistances Remarks<br />
Non-heated<br />
greenhouse<br />
Heated<br />
greenhouse<br />
Shape<br />
Diameter<br />
(mm) HR IR<br />
Blocky green/yellow<br />
Atalante<br />
(E20B.4994)<br />
x Early 85 Tm:0-3<br />
Flexible variety with high production and large fruit size<br />
throughout the season.<br />
Bentley x x Early 90-95 Tm:0-3<br />
Large fruited variety with consistent fruit quality. Labourfriendly<br />
plant type.<br />
Catriona x Early 90<br />
PepMoV/PVY:0-2/<br />
Tm:0-3<br />
TSWV:0<br />
Compact plant habit. Early into production.<br />
Celaya x Early 80-90 Tm:0-3 TSWV:0/MaMiMj Nematode resistant hybrid, easy setting in hot conditions.<br />
Coletti x x Medium-early 80-85 Tm:0-3<br />
Compact plant habit. Thick walled, uniform, high quality<br />
blocky fruits.<br />
Dandan x Medium-early 90-95 Tm:0-3 TSWV:0 Medium sized fruits with long shelf life. Vigorous plant type.<br />
Deniro x Early 90-110 Tm:0-3 TSWV:0<br />
Variety with strong growing plant habit, especially suited for<br />
autumn-winter cultivations.<br />
Dicaprio x Medium-early 90-110 Tm:0-3 TSWV:0 Large, heavy, firm fruits. Balanced plant.<br />
Fiesta x Early 75-85 Tm:0-2<br />
SunnyEZ x Early 80-85 Tm:0-2<br />
Very early and easy to grow variety. High production under a<br />
range of conditions.<br />
Early into production. Thick walled, bright yellow fruits with<br />
long shelf life.<br />
Vélez x Early 85-90 Tm:0-2 Standard hybrid for the spring production in Southern Europe.<br />
Volante x Early 85-90 Tm:0-3 Fastest colouring yellow pepper available on the market.<br />
Blocky green/orange<br />
Castano x x Early 85-95 Tm:0-2 Flexible variety with easy setting and consistent fruit quality.<br />
Magno x Early 85-90 Tm:0-3 Easy to set, very uniform fruits.<br />
Milena x Early 85-90 PVY:0-1/Tm:0-3 TSWV:0/TEV<br />
Tabor x Medium-early 85-95 PVY:0-1/Tm:0-3 TSWV:0/TEV<br />
Excellent quality orange blocky pepper. Broad disease<br />
resistance package.<br />
High yielding variety for autumn/winter cultivations. Nice,<br />
shiny, firm, dark-orange fruits.<br />
HR: High Resistance | IR: Intermediate Resistance | For explanation of the codes of resistances, see page 166.<br />
Current information concerning the resistances is available on www.enzazaden.com<br />
50 | Enza Zaden
Pepper<br />
Blocky yellow<br />
Atalante<br />
Atalante is a green to yellow maturing blocky pepper suitable for long production in heated<br />
greenhouses. Atalante is always very early into production and has an extremely high total yield.<br />
The fruits are medium/large blocky, maturing very evenly from green to an attractive yellow colour.<br />
An exceptional variety for the discerning grower.<br />
Dandan<br />
Dandan is a yellow maturing greenhouse blocky pepper with a high level of resistances making it<br />
very suitable for production in a wide range of cropping regimes. The fruits are medium to large in<br />
size, very uniform and firm and resist the rigors of long distance transport very well. Dandan has a<br />
vigorous growth habit, sets fruits well and very regularly up the plant.<br />
Volante<br />
Volante produces very attractive lemon yellow coloured blocky peppers. The plant habit is<br />
quite open, giving an early and even fruit set over the whole plant. Volante has a very high total<br />
production of extremely high quality large sized fruits, which are very firm and have an extended<br />
shelf life. Volante is strong against anthocyanin.<br />
Volante<br />
Blocky orange<br />
Milena<br />
Milena is one of our main blocky orange maturing greenhouse blocky pepper hybrids, grown<br />
widely in many production areas around the world. Particularly recommended for use in nonheated<br />
greenhouses where it excels in yield and quality. Milena has an open plant habit, is early<br />
into production and produces attractive shiny orange fruits at full maturity. This variety has a<br />
strong disease resistance package.<br />
Milena<br />
Tabor<br />
Tabor is a large fruiting blocky pepper maturing to an attractive orange colour at full maturity.<br />
Tabor is recommended for non-heated greenhouse production, in particular the later maturing<br />
crops. The strong plant habit allows easy setting of fruits in a regular way throughout the<br />
production cycle. Tabor is a very good all round variety which can be used in many different<br />
production regions.<br />
Enza Zaden | 51
Variety Maturity Fruit Resistances Remarks<br />
Shape<br />
Diameter<br />
(mm) HR IR<br />
Blocky green - red and green - yellow open field<br />
Abay Early 95-105 Xcv:1-5/Tm:0<br />
Excellent fruit quality, shiny dark yellow mature colour,<br />
nice blocky shape.<br />
Almirante Early 90-100<br />
Xcv:1-3/PepMoV/PVY:0-1/<br />
Tm:0<br />
TEV<br />
Strong vigorous plant with excellent leaf cover and very<br />
good setting ability.<br />
Bunker Medium-early 90-100<br />
Xcv:1-3,5/PepMoV/PVY:0-1/<br />
Tm:0<br />
TEV<br />
High yielding variety with remarkable fruit quality.<br />
Clair Early 95-105 Tm:0/Xcv:1-3 TSWV:P0/PVY:0/TEV<br />
Highly resistant, very productive field pepper. Both for<br />
green and red harvest.<br />
Dashen Medium-early 95-105 Xcv:1-5/Tm:0 TSWV:0 Nice large sized blocky fruits. High yield.<br />
Gambler Early 90-100 PVY:0-1/Tm:0 TEV<br />
Early setting, good leaf cover, uniform fruits. Very<br />
productive.<br />
Mildred Medium-early 95-105<br />
Xcv:1-3/PepMoV/PVY:0-2/<br />
Tm:0-2<br />
TSWV:0<br />
Large sized fruits of very good quality and firmness.<br />
Attractive resistance package.<br />
Orion Medium-early 90-100 Xcv:1-3,5/Tm:0 Good leaf cover. Firm, thick-walled blocky fruits.<br />
Procraft Early 95-105 Xcv:1-3/PVY:0-1/Tm:0 TSWV:0/TEV<br />
New hybrid with vigorous plant and excellent setting in<br />
hot conditions. Beautiful smooth mature red colouring.<br />
Zothero Early 90-100<br />
Xcv:1-3/PepMoV/PVY:0-1/<br />
Tm:0<br />
TEV<br />
Sets well in hot and cooler conditions. Attractive<br />
intense dark green fruit colour.<br />
HR: High Resistance | IR: Intermediate Resistance | For explanation of the codes of resistances, see page 166.<br />
Current information concerning the resistances is available on www.enzazaden.com<br />
52 | Enza Zaden
Pepper<br />
Blocky open field<br />
Clair<br />
Clair is a very productive open field red ripening large sized blocky pepper giving an exceptional<br />
yield of very high quality firm fruits. The strong growing bushy plant gives good sun protection<br />
to the developing fruits. Clair can be grown well up short stakes, which makes harvesting easier.<br />
Clair has a good disease resistance pattern and has shown to perform well under a wide range of<br />
growing conditions.<br />
Mildred<br />
An important member of our open field pepper team, Mildred produces very large and uniform<br />
yellow maturing blocky peppers. It can also be quite easily harvested at the green stage. The fruits<br />
are firm and thick walled giving a high kilo return in most growing systems. The strong growing<br />
plant gives good leaf coverage, protecting the fruits well from excessive sun scorch. Mildred has<br />
an attractive package of resistances.<br />
Zothero<br />
A new, early all-round variety recommended for all open field crops. The large sized, dark green<br />
fruits are very uniform in shape and thick walled. Zothero has an extremely interesting resistance<br />
package making it a winner for many growers. The plant is strong growing but quite compact,<br />
producing fruits steadily throughout a long growing season.<br />
Mildred<br />
Enza Zaden | 53
Variety Cultivation Maturity Fruit Resistances Remarks<br />
Non-heated<br />
greenhouse<br />
Open field<br />
Shape<br />
Diameter<br />
(mm) HR IR<br />
Lamuyo Green/Red<br />
Arcade x Early<br />
60-70 x<br />
130-150<br />
PepMoV/PVY:0-2/<br />
Tm:0<br />
Smaller type for open field. Good setting in many growing<br />
conditions.<br />
Atol x x Early<br />
90-100 x<br />
150-160<br />
Tm:0<br />
Main standard Enza Zaden hybrid. Performs well in cooler<br />
conditions.<br />
Dallas x x Early<br />
90-100 x<br />
150-170<br />
Tm:0<br />
Early, high yield and easy setting under hot conditions.<br />
Lucumone x x Early 80 x 120 Tm:0-3 TSWV:0<br />
Compact, open plant, easy setting. Especially for spring and<br />
autumn crops.<br />
Mirador x Medium-early<br />
100-110 x<br />
150-160<br />
Tm:0-3<br />
TSWV:0<br />
Very good setting in low light conditions. Maintains large size<br />
and superb fruit quality all season long.<br />
Robur x Medium-early<br />
Tejas x Early<br />
100-110 x<br />
150-170<br />
100-120 x<br />
150-170<br />
Tm:0-3 TSWV:0 Large fruits, excellent quality.<br />
Tm:0-3 TSWV:0 Early maturing variety with large, very firm fruits.<br />
Tijuana x Medium-early<br />
100-110 x<br />
160-180<br />
Tm:0-3<br />
TSWV:0<br />
Very productive and large fruit size. The new standard lamuyo<br />
for production cycles through the winter<br />
Tinsena x Medium-early<br />
100-110 x<br />
160-180<br />
Tm:0-3<br />
TSWV:0<br />
New large sized lamuyo hybrid with easy setting in hot<br />
conditions.<br />
HR: High Resistance | IR: Intermediate Resistance | For explanation of the codes of resistances, see page 166.<br />
Current information concerning the resistances is available on www.enzazaden.com<br />
54 | Enza Zaden
Pepper<br />
Lamuyo<br />
Mirador<br />
Mirador is a very large fruiting red maturing Lamuyo type hybrid particularly recommended for<br />
spring production in non-heated greenhouses in the Mediterranean markets. The plant habit is strong<br />
growing and open, and the leaf cover is good. Mirador produces prolifically large, dark shiny red<br />
fruits with an excellent shape and consistency, maintaining size throughout the length of the whole<br />
production cycle.<br />
Tijuana<br />
Tijuana is a new red maturing Lamuyo pepper variety for autumn and winter cultivations in<br />
greenhouses in Southern Europe. The plant habit is strong but quite open allowing excellent fruit set.<br />
Tijuana produces large sized uniform fruits. Tijuana sets fruits easily and grows particularly well from<br />
hot to cold seasons.<br />
Tinsena<br />
Tinsena is a large sized red ripening Lamuyo type pepper recommended for winter production in nonheated<br />
greenhouses in the main Mediterranean markets. Tinsena has a strong, compact plant habit<br />
with good leaf cover for the maturing fruits, it sets fruit well even in hot conditions. The fruits have an<br />
excellent uniform shape and a beautiful deep shiny red colour at full maturity and dark red colour.<br />
Enza Zaden | 55
Variety Cultivation Maturity Fruit Resistances Remarks<br />
Heated<br />
greenhouse<br />
Non-heated<br />
greenhouse<br />
Open field<br />
Shape Diameter (mm) HR IR<br />
Corno di Toro<br />
Enea x x Early 50-70 x 200-220 Tm:0 TSWV:0<br />
Highly productive variety with very good fruit<br />
quality.<br />
Laerte x x<br />
Mediumearly<br />
50-70 x 200 Tm:0 TSWV:0<br />
Variety with shorter fruits, Pescarese type. High<br />
uniformity.<br />
Silyen x x Early 50-70 x 210-230 Tm:0 TSWV:0/MaMiMj<br />
Shiny yellow fruit colour, smooth skin, thick fruit<br />
wall.<br />
Teseo x x Early 40-50 x 210-230 Tm:0 TSWV:P0/PVY:0 Quality fruits, attractive colour, high yield.<br />
Dulce Italiano<br />
Rubinne x x Medium 40-50 x 200-220 Tm:0-2 TSWV:P0<br />
The all-round 'Dulce Italiano' type for both green<br />
and red harvesting.<br />
HR: High Resistance | IR: Intermediate Resistance | For explanation of the codes of resistances, see page 166.<br />
Current information concerning the resistances is available on www.enzazaden.com<br />
56 | Enza Zaden
Spyker Xanthi Rubinne<br />
Variety Cultivation Maturity Fruit Resistances Remarks<br />
Heated<br />
greenhouse<br />
Non-heated<br />
greenhouse<br />
Open field<br />
Shape<br />
Diameter<br />
(mm)<br />
HR<br />
Long Sweet Conical<br />
Cooper x x Early 40 x 170-190 Tm:0-3 Early and generative variety. High Brix.<br />
Jersey x x Early 40 x 170-190 Tm:0 Attractive yellow conical fruit. Excellent uniformity, very productive.<br />
Spyker x x Early 40 x 150-160 Tm:0 Orange sweet conical. Excellent taste and flavour.<br />
Xanthi x x<br />
Midi Sweet Conical<br />
Mediumearly<br />
50 x 170-190 Tm:0 Very uniform shape and size, yellow sweet point. High yield.<br />
Kurenai x x Early 40-50 x 80-90 Tm:0-2<br />
Medium sized midi conical red with easy setting. Ideal for colour mix<br />
packs.<br />
Nishiki x x Early 40-50 x 80-90 Tm:0 Fruits weigh on average 100 grams. Sweet and very attractive.<br />
Yamabuki x x Early 40-50 x 80-90 Tm:0 Extremely attractive yellow midi sweet point. Strong grower. High yield.<br />
HR: High Resistance | IR: Intermediate Resistance | For explanation of the codes of resistances, see page 166.<br />
Current information concerning the resistances is available on www.enzazaden.com<br />
Enza Zaden | 57
Variety Cultivation Maturity Fruit Resistances Remarks<br />
Heated<br />
greenhouse<br />
Non-heated<br />
greenhouse<br />
Open field<br />
Shape<br />
Diameter<br />
(mm) HR IR<br />
Blocky white<br />
Bianca x x x Early 80-85 Tm:0 Very early into production. Beautiful firm white blocky fruits.<br />
Irene x x<br />
Mediumearly<br />
85-95 Xcv:1-3/Tm:0 TSWV:0<br />
New hybrid with vigorous plant and good leaf cover.<br />
Especially for open field production.<br />
Milica x x Early 85-95 Tm:0-2 Very productive. Somewhat longer blocky fruit.<br />
Vedrana x x Early 85-95 Tm:0-2<br />
Standard variety in many markets. Very uniform blocky fruits,<br />
slightly darker white/light green in colour.<br />
White/light green conical<br />
Editta x x x Early<br />
50-60 x<br />
150-160<br />
Xcv:1-3/Tm:0-2<br />
Fast fruit development. Matures to deep red colour.<br />
Lotta x x Early 70 x 130-140 Xcv:1-3/Tm:0-2<br />
Lastochka type light green conical. Very high early and total<br />
yield. Superb fruit quality.<br />
Nemezis x x Early<br />
60-70 x<br />
160-170<br />
Tm:0-2<br />
Large sized, beautiful white coloured fruit. Productive.<br />
Skytia x x Early<br />
60-70 x<br />
170-180<br />
Tm:0-2<br />
Reliable variety. Excellent export fruit quality. Good winter<br />
production.<br />
HR: High Resistance | IR: Intermediate Resistance | For explanation of the codes of resistances, see page 166.<br />
Current information concerning the resistances is available on www.enzazaden.com<br />
58 | Enza Zaden
Pepper<br />
Blocky white<br />
Vedrana<br />
Vedrana is a white blocky pepper recommended for cultivation in non-heated greenhouses, plastic<br />
tunnels and also in the open field. The fruit colour is slightly darker green than the standard green/<br />
white blocky type, but is equally attractive. The large sized fruits have an excellent quality and<br />
are uniform and very suitable for shipping long distances. Vedrana’s growth, endurance and fruit<br />
setting are excellent which makes the variety particularly suited for all cultivations areas.<br />
White/light green conical<br />
Lotta<br />
Greenish conical pepper (Lastochka type) with medium-strong/semi-open plant. Very high early<br />
yield and continuous setting. Very productive variety with good performance in both tunnel and<br />
open field cultivation sytems. Matures to deep-red colour, excellent fruit quality, thick fruit wall.<br />
Traditional type for Eastern Europe.<br />
Vedrana<br />
Nemezis<br />
Nemezis is a white conical pepper suitable for spring and summer cultivation in non-heated<br />
greenhouses and plastic tunnels. It is very early and has an excellent total yield. The fruits are large<br />
and very attractive white in colour, a variety recommended for the exporters. Plant endurance and<br />
fruit setting are excellent making the Nemezis a top variety in its particular segment.<br />
Lotta<br />
Enza Zaden | 59
Pepper<br />
Sweet Charleston<br />
Tayfa<br />
Tayfa is a very new high yielding Charleston type sweet pepper recommended mainly for<br />
production in non-heated greenhouses and plastic tunnels in Mediterranean markets. It has also<br />
shown a high standard of performance in many open field production areas. The fruits are long<br />
and straight and very high in quality. Tayfa comes into maturity early and has a strong growing<br />
plant providing good leaf cover to the maturing fruits when the temperatures rise.<br />
Dolma<br />
Dovras<br />
Dovras has a medium to strong growing plant which is compact but quite open. It is particularly<br />
recommended for spring crops where it is early into production. Dovras sets fruits extremely well<br />
in warm growing conditions, giving very attractive uniform fruits of a high quality. The fruit colour<br />
is somewhat lighter than the standard. Dovras has a very attractive resistance package.<br />
Tayfa<br />
Variety Cultivation Maturity Fruit Resistances Remarks<br />
Heated<br />
greenhouse<br />
Non-heated<br />
greenhouse<br />
Open field<br />
Shape<br />
Diameter<br />
(mm) HR IR<br />
Sweet Charleston<br />
Reis x x Early 30-40 x 180-190 Tm:0-2<br />
Strong, balanced winter variety. Excellent setting. Uniform<br />
fruits.<br />
Tayfa x x Early 30-40 x 180-200 Tm:0-2 New hybrid for spring cultivation. Very good fruit quality.<br />
Dolma<br />
Desna x x Early 50-60 x 120-150 Tm:0-2 Flexible winter variety. Excellent fruit shape and quality.<br />
Donna x x Medium-early 50-60 x 120-150 Tm:0-2<br />
Dovras x x Medium-early 50-60 x 120-150 Tm:0-2 TSWV:0<br />
Thick walled blocky fruits with a minty green colour. Yellow<br />
at maturity.<br />
Uniform, high quality fruits with thick fruit wall. Very good<br />
setting in warm conditions.<br />
HR: High Resistance | IR: Intermediate Resistance | For explanation of the codes of resistances, see page 166.<br />
Current information concerning the resistances is available on www.enzazaden.com<br />
60 | Enza Zaden
Variety Cultivation Maturity Fruit Resistances Remarks<br />
Heated<br />
greenhouse<br />
Non-heated<br />
greenhouse<br />
Open field<br />
Shape<br />
Diameter<br />
(mm) HR IR<br />
Blocky Colours<br />
Brownie x x x Early 85 none High yielding variety. Attractive brown colour at maturity.<br />
Lozorno x x x Early 85+ Tm:0-2 Attractive mint coloured large blocky pepper.<br />
Mavras x x Early 85 Tm:0-2 Standard purple maturing hybrid.<br />
Tequila x x Early 85 Tm:0 Strong plant habit. Attractive lilac fruit colour.<br />
Blocky Midi<br />
Vitarossa x x x Early 60 Tm:0-2 Exciting new red midi bell. Widely adaptable. Speciality item.<br />
Vitagiallo x x x Early 60 Tm:0-2 Yellow midi bell for the flow pack business. Widely adaptable.<br />
Vitarancione x x x Early 55 Tm:0-3 PVY:0/TEV<br />
Attractive orange midi bell pepper. Fits with the red and yellow<br />
version.<br />
Baby Bell<br />
Spoetnik x x x Early 40 Tm:0 Very small baby bell red sweet pepper. Attractive speciality item.<br />
Cherry<br />
Calimero x x x Early 30-40 x 20-30 Tm:0-2<br />
Tweety x x x Early 30-40 x 20-30 Tm:0-2<br />
Plant loaded with attractive, round peppers. Used for catering<br />
and buffets.<br />
Plant loaded with attractive, round peppers. Used for catering<br />
and buffets.<br />
HR: High Resistance | IR: Intermediate Resistance | For explanation of the codes of resistances, see page 166.<br />
Current information concerning the resistances is available on www.enzazaden.com<br />
Enza Zaden | 61
Variety Cultivation Maturity Fruit Resistances Remarks<br />
Heated<br />
greenhouse<br />
Non-heated<br />
greenhouse<br />
Open field<br />
Shape<br />
Diameter<br />
(mm) HR IR<br />
Shakira<br />
Shakira x x Early 20-30 x 190-210 Tm:0-2<br />
Easy setting in cold climates. Nice smooth fruits. Very high<br />
yielding.<br />
Pencil<br />
Hyffae x x Early 10-15 x 170-180 Tm:0-2<br />
Nattaly x x Early 10-15 x 180-200 Tm:0-2<br />
Pencil shaped hot pepper for export markets. Especially suited<br />
for long term croppings. Extremely uniform and productive.<br />
For spring-autumn planting, easy setting in cold and dark green<br />
fruit colour.<br />
Hot Charleston<br />
Homera x x Early<br />
35-45 x<br />
180-190<br />
Tm:0<br />
Suitable for open field and protected production. Very flexible.<br />
Kiowa x x Early<br />
35-45 x<br />
180-190<br />
Tm:0-2<br />
Very productive variety with good winter performance.<br />
Jalapeño<br />
Centella x x Early 30-40 x 60-80<br />
Tm:0/<br />
Xcv:1-3<br />
PVY:0/<br />
PepMov<br />
Extremely uniform, highly productive, widely adaptable.<br />
Forajido x Early 30 x 60-80<br />
PepMoV/<br />
PVY:0-1<br />
TEV<br />
Strong plant that shows good regrowth for long cycles. Suitable<br />
for processing.<br />
Ancho<br />
Bastan x Early 60-70 x 140-150<br />
Ancho type with compact plant, concentrated setting and good<br />
leaf cover. Dark green uniform fruits.<br />
HR: High Resistance | IR: Intermediate Resistance | For explanation of the codes of resistances, see page 166.<br />
Current information concerning the resistances is available on www.enzazaden.com<br />
62 | Enza Zaden
Hot Pepper<br />
Shakira<br />
Shakira<br />
Shakira is Enza Zaden’s top quality, high yielding hot pepper for the Middle Eastern markets. It has<br />
long, thick walled, dark green pointed fruits, 19 cm long by 2 cm at the top, turning to an attractive<br />
deep red colour at full maturity. The plant is quite vigorous and provides the maturing fruits with<br />
good coverage. Shakira is extremely high yielding and grows well in a wide range of cropping<br />
conditions.<br />
Pencil<br />
Nattaly<br />
Nattaly is an excellent thin pencil type of hot pepper suitable and recommended for many of the<br />
hot pepper markets of The Middle East. The strong growing plant sets prolifically throughout the<br />
whole production cycle, fruits are straight and smooth and very hot. A variety to grow in many<br />
conditions, for both protected as well as open field crops.<br />
Nattaly<br />
Hot Charleston<br />
Homera<br />
Homera is a Hot Charleston pepper type with a strong and vigorous plant habit. Fruits set well also<br />
in the cooler weather. Homera produces light to minty green coloured fruits which are straight<br />
and very attractive for the market; they change to red at full maturity. Homera is recommended for<br />
cultivation in non-heated greenhouses in Mediterranean markets, particularly for winter crops.<br />
Jalapeño<br />
Forajido<br />
Forajido is a new Enza Zaden jalapeño pepper with vigorous plant and a very high yield potential.<br />
Forajido is medium-early into production and the setting is very easy. The plant shows good<br />
regrowth in long cycles, up to 4 fruit pickings are possible. The fruits are 'bullet'-shaped, 6-7<br />
cm long and have dark green glossy colour. The taste is very spicy. Easy stem detachment and<br />
excellent fruit quality make Forajido especially suitable for industrial processing.<br />
Forajido<br />
Ancho<br />
Bastan<br />
Bastan is an Ancho type hot pepper mainly used in the Mexican and South American markets. The<br />
yield of Bastan is tremendous; the fruits are very uniform in size and not too big. Bastan is very<br />
suitable for local market usage as well as for export. The plant is quite compact and sets fruit well<br />
in a concentrated way, the leaf cover is excellent. Bastan is a new hot pepper from Enza Zaden for<br />
the professional grower.<br />
Bastan<br />
Enza Zaden | 63
64 | Enza Zaden
Central and East Europe<br />
the power of a multilocal company<br />
Across and both sides of the diving line between the old East and West Europe, as well as the exotic in far flung Central<br />
Asian markets in the East. The region is diverse, colourful, full of many different nationalities, cultures, languages and<br />
traditions all of which are reflected in the vegetable production and eating habits and consequently the vegetable seed<br />
markets.<br />
The founder of Enza Zaden, Jacob Mazereeuw, started doing business in Poland already in the 1970s. He travelled widely<br />
throughout the country visiting the entire greenhouse growing regions promoting Enza Zaden’s top tomato variety<br />
Suprella, which subsequently became a market leader. Suprella was quickly followed by Fontana, which also became<br />
a market leader and was very much in demand because of its extreme earliness. Today, Enza Zaden consolidates its<br />
business in Poland in its own sales subsidiary based in Warsaw, with an expert team of technical sales representatives all<br />
over the country.<br />
Russia is an important importer of fresh vegetables, but at the same time is investing in more high-tech controlled<br />
greenhouse production. In addition, the traditional crops such as onion, tomato, pickling cucumber and radish need<br />
better, improved varieties with higher resistances and yield. With a team of dedicated technical experts, Enza Zaden has<br />
built up its own selling organisation in Russia, Enza Semena, in just a very short time.<br />
Central Asia, and in particular Uzbekistan and Kazakhstan, offer a wide diversity of crops and varieties. The climate<br />
swings strongly from cold winters to very hot summers, challenges for the successful production of quality vegetables.<br />
Both countries are traditional suppliers of off-season production vegetables for the main cities in Russia, a tradition that<br />
continues to this day. Greenhouse tomatoes and high sugar content melons are but two of the main crops for the markets.<br />
Enza Zaden | 65
Cucumber<br />
In the pickling market, we respond to diversified<br />
consumer demands for both fresh-packed and<br />
processed pickles. The long shelf life of our gherkins is<br />
an added value for the entire chain.<br />
All Enza Zaden hybrids have also an extended disease<br />
resistance package. Our pickling programme is very<br />
successful in Eastern Europe, because it has been<br />
developed in cooperation with local growers. This<br />
enables us to respond better to<br />
the grower needs.<br />
For many years now we have<br />
been breeding successfully in<br />
mini cucumbers for the Middle<br />
Eastern markets. Variety selection<br />
is based on yield, quality and above<br />
all adaptability to long growing seasons<br />
and the different climate zones and weather patterns.<br />
A successful variety is often one that can be used in<br />
many different types of crops. Such famous names<br />
as ‘Melen’, our long lasting spring and autumn mini<br />
cucumber, and ‘Fadia’ which is used more in the spring<br />
and early summer are two of the household names.<br />
Long European cucumbers are eaten in almost all<br />
major developed markets around the world.<br />
The Enza Zaden breeding programmes are focused<br />
on creating high yielding varieties with better disease<br />
resistance.<br />
Parthenocarpic American Slicer cucumber types are<br />
popular in Italy, Spain, North America and Mexico,<br />
where they are more and more grown under protected<br />
conditions to increase yield potential and quality for<br />
export.<br />
Denis Fokin<br />
Local Dealer Russia<br />
66 | Enza Zaden
Cucumber<br />
Long European type - Heated greenhouse<br />
Alexios<br />
Alexios is a new hybrid recommended for summer and autumn production in heated greenhouses.<br />
The plant habit is quite open and very labour friendly, fruits set easily and the plant retains them<br />
well. Alexios is a very productive variety. The fruits are averagely 29-33 cms in length with very<br />
few extra long fruits produced. Alexios stays in balance even under difficult fluctuating weather<br />
conditions and keeps its strong healthy green colour throughout the growing period.<br />
Imea<br />
Imea is particularly recommended for production in artificial light crops and becomes a standard<br />
in many Scandinavian and Baltic countries. The plant guarantees a constant production thanks to<br />
a unique non-abortion character and keeps on growing with its head up, an important requirement<br />
for all high-wire crops. The fruits are very straight and uniform and averagely 31-36 cm in length,<br />
very suitable for all types of market requirements. Imea is an extremely productive variety, shown to<br />
outyield many of its competitors.<br />
Toploader<br />
Toploader is recommended for cultivation in high-wire crops and can grow year-round with artificial<br />
lights. The plant remains very well in balance due to the excellent vigour combined with its ability<br />
not to abort fruits. The leaves remain green and healthy for long periods, very little chlorosis occurs.<br />
The fruits are straight and very uniform throughout the whole production cycle. The fruits are<br />
averagely 30-35 cm in length, have an attractive dark green colour and an excellent shelf life.<br />
Topkick<br />
Topkick is specially bred and selected for production in high-wire crops. It is one of the best<br />
varieties you can choose for these types of crops. The plant growth is very steady and fruits set well<br />
and regularly throughout the whole crop. Topkick is a very reliable variety for spring crops when<br />
the light is steadily increasing, summer crops (even during hot periods) and autumn crops when<br />
high humidity can be an issue. The fruits are averagely 30-33 cm in length. Topkick is a very high<br />
yielding hybrid. The side shoot growth is quite limited and the plant produces mainly single fruits.<br />
Toploader<br />
Enza Zaden | 67
Imea<br />
Variety Cultivation Maturity Fruit Resistances Remarks<br />
Spring<br />
Summer<br />
Autumn<br />
Winter<br />
Shape<br />
Length<br />
(cm) HR IR<br />
Long European - Heated greenhouse<br />
Airbus x x Early 31-36 Cca/Ccu Px<br />
Alexios x x Early 29-33 Cca/Ccu Px<br />
Bowing x x x Medium 30-33 Ccu CVYV/Px<br />
Cratos x x x Medium-early 31-36 Ccu<br />
Defense x x Medium 30-33 Cca/Ccu CMV/CVYV/Px<br />
Dreamliner x x x Medium 33-39 Ccu CMV/CVYV/Px<br />
Galaxy x Medium 31-36 Cca/Ccu Px<br />
Gulfstream x x Early 30-32 Ccu Px<br />
Imea x x x x Medium-early 31-36 Cca/Ccu Px<br />
Early and fast growing. Strong plants. High yielding and<br />
quality fruits.<br />
Very productive. Sets fruits easily and hold them well.<br />
Labour friendly crop.<br />
Strong, compact plant with strong head. Grows and<br />
produces well in the heat.<br />
New hybrid for the heated greenhouse. Very high<br />
production.<br />
Steady grower. Excellent recuperative powers. Dark<br />
green fruits.<br />
High yielder. Excellent fruit quality and setting. Dark<br />
fruits.<br />
Perfoms well in hot summers. High fruit load, continuous<br />
setting.<br />
Recommended for summer crops. Strong, open plant<br />
with few laterals. Quality fruits.<br />
High lights variety. Good setting and balance. For<br />
Scandinavian growers.<br />
HR: High Resistance | IR: Intermediate Resistance | For explanation of the codes of resistances, see page 166.<br />
Current information concerning the resistances is available on www.enzazaden.com<br />
68 | Enza Zaden
Variety Cultivation Maturity Fruit Resistances Remarks<br />
Spring<br />
Summer<br />
Autumn<br />
Winter<br />
Shape<br />
Length<br />
(cm) HR IR<br />
Long European - Heated greenhouse<br />
Komet<br />
(E31.21.29)<br />
x x Early 30-35 Cca/Ccu CMV/CVYV/Px<br />
Dark green plant. Good setting and balance. Very good<br />
fruit quality, nicely ribbed.<br />
Kostas<br />
(E23L.2151)<br />
x Early 31-37 Cca/Ccu<br />
Balanced growth habit. Excellent setting ability. Good<br />
fruit quality.<br />
Kurios x Medium-early 29-33 Cca/Ccu<br />
Lockheed x x x Medium 32-35 Ccu CMV/CVYV/Px<br />
A powerful and generative variety. Very uniform fruits.<br />
High total yield.<br />
Open, generative plant habit. Uniform, dark green fruits,<br />
nicely ribbed.<br />
Pyralis x x Early 32-35 Cca/Ccu Very open plant, steady grower. High total yield.<br />
Talbot x x x Early 34-35 Ccu Px<br />
Topkick x x x x Early 29-33 Cca/Ccu<br />
Toploader x x x x Early 29-33 Cca/Ccu Px<br />
E 23L.2196 x x x x Early 31-36 Cca/Ccu Px<br />
E 23L.2198 x x Early 29-34 Ccu Px<br />
Strong, fast, open growing plant habit. Uniform fruits and<br />
high total yield.<br />
High-wire variety, suitable for under lights. Labour<br />
friendly. High production.<br />
High-wire variety, suitable for under lights. Good setting<br />
and well balanced.<br />
Especially for high light intensity crops with interplanting.<br />
Balanced plant, high yield and very good fruit quality.<br />
Fast grower. Suitable for summer short crop. Excellent<br />
fruit quality.<br />
HR: High Resistance | IR: Intermediate Resistance | For explanation of the codes of resistances, see page 166.<br />
Current information concerning the resistances is available on www.enzazaden.com<br />
Enza Zaden | 69
Variety Cultivation Maturity Fruit Resistances Remarks<br />
Spring<br />
Summer<br />
Autumn<br />
Winter<br />
Shape<br />
Length<br />
(cm) HR IR<br />
Long European - Non-heated greenhouse<br />
Azabache x x Medium 32-35 Cca/Ccu CVYV<br />
Beluga x x x Early 32-34 Cca/Ccu Px<br />
Borja x x x Early 30-32 Cca/Ccu CVYV<br />
Cierzo x x Medium 30-34 Cca/Ccu CVYV/CYSDV<br />
Delano x x Medium 31-33 Cca/Ccu CMV/CVYV/Px<br />
Kalunga x x x Medium 31-32 Cca/Ccu Px<br />
Liberne x x Early 32-36 Ccu CMV/CVYV/CYSDV<br />
Marcos x x Early 32-36 Cca/Ccu CVYV<br />
Marumba x x x Early 34-37 Cca/Ccu<br />
Polargo x Medium 32-36 Ccu CMV/CVYV/CYSDV<br />
Voreas x Medium 33-36 Ccu CVYV/CYSDV<br />
Very uniform, dark shiny fruits. Good balance, fast and<br />
strong regrowth.<br />
Produces well in the heat. High stem fruit production. A<br />
quality variety.<br />
Very versatile variety. Strong and fast growing. Excellent<br />
export quality fruits.<br />
Good fruit setting under cold conditions. Good regrowth<br />
under low light.<br />
Strong, fast growing plant with good side-shoot<br />
development. Performs well in hot conditions.<br />
Very flexible, strong and compact plant. High production<br />
and easy to grow.<br />
Well balanced plant habit. Excellent, uniform fruit quality.<br />
A new hybrid for professional growers.<br />
Compact, strong plant and big leaves. Very uniform fruit<br />
shape, dark green colour.<br />
Slightly ribbed fruits. Plant has good growing capacity and<br />
recuperative power.<br />
High quality dark green cucumbers. Winter production in<br />
South Europe.<br />
Strong, sideshoot development. Open plant. Excellent<br />
export quality fruits.<br />
Midi<br />
Tristan x x x x Early 22-25 Cca/Ccu Px<br />
For year-round production. High yield and excellent fruit<br />
quality.<br />
HR: High Resistance | IR: Intermediate Resistance | For explanation of the codes of resistances, see page 166.<br />
Current information concerning the resistances is available on www.enzazaden.com<br />
70 | Enza Zaden
Cucumber<br />
Long European - Non-heated greenhouse<br />
Borja<br />
Borja is one of the main standard hybrids used in autumn, winter and spring crops in non-heated<br />
greenhouses in Southern Europe. Borja is grown widely because of its high production capacity of<br />
excellent quality fruits and very good shelf life and marketability. The fruits are averagely 30-34 cm<br />
in length, straight and dark green. Borja has a nice balance between plant and fruit production and<br />
shows very good regrowth with strong side shoots after the top has reached the wire.<br />
Kalunga<br />
Kalunga has proved itself to be a very flexible and reliable variety, suitable for growing in a wide<br />
range of non-heated greenhouse conditions. The plant is quite compact but very strong in its<br />
growth habit. The production of fruits is well balanced throughout the production cycle. Kalunga<br />
produces high quality straight fruits, averagely 31-32 cm in length. It is a high producing variety,<br />
easy to grow for spring/summer as well as autumn crops.<br />
Polargo<br />
Polargo is a relatively new Enza Zaden hybrid recommended for non-heated greenhouse<br />
production in most of the important cucumber growing regions of Europe. Even with quite low<br />
temperatures Polargo maintains its size and quality. The plant habit is strong growing and fruit<br />
setting is excellent and uniform in the whole plant. Polargo produces dark, straight shiny fruits<br />
averagely 32-36 cm in length. A "must have" for the professional cucumber grower.<br />
Borja<br />
Midi<br />
Tristan<br />
Tristan is the standard midi type cucumber for all professional growers. The average fruit length is<br />
22-25 cm. It is recommended for all heated greenhouse spring, summer and autumn crops under<br />
natural light and for winter crops under artificial lights. Strong against head scorch, necrosis and<br />
chlorosis. The plant habit is strong and generative which gives a very high and stable production<br />
on the stem, and later on a very good yield from the laterals. A unique variety, Tristan is a winner.<br />
Tristan<br />
Enza Zaden | 71
Variety Cultivation Maturity Fruit Fruiting Resistances Remarks<br />
Spring<br />
Summer<br />
Autumn<br />
Winter<br />
Shape<br />
Length<br />
(cm) HR IR<br />
Mini<br />
Asef x x Early 15-17 multi Ccu<br />
Px/CMV/ CVYV/<br />
Very productive under hot conditions.<br />
Adham 584 x x Medium 17-19 Semi-multi CMV/CVYV/Px<br />
Flexible variety with balanced plant and very good<br />
fruit quality. Good plant endurance. Sets well in hot<br />
conditions.<br />
Bilqis x Early 16-18 Semi-multi Ccu Px/CVYV High quality fruits. Flexible plant habit.<br />
Borhan x x Early 15-17 Single Ccu Px/CMV/CVYV<br />
Late autumn winter variety, excellent for short<br />
cropping.<br />
Efsane x x Medium 17-18 Single Ccu Px/CMV/CVYV For late autumn. Excellent quality fruits, nicely ribbed.<br />
Fadia x x Early 15-17 Multi Ccu Px/CMV/CVYV<br />
High flexibility, high production and good plant<br />
balance.<br />
Hams x Early 17-18 Multi Ccu<br />
Px/CMV/ CVYV/<br />
Short internodes, opens plant type, good fruit setting.<br />
Hoyrat x x x Early 18-19 Single Ccu CMV/CVYV/Px<br />
Very good performance in mild winter tunnel crops.<br />
Fast fruit filling. Open plant habit with short laterals.<br />
Inci x Early 17-18 Multi Ccu CMV/CVYV/Px High yielding, flexible variety.<br />
Katrina x x Early 15-17 Multi Ccu Px/CMV/CVYV Recommended for spring/early summer planting.<br />
Melen x x Early 16-18 Single Cca/Ccu Px/CMV/CVYV Compact plant with short internodes. High production.<br />
Minmax x Medium 16-18 Semi-multi Ccu Px/CMV/CVYV Steady growing. High quality fruits. Exceptional yield.<br />
HR: High Resistance | IR: Intermediate Resistance | For explanation of the codes of resistances, see page 166.<br />
Current information concerning the resistances is available on www.enzazaden.com<br />
72 | Enza Zaden
Cucumber<br />
Mini<br />
Fadia<br />
Fadia is one of Enza Zaden’s top mini cucumber hybrids particularly recommended for production in spring<br />
and summer non-heated greenhouse crops. The fruits are averagely 17-18 cm in length, very uniform in size<br />
and have an excellent marketable shiny green colour. Fadia produces three fruits per node and sets well<br />
under varying conditions which results in enormous total yield. The quality and shelf life of Fadia is much<br />
appreciated by traders and the market in general.<br />
Melen<br />
Melen is the best variety for autumn and early spring crops. This very productive hybrid is easy to grow, easy<br />
to work in and always gives a reliable performance. In both hot and cool conditions it maintains its production<br />
and quality level. Melen has a very regular fruit shape. The plant gives short, generative sideshoots and has a<br />
strong root system. Melen is best appreciated for its outstanding fruit quality and uniformity.<br />
Melen<br />
Variety Cultivation Maturity Fruit Fruiting Resistances Remarks<br />
Spring<br />
Summer<br />
Autumn<br />
Winter<br />
Shape<br />
Length<br />
(cm) HR IR<br />
Mini<br />
Nagene x x x Medium 17-19 Semi-multi Ccu Px/CMV/CVYV<br />
Grown all year-round. Very flexible hybrid.<br />
Consistent performer.<br />
Negaar x Late 16-18 Single Ccu Px/CMV/CVYV Strong against cold and good recovery capacity.<br />
Passandra x x Medium 14-16 Single Ccu Px/CMV Standard late autumn-winter variety. High yielding.<br />
Picolino x x Early 12-14 Multi Cca/Ccu Px/CMV/CVYV<br />
Super mini type. Widely adaptable and very<br />
productive.<br />
Sausan x x Early 15-17 Multi Ccu<br />
Px/CMV/CVYV/<br />
WMV/PRSV<br />
Excellent spring/summer variety. Very early into<br />
production.<br />
Socrates x x Early 14-16 Single Ccu Px<br />
Tassneem x x Early 17-19 Semi-multi Cca/Ccu Px/CMV/CVYV<br />
Zaineh x x Early 18-19 Semi-multi Cca/Ccu Px/CMV/CVYV<br />
E 3215811 x x Early 17-18 Semi-multi Ccu CMV/CVYV/Px<br />
Recommended for late autumn planting. High<br />
yielding.<br />
Generative plant. Excellent fruit quality, nicely<br />
ribbed and shiny.<br />
Extended shelf life. Very good at recovery.<br />
Excellent fruit quality.<br />
High early and total yield. Balanced plant.<br />
Outstanding fruit quality during the whole<br />
production season.<br />
HR: High Resistance | IR: Intermediate Resistance | For explanation of the codes of resistances, see page 166.<br />
Current information concerning the resistances is available on www.enzazaden.com<br />
Enza Zaden | 73
Variety Cultivation Vigour Maturity Fruit Resistances Remarks<br />
Spring<br />
Summer<br />
Autumn<br />
Winter<br />
Length<br />
(cm) Shape HR IR<br />
Pickling<br />
Derya x x x Strong Medium 12 Ccu Px/CMV/CVYV<br />
Gunnar x x x Strong Early 12-14 Ccu Px/CMV/CVYV<br />
Ronaldo x x x Strong Early 12-14 Ccu Px/CMV/CVYV<br />
Sigurd x x x Strong Medium 12 Ccu Px/CMV/CVYV<br />
Tumi x x Strong Medium 12 Ccu Px/CMV/CVYV<br />
Dark green, cylindrical shiny fruits. Steady<br />
production.<br />
For heated and non-heated greenhouse<br />
production. Very high yield.<br />
Cylindrical, dark and long fruits with more warts<br />
and spines.<br />
Nice quality dark green fruits. Recommended for<br />
a long crop.<br />
Tumi is amongst the most reliable and allround<br />
varieties we have.<br />
HR: High Resistance | IR: Intermediate Resistance | For explanation of the codes of resistances, see page 166.<br />
Current information concerning the resistances is available on www.enzazaden.com<br />
74 | Enza Zaden
Cucumber<br />
Pickling<br />
Gunnar<br />
Gunnar is part of the new pickling cucumber sensation of the Enza Zaden breeding kitchens.<br />
Gunnar is superior to most standard hybrids used in the markets. Particularly recommended for<br />
growing in non-heated protected crops in the spring, summer and autumn, but Gunnar is equally<br />
at home in a slightly heated spring crop. The total production is very high. Gunnar produces very<br />
uniform fruits, is dark green in colour and very attractive for fresh market consumption. Take a<br />
look at Gunnar and improve your profitability.<br />
Tumi<br />
Tumi is one of our most reliable all-round pickling cucumber hybrid, recommended for all<br />
non-heated protected crops in the spring and the autumn. Tumi shows an amazing ability to<br />
continue production of high quality fruits when most other varieties have stopped. The plant habit<br />
is quite compact and side shoot production is abundant. The fruits are very uniform, dark green<br />
and with good spines and warts. It produces regularly and quickly after each successive harvest.<br />
Very suitable for both fresh market consumption and processing.<br />
Gunnar<br />
Tumi<br />
Enza Zaden | 75
Variety Cultivation Vigour Maturity Fruit Resistances Remarks<br />
Spring<br />
Summer<br />
Autumn<br />
Winter<br />
Length<br />
(cm) Shape HR IR<br />
Slicer<br />
Alcazar x Strong Medium 19-21 Ccu Px/CVYV<br />
Corinto x x Strong Early 20-25 Px/CMV/CVYV<br />
Ekron x x Strong Medium 20-22 Ccu Px/CMV/CVYV<br />
Enki x x x Medium Medium 20-22 Px/CMV/CVYV<br />
Incas x x x Medium Medium 18-20 Ccu Px/CMV/CVYV<br />
Macario x x Strong Medium 16-18 Ccu Px/CMV/CVYV<br />
Strong growing winter variety. High yield. Long,<br />
dark green uniform fruits.<br />
Very productive. Widely adaptable. High quality,<br />
dark green fruits.<br />
Well balanced plant growth. Regular production<br />
of firm, quality fruits.<br />
Very flexible hybrid. Compact plant, generative<br />
side shoots. Attractive, cylindical fruits.<br />
High yielding hybrid. Good resistance package.<br />
Widely adaptable.<br />
Vigorous, open plant. Attractive dark green fruits.<br />
Extended shelf life.<br />
Menfis x x x Medium Early 18-22<br />
Paraiso x x x Strong Medium 20-22<br />
Px/CMV/CVYV/<br />
Px/CMV/CVYV/<br />
CYSDV<br />
Highly resistant hybrid. Very flexible variety.<br />
Compact but open plant.<br />
Excellent fruit quality. Well balanced, strong<br />
growing plant.<br />
Pontia x x x Strong Medium 22-24 Cca/ccu CMV/CVYV<br />
Very dark green fruits. Good side-shoot<br />
production. A well-known hybrid.<br />
Sargon x x Medium Medium 19-21 Ccu<br />
HR: High Resistance | IR: Intermediate Resistance | For explanation of the codes of resistances, see page 166.<br />
Current information concerning the resistances is available on www.enzazaden.com<br />
Px/CMV/CVYV/<br />
ZYMV<br />
Quite strong growing plant, few side shoots. Very<br />
productive. High quality fruits.<br />
76 | Enza Zaden
Cucumber<br />
Slicer<br />
Corinto<br />
Corinto is a very flexible slicer type hybrid from Enza Zaden, suitable for production in both<br />
non-heated greenhouses and open field. Corinto is recommended for spring, summer and<br />
autumn crops. The plant is fast growing and quite generative which sets fruits easily. The fruits<br />
are averagely 20-22 cm in length and uniformly coloured: dark shiny green. The fruits have<br />
an excellent shelf life. Corinto is successful in many markets and is a reliable variety for the<br />
professional grower.<br />
Paraiso<br />
Paraiso leads the markets in all autumn, winter and spring crops in non-heated greenhouse<br />
production regimes. The fruits are quite long, averagely 22-24 cm in length and uniformly<br />
coloured: very dark green with few spines. The fruits have an excellent quality and shelf life.<br />
Paraiso sets fruits regularly and consistently throughout the production period giving an enormous<br />
final yield. Paraiso is grown widely around the world, and is particularly appreciated for its<br />
attractive fruits and keeping qualities.<br />
Corinto<br />
Enza Zaden | 77
78 | Enza Zaden
Rootstock<br />
Tomato<br />
Estamino<br />
Estamino has homogeneous and fast germination up to 95% in one week after sowing. High<br />
percentage of graftable plants. Provides strong but generative, always well-balanced plants with<br />
a good endurance. Higher yield due to 1-2 flowers more per truss. Both for heated and nonheated<br />
crops.<br />
Resistances HR: ToMV/Ff:A-E/Va/Vd/Fol:0-2/For | IR: TSWV/Pl/Ma/Mi/Mj<br />
Fortamino (E 28.34679)<br />
New Rootstock especially developed for non-heated cultivations, works well on a variety of<br />
substrates. Strong root system gives strong vigour to the plants on the early stage, providing<br />
very good leaf cover and excellent recovery after stress conditions period. Grafting on Fortamino<br />
also has a positive effect on the number of flowers per truss and higher average fruit weight.<br />
Resistances HR: ToMV/Ff:A-E/Va/Vd/Fol:0-2/For | IR: TSWV/Pl/Ma/Mi/Mj<br />
Fortamino<br />
E 28.33465<br />
New vigorous tomato rootstock enhancing plant endurance and cold tolerance.<br />
E 28.33465 is compatible with all types of tomato and works best for non-heated soil crops.<br />
Plants stay nicely open and easy to work in. Special feature is resistance to Corky Root<br />
(Pyrenocheata lycopersici). In long over-winter crops plants grafted on E 28.33465 appeare to<br />
deal with low soil temperatures easier.<br />
Resistances HR: ToMV/Va/Vd/Fol:0,1/For | IR: TSWV/Pl/Ma/Mi/Mj<br />
Pepper<br />
Scarface<br />
Scarface is Enza Zaden's new vigorous Rootstock for all pepper types. Enhances the yield and<br />
fruit-quality in protected and open field pepper crops. Scarface also gives protection against<br />
Nematode infection.<br />
Resistances HR: Tm:0 | IR: Ma/Mi/Mj<br />
Scarface<br />
Cucurbits<br />
Flexifort<br />
Cucurbits rootstock for melon, watermelon and cucumber. Flexifort combines extra vigour with<br />
balance and generativity. Uniform germination, easy grafting and good compatibility. Stronger<br />
root system results in salinity tolerance and overall better plant endurance. Enhances taste and<br />
vigour when grafted under melon.<br />
Resistances HR: Fom:0,1,2,1-2/Foc/Fon:0,1/Forc<br />
Flexifort<br />
Enza Zaden | 79
80 | Enza Zaden
North America<br />
the power of a multilocal company<br />
North America includes Canada, the USA and Mexico, all three of which are interlinked with each other in the vegetable<br />
production and seed business. Sweet pepper greenhouse varieties grown successfully for long crops in Canada and also<br />
perform well in protected crops in Mexico. Open field pepper varieties, with the full disease resistance packages, also give<br />
growers in Mexico more than satisfactory results.<br />
Canada has developed a very sophisticated high tech greenhouse business located mainly in Leamington, Ontario and<br />
in British Colombia. Growers closely monitor variety performance in the ‘home market’ of the Netherlands, similarly<br />
technology and advice flow freely across the Atlantic Ocean. The main crops are tomato, sweet pepper and cucumber.<br />
Segmentation is very strong, particularly in tomato, but still large TOV (tomato on the vine) and very large beef tomato<br />
types are the mainstay of any major grower.<br />
In the USA, Enza Zaden has research stations in both California and Florida. Two totally different climates and markets,<br />
both with their separate requirements and demands. The head office in Salinas, California runs a nationwide business that<br />
supplies growers and distributors throughout the whole country. Our main activity is in breeding new lettuce varieties for<br />
the complicated markets of the Salinas valley and Yuma. Close by, at our station in San Juan Bautista we are working on<br />
open field pepper, onions and tomatoes.<br />
Mexico is the winter fresh vegetable supply platform for the large North American consumer markets. Enza Zaden is<br />
well placed in that market with its research station and commercial office in Sinaloa, one of the main winter production<br />
regions. The Mexican market has grown and developed quickly over the past ten years, far more crops are produced<br />
under protected conditions and high tech greenhouses. Mexico is geared up to produce high quality organic vegetable<br />
products, which many of our customers grow and market under their own brands and labels.<br />
Enza Zaden | 81
Eggplant<br />
In eggplant production, Enza Zaden focuses on<br />
long, half-long and oval fruit types with a black fruit<br />
colour and a green calyx. Professional growers are our<br />
main target market. In the eggplant market, we excel in<br />
fruit quality, strong calyxes, fruit firmness, shelf life, and<br />
a dark, attractive fruit colour.<br />
Focus in our research is on yield, quality and uniformity.<br />
Growers worldwide need high yielding varieties to<br />
be able to optimise the profit of their crops. Growing<br />
eggplant is quite a specialist activity. Although in itself<br />
it is not a difficult crop to grow, it does however require<br />
knowledge and understanding of the modern varieties<br />
available.<br />
Eggplant is grown largely in the Mediterranean markets,<br />
through the winter under non-heated protected<br />
conditions, and also quite widely in the open field<br />
during the summer months.<br />
Henri Groot<br />
Supervisor Greenhouses<br />
The Netherlands<br />
82 | Enza Zaden
Eggplant<br />
Oval<br />
Velia<br />
Velia is a new, extremely high yielding eggplant hybrid from Enza Zaden. The fruits are large and<br />
oval in shape, very firm and heavy with an excellent consistency. The plant is strong growing, open<br />
and quite vigorous, setting fruits well even under adverse conditions. Velia is recommended for<br />
growing in non-heated greenhouses in most Mediterranean markets.<br />
Half-long<br />
Bartok<br />
Bartok is an extremely productive half-long tear drop shaped fruit recommended for heated and<br />
non-heated greenhouse production. Bartok carries a high fruit load throughout the long cycle<br />
production season. The open plant habit and steady growing power of the plant makes fruit setting<br />
easy and presentation for harvest ideal. The fruits are heavy and not susceptible to rotting, even<br />
towards the end of the season in the autumn. A top hybrid for the professional greenhouse grower.<br />
Velia<br />
Bartok<br />
Enza Zaden | 83
Variety Cultivation Plant Maturity Fruit Remarks<br />
Heated<br />
greenhouse<br />
Non-heated<br />
greenhouse<br />
Open field<br />
Vigour Shape Colour Size<br />
Oval<br />
Amadeo X Strong<br />
Mediumearly<br />
Dark purple<br />
Very large<br />
Early and very productive. High quality fruits. Open field<br />
variety.<br />
Tamara X X<br />
Mediumstrong<br />
Early Dark purple Large<br />
Recommended for greenhouse production. Heavy fruits,<br />
high yielding.<br />
Velia<br />
X<br />
Mediumstrong<br />
Mediumearly<br />
Dark purple<br />
Large<br />
A new hybrid for non-heated greenhouse production.<br />
Exceptional yield.<br />
Half-long<br />
Bartok<br />
x<br />
Early<br />
Dark purple<br />
Mediumstrong<br />
Mediumlarge<br />
Highly recommended for heated greenhouse cultivations.<br />
Black Gem x x Strong<br />
Mediumearly<br />
Dark purple<br />
Large<br />
Excellent shelf-life. High total yield. Perfect market<br />
presentation.<br />
Black Pearl x x Medium Medium Dark purple Large<br />
High quality variety for spring/summer production in<br />
greenhouses.<br />
Traviata x x<br />
Mediumstrong<br />
Medium Dark purple Very large<br />
Early and very productive. For greenhouse cultivation.<br />
Quality fruits.<br />
84 | Enza Zaden
Eggplant<br />
Long<br />
Huapuda<br />
Huapuda is one of Enza Zaden’s new long type eggplant hybrids recommended for production in<br />
non-heated greenhouses. The fruits are long and cylindrical, dark shiny black and very uniform in<br />
size. Huapuda has an enormous total production. The plant has quite vigorous growth habit, but<br />
stays open allowing good fruit setting and making harvesting easy. Huapuda grows well in difficult<br />
conditions where day and night temperatures fluctuate widely.<br />
Huapuda<br />
Variety Cultivation Plant Maturity Fruit Remarks<br />
Heated<br />
Greenhouse<br />
Non-heated<br />
greenhouse<br />
Open field<br />
Vigour Shape Colour Size<br />
Long<br />
Destan x x Strong Medium Purple Large<br />
Huapuda x Strong Medium Dark purple Large<br />
Mabel x Strong Early Purple Large<br />
Excellent variety for non-heated greenhouse and open<br />
field cultivation.<br />
Good setting ability and high yield potential. Very uniform<br />
fruits.<br />
Open field variety for Mediterranean countries. High<br />
yielding.<br />
Necef x x Strong Early Dark purple<br />
Mediumlarge<br />
Strong plant habit, very high yield. Heavy fruits, dark<br />
uniform purple.<br />
Scarlatti x x<br />
Medium<br />
Dark purple<br />
Mediumstrong<br />
Mediumlarge<br />
Strong growing plant habit, sets fruits evenly and<br />
consistently.<br />
Enza Zaden | 85
Squash<br />
Summer squash is an integral part of many<br />
traditional southern cuisines; it is used in<br />
many famous dishes. The Middle East prefers<br />
to grow them small and stuff them with meat<br />
and vegetables before cooking in the oven. In<br />
Europe we tend to cook them in slices in oven dishes<br />
or fry them with olive oil and garlic as part of a mixed<br />
salad.<br />
Enza Zaden works in many types of squash, from the<br />
short, white Middle Eastern types used for stuffing, to<br />
the more familiar long, dark green cylindrical types we<br />
see on the supermarket shelves in Northern Europe.<br />
Resistance breeding is an essential part of the future<br />
success of squash breeding. Without resistance to the<br />
most important diseases and viruses it is impossible for<br />
the growers to have a good crop.<br />
We choose a regional approach to breeding, marketing<br />
and sales. Extended screening in all key areas and<br />
local, committed teams make sure we deliver what the<br />
market asks for. We adapt resistances to each region.<br />
Turkey is our main breeding location for summer<br />
squash, with many satellite stations in key locations to<br />
carry out local adaptation trials.<br />
Jolanda Kouters<br />
Crop Breeding Manager Cucurbits<br />
Turkey<br />
86 | Enza Zaden
Squash<br />
White<br />
Ardendo174<br />
Ardendo174 is the Enza Zaden standard white/light green hybrid squash varieties used successfully<br />
in all major squash producing markets around the world looking for the Middle Eastern type. The<br />
fruits are long and cylindrical to slightly bulbous, very straight and light green to white in colour.<br />
Ardendo174 has a very high total yield. The vigorous growing plant makes Ardendo174 a variety<br />
more suitable for outdoor production where it performs well also under high temperatures.<br />
Green<br />
Natura<br />
Natura has a strong plant for autumn/winter and early spring non-heated greenhouse production<br />
in Mediterranean countries. The plant has strong continuous growth and good endurance, short<br />
internodes and fast development. The fruit setting ability is remarkable. Natura produces straight,<br />
cylindrical fruits which have an attractive dark, shiny green colour, and are especially appreciated<br />
for the export market. The overall production is high. Growers and shippers can rely on Natura to<br />
produce continually a top quality product for the markets.<br />
Ardendo174<br />
Dunja<br />
Enza Zaden | 87
Squash<br />
Variety Cultivation Maturity Fruit Plant Remarks<br />
Spring<br />
Summer<br />
Autumn<br />
Winter<br />
Shape Colour Type IR<br />
White<br />
Ardendo174 x x x Medium Light green Strong, compact Px/ZYMV/WMV/PRSV<br />
Flexible and productive variety with high quality<br />
fruits.<br />
Forvet x x x Medium<br />
Darker light<br />
green<br />
Strong Px/ZYMV/WMV/PRSV<br />
Strong-growing hybrid suitable for different<br />
growing conditions. Excellent setting in cold.<br />
Ghazeerah x x x<br />
Mediumearly<br />
Speckled<br />
light green<br />
Strong, compact Px/ZYMV/WMV/PRSV Top quality Middle East standard.<br />
Ismalia x x x Early Light green<br />
Medium strong,<br />
compact<br />
For both open field and protected cropping. Good<br />
cold tolerance.<br />
Milet x x x Medium Light green Strong ZYMV/WMV High yielding open field variety.<br />
Nour x x x Medium<br />
Darker light<br />
green<br />
Medium strong Px/ZYMV/WMV/PRSV<br />
Maintains plant balance and fruit colour even<br />
under extreme hot conditions.<br />
HR: High Resistance | IR: Intermediate Resistance | For explanation of the codes of resistances, see page 166.<br />
Current information concerning the resistances is available on www.enzazaden.com<br />
88 | Enza Zaden
Variety Cultivation Maturity Fruit Plant Remarks<br />
Spring<br />
Summer<br />
Autumn<br />
Winter<br />
Shape Colour Type IR<br />
Green<br />
Apollonia<br />
(E 82.341)<br />
x x x Medium<br />
Medium dark<br />
green<br />
Strong, compact Px/ZYMV/WMV/PRSV Good plant endurance and high production.<br />
Aretusa x x x Early<br />
Medium dark<br />
green<br />
Strong, open<br />
Reliable under diverse growing conditions.<br />
Shiny, uniform fruits.<br />
Desert<br />
(E28Z.00365)<br />
x<br />
Early<br />
Meduim dark<br />
green<br />
Medium-strong<br />
CMV<br />
New high yielding variety for Mexico. Uniform,<br />
cylindrical, easy to harvest fruits.<br />
Dunja x x x Medium Dark green Strong, open Px/ZYMV/WMV/PRSV Very attractive, dark green fruits.<br />
Galatea x x x Early<br />
Medium dark<br />
green<br />
Strong, open<br />
Early, generative variety with good yield<br />
potential. Very nice fruit quality.<br />
Mantra x x Early<br />
Medium dark<br />
green<br />
Compact<br />
Px/CMV/ZYMV/WMV/<br />
PRSV<br />
High yield and superb fruit quality. Especially<br />
for spring open field.<br />
Natura x x Medium<br />
Medium dark<br />
green<br />
Strong<br />
Px<br />
Remarkable setting and balance. Easy to grow<br />
and very productive.<br />
Salvador x x x Medium<br />
Very dark<br />
green<br />
Strong, open Px Vigorous plant habit, for open field production.<br />
Saskia x x x Medium<br />
Medium dark<br />
green<br />
Medium-strong,<br />
compact<br />
New open field hybrid with top quality fruits.<br />
Zelia<br />
(E28Z.00407)<br />
x x x Medium<br />
Medium dark<br />
green<br />
Medium-strong,<br />
compact<br />
Px/CMV/ZYMV/WMV/<br />
PRSV<br />
Flexible and reliable variety with very uniform<br />
fruits.<br />
HR: High Resistance | IR: Intermediate Resistance | For explanation of the codes of resistances, see page 166.<br />
Current information concerning the resistances is available on www.enzazaden.com<br />
Enza Zaden | 89
Melon<br />
The overall melon market is very large. Actually, melons<br />
are grown outdoors everywhere in the world where it<br />
is hotter than 25°C. In less hot areas melons are grown<br />
in tunnels or greenhouses, in which the optimum<br />
temperature can be created. The tunnels and<br />
greenhouses are also used to lengthen the<br />
cultivation season; melons grown in tunnels<br />
are available at an earlier stage in the<br />
season.<br />
Melon<br />
Many countries and regions produce<br />
their own local types and varieties, a<br />
large proportion of which are still open<br />
pollinated. Examples of such countries and<br />
Nam quae pernatem quate aut qui oditatat<br />
regions are the Middle East, Uzbekistan,<br />
min cus esciate moluptas aut verum ut fuga.<br />
Iraq, Pakistan, China and North Africa. Until a<br />
Iqui ad maxim quaestis eius is re optas est<br />
few years ago those markets were still dominated<br />
fugiam comnimuscia derum quia volupta tassimet<br />
by local varieties without resistances, for example<br />
volessi beatin porpori ommos natur, ut ut demquaes<br />
the Ananas type of melon in the Middle East and the<br />
exerepe num reriat veliquam velitiunt ut essim<br />
Turkish Kirkagaç district. Nowadays there are varieties<br />
haruntibusam nis aute cones sundaer ehenes serae la<br />
with good resistances and high yields.<br />
as a sum re esse eum earum quam imusciur aut qui<br />
offictu sdaectianda volo exerit vitature dolorporero in<br />
Enza Zaden breeds mostly melon types that are largely<br />
con repta sunt vit rent porerio nsenistore volestis quias<br />
intended for export, such as Galia, Piel de Sapo,<br />
demped eos nesequature ea con niet at.<br />
Charentais and Cantaloupe melons. These types are<br />
Icit offictem re vendus, atus archic tesse nihilit<br />
grown in Southern Europe and in South and Central<br />
iunditintore si ut idellant alitia porupta sperumquatet<br />
America for export to Spain, Northwest Europe and the<br />
volestotatur ad unt occumquiae reictiisse nobitas<br />
USA. We have an active breeding programme for these<br />
nosam facestotaque sit pelias qui aut ut underferum<br />
types, and also many commercial varieties. Our melon<br />
accus eum dunt, non porecerio que exerro idit labor sit<br />
breeding activities focus on strong plants with good<br />
ut eaqui reium istium dolestiunt lia consed quiandipis<br />
resistances and high yields, and above all also melons<br />
minveni hillaut at.<br />
with a good flavour and taste. Our aim is to develop<br />
At fugit dolut od quiam sincti aut quia quiassi tempora<br />
consistent varieties for growers, but also for the further<br />
di aut volut arunto experovidus nonsequid mo dolupta<br />
links in the chain. Another important criterion for the<br />
velia secearia dit eatur sernati onsequundae. Nam ex<br />
entire chain besides flavour is keeping quality.<br />
eaquia simillent quam a vid que nihillo rissitem<br />
Dalila Lopez<br />
Breeder Melon<br />
Spain<br />
90 | Enza Zaden
Melon<br />
Ananas<br />
Ahlam<br />
Ahlam is a strong growing Ananas type melon hybrid with an excellent field standing ability,<br />
and is early into production. The fruits are large, averagely 3 kilos in size, and very uniform. The<br />
netting is excellent, very uniform and gives the fruit a remarkable outside appearance. The fruit<br />
flesh is white in colour, very juicy and has an elevated sugar content level. Ahlam is widely used<br />
by many growers around the world, all of whom are looking for a reliable variety which produces<br />
consistently top quality melons for the market.<br />
Galia<br />
Sephia<br />
Sephia is one of our new Galia type melon hybrids particularly recommended for open field<br />
production in the Middle East. A strong growing plant, early into production and with a very good<br />
resistance package. The fruits are very uniform in size and shape, medium sized and very suitable<br />
for the local market as well as for shipping. The external appearance is very attractive. Sephia<br />
produces prolifically fruits with a small seed cavity and extended shelf life.<br />
Ahlam<br />
Sephia<br />
Enza Zaden | 91
Variety Maturity Fruit Plant Resistances Remarks<br />
Size<br />
(kg)<br />
Shape<br />
Skin<br />
color<br />
Flesh<br />
color Vigour HR IR<br />
Ananas<br />
Ahlam Medium 3,0-5,0<br />
Ovallong<br />
Dark<br />
orange<br />
White Strong Fom:0,1,2/MNSV Px:1,2,5 Uniform fruits. Good field standing ability.<br />
Rowena Early 4,0<br />
Ovallong<br />
Dark<br />
orange<br />
Orange Strong Fom:0,1,2 Px:1,2,5 Easy setting. Very attractive presentation.<br />
Galia<br />
Albal<br />
Mediumearly<br />
0,7-1,1 Round Dark yellow White-green Medium Fom:0,1/MNSV Px:1,2,5<br />
Nice round fruits with beautiful colour and netting.<br />
High brix.<br />
Beleza Early 1,0-1,3 Round Dark yellow White-green Strong Fom:0,1/MNSV Px:1,2,5<br />
Nereo Medium 0,8-1,1 Round Dark yellow White-green Strong Fom:0,1,2 Px:1,2,5<br />
Uniform fruits, small seed cavity, long shelf life.<br />
Excellent export product.<br />
Remarkable fruit quality. Suitable for greenhouse<br />
production.<br />
Porteza<br />
Mediumearly<br />
1,2-1,5 Round Dark yellow White-green Strong Fom:0,1/MNSV Px:1,2,5 Good setting and high fruit uniformity.<br />
Sembol Very early 1,0-1,3<br />
Highround<br />
Dark yellow White-green Medium Fom:0,1,2/MNSV Px:1,2,5<br />
Strong plant with good side-shoot development.<br />
Very early.<br />
Sephia Early 1,1-1,5 Round Dark yellow White-green Strong Fom:0,1,2 Px:1,2,5 Late slip, small seed cavity, extended shelf life.<br />
Tracey Early 2,0-3,0 Round Dark yellow White-green Strong Fom:0,1,2 Px:1,2,5<br />
Zubial Medium 1,0-1,2 Round Dark yellow White-green Strong Fom:0,1 Px:1,2,5<br />
Early and large fruited variety with excellent taste<br />
and flavour.<br />
Productive hybrid with very good fruit quality and<br />
high brix.<br />
Italian Netted<br />
Eminenza Early 1,1-1,5 Round Grey-yellow Orange Medium Fom:0,1,2 Px:1,2,5<br />
Perfect plant balance. Attractive orange flesh and<br />
high sugar content.<br />
Magnificenza Early 1,3-1,5<br />
Highround<br />
Grey-yellow Orange Strong Fom:0,1,2<br />
Gc:1/<br />
Px:1,2,5/Ag<br />
Easy setting in different conditions. Excellent<br />
presentation and taste.<br />
Majus Medium 1,0-1,3 Round Grey-yellow Orange Medium Fom:0,1,2 Px:1,2,5/Ag Productive variety especially for tunnel production.<br />
Venturo Early 1,1-1,5<br />
Highround<br />
Grey-yellow Orange Strong Fom:0,1,2/MNSV Px:1,2,5 Quality melon with firm flesh and extended shelf life.<br />
Charentais<br />
Artemis Early 0,8-1,1 Round Grey-yellow Orange<br />
Very<br />
strong<br />
Fom:0,1,2<br />
Px:1,2,5/Ag<br />
New semi-netted Charantais. Consistent fruit quality<br />
throughout the season.<br />
Piel de Sapo<br />
Jabalón<br />
Mediumearly<br />
3,5-4,0 Oval Dark green White Strong Fom:0,1/MNSV Px:1,2,5<br />
Highly productive variety with very good fruit quality<br />
and taste.<br />
Sisapo<br />
Mediumearly<br />
3,0-3,5 Oval Dark green White Strong Fom:0,1/MNSV Px:1,2,5<br />
Healthy strong plant producing very uniform<br />
medium sized fruits.<br />
HR: High Resistance | IR: Intermediate Resistance | For explanation of the codes of resistances, see page 166.<br />
Current information concerning the resistances is available on www.enzazaden.com<br />
92 | Enza Zaden
Melon<br />
Italian netted<br />
Majus<br />
Majus is an Italian netted type of melon hybrid. The fruits are large in size, very uniform with an<br />
extremely attractive netting and suturing. Majus has a quite open, medium to strong growing plant<br />
habit with dark green leaves. The internal fruit quality is superb; the sugar content is high and the<br />
aroma very pleasant. The taste and reliability of production makes Majus an excellent choice for<br />
the conscientious professional melon grower.<br />
Piel de Sapo<br />
Jabalón<br />
Jabalón, a new Piel de Sapo type of melon, has a very well balanced plant habit which produces<br />
very uniform medium sized fruits with attractive skin colour and medium dense, easy netting. The<br />
white flesh is very attractive, tasty and crunchy and high in sugar content. The internal seed cavity<br />
is small. Jabalon can be grown early under cover as well as in the open field in full season.<br />
Majus<br />
Jabalón<br />
Enza Zaden | 93
Artemis<br />
Zor Bey<br />
Davut Bey<br />
Variety Maturity Fruit Plant Resistances Remarks<br />
Size<br />
(kg)<br />
Shape<br />
Skin<br />
color<br />
Flesh<br />
color Vigour HR IR<br />
Yellow<br />
Egnazio<br />
Mediumlate<br />
3,0-5,0 Oval Yellow White Strong Px:1,2,5<br />
Traditional storage melon with consistent quality and<br />
high yield.<br />
Kirkagac<br />
Ali Bey<br />
Mediumlate<br />
4,0-5,0 Oval-long<br />
Yellow with<br />
black spots<br />
White Strong Fom:0,1,2 Px:1,2,5 Uniform and heavy fruits. Very sweet taste.<br />
Davut Bey Medium 5,0-6,5 Oval Yellow White<br />
Very<br />
strong<br />
Fom:0,1 Px:1,2,5 Large fruits with small seed cavity. Long shelf life.<br />
Ishak Bey Early 3,0-4,0 Oval-round<br />
Yellow with<br />
black spots White Very<br />
strong<br />
Fom:0,1,2<br />
Px:1,2,5<br />
Very uniform and early high quality local Turkish<br />
melon.<br />
Yakup Bey Medium 4,0-4,5 Oval Dark green White<br />
Very<br />
strong<br />
Fom:0,1,2 Px:1,2,5 High yield, excellent taste.<br />
Zor Bey Early 4,0-5,0 Round<br />
Fully Netted Cantaloupe<br />
Yellow with<br />
black spots White Very<br />
strong<br />
Fom:0,1,2 Px:1,2,5 Healthy plant, uniform round fruits.<br />
E 25F.00054 Early 1,5-2,0 Round Grey/yellow Orange Strong Fom:0,1,2 Px:1,2,5<br />
Large size, beautiful netting, high brix, excellent<br />
shipping quality.<br />
HR: High Resistance | IR: Intermediate Resistance | For explanation of the codes of resistances, see page 166.<br />
Current information concerning the resistances is available on www.enzazaden.com<br />
94 | Enza Zaden
Melon<br />
Fully Netted Cantaloupe<br />
E 25F.00054<br />
E 25F.00054 is an excellent fully netted cantaloupe hybrid particularly recommended for winter<br />
production in Central America for export to Europe and North America. E 25F.00054 has a very grower<br />
friendly plant habit which sets the fruits equally and gives good cover. The fruits are medium sized and<br />
very uniform; the netting is very equal and gives the melon an extremely attractive appearance. The<br />
flesh is firm and extremely tasty; the sugar content level remains high. E 25F.00054 has an extended<br />
shelf life making it an ideal variety for long distance shipping.<br />
E 25F.00054<br />
Enza Zaden | 95
Pumpkin<br />
The pumpkin, a member of the Cucurbitaceae<br />
family, has a prominent role in Asian cuisine.<br />
This is especially true of smooth, flat pumpkins<br />
and Chinese bottle gourds, which are very<br />
popular: tonnes of seeds of both types are sold<br />
every year.<br />
Ruud Berkvens, Area Manager South East Asia at<br />
Enza Zaden, says, "The flesh absolutely has to have<br />
a dark orange colour, but if you want to truly stand<br />
out in the market, you need a sweet pumpkin on a<br />
strong plant. In South East Asia, people like to eat<br />
sweet things, and it's not unusual to find pumpkins<br />
with a high brix level. But what is most important is<br />
that the pumpkins are adapted to the tropical growing<br />
conditions. It's particularly important that they be<br />
highly resistant to certain viruses and fungi. These<br />
diseases are a big problem in the hot and humid<br />
weather of South East Asia."<br />
Graham Dyche<br />
Senior Breeder Pumpkin<br />
Australia<br />
96 | Enza Zaden
Pumpkin<br />
Grey<br />
Sampson<br />
Sampson has a vigorous growing vine. The fruits are grey in colour, heavy and dense. Sampson<br />
gives good fruit set and has a high yield potential. The fruits have concave tops, thick shoulders<br />
and weigh on average 5-7 kilos. They are slightly ribbed with a small, neat blossom end. Internal<br />
quality is exceptional. Sampson has dark orange flesh and a very small seed cavity, ideal for cut<br />
fruit sales. Good storage ability.<br />
Butternut<br />
Matilda<br />
Matilda is a Butternut type with an exceptional fruit size of typically 4 kg and more. The skin is<br />
a rich butternut brown with a rippled texture. The fruit shape is rectangular blocky with a slight<br />
waist. Surprisingly for such a large fruited variety, Matilda is medium-early and the plants are well<br />
balanced resulting in a very high yield. It can be grown in a wide range of conditions.<br />
Sampson<br />
Matilda<br />
Enza Zaden | 97
98 | Enza Zaden
Pumpkin<br />
Variety Maturity Fruit Plant Resistances Remarks<br />
Butternut<br />
Weight<br />
(kg) Shape/color Type IR<br />
Jacqueline Medium 1,5-2,0 Vine Px<br />
Matilda Medium 3,5-4,0 Vine<br />
Very productive variety with high fruit uniformity and<br />
outstanding internal quality.<br />
High yielding, extra large hybrid Butternut. Good processing<br />
quality.<br />
Grey<br />
Iron Lady Early 5,0-7,0 Vine ZYMV/WMV/PRSV Healthy plant, good storage potential.<br />
Sampson Medium 5,0-7,0 Vine ZYMV/WMV/PRSV Very high yield, quality fruits, dark orange flesh. Long storage.<br />
Winston Very early 4,5-6,5 Semi bush ZYMV/WMV/PRSV Compact plant type with early setting. Very good storage.<br />
Kent<br />
Honshu Medium 4,5-5,5 Vine Very uniform size. High yield. Excellent internal quality.<br />
HR: High Resistance | IR: Intermediate Resistance | For explanation of the codes of resistances, see page 166.<br />
Current information concerning the resistances is available on www.enzazaden.com<br />
Enza Zaden | 99
100 | Enza Zaden
South and Central America<br />
the power of a multilocal company<br />
Enza Zaden is a ‘multilocal’ company, which means think global but act local.<br />
We work closely together with local distribution companies all over the world, creating partnerships and cooperation for<br />
the good of all. Many of these relationships go back many years and are founded on trust and understanding and a solid<br />
base of a successful business track record. For example, in Argentina we have been working with our distributor Roque<br />
Lauria since the 1980s, passing on the responsibilities from both sides through the generations. Today we enjoy a massive<br />
market share in the all-important greenhouse tomato market with our leading variety ‘Elpida’.<br />
Consistent with the approach to large, fast expanding vegetable growing markets around the world, Enza Zaden<br />
established its own sales subsidiary in Brazil in 2011. Our large market share in the onion market gave us the platform<br />
to build a thriving business. Added to this are tomato, lettuce, herbs, cucumber and also a full assortment of other<br />
products. In <strong>2013</strong> we established a new research station in Holambra, Sao Paulo, close to the heart of the main vegetable<br />
production region in Brazil. Emphasis will be on open field tomatoes, peppers, onions and melons for the whole of North<br />
and South America.<br />
Central America and The Caribbean figure high on our priorities. Our local sales and technical team cover a wide area and<br />
a diverse range of crops, from high-tech greenhouse production for export in the winter to large scale open field cropping<br />
of onions for the local markets. Melon production in the winter months for export to the high value USA and European<br />
markets requires intense technical support to ensure the correct variety recommendations are made.<br />
Enza Zaden works through two long-standing exclusive distributors in Argentina and Chile. We dominate the greenhouse<br />
tomato markets in both countries with such well-known hybrids as Elpida, Naomi and Lezaforta. Climate and growing<br />
conditions vary enormously, from the deserts of the North of Chile to the very hot and humid conditions found in the main<br />
production area of Northern Argentina. Only by means of our intensive trialling and screening work in the markets can we<br />
select the right varieties for each circumstance.<br />
Enza Zaden | 101
Lettuce<br />
Lettuce is a popular salad vegetable, particularly<br />
in the West. The consumer is encouraged by a<br />
variety of organisations to eat healthy, and that<br />
means eating vegetables. “The consumer also<br />
wants tasty products, particularly the ones that<br />
are quick and easy to prepare,” explains Steven<br />
Zeevat, Portfolio Manager at Enza Zaden. “We see<br />
that lettuce consumption is increasing, particularly the<br />
crunchier lettuce varieties such as cos and iceberg<br />
lettuce.”<br />
Firstly, consumers buy lettuce because it is a vegetable<br />
that goes well with virtually every dish. In addition, the<br />
increasing popularity of ready-to-use packs certainly<br />
plays a role. After all, these packs satisfy today's<br />
demand for food that is easy and quick to prepare.<br />
“They also offer diversification, as people like to create<br />
a tasty mix of a variety of types of salad leaves, such<br />
as baby-leaf varieties, spinach and rocket. If you had to<br />
buy a whole head of each type of lettuce to create that<br />
mix, you would end up with an absolutely huge salad.<br />
These ready-to-use packs contain a great mix of salad<br />
leaves in just the right quantity.”<br />
Enza Zaden has a wide range of lettuce varieties.<br />
Magali Lemont<br />
Breeder Lettuce<br />
France<br />
102 | Enza Zaden
Outdoor Lettuce<br />
Iceberg<br />
Cellist<br />
Cellist is a very large framed iceberg lettuce variety recommended mainly for spring and autumn<br />
production. Cellist is a very reliable variety with a good shape and excellent internal structure.<br />
Cellist is a standard variety for many Scandinavian lettuce growers and is well appreciated in the<br />
fresh produce distribution chain.<br />
Resistances: HR: Bl:1-28/Nr:0<br />
Damion<br />
Damion is a new open field iceberg lettuce variety recommended for growing in Northern Europe<br />
from spring through to autumn. It is medium green in colour and medium sized, and produces<br />
heads which are very easy to harvest. Damion produces a consistent result over a long period of<br />
time. It is strong against tip burn and bolting.<br />
Resistances: HR: Bl:1-28<br />
Botiola<br />
Botiola is our main selling open field iceberg lettuce variety in Spain. It is a large sized variety<br />
which grows very well throughout the winter in Southern Europe. Botiola gives a very high<br />
percentage of marketable heads consistently over a long period. The heads are firm and solid and<br />
pack well for the export markets, it is easy to handle.<br />
Resistances: HR: Bl:1-27<br />
Diegola<br />
Diegola is an exceptional open field iceberg variety for winter production in Southern Europe.<br />
It is particularly suited to warmer winter areas. The size is quite compact and the leaves are nice<br />
and thick and protect the head well. Diegola is a top variety in its segment and a must for the<br />
professional lettuce grower.<br />
Resistances: HR: Bl:1-27<br />
*This is just a small selection of our lettuce varieties, please refer to our website for descriptions of our whole range: www.enzazaden.com<br />
Enza Zaden | 103
Outdoor Lettuce<br />
Batavia<br />
Belabela<br />
Belabela is a large, voluminous Batavia lettuce for open field production in the spring and<br />
the autumn. The colour is medium to dark green. Belabela is fast growing and strong against<br />
yellow leaf edges, a perfect option for professional growers in Southern Europe.<br />
Resistances: HR: Bl:1-26 | IR: Nr:0/LMV:1<br />
Fanela<br />
Fanela<br />
Fanela is a new Batavia lettuce variety for the open field, particularly recommended for<br />
production from late spring through to the autumn. Fanela is an open heading type with a large<br />
frame, the leaves are fresh looking and bright green in colour. It is a very reliable variety and<br />
can be produced successfully throughout a large range of sowing dates.<br />
Resistances: HR: Bl:1-28 | IR: Nr:0/LMV:1<br />
Kiloma<br />
Kiloma is a new Batavia lettuce variety for the open field, particularly recommended for<br />
production from late spring through to the autumn. Kiloma is a large heading, quite open<br />
variety with a large frame and an attractive bright green colour. Kiloma is a very reliable variety<br />
and can be produced successfully throughout a wide range of sowing dates.<br />
Resistances: HR: Bl:1-28 | IR: Nr:0/LMV:1<br />
Kiloma<br />
Bohemia<br />
Bohemia is a well-known standard open field Batavia type lettuce variety used in many major<br />
professional lettuce growing markets. It is a large framed open variety with attractive lighter<br />
green soft leaves. Bohemia has good bolt resistance and grows well in hot conditions.<br />
Resistances: HR: Bl:1-5,7-10,17 | IR: LMV:1<br />
104 | Enza Zaden
Outdoor Lettuce<br />
Romaine<br />
Pinokkio<br />
Pinokkio is very crispy and sweet tasting compact Romaine lettuce variety. The leaves are quite<br />
dark green in colour, thick and well ridged. It is strong against tipburn. Pinokkio has proved itself<br />
to be a top variety for the professional grower, growing successfully in a wide range of conditions<br />
and climates.<br />
Resistances: HR: Bl:1-5,7-10,17<br />
Nader<br />
Nader is a very popular fresh dark green open field romaine lettuce variety. Very popular amongst<br />
many of our Middle Eastern customers. It has become a standard variety in a lot of key production<br />
locations. Nader is a medium sized variety which has the tendency to close well. Recommended<br />
for spring, autumn and winter production only.<br />
Resistances: HR: Bl:1-16,21,23, IR: LMV:1/Ss<br />
Pinokkio<br />
Xanadu<br />
Xanadu is the most well-known midi romaine open field lettuce variety in the world, widely<br />
grown by customers looking for a retail shelf friendly variety. Xanadu is dark green in colour and<br />
on average 20-23 cm tall. The taste is superb, and the presentation is of a crisp and well savoyed<br />
lettuce. Xanadu is very strong on internal tip burn, has a compact heart and is very bolting<br />
tolerant.<br />
Resistances: HR: Bl:1-16,21,23 | IR: LMV:1<br />
Little Gem<br />
Duende<br />
Duende is a very uniform and compact Little Gem type of open field lettuce, particularly<br />
recommended for autumn, winter and spring production in Southern Europe. The crop is quite big,<br />
producing well-formed and tight attractive hearts, well accepted for the export market. Duende<br />
grows well under difficult conditions giving a consistent result and marketable product.<br />
Resistances: HR: Bl:1-17,21,23 | IR: LMV:1<br />
Coventry<br />
Coventry<br />
Coventry is a very sweet tasting, mid-green coloured smooth leaved mini Romaine lettuce variety<br />
with the ability to adapt widely to grow in many varied production regimes. Coventry is a tried<br />
and tested variety, one of the leaders in its type, recommended for spring through to autumn<br />
production in most European countries.<br />
Resistances: HR: Bl:1,4-21,23-26,28/Pb | IR: LMV:1<br />
*This is just a small selection of our lettuce varieties, please refer to our website for descriptions of our whole range: www.enzazaden.com<br />
Enza Zaden | 105
Outdoor Lettuce<br />
Butterhead<br />
Lobela<br />
Lobela is a dark to medium-green butterhead lettuce variety particularly recommended for<br />
production in the summer months. It is quite large and voluminous and has very good tolerance<br />
to bolting in hot weather. Lobela is a variety we recommend for the processing usage in<br />
particular.<br />
Resistances: HR to Bl:1-28/Nr:0 | IR: LMV:1<br />
Fastra (E01D.3807)<br />
Fastra is a new, medium-green butterhead lettuce variety. It is fast filling and gives good<br />
weight in an early stage. This makes Fastra very suitable for the very early markets. Fastra is<br />
a reliable heading variety with a very attractive heart and excellent field keepability. Fastra is<br />
recommended very much for fresh market usage.<br />
Resistances: HR: Bl:1-25,27,28/Nr:0 | IR: LMV:1<br />
Stretcha (E01D.2036)<br />
Stretcha is quite a compact open field butterhead lettuce, medium sized and fast filling. It is<br />
well suited to the early crops under tunnels, and because of its attractive heart can be used for<br />
the pre-pack market also. Stretcha grows quite upright, has a good base and harvests well. A<br />
very new variety from Enza Zaden to start the season off in the right way.<br />
Resistances: HR: Bl:1-28/Nr:0<br />
Sebastiano<br />
Sebastiano is a very attractive large framed red open field butterhead lettuce variety. It is very<br />
suitable for spring, autumn and winter production in the south. For those growers wishing to<br />
have an alternative type, Sebastiano not only satisfies technical growing requirements but also<br />
gives a very well accepted product for the market.<br />
Resistances: HR: Bl:1-27<br />
*This is just a small selection of our lettuce varieties, please refer to our website for descriptions of our whole range: www.enzazaden.com<br />
106 | Enza Zaden
Outdoor Lettuce<br />
Green Oakleaf<br />
Vizir<br />
Vizir is a new fresh-green outdoor Oakleaf lettuce variety. It is a very reliable variety under both<br />
cool and warm production conditions and has a good bolting tolerance. Vizir is quite a large<br />
framed lettuce and produces a large number of leaves. Recommended for spring through to<br />
autumn production in most Northern European countries.<br />
Resistances: HR: Bl:1-28/Nr:0 | IR: LMV:1<br />
Red Oak-leaf<br />
Cadix (E01L.6812)<br />
Cadix is a very reliable Red Oakleaf lettuce variety recommended for summer production on<br />
lighter soils. The leaves have a very shiny red colour, making Cadix one of the most attractive<br />
ROL types on the market. The leaves are round with a good green base, strong against basal<br />
rot, compact heading and well filled. Cadix is used also for processing.<br />
Resistances: HR: Bl:1-28/Nr:0 | IR: LMV:1<br />
Vizir<br />
Lollo Bionda<br />
Ilema (E01L.5800)<br />
Ilema is a new, attractive darker green Lollo Bionda type. The lettuce has a fine dome shaped<br />
structure and the leaves are fine to medium sized curled. The head weight is high. Ilema can be<br />
used for fresh market cut as well as for living lettuce product from water cultivation.<br />
Resistances: HR: Bl:1-28/Nr:0/Pb | IR: LMV:1<br />
Lollo Rossa<br />
Tuska<br />
Tuska is a large, robust Lollo Rossa type lettuce recommended for production outdoors from<br />
late spring through to autumn. The large heads are full of well structured leaves with a fine curl<br />
and a beautiful cherry red colour. Tuska has good bolting tolerance and field standing ability.<br />
Resistances: HR: Bl:1-26,28/Nr:0<br />
Cadix<br />
Tuska<br />
*This is just a small selection of our lettuce varieties, please refer to our website for descriptions of our whole range: www.enzazaden.com<br />
Enza Zaden | 107
Eazyleaf®<br />
Imagine a product that serves your customers<br />
better alternatives. A product with added value<br />
to the whole chain, with reduced costs and<br />
labour. A product that is eazy to process and<br />
offers you excellent shelflife. That is exactly<br />
the objective Enza Zaden has set itself with a<br />
great team of gifted and passionate researchers.<br />
The concept is ‘Eazyleaf®’, an attractive range of<br />
products supporting the grower and the processing<br />
industry in their ambition to serve top quality products.<br />
It gives retail the shelf life and appearance they are<br />
whishing for. And the consumers? They will have a<br />
unique taste experience with these tasty, crunchy<br />
products.<br />
Our Eazyleaf® brand covers lettuce varieties that are<br />
very easy to slice and prepare. The heads of the lettuce<br />
need to be sliced only once and will then fall apart<br />
into individual small leaves of a uniform size. Easy for<br />
growers to harvest, easy for the processing industry to<br />
process and pack, and easy for consumers to use.<br />
Monia Skrsyniarz<br />
Senior Breeder Lettuce<br />
France<br />
108 | Enza Zaden
Ezabel<br />
Ezabel is a light green leaf coloured Eazyleaf type of outdoor lettuce variety. The leaves are quite<br />
serrated with almost a Batavia type of shape. Ezabel can be grown from spring through to autumn<br />
outdoors, and also gives a very uniform product when grown indoors. Ezabel is an exciting new<br />
variety with a fresh consumer appeal.<br />
Resistances: HR: Bl:1-27/Nr:0<br />
Eztoril<br />
Eztoril is a medium to dark green leaf coloured Eazyleaf type recommended for production<br />
outdoors from early spring to late autumn in cooler climates. The heads are very compact<br />
producing a high number of thick, evenly sized leaves which fall evenly when cut. Eztoril is a must<br />
for the professional leaf lettuce growers and processing industry.<br />
Resistances: HR: Bl:1-27/Nr:0<br />
Ezabel<br />
Ezfilan (E01L.3505)<br />
Ezfilan is a very attractive bright red leaved Eazyleaf variety, recommended for production<br />
throughout the main growing seasons. The large head is compact and well formed, containing<br />
many leaves of equal size and shape. Cuts evenly and well for the processing market. Ezfilan's red<br />
leaf colour penetrates deeply into the lettuce.<br />
Resistances: HR: Bl:1-28/Nr:0<br />
Ezfilan<br />
*This is just a small selection of our lettuce varieties, please refer to our website for descriptions of our whole range: www.enzazaden.com<br />
Enza Zaden | 109
Greenhouse Lettuce<br />
Butterhead<br />
Letsgo<br />
Letsgo is a new indoor butterhead lettuce variety recommended for late autumn and early<br />
spring production. It is a fast maturing variety producing a large and well filled head with a high<br />
leaf count. Letsgo is medium attractive green in colour and presents very well in the box. With<br />
its full resistance package and beautiful market appearance, Letsgo is a highly recommended<br />
variety.<br />
Resistances: HR: Bl:1-27<br />
Mensana<br />
Mensana is a large framed indoor butterhead lettuce variety specifically recommended for<br />
winter production - a real winter variety. The leaves are medium green in colour and the head is<br />
voluminous and very well filled. Mensana grows steadily and stands well on difficult ground, it<br />
is strong against bottom rot.<br />
Resistances: HR: Bl:1-27<br />
Temira<br />
Temira is a new slow bolting greenhouse butterhead lettuce. It is a reliable medium framed<br />
variety with an excellent mildew resistance package and superb product model. Temira has an<br />
easy cutting flat base and is strong against bottom rot. The refined leaf vein structure is also<br />
one of Temira's strong points. A top of the class lettuce variety.<br />
Resistances: HR: Bl:1,4-26,28<br />
Trinette<br />
Trinette is a darker green coloured indoor lettuce variety recommended for autumn and winter<br />
production. The heads are nicely compact presenting a very fresh appearance when harvested.<br />
Trinette is early and fills the head quickly and has a very acceptable head weight. In its type<br />
Trinette is one of the best varieties available.<br />
Resistances: HR: Bl:1-28<br />
*This is just a small selection of our lettuce varieties, please refer to our website for descriptions of our whole range: www.enzazaden.com<br />
110 | Enza Zaden
Greenhouse Lettuce<br />
Batavia<br />
Leire<br />
Leire is an extremely attractive blond leaved winter greenhouse Batavia lettuce particularly<br />
recommended for use in local markets in Spain and Portugal. Leire is a large heading lettuce<br />
which fills well with firm well serrated leaves. It is a consistent performer and a growers variety.<br />
Resistances: HR: Bl:1-25,27,28/Nr:0<br />
Marize<br />
Marize is a very light green coloured greenhouse Batavia lettuce with attractive, fine curled<br />
leaves. Recommended for production throughout the winter in Spain and Portugal. The lettuce<br />
grows upright and has a small cutting base. The leaves are quite flexible and have small ribs.<br />
Resistances: HR: Bl:1-28<br />
Marize<br />
Green Oak-Leaf<br />
Torero<br />
Torero is a new, very attractive green oakleaf lettuce variety particularly recommended for<br />
autumn and winter cropping in tunnels in the South of France. Torero is a large framed variety<br />
which grows quickly to maturity, the head being full of many bright green attractive leaves. A<br />
winning variety for the professional grower.<br />
Resistances: HR: Bl:1-27<br />
Krokan<br />
Krokan is a very attractive greenhouse red oakleaf lettuce variety for winter production in<br />
South Europe. The growth habit is steady and well balanced, Krokan is well adapted to cold<br />
conditions. The head is quite compact and the base is nicely closed. Krokan grows quickly and<br />
can be harvested at an early maturity stage. It has good field keepability.<br />
Resistances: HR: Bl:1-28/Nr:0<br />
Torero<br />
Curled Lettuce<br />
Almay<br />
Almay is a new curly leaved lettuce for greenhouse production in Northern Europe when the<br />
days are long. Almay is an outstanding lettuce particularly during the mid to late season. It<br />
has a medium sized frame which fills well, the base is tight and well closed. Almay stands out<br />
above the competition for its reliability and beautiful presentation.<br />
Resistances: HR: Bl:1-26,28<br />
Krokan<br />
*This is just a small selection of our lettuce varieties, please refer to our website for descriptions of our whole range: www.enzazaden.com<br />
Enza Zaden | 111
Hydroponic lettuce<br />
One of the latest developments<br />
in the industry is cultivation<br />
on water. Enza Zaden is<br />
closely involved in the<br />
development of varieties<br />
that are suitable for this<br />
innovative, environmentally<br />
friendly form of cultivation,<br />
especially where lettuce is<br />
concerned.<br />
Hydroponics<br />
in a nutshell<br />
Soilless culture: that is what hydroponics is all about.<br />
One of its characteristics is a mobile gully system, with<br />
seven- to eight-centimetre pots. The roots of the crops<br />
are in direct contact with the nutrients dissolved in<br />
water. Hydroponic production limits the use of water,<br />
nutrients and chemicals; it prevents soil pollution and<br />
involves highly mechanised, automated systems. The<br />
end products are very clean, and are often marketed as<br />
grown without chemicals, hence an increase in organic<br />
production.<br />
Jan van Kuijk<br />
Crop Specialist<br />
Leafy Vegetable Breeding<br />
The Netherlands<br />
112 | Enza Zaden
H Y D R O P O N<br />
I C<br />
Hydroponic Lettuce<br />
Batavia<br />
Pearl Gem<br />
Pearl Gem is the Enza Zaden standard selection of the open leaved blond batavia lettuce<br />
type Grand Rapids. Pearl Gem is a major standard variety in all markets where reliability and<br />
consistency of performance are needed in NFT production. A very uniform selection, the blond<br />
open leaved heads are just what the professional growers need for the consumer markets.<br />
Caipira<br />
Caipira is fast becoming a main stream NFT batavia type lettuce variety in many major production<br />
regions around the world. It is recommended for cropping from spring through the summer until<br />
early autumn. Caipira has a large curly head and is quite open, the leaf colour is medium green.<br />
It is quite erect in its growth habit and the bottom is well closed.<br />
Resistances: HR: Bl:1-26,28/Nr:0 | IR: LMV:1<br />
Eazyleaf<br />
Ezfrill<br />
Ezfrill is a new leaf lettuce type from Enza Zaden particularly recommended for early spring to late<br />
autumn NFT production in Northern Europe, and winter NFT production in South Europe. Ezfrill is<br />
a unique dark green, finely curled and compact Eazyleaf lettuce. The leaves are well serrated and<br />
very crispy. Take a look at a new generation of NFT lettuces from Enza Zaden.<br />
Resistances: HR: Bl:1-28/Nr:0<br />
*This is just a small selection of our lettuce varieties, please refer to our website for descriptions of our whole range of varieties: www.enzazaden.com<br />
Enza Zaden | 113
114 | Enza Zaden
Babyleaf<br />
Variety Description HR: IR:<br />
Oaking<br />
Dark green oakleaf with very good shelf-life and compact<br />
leaves.<br />
Bl:1-28/Nr:0<br />
LMV:1<br />
Palosta<br />
Fresh green Romaine type babyleaf with compact and upright<br />
growth habit. Perfectly suited for year-round cultivation.<br />
Bl:1-27/Nr:0<br />
LMV:1<br />
Redlo<br />
Lollo Rossa babyleaf with intensive dark-red leaf colour, nice<br />
frill and thicker leaf.<br />
Bl:1-26,28<br />
Redza Shiny, dark-red romaine babyleaf, also used as "red corn salad". Bl:1-21,23-26,28<br />
*This is just a small selection of our lettuce varieties, please refer to our website for descriptions of our whole range: www.enzazaden.com<br />
Enza Zaden | 115
Endive<br />
Our endive breeding and screening<br />
programmes are located in the most<br />
important production areas. This<br />
allows us to select our varieties<br />
most accurately as the<br />
conditions are just like<br />
those of our customers.<br />
As we compare our best<br />
lines between several<br />
locations, we develop<br />
more reliable and flexible<br />
varieties that cover longer<br />
harvesting slots and stand<br />
fluctuating weather conditions.<br />
During autumn, winter and early spring<br />
seasons, we select at our breeding stations<br />
located in South Italy, South France and Spain.<br />
In spring and summer we do so in Central Italy,<br />
North West France, the Netherlands and Germany.<br />
Enza Zaden has a broad endive breeding programme.<br />
Our aim is to develop varieties for all market segments.<br />
We have varieties suitable for the processing industry<br />
as well as for the fresh market. The ultimate destination<br />
of the product also plays a major role in endive<br />
breeding. Whereas one market use endive raw in<br />
salads, others ask for specific characteristics like dark<br />
green smooth varieties or the nice ‘très fine’ curled<br />
type. In this type we offer a complete innovative range<br />
of varieties which allow our customers to produce all<br />
year long in open field, for both processing and fresh<br />
markets.<br />
Chantal Desplanches<br />
Crop Breeding Manager Endive<br />
France<br />
116 | Enza Zaden
Endive<br />
Smooth leaf endive<br />
Parmance<br />
Parmance is a very reliable and flexible variety which gives a good performance under a wide range of<br />
growing conditions. The head grows quite large in size and the leaves are broad, firm and attractive fresh<br />
green in colour. Parmance is strong against bolting and tipburn. We recommend Parmance for production<br />
from summer through to late autumn in the main endive producing regions of Europe.<br />
Séance<br />
Séance is one of Enza Zaden’s most popular smooth leaved endive varieties. Recommended for late<br />
spring, summer and autumn cultivation, Séance always gives performance and uniformity. The medium<br />
to large heads are full of attractive bright green flat leaves which have a good vein structure. The base<br />
is clean and the heads are easy to harvest. Parmance is noted for its fast heart filling and attractive<br />
presentation.<br />
Cuartana<br />
Cuartana<br />
Cuartana is a variety specially developed for production from an early start in the spring time. It is strong<br />
against bolting if caught by a cold snap. Cuartana has quite an upright growth habit and a large head<br />
with attractive flat leaves. Under difficult climatological and growth conditions Cuartana produces an<br />
extraordinary amount of top quality heads for the market.<br />
Curly leaf endive<br />
Bekele<br />
Bekele is a very voluminous curled endive variety, producing strong upright heads. The shiny dark<br />
green thick leaves are very attractive curled, presenting a very marketable product in the box. Bekele is<br />
particularly recommended for spring production because of its strong bolt tolerance. Bekele is widely<br />
grown in most of the major endive markets in Southern Europe and has gained popularity with the<br />
professional growers.<br />
Myrna<br />
Myrna<br />
Myrna is one of the Enza Zaden well known standard curled endive varieties used in many major endive<br />
growing regions. Myrna is particularly recommended for cultivation in summer and autumn crops. It is<br />
strong against bolting and tipburn. The heads are medium sized and well filled with fine, curly leaves.<br />
Myrna gives a very consistent performance and is well appreciated by professional growers worldwide.<br />
Zidane<br />
Zidane is an attractive, fast growing Tres Fine Maraichere (TFM) type endive particularly suitable for<br />
production from late spring through the summer and up to early autumn. The heads are quite small and<br />
compact, the leaves are thin and very curly, a typical TFM type which fits into most growers planting<br />
schedules. Zidane has shown itself to be adaptable to a wide range of growing conditions and soil types. A<br />
professional variety for the professionals.<br />
Zidane<br />
Enza Zaden | 117
Spinach<br />
Variety Cultivation period Leaves Usage Resistances Remarks<br />
Spring<br />
Summer<br />
Autumn<br />
Winter<br />
Shape<br />
Freshmarket<br />
Processing<br />
HR<br />
IR<br />
Chevelle x x x Pfs:1-13<br />
Corvair x x x x Pfs:1-11,13<br />
Cougar x x x x Pfs:1-13<br />
Very uniform dark green semi-savoy leaf, upright growth habit. Very<br />
good field holding ability.<br />
Medium growth speed, does well in both cool and hot conditions.<br />
Fresh appearance and good field holding ability.<br />
High yielding variety for year-round cultivation. Uniform dark green<br />
leaf, upright growth habit.<br />
Ram<br />
(E 80.9448)<br />
x x x x Pfs:1-10,12,13 Pfs:11<br />
A summer type for babyleaf. Slow growing, round, smooth dark green<br />
leaves, erect growing habit.<br />
Ranchero x x x x x Pfs:1-11,13<br />
Yabi x x x x x Pfs:1-10<br />
E03D.0578 x x x x Pfs:1-13<br />
Early and fast-growing variety with thick leaf. Very uniform leaf size<br />
and shape.<br />
Very flexible variety, can be used for a long sowing period. Excellent<br />
field holdability and high yield potential.<br />
New fast-growing and widely adaptable variety with dark-green leaf<br />
colour and thick leaf texture.<br />
HR: High Resistance | IR: Intermediate Resistance | For explanation of the codes of resistances, see page 166.<br />
Current information concerning the resistances is available on www.enzazaden.com = oval = oval pointed = round<br />
118 | Enza Zaden
Corvair<br />
Corvair is widely recommended for fresh market and babyleaf usage. It is suitable for spring, summer and<br />
autumn cultivation in most main spinach production locations around the world. Generally Corvair is a steady<br />
growing variety needing time to reach full maturity. It has an excellent field standing ability and is very strong<br />
against leaf burn. Highly Resistant to Pfs races 1-11,13.<br />
Ram (E 80.9448)<br />
Ram is a new hybrid from Enza Zaden with some very interesting qualities. It is quite slow growing, forming<br />
attractive round, smooth and dark green leaves with an extremely good texture. The growth habit is erect.<br />
Ram is particularly recommended as a variety to produce in the summer for the babyleaf market, performs well<br />
in the heat and with high light. Highly Resistant to Pfs:1-10,12,13 and Intermediate Resistant to Pfs:11.<br />
Corvair<br />
Enza Zaden | 119
Corn Salad<br />
Variety Cropping Cultivation period Leaves Remarks<br />
Protected<br />
Open Field<br />
Spring<br />
Summer<br />
Autumn<br />
Winter<br />
Shape<br />
Grey<br />
Accent x x x x x round<br />
Fast growing variety for fresh market and processing. Compact dark green plants with perfect<br />
round shaped leaves. Attractive rosette.<br />
Amely x x x (x) x x oval round Very fast growing reliable variety for cold and hot conditions.<br />
Etap x x x oval round The fastest growing Enza Zaden variety for winter crops.<br />
Favor x x x x x oval round Sturdy growing corn salad suitable for all seasons and all purposes.<br />
Juwallon x x x x oval round<br />
Juvert x x oval round<br />
Reliable variety for winter to spring tunnel crops with erect leaf arrangement and bright green<br />
colour.<br />
Oval shaped leaf with fine vein structure. Produces steadily in hot conditions. Excellent<br />
shelf-life.<br />
120 | Enza Zaden
Accent<br />
Accent is a fast growing compact corn salad variety recommended for production in autumn,<br />
winter and spring crops. The plant structure is very uniform and upright, the leaves are round in<br />
shape. Accent has a very high total yield and is an exceptional variety for the professional corn<br />
salad grower.<br />
Amely<br />
Amely is a new corn salad variety from Enza Zaden. It is very fast growing. Amely is recommended<br />
for all protected autumn and spring crops. The plant is upright and well-formed. The leaves<br />
are medium green in colour and very strong against yellowing on the cotyledons. Suitable for<br />
processing as well as fresh market usage.<br />
Accent<br />
Enza Zaden | 121
122 | Enza Zaden
Asia and Oceania<br />
the power of a multilocal company<br />
Asia is characterised by its wide diversity of culture, eating habits and the related vegetable types and varieties. Ranging<br />
from densely populated countries such as Pakistan and India to the tropical islands of Indonesia and the Philippines and to<br />
the Far East in Korea and Japan, Asia requires a broad mix of greenhouse and open field vegetable seed varieties, some of<br />
which are indigenous.<br />
In line with the vision of local breeding for local markets, Enza Zaden offers Asia an exciting assortment of Asian varieties<br />
from breeding locations in China, India and the South East Asia. Using a network of dedicated exclusive distributors in all<br />
Asian countries, Enza Zaden is ready to serve the farmers in what is the fastest growing region in the world.<br />
The climate range in Australia means that production areas move with the season, and most crops can be grown all<br />
year-round. The main production areas are Melbourne, Adelaide, Brisbane and Queensland. Most crops focus on the<br />
domestic markets for a population of 22 million people, there is very little export.<br />
To the South East of Australia the fertile green islands of New Zealand receive regular and steady rainfall. The population<br />
of five million people benefits from ideal growing conditions, which enables New Zealand to increasingly target export<br />
markets in Europe and Asia. For example, the temperate climate makes it possible to produce a wide range of crops for<br />
export to the historic UK markets. Most modern produce trade is to Australia, China and Japan, and trading with other<br />
Asian countries is on the increase.<br />
Enza Zaden began its relationship with Australia and New Zealand decades ago. When the present owners of South<br />
Pacific Seeds (SPS) decided to go-it-alone and set up business for themselves, Enza Zaden joined them. Today, Enza<br />
Zaden sells its products in Australia and New Zealand exclusively through the network of SPS and Terranova Seeds (a<br />
subsidiary of SPS). The Enza Zaden range consists of the full assortment; onion, greenhouse tomato and pepper, pumpkin<br />
and lettuce being the main lines.<br />
Enza Zaden | 123
Onion<br />
It is a fact that the onion is a popular product<br />
worldwide. With an annual production estimated<br />
somewhere between 50 to 100 million<br />
tonnes, it is one of the most widely grown<br />
vegetables in the world. This means an<br />
average consumption of almost 10.5 kg<br />
per person per year. In countries such as<br />
Korea, Algeria, Morocco and Spain, the<br />
consumption of onions is high. However,<br />
the Libyans are the greatest onion lovers: they<br />
consume 28 kilograms per person per year.<br />
The quality and shelf life of Short Day and Intermediate<br />
Day onions are key points in onion breeding activities.<br />
“We are now seeing emerging onion markets<br />
worldwide, for instance in Brazil,” says Bram van<br />
Staalduinen, Senior Portfolio Manager at Enza<br />
Zaden. “The cultivation of onions is also intensifying.<br />
Onion companies are specialising, mechanising and<br />
demanding a higher product quality, and above all, a<br />
longer shelf-life.”<br />
In order to focus on these key points, Enza Zaden has<br />
onion breeders in Australia, New Zealand, Italy and the<br />
USA who collaborate very closely. These onion experts<br />
regularly exchange specific knowledge to keep abreast<br />
of the latest developments in breeding.<br />
Nick Mendham<br />
Portfolio Manager &<br />
Senior Crop Specialist Onion<br />
The Netherlands<br />
124 | Enza Zaden
Onion<br />
Yellow/Brown<br />
Regent<br />
Regent is a light-brown skinned hybrid onion variety. The bulbs are globe shaped, very firm and<br />
have quite good storage ability, particularly for such an early variety. The yield potential of Regent<br />
is extremely high. The flavor of the onion is very sweet and mild. In the field it has shown to be<br />
strong against Downy Mildew. Regent is recommended for planting during mid-late autumn<br />
in a wide range of latitudes from the tropics to 35+ degrees. The maturity is 20-24 weeks after<br />
seeding, depending on location, seasonal factors and planting date.<br />
Regent<br />
Variety Cultivation Bulb Storage<br />
(months)<br />
Short day<br />
Remarks<br />
Early short<br />
day<br />
Mid short<br />
day<br />
Late short<br />
day<br />
Size<br />
(mm)<br />
Shape<br />
Yellow/Brown<br />
Annika x 70-110 2-4<br />
Cavalier x 65-100 2-3<br />
Cristalina x 70-110 2-4<br />
Madalyn x 70-100+ 2-3<br />
Regent x 70-100 2-3<br />
High yielding fresh market onion with very nice dark skin colour and great quality in its maturity class.<br />
Strong against foliage diseases. Flexible range of sowing slots.<br />
Early and very flexible variety. Standard for many years in SD onion production regions. Firm bulb with<br />
light-brown skin colour.<br />
Early hybrid with good adaptation in different latitudes and sowing periods. Excellent round bulb shape<br />
with good brown colour. Upright plant with thin neck.<br />
Very early and fast-growing hybrid for cultivation in subtropical areas. Round bulbs, straw-brown scale<br />
leaf. Small basal plate and thin neck. Very good uniformity in both size and shape.<br />
Early and high yielding hybrid. Adapted to a wide range of sowing slots and growing areas. Vigorous<br />
tops, uniform high quality bulbs with light brown skin.<br />
Samurai x 70-110 2-4 Superb bulb quality and high production. Large, single centred bulbs with good skin retention.<br />
Soberana x 65-100 2-3 Early hybrid with nice bulb shape and excellent skin quality. Resistant to bolting.<br />
Taipan x 70-100 2-3<br />
Very early light brown skinned hybrid. Firm bulbs with good skin retention and high yield potential.<br />
Wide sowing slot, flexible.<br />
Teresa x 70-110 2-4 High yield, large single centred bulbs and bolt resistance. Very flexible.<br />
= globe = slightly flattened globe = flattened globe to globe = grano globe<br />
Enza Zaden | 125
Onion<br />
Yellow/Brown<br />
Grenade<br />
Grenade is a medium-short day hybrid onion particularly recommended for production in (sub)<br />
tropical regions. Grenade is a new variety mainly used for the fresh market; the storage ability<br />
is quite limited. The bulbs are medium-large in size and globe shaped. The final average size<br />
depends on seasonal factors influencing the growth, the sowing date and the location. Grenade<br />
has an excellent skin quality and is one of the preferred hybrids of the professional growers.<br />
Grenade<br />
Variety Cultivation Bulb Storage<br />
(months)<br />
Short day<br />
Remarks<br />
Early short<br />
day<br />
Mid short<br />
day<br />
Late short<br />
day<br />
Size<br />
(mm)<br />
Shape<br />
Yellow/Brown<br />
Andromeda x 70-110 2-4 Versatile hybrid with vigorous plant habit especially suited for cultivation in tropical conditions.<br />
Aquarius x 70-110 2-4 Vigorous variety with large yellow skinned bulbs. Good skin retention and excellent yield potential.<br />
Diandra x 90-110+ 2-4<br />
Fast maturing hybrid with large bright yellow skinned bulbs and good root vigour. For hand and<br />
machine harvest.<br />
Gabriella<br />
(E 72.R5560)<br />
x 80-110+ 2-4<br />
High yielding Grano type with good bolting resistance for its maturity class. Large, very attractive<br />
uniform bulbs with mild to sweet taste.<br />
Goiana x 70-110 3-5<br />
Grenade x 60-90 3-5<br />
Lucinda x 70-110 3-5<br />
Early onion which combines yield, quality and storability. The bulbs are very regular in shape and big<br />
sized for its segment, even under difficult conditions. Suitable for machine harvest.<br />
Medium sized, very uniform, globe-shaped bulbs with excellent colour, skin retention and firmness.<br />
Good field resistance to foliar diseases.<br />
Goiana type with stronger vigour and a few days later into production. Very good firmness and skin<br />
quality. Strong against foliar diseases.<br />
= globe = flattened globe to globe = grano globe<br />
126 | Enza Zaden
Onion<br />
Yellow/Brown<br />
Sirius<br />
Sirius is a light-brown skinned onion hybrid suitable for production in medium-short day (sub)<br />
tropical conditions. Sirius is a fresh market onion with short-medium storage ability (2-4 months).<br />
The bulbs are globe in shape and large in size, depending on seasonal factors, the sowing date and<br />
location. Sirius has an excellent skin quality.<br />
Sirius<br />
Variety Cultivation Bulb Storage<br />
(months)<br />
Short day<br />
Remarks<br />
Early short<br />
day<br />
Mid short<br />
day<br />
Late short<br />
day<br />
Size<br />
(mm)<br />
Shape<br />
Yellow/Brown<br />
Predator x 70-110 2-4<br />
Rebecca x 80-110+ 2-4<br />
Sirius x 70-110 2-4<br />
Sweet Jalene x 90-110 2-4<br />
Terminator x 60-100 2-4<br />
Excellent yield potential. Very uniform, large sized, firm bulbs. Very adaptable in a wide range of SD<br />
growing regions. Field resistance against foliar diseases.<br />
Good vigour combined with flexibility in different sowing slots and latitudes. Working well in dry<br />
season sowings in equatorial latitudes.<br />
Performs well in a wide range of slots. Unique combination of root and foliage vigour with excellent<br />
bulb quality.<br />
Granex type, sweet to mild taste. Very firm large bulbs with yellow skin colour. For hand and machine<br />
harvest.<br />
Excellent bulb quality and skin retention. Uniform bulbs with upright tight neck. Has a wide planting<br />
window due to its longer maturity and can be planted in subtropical summers and winters.<br />
Yellow Granex 106 x 90-110 2-4 Very productive Granex type with large bulbs of excellent quality.<br />
Yellow Granex 112 x 90-110 2-4<br />
Extra large bulbs with single centres, good skin retention and outstanding yield potential. For hand<br />
and machine harvest. Very good quality for processing.<br />
= globe = grano globe = granex to flattened globe<br />
Enza Zaden | 127
Variety Cultivation Bulb Storage<br />
(months)<br />
Short day<br />
Remarks<br />
Early short<br />
day<br />
Mid short<br />
day<br />
Late short<br />
day<br />
Size<br />
(mm)<br />
Shape<br />
Yellow/Brown<br />
Achilles x 60-90 3-5<br />
Buccaneer x 60-95 3-5<br />
Steady performance in a variety of conditions. Firm bulbs with golden brown skin colour and tight<br />
neck.<br />
Vigorous growing variety, tolerates different climatic conditions and a wide range of growing areas.<br />
Excellent skin development and bulb firmness.<br />
Camilla x 90-110+ 2-4 Very productive. Unique for Late Short Day segment bulb quality and skin finish. Single centres.<br />
Colossus x 90-110+ 2-4<br />
Cronus x 70-110 2-4<br />
Fernanda x 90-110+ 2-4<br />
Morena x 60-90 3-5<br />
Patricia x 90-110+ 2-4<br />
Excellent variety for tropical hot dry to hot humid conditions. High yield potential, large bulbs, field<br />
resistance to Pink Root and foliar diseases.<br />
Light brown skinned onion with good skin retention and excellent yield potential. Especially for<br />
cultivation in humid conditions.<br />
Excellent vigour and tropical adaptability. Performing well in a range of slots in equatorial and general<br />
SD latitudes. Mild sweet flavour.<br />
Very firm bulbs, dark coloured and with excellent skin finish. High yield potential in cooler subtropical<br />
and tropical conditions.<br />
Vigorous growth, dark brown skin colour, remarkable bulb quality. Strong against foliage diseases.<br />
Bolt resistant.<br />
= globe = grano globe<br />
128 | Enza Zaden
Onion<br />
Yellow/Brown<br />
Lombardi<br />
Lombardi is an early intermediate day length brown hybrid onion which produces medium-large<br />
bulbs. The bulbs are very uniform globe shaped with very firm flesh and attractive dark golden<br />
brown skins with excellent skin retention and storage potential. Lombardi is recommended for late<br />
autumn/winter to early spring sowing in latitudes of 35-40 degrees. The normal days to maturity<br />
are 170 -190 from sowing, depending on the location, seasonal factors and planting date.<br />
Lombardi<br />
Variety Cultivation Bulb Storage<br />
(months)<br />
Intermediate day<br />
Remarks<br />
Early<br />
intermediate<br />
day<br />
Medium<br />
intermediate<br />
day<br />
Late<br />
intermediate<br />
day<br />
Size<br />
(mm)<br />
Shape<br />
Yellow/Brown<br />
Acclaim x 70-95 4-5 Earliest storage onion in market with excellent skin finish and skin retention. Very high yield.<br />
Python x 70-95 4-5<br />
Very uniform bulbs with well retained, attractive, dark brown skins and very firm flesh with<br />
excellent storage potential for its maturity class.<br />
Goblin x 60-100+ 5-6<br />
Excellent yield and quality with good bolt resistance and strong tops. Adapts well in wide range<br />
of sowing slots.<br />
Lombardi x 60-90 5-6 Very attractive, uniform onion. Very good plant vigour and bulb quality. Bolt resistant.<br />
Buenavista x 70-110 4-6 Early variety for long day growing regions with superb bulb quality and skin colour.<br />
Helenas x 70-110 5-7<br />
Very firm, attractive dark golden brown skinned variety with excellent skin development,<br />
handling and storage characteristics. High yield potential.<br />
Kauri x 60-90 6-8<br />
Best storage onion available in Pukekohe Long Keeper segment. Excellent skin retention,<br />
multiple thin dark golden brown skins.<br />
= globe = globe to slightly elongated<br />
Enza Zaden | 129
Onion<br />
Yellow/Brown<br />
Plutonus<br />
Plutonus is a late intermediate day maturity onion hybrid. The bulbs are large and globe in<br />
shape and have a very good skin retention aspect. Plutonus is in its category a very early<br />
variety, bulbs being formed 60-90 days from sowing, depending on the location seasonal<br />
factors and sowing date. As well as being an excellent variety for the fresh market, Plutonus is<br />
recommended as a very good storage onion hybrid.<br />
Plutonus<br />
Variety Cultivation Bulb Storage<br />
(months)<br />
Intermediate day<br />
Remarks<br />
Early<br />
intermediate<br />
day<br />
Medium<br />
intermediate<br />
day<br />
Late<br />
intermediate<br />
day<br />
Size<br />
(mm)<br />
Shape<br />
Yellow/Brown<br />
Manuka x 60-90 6-9<br />
Olivine x 60-100 6-9<br />
Plutonus x 60-90 6-9<br />
Sniper x 70-110 4-6<br />
Zircon x 70-100+ 4-6<br />
Long storage hybrid in the traditional Pukekhoe Long Keeper segment with very good vigour,<br />
bolt resistance and uniformity.<br />
Flexible Late Australian Brown type. An excellent combination of high yield, dark brown skin<br />
colour, very hard bulbs and very long storage.<br />
Long storing PLK type hybrid. Vigorous growth and high yield. Appealing dark brown skin<br />
colour.<br />
Early vigorous hybrid with versatile adaptation in different conditions from intermediate day to<br />
early long day. Very attaractive dark skin colour and firm bulb with tight neck.<br />
Very vigorous and high yielding hybrid in the early South Australian Brown segment. Excellent<br />
uniformity and marketable yield. Very attractive, uniform dark brown bulbs.<br />
= globe = globe to slightly elongated<br />
130 | Enza Zaden
Onion<br />
Yellow/Brown overwintering NH<br />
Louisa (E 72.K5209)<br />
Louisa is a new light-brown skinned early short day hybrid onion for the overwintering crop. The<br />
light-brown skinned onions show good cold tolerance. Louisa keeps its size well and gives a high<br />
yield of very uniform bulbs. Louisa is recommended for the fresh market, not very suitable for<br />
storage.<br />
Louisa<br />
Variety Cultivation Bulb Storage<br />
(months)<br />
Long day<br />
Remarks<br />
Early long day<br />
Size<br />
(mm)<br />
Shape<br />
Yellow/Brown<br />
Cassiopea x 70-110 5-7<br />
High yielding late intermediate - early long day variety. Firm large bulbs with well retained dark golden<br />
brown skins.<br />
Samantha x 60-100+ 6-8<br />
New long day variety. Unique combination of vigorous growth with very good bulb quality and long<br />
storage.<br />
Yellow/Brown Overwintering NH<br />
Shinto 70-100 2-3 Early maturity in areas with cold winter. Good bolting tolerance.<br />
Louisa<br />
(E 72.K5209)<br />
70-100 2-3<br />
For overwintering in areas without extremely cold winters. Strong against foliage diseases. Large bulb<br />
and good bolt resistance.<br />
= globe = flattened globe<br />
Enza Zaden | 131
Variety Cultivation Bulb Storage<br />
(months)<br />
Short day<br />
Intermediate<br />
day<br />
Remarks<br />
Early short<br />
day<br />
Medium<br />
short day<br />
Late short<br />
day<br />
Early<br />
intermediate<br />
Early<br />
intermediate<br />
Late<br />
intermediate<br />
Size<br />
(mm)<br />
Shape<br />
Red<br />
Malbec x 60-90 2-4<br />
Red Coach x 70-110 2-4<br />
Early hybrid with good handling and storage characteristics. Very intensive<br />
red skin colour, excellent internal ring colour development and single centres.<br />
Variety with large bulb, nice red internal color, bolt tolerance and a high level<br />
of single centers. Suitable for both processing and fresh market.<br />
Gamay<br />
(E 71.R5588)<br />
x 60-90 2-4<br />
Vigorous hybrid with superb internal colour and skin retention. Good foliar<br />
disease intermediate resistance. Very good flavour.<br />
Red Spur x 60-90 2-4<br />
Pinotage x 60-90 4-5<br />
Cabernet x 70-100+ 4-5<br />
Red Emperor x 60-90 4-5<br />
Rudolf x 60-90 5-7<br />
Late short day variety with good vigour, attractive deep red bulb colour, tight<br />
neck and high yield.<br />
Very early and productive intermediate day red onion with excellent plant<br />
vigour and bulb size. Good general foliage disease resistance.<br />
Industry standard for red MID slots with outstanding yield and bulb shape,<br />
colour and quality.<br />
Red variety with good adaptation to intermediate day growing regions.<br />
A long term reliable performer.<br />
Quality red onion with very good storage and bolt resistance. Good partial<br />
foliar disease resistance.<br />
= globe = flattened globe = flattened globe to grano = flattened globe to flat<br />
132 | Enza Zaden
Onion<br />
Red<br />
Malbec<br />
Malbec is a medium short day red onion. Malbec produces bulbs with a highly intense red external<br />
and internal ring colour, and develops a large percentage of bulbs with good single centers.<br />
The fruit shape is slightly flattened globe. Malbec is particularly recommended for fresh market<br />
consumption usage, but has a limited place also in the storage market. It matures 60-90 days from<br />
sowing, depending on the location, seasonal factors and planting date. An excellent new hybrid in<br />
the assortment.<br />
Malbec<br />
Enza Zaden | 133
Variety Cultivation Bulb Storage<br />
(months)<br />
Short day<br />
Remarks<br />
Early short day<br />
Medium short<br />
day<br />
Late short day<br />
Size<br />
(mm)<br />
Shape<br />
White<br />
Minerva x 70-110 2-4<br />
Earliest variety available in its segment with excellent bulb quality. Very good performance under semihumid<br />
tropical conditions with Pink Root Disease pressure.<br />
Caliza x 90-110 2-4<br />
High yielding variety, vigorous plant habit, very uniform shiny white bulbs, bolt resistant. High tolerance<br />
to Pink Root Disease.<br />
Alissa x 90-110 2-4<br />
A large, uniform, globe shape onion with excellent foliage and root vigor. Good field holding qualities<br />
and bolt tolerance.<br />
CAL 214 Imperial x 90-110 2-4<br />
Very versatile variety with large bulbs, good skin retention and excellent yield potential. Classic quality<br />
onion. Good resistance to Pink Root and foliar diseases.<br />
= grano globe = flattened globe<br />
134 | Enza Zaden
Onion<br />
White<br />
Minerva<br />
Minerva is an early short day white skinned onion. The bulbs are firm, large (90-100+ mm),<br />
uniform, globe-grano shaped, with nice white colour and good skin retention. Minerva exhibits<br />
better field resistance to Foliar Diseases and Pink Root Disease compared to many other varieties<br />
in its maturity class. Variety is recommended for sowing during autumn in a wide range of<br />
latitudes from the tropics to 35+ degrees. Maturity time is 20-24 weeks after seeding, depending<br />
on location, seasonal factors and planting date.<br />
Minerva<br />
Enza Zaden | 135
136 | Enza Zaden
Bunching Onions<br />
Kaigaro<br />
Kaigaro is a very productive bunching onion, it has been our standard for years. Fresh green leaf<br />
colour, long white shaft and upright growth have made Kaigaro a popular variety in many markets.<br />
Kaigaro is suitable for all crops except full winter, it does not form a bulb.<br />
Bunching Star<br />
Bunching Star is a reliable variety with healthy dark green leaves, fast growth and a little bulb<br />
formation. Bunching star is a frost resistant bunching onion and can be used for early spring and<br />
overwintering crops. It is also ideal for hot warm conditions, as Bunching Star is more heat tolerant<br />
than other Fistulosum bunching onion varieties.<br />
Kaigaro<br />
Enza Zaden | 137
138 | Enza Zaden
Africa and the Middle East<br />
the power of a multilocal company<br />
The vegetable market in the Middle East is volatile. There is a rapidly growing population of over three hundred million<br />
people. Because of the increasing disease pressure, the demand for more resistances is high. Water shortage will lead<br />
to the demand for more salt-tolerant crops in the future. To be successful in this region, having an attitude of flexibility in<br />
times of change is crucial. Enza Zaden has a regional team in Jordan and Egypt, which brings us close to the market and<br />
its developments.<br />
The Balkans, Greece, Turkey, Algeria and Iran are all part of a region characterised by a diversified product programme<br />
and extremely different cultures. Due to the many different cultures, an adaptable and flexible working attitude is needed.<br />
The Mediterranean climate has a great impact on the social life of the region, family values for example take on a different<br />
character and meaning.<br />
Success depends on the products we can offer and the people we work with. It is important to work together with the<br />
distributors and take into account the ethics of the country. Together with the breeding teams, we are developing products<br />
for all the different markets. Consumption of vegetables is very high in the region, and many different types are available<br />
to the consumer.<br />
Africa is a very diverse market where the international focus is on food safety; meaning governments are heavily involved<br />
in breeding and supplying the population with staple food crops such as maize, sorghum and rice, nutritious vegetables<br />
get little attention. Consumers, traders and growers are beginning to look for vegetables that were not present in the<br />
traditional dishes, and the demand for quality is increasing rapidly.<br />
Enza Zaden has a strong presence and wide range of activities in South Africa, we supply varieties in all the crop<br />
categories present in this catalogue. Enza Zaden is becoming more active in the Southern and East African markets,<br />
where we are building up networks of strong and reliable distributors who will identify the varieties which can add value<br />
to the local food chain.<br />
Enza Zaden | 139
Herbs<br />
Enza Zaden has been selling herbs since<br />
2001. Our main market is Europe, with a<br />
particular focus on Scandinavia, the Baltic<br />
States, UK, Benelux, Germany, France, Italy,<br />
the United States, Canada and Eastern Europe. Within<br />
these markets, our crop focus is on basil, chive, dill,<br />
parsley and wild rocket (Rucola selvatica/Diplotaxis<br />
tenuifolia).<br />
We are constantly working to improve our existing<br />
varieties. By developing disease resistance in our herbs,<br />
we make sure our clients get the best seed quality.<br />
We also test our varieties for shelf life to supply our<br />
customers with products for both local and export<br />
markets. All herbs are tested on NFT (cultivation on<br />
water) and in Scandinavia especially we have gained a<br />
high level of expertise over the past years.<br />
We have made significant investments to improve the<br />
quality of our seed, to make it as high as possible. A<br />
technical team in Enza Zaden Germany is available to<br />
give all kinds of advice about growing herbs and will<br />
support you with all the information you need.<br />
Olaf Kunzemann<br />
Breeder Herbs<br />
Germany<br />
140 | Enza Zaden
Piccolino<br />
Marian<br />
Rosie<br />
Variety Cultivation Remarks<br />
Basil<br />
Fresh cut Processing Pot plant<br />
Dolly x x<br />
Edwina<br />
x<br />
Very uniform, large leaved and fast growing variety with improved tolerance against low temperatures.<br />
Recommended for open field production.<br />
Reliable variety in Genovese type for a year-round pot production. Also under low light conditions this variety<br />
produces shiny dark green leaves and a very uniform plant horizon in the pots.<br />
Emily x x<br />
Very compact pot variety in Genovese type with medium-large leaves. Recommended for summer production in<br />
moderate climates, and all year-round in hot climates or production under high light intensity. Extended shelf-life<br />
of Emily enables transport on long distances.<br />
Eowyn<br />
x<br />
Very strong and compact Basil variety in Genovese type for pot cultivation. The brilliant dark green colour and the<br />
compact plant type makes Eowyn unique. Improved shelf-life.<br />
Genoveser x x Shiny, dark green, spoon shaped leaves. High yielding special Genovese selection for industry.<br />
Lemon sel. Lemona x x Fast growing variety with a distinctive lemon flavour. Flat, elliptic, fine leaf.<br />
Marian<br />
x<br />
Pot variety in Genovese type with medium sized, dark green leaves. Strong against tip burn and leaf damage<br />
during packing. Improved cold tolerance secures a transport phase under problematic conditions.<br />
Piccolino x Very compact growing Basil with small flat leaves and strong aroma. Ideal for pot cultivation.<br />
Rosie x x Variety with intensive dark red, glossy leaves. Due to its robust stems the growth is upright and compact.<br />
Enza Zaden | 141
Variety Cultivation Remarks<br />
Chives<br />
Fresh cut Processing Pot plant<br />
Biggy x x x<br />
Jeilo F1 x x x<br />
Thick shafted variety with dark blue-green leaf colour. Upright plant habit. Excellent for fresh market, forcing and<br />
industry.<br />
Our F1 hybrid with dark green leaves up to the base (no white shank). Very uniform and upright growth of the<br />
medium to thick shafted leaves. Less labour and less waste material. Suitable for fresh market and direct sowing<br />
in pots.<br />
Miro x x x Variety with medium thick leaves, suited for outdoor cultivation and forcing.<br />
Naomy x x x<br />
Nelly x x x<br />
Medium to thick shafted, dark green chive with a high resistance against brown tips and a very rapid growth. Both<br />
for fresh market and processing (extended shelf-life). Strong root system. Reliable variety for winter production in<br />
southern hemisphere.<br />
A fine to medium thick shafted chive with a very dark blue-green leaf colour. Very vigorous and upright growing.<br />
Strong against diseases and thrips spots on leaves. For fresh market and processing.<br />
Staro x x x Extra thick leaved and dark green variety for all growing purposes, forcing, pot growing and fresh cut.<br />
Twiggy x x x<br />
A fine shafted, very dark green chive with high uniformity. Especially suited for bundles, attains the highest<br />
demands on quality.<br />
142 | Enza Zaden
Jeilo<br />
Ella<br />
Xenon<br />
Variety Cultivation Remarks<br />
Dill<br />
Fresh cut Processing Pot plant<br />
Common x x Standard dill variety.<br />
Ella x x x<br />
Goldkrone x x x<br />
Green Sleeves x x<br />
Dark blue-green plants with a lot of leaf tips. Due to the extra short hypocotyl this dill variety provides compact<br />
and very stable plants for pot production. It is also suited for fresh bundles harvest.<br />
Enza’s selection in the tetraploid type, especially high yielding and late flowering, therefore very suitable for<br />
extensive growing. For fresh cut and industry purposes.<br />
A very stable, dark green dill for production of fresh bundles. Greensleeves is strong against bolting and is duly<br />
suited for all year-round cultivation.<br />
Parsley<br />
Argon x x x<br />
Very productive Commun type. Upright growth, dark green leaves, very aromatic. Strong against Downy Mildew.<br />
Suitable for pot production, fresh market and industry.<br />
Commun 2 x x Enza Zaden’s selection in the plain leaved type: very aromatic, dark green parsley producing high yield.<br />
Gigante d’Italia x x x Plain leaved variety, very aromatic and high yielding.<br />
Moss Curled 2 x x Medium fine curled leaf, dark green and uniform.<br />
Wega x x x<br />
Xenon x x x<br />
New all-round variety in Moss Curled type with medium fine curl and dark green leaf colour. High uniformity, fast<br />
and upright growth and high yield potential make this variety suitable for all purposes and year-round cultivation.<br />
Upright growth, stable and very uniform. Moss Curled type with very dark green leaf colour and medium curl, for<br />
bunching and pot production.<br />
Enza Zaden | 143
144 | Enza Zaden
Tricia<br />
Celtop<br />
Marino<br />
Variety Cultivation Remarks<br />
Rocket Salad<br />
Fresh cut Processing Pot plant<br />
Rucola Coltivata x x x Fast growing, high yielding, oval leaved type.<br />
Rocket Wild<br />
Rucola Selvatica x x x Smaller, fine feathered leaves with an intensive flavour. For fresh cut and pot production.<br />
Grazia x x x<br />
Tricia x x x<br />
Compact growing, dark green wild rocket with very uniform, long, fine serrated leaves and improved bolting<br />
tolerance.<br />
Our fastest variety. High uniformity, medium serrated leaves, upright growth, strong against Peronospora and<br />
extra late bolting are the headlines from the grower trials world wide. Suitable for all growing seasons.<br />
Celery cut<br />
Celbunch x x Very uniform dark green and upright plants, medium sized leaves.<br />
Celtop x x x<br />
Bright dark green foliage with upright growth and large sized leaves. High yield and excellent quality in all seasons<br />
and for all purposes.<br />
Coriander<br />
Marino x x x Thinly feathered, fine stalked leaf coriander. Improved bolting tolerance, high yielding and very aromatic.<br />
Enza Zaden | 145
Cauliflower<br />
Cauliflower is an open field crop grown<br />
in a lot of different environments.<br />
Every environment and market has<br />
its own requirements. Breeding<br />
activities in several countries – such<br />
as the Netherlands, France, Italy,<br />
Germany, Australia and the USA – help<br />
Enza Zaden to adapt its varieties to the<br />
conditions of the main production regions.<br />
Our breeding activities focus primarily on the fresh<br />
market, processing market and the novelties. The<br />
fresh market is a stable market worldwide. The<br />
processing market, on the other hand, is a growing<br />
market, especially in Northern Europe and America.<br />
The novelties include Romanesco, a green and a<br />
purple cauliflower. In recent years, the Romanesco and<br />
purple types are gaining in popularity, not only in the<br />
processing industry but also from consumers.<br />
After several years of R&D activities in cauliflower,<br />
Enza Zaden is proud to introduce the first range of<br />
products for these different markets.<br />
Except for cauliflower, Enza Zaden has also breeding<br />
activities in kohlrabi, an important vegetable for the<br />
German market. To provide year-round kohlrabi to this<br />
market, it is cultivated on large scale in Germany, Italy<br />
and Spain. Our breeding activities focus mainly on the<br />
requirements for these production areas.<br />
Herre van der Sloot<br />
Senior Breeder Cauliflower<br />
The Netherlands<br />
146 | Enza Zaden
Cauliflower<br />
Novaria<br />
Novaria is a very heat tolerant cauliflower with outstanding curd quality and presentation. The<br />
plants are vigorous and upright with dark green leaves protecting the curds well. The curds are<br />
dense, very smooth and white. The normal days to maturity are 75-80 from transplanting. Uniform<br />
curd initiation of Novaria results in a short harvest period. We recommend Novaria for summer<br />
and early autumn production.<br />
Crenique<br />
Crenique is a new autumn hybrid with healthy and strong growing plant. Twisted inner leaves and<br />
a good wrap assure very good curd protection. Curds are white, firm, dense and heavy and have a<br />
smooth texture. Presentation in commercial package is superb. Crenique usually matures in 75-85<br />
days from transplanting.<br />
Fairway<br />
Fairway is a new flexible variety with a broad harvest window. It has a vigorous plant with tall<br />
erect leaves and very well protected curd. Excellent curd quality and nice presentation make<br />
Fairway a very attractive product to market. Maturity occurs 75-90 days from transplanting, we<br />
recommend Fairway for spring and summer cultivation.<br />
Novaria<br />
Crenique<br />
Enza Zaden | 147
Variety Maturity Harvest period Plant Remarks<br />
Days<br />
Early<br />
Medium<br />
Late<br />
Leaf cover<br />
Viviane 65-70 x Medium Very early into production, erect plants, very uniform curds.<br />
Terzolo 70-75 x Medium Early summer variety with impressive curd quality. Good vigour, upright and uniform plant type.<br />
Xenia 70-75 x Medium Early variety with regular, dense curds. Has a short harvest period and is very easy to harvest .<br />
Novaria 75-80 x Excellent<br />
Superb summer/autumn variety with a round, compact, well covered and very white curd. Very good heat<br />
tolerance and high uniformity.<br />
Synergy 75-85 x Good Vigorous variety producing dense, firm, regular shaped white curds. For summer/autumn production.<br />
Telergy 75-85 x Excellent<br />
Strong, uprigth plant with blue-green leaves. The curd is well protected, of high quality, with excellent weight<br />
and density.<br />
Fairway<br />
(E 51.227) 75-90 x Excellent Vigorous growing, very good quality cauliflower for fresh market and processing.<br />
Maarinna 80-85 x Excellent Vigorous hybrid for summer/early autumn harvest. Very good quality white solid curds.<br />
Delias 80-90 x Good Early hybrid with very uniform, round, smooth curds. Upright growth.<br />
Natividad 85-90 x Good Summer variety with strong and upright growth habit, good field holding ability and very good curd quality.<br />
148 | Enza Zaden
Variety Maturity Harvest period Plant Remarks<br />
Days<br />
Early<br />
Medium<br />
Late<br />
Leaf cover<br />
Vacaria 85-90 x Good Vigorous variety with large frame. Heavy, white, smooth and firm curds.<br />
Crenique 85-95 x Excellent<br />
Vigorous plant with twisted inner leaves and a good wrap. Curds are dense and heavy with a smooth texture.<br />
For autumn harvest.<br />
Daroca 90-100 x Good Vigorous plant, large, excellent quality curd, very good performance in cooler areas.<br />
Bonique 90-100 x Good Autumn variety for fresh market and processing. Heavy, dense, upright curds.<br />
Monte Verde 95-100 x Medium Green cauliflower with dense, firm curd. Excellent speciality. For autum production.<br />
Anique 100-110 x Excellent Healthy and strong growing variety with erect leaves and very white curd. Excellent presentation.<br />
Density 100-115 x Excellent Strong growing autumn variety with heavy, dense, smooth, well-protected curds.<br />
Tercia 100-120 x Good<br />
Especially for late autumn and winter cropping. Vigorous plant with tall leaves. White and heavy curds of<br />
outstanding quality.<br />
Agility 130-140 x Good Healthy and cold tolerant variety for winter harvest. Excellent quality curds.<br />
Vesuvia 130-150 x Good Winter processing variety with very dense and heavy curd. High production.<br />
Enza Zaden | 149
Radish<br />
Radish is grown worldwide<br />
and in various ways, such<br />
as open field, tunnel or<br />
glasshouse cultivation.<br />
This vegetable is<br />
harvested mechanically<br />
as well as by hand and it<br />
is marketed in bunches,<br />
without leaves or even<br />
already processed in bags.<br />
Enza Zaden focuses mainly<br />
on the red round type for<br />
the open field and protected<br />
cultivation. More than 25 years<br />
of experience in radish breeding led<br />
to top sellers like the F1 hybrid Celesta.<br />
The success of this variety is mainly based on its high<br />
resistance to Peronospora, which means a better<br />
shelf-life and a more reliable cultivation. It’s a very<br />
flexible variety as well, grown from Russia to Canada<br />
and from Scandinavia to Morocco. In emerging markets<br />
like Eastern Europe, high value F1 hybrids have also<br />
become more common in the past years, thanks to<br />
their high productivity and reliability.<br />
Enza Zaden also works on Fusarium resistant varieties,<br />
which is a great added value in glasshouse productions.<br />
Peronospora resistance remains a critical spearhead as<br />
the most important radish markets for Enza Zaden grow<br />
their product in open field.<br />
Rudi Jock<br />
Portfolio Manager Radish<br />
Germany<br />
150 | Enza Zaden
Radish<br />
Red round<br />
Celesta<br />
An excellent radish hybrid with a short, very solid and upright growing character. Suitable for<br />
cold growing under glass, tunnels as well as outdoor cultivation. Celesta is very stable under cold<br />
and wet conditions and has a very strong skin. Celesta has reliable, fine roots, long lasting green<br />
leaves and can be stored for long periods.<br />
White round<br />
Pearl<br />
Pearl is an extremely attractive pure white coloured round radish hybrid, suitable for production in<br />
all open field cropping regimes. The leaf is medium in size with a very solid, upright growing habit.<br />
Pearl is suitable for use in processing as well as presenting in bunches of mixed red and white<br />
coloured radishes. Pearl is a new concept radish for the discerning distribution chain.<br />
Celesta<br />
Pearl<br />
Enza Zaden | 151
Variety Cropping Cultivation period Remarks<br />
Protected<br />
Open field<br />
Spring<br />
Summer<br />
Autumn<br />
Winter<br />
Red round<br />
Celesta x x x x x<br />
Brava x x x x<br />
Escala x x x<br />
Estella x x x x<br />
Excellent quality and reliability. Very uniform round bulbs, bright red bulb colour, very good internal quality.<br />
Strong against Peronospora on bulbs and foliage.<br />
Early, uniform, fast growing hybrid with round bulbs. Very dark green upright foliage, nice red bulb colour. Very<br />
fine roots, good leaf attachment (for mechanical harvest).<br />
Uniform variety for openfield crops. Round and bright red bulbs have good internal quality, are cracking tolerant<br />
and strong against peronospora. Strong, dark green foliage for manual and mechanical harvest. Especially<br />
recommended for bunching and processing.<br />
Round bulb shape and robust, compact foliage. Suitable for machine harvest. Medium Fusarium resistance. For<br />
spring to autumn open field crops.<br />
Lucia x x x Spring and autumn variety for North Europe open field crops. Excellent internal structure.<br />
Rudi x x x x Standard variety for open field crops in many professional radish production areas.<br />
Tarzan x x x Fast growing variety for protected winter and spring crops. Uniform, high quality bulbs.<br />
Vienna x x x x<br />
Excellent internal quality, for processing and fresh maket. Vienna can grow up to 50 mm in diameter retaining<br />
very good internal quality.<br />
152 | Enza Zaden
Radish<br />
Variety Cropping Cultivation period Remarks<br />
Protected<br />
Open field<br />
Spring<br />
Summer<br />
Autumn<br />
Winter<br />
White round<br />
Pearl x x x Enza Zaden's first white round Radish for processing and bunching. Eyecatcher in red/white radish mixes.<br />
French breakfast<br />
Mistral x x x x<br />
Criador x x x x x<br />
Uniform, medium long red bulbs with a nice white tip for manual and mechanical harvest. For open field crops in<br />
real summer conditions.<br />
Very uniform cylindrical bulbs with good red/white transition. Compact foliage with strong attachment for<br />
machine harvest. Superb internal quality.<br />
Enza Zaden | 153
Kohlrabi<br />
Variety Harvest period Remarks<br />
Spring<br />
Summer<br />
Autumn<br />
Winter<br />
Littorio x Very uniform variety with excellent leaf characteristics. Flatround white bulbs.<br />
Octave x x Semi-upright, very sturdy plants with large leaves, grows well in hot conditions. White to slightly greenish bulb colour.<br />
Opimes x x Very early hybrid recommended for protected cropping in spring and winter and open field.<br />
Opus x x x Very uniform hybrid for protected and open field crops. Easy harvest, excellent product quality and nice presentation.<br />
Romolo x Fast growing variety for winter greenhouse crops. White bulb and sturdy foliage.<br />
Sunvit x x Variety for summer crops with white bulb, very erect leaves and good heat tolerance.<br />
Solares (E 54.0868) x x New summer hybrid with very erect, sturdy foliage and uniform, semi-flat round, white bulbs.<br />
Avaya (E 54.10880) x x Medium fast growing summer kohlrabi with broad harvest window. Strong against peronospora.<br />
154 | Enza Zaden
Leek<br />
Chinook (E65A.10078)<br />
Chinook is a very uniform summer leek hybrid. The maturity is 90-100 days from sowing. Chinook<br />
is very strong against bolting and grows very quickly even under cold conditions. The shafts are<br />
long, very straight and uniform. Chinook is a very high yielding leek hybrid which fits well into any<br />
professional leek growers’ programme.<br />
Navajo<br />
Navajo is a superb uniform winter (overwintering type) leek hybrid. The shafts are long, extremely<br />
dark blue and peel very easily. The total yield is very high for Navajo. A must for the winter crop in<br />
any professional leek growers planting programme, Navajo will give the desired results.<br />
Variety Growing period Harvest period Remarks<br />
Days<br />
Spring<br />
Summer<br />
Autumn<br />
Winter<br />
Chinook<br />
(E65A.10078)<br />
90-100 x x<br />
Uniform, bolting resistant variety with long white shank. Cleans well. Fast growth in cool conditions and high<br />
yield potential.<br />
E70.0763 95-110 x<br />
Previta 95-110 x x<br />
Julita 100-115 x x<br />
Gevaria 120-125 x<br />
Navajo 180-250 x<br />
New flexible and bolt tolerant variety for spring crop in Southern countries. White long shank and good weight.<br />
For fresh market, pre-pack and processing.<br />
Fast and upright growing hybrid for spring cultivation with long shank, dark green leaves and excellent<br />
production potential. Strong against bolting. Easy to clean.<br />
Fast growing industrial hybrid. Long firm shanks and easy peeling. Suitable for direct sowing and machine<br />
harvest.<br />
New very productive variety for harvest from beginning of August till end November. Suitable for direct sowing<br />
and industrial processing.<br />
New winter variety. Upright growth, long shaft and dark blue-green leaf colour in combination with high<br />
production and easy cleaning properties.<br />
Enza Zaden | 155
Radicchio<br />
Giove<br />
Giove is an upright Treviso type radicchio hybrid particularly recommended for early covered<br />
cropping or later in the open field. Harvesting usually begins in April/May, the maturity cycle is<br />
80-90 days from transplantation and can go on through the summer in cooler areas and until<br />
early autumn. The plant is strong with bright green outer leaves and a heart which can easily<br />
mature to 22-23 cm high, with very attractive contrasting red-white colour at maturity. Giove<br />
cups easily and has a very high weight potential.<br />
Variety Harvest period Length Remarks<br />
Spring<br />
Summer<br />
Autumn<br />
Winter<br />
cm<br />
Radicchio Trevizo type<br />
Giove x (x) x 22-23 High yielding long radicchio for early crop with good bolting resistance and excellent inner leaf filling and colour.<br />
Ercole x x 18-20 Very uniform, shiny, dark red Treviso type with fine rib for early spring and autumn harvest.<br />
156 | Enza Zaden
Fennel<br />
Preludio<br />
Preludio is an excellent new hybrid from Enza Zaden recommended for spring and early<br />
summer harvest. It is very strong against early cold bolting. In higher, more mountainous and<br />
cooler regions it can be successfully harvested into summer and even early autumn. Preludio<br />
reaches maturity in 65-75 days from transplantation. The plant is compact and the stems<br />
are very upright and show no signs of hollowness. The mature fennel has a very uniform<br />
round section with a bright white colour and is smooth. Preludio has a very high total yield of<br />
extremely uniform and highly marketable bulbs.<br />
Variety Cultivation period Maturity Remarks<br />
Spring<br />
Summer<br />
Autumn<br />
Winter<br />
Days<br />
Preludio x x 65-75<br />
Capriccio x x 100-110<br />
Genesi x x 120-130<br />
Compact plant with upright stems. Heavy, very white, round bulb with small cutting surface, excellent internal quality.<br />
Good bolting resistance and field standing ability.<br />
Round, smooth, firm bulb with no sponginess. Vigorous, upright growing plant, strong against Passalora punctum. Very<br />
good cold tolerance and medium heat tolerance. Suitable for direct sowing.<br />
New variety for winter harvest in South Europe. Very good cold tolerance. Upright plant with good regrowth ability after<br />
winter. Round, white bulb with small cutting surface.<br />
Enza Zaden | 157
Celeriac<br />
Goliath<br />
Goliath has a round bulb with deeply seated roots which makes harvesting and cleaning easy.<br />
The flesh is very firm and is white after processing. Goliath has a medium upright leaf and is strong<br />
against Septoria. Due to the high bolting tolerance and very high yield potential, Goliath is ideally<br />
suited for the fresh market, beginning with early bunching and followed by autumn and storage<br />
crops. Goliath has excellent internal qualities, fulfilling very well the high criteria of the processing<br />
industry.<br />
Goliath<br />
Variety Fresh market Industry Remarks<br />
Ibis x x<br />
Fresh green, medium long, upright foliage and round, smooth, easy to clean bulbs with very good internal quality. Bolting<br />
resistant. Strong against Septoria.<br />
Goliath x x Healthy and productive variety with round, easy to harvest, firm bulbs. Excellent internal quality. Bolting resistant.<br />
Kojak<br />
x<br />
High yielding variety with outstanding bulb quality. Strong, dark green, upright foliage. Very strong against bolting, thereby<br />
specifically recommended for early production of young celery bundles.<br />
158 | Enza Zaden
Celery<br />
Sienna<br />
Sienna is a celery selection which is a slightly more compact Tango type and has very attractive<br />
dark green upright leaves. The stems are smooth and very fleshy. Sienna is strong against<br />
bolting and tipburn. Sienna is a main season variety for the professional grower, easy to clean<br />
and packs well into the presentation boxes.<br />
Celery<br />
Broccoli<br />
Corato<br />
Corato is a new broccoli hybrid which produces large heads, dark green in colour and whith tight lobes. The<br />
plant grows strongly and produces heads already after 70-72 days from sowing. Corato performs well even<br />
under hot conditions keeping an attractive floret structure with good market presentation. Recommended<br />
for main season cropping in the major broccoli growing regions.<br />
Corato<br />
Enza Zaden | 159
Tropical Range<br />
Bitter tasting, smooth green gourds. Small red chillies<br />
that grow straight upwards. In many markets such<br />
products would be remarkable, but in Southeast Asia<br />
it's just business as usual. Breeders make sure that<br />
varieties' characteristics match the needs of a particular<br />
country or region. This means paying attention to<br />
cultivation techniques, climate conditions, resistance to<br />
local diseases, and the wishes of local consumers.<br />
For Southeast Asia – a region that stretches from<br />
India to the Philippines – this is quite a challenge.<br />
More and more growers in this region are switching<br />
from open pollinated varieties to value added hybrids.<br />
This is a growing market, where cultivation primarily<br />
takes place in the open field, in climates ranging from<br />
subtropical to tropical. But it is also a market in which<br />
the specific eating habits demand a slightly different<br />
type of product from that seen in other markets. In<br />
other words, the products are local, with improved<br />
characteristics in tune with a rapidly growing market.<br />
Therefore Enza Zaden has developed its own Asian<br />
product range.<br />
Jigin Fu<br />
Breeder Pumpkin/Bittergourd<br />
China<br />
160 | Enza Zaden
Tomato<br />
Tropical Range<br />
Topinas<br />
Indeterminate plum tomato for production in the highlands, strong against bacterial wilt, for<br />
direct soil planting. Topinas is easy to grow, excellent farmers variety. Early harvest at 78 days<br />
after transplanting. Large sized, oval shaped fruits, reaching up to 140 grams. The most preferred<br />
variety for the shipping ability and shelf life.<br />
Centaurus<br />
Determinate plum tomato for low- and mid-land production. High bacterial wilt resistance level<br />
and good setting under high temperatures. Fruit size between 90 and 100 gram. Large clusters<br />
with more elongated and firm tomatoes. Highly productive variety due to continuous setting up to<br />
the top of the plant.<br />
Centaurus<br />
Enza Zaden | 161
Hot Pepper<br />
Tropical Range<br />
Bromo<br />
Long thick hot pepper for lowland production. Vigorous plant, early maturing at 80 days,<br />
giving red glossy fruits of 1,8 x 16 cm. Good firm fruits. Plant is strong against bacterial wilt and<br />
bacterial spot and can withstand high temperatures very well.<br />
Flex<br />
Curly, pointed fruits of 0,9 x 18cm. Bright red colored, firm but flexible fruits. Highly tolerant<br />
to cracking. Good pungency under dry and wet conditions. Recommended for lowland<br />
production.<br />
Henla<br />
Bird or rocket type hot pepper, coloring from green to red. Fruit length up to 5 cm. Good seed<br />
filling and high pungency. Excellent yield when harvested fresh and high yield remaining when<br />
fruits are dried. Perfect table type plant, fruits well exposed for easy harvesting.<br />
162 | Enza Zaden
Eggplant<br />
Tropical Range<br />
Fidelo<br />
Dark purple eggplant with a nice gloss and green calix. Smooth skin and blunt end. Firm fruits<br />
reaching up to 18 cm in length. Highly tolerant to bacterial wilt and drought. Single fruited harvest<br />
with the first fruit after 55 days.<br />
Forza<br />
Clustering eggplant. Dark purple fruits. Open, productive plant with 4 to 5 fruits per cluster. Short<br />
cylindrical fruits of 12 cm length with a green calix and green flesh. Good shelf life and firmness.<br />
Memento<br />
Green colored, long slim fruit on a wide branching plant. Open plant with single fruit set in every<br />
node. Fruit length over 28 cm, cylindrical shape with a blunt end. Strong and productive plant.<br />
Cucumber<br />
Lagrima<br />
Asian long bicolor cucumber. Coloring from dark at the shoulder to light green at the tip. Smooth<br />
skin without spines. Long type cucumber 22 cm long, reaching up 300 gram in weight. Early<br />
harvest at 36 days after transplanting and long continuing harvest from the side shoots.<br />
Forza<br />
Listo<br />
Short type bicolor cucumber. Fruit size up to 12 cm with a weight of 120 gram. Very suitable as<br />
a snack cucumber. Shiny and smooth fruits. Harvest at 30 days after transplanting from a self<br />
climbing plant.<br />
Enza Zaden | 163
Bittergourd<br />
Tropical Range<br />
Borsato<br />
Light green, cylindrical bittergourd with a blunt end and flat shoulder. Typical Thailand type.<br />
Semi-smooth type, low density of warts. Fruit weight around 300 grams. Recommended for<br />
low- to midland production. Borsato sets numerous fruits over a long period.<br />
Taksim<br />
Long, fully warted bittergourd. Medium green color, most preferred color by consumer.<br />
Average fruit weight over 400 grams. Very productive plant, high disease tolerance. Taksim is<br />
the most early maturing bittergourd in our range.<br />
Bernina<br />
White type or Indian bittergourd. Long pointed fruits with a high wart density. Nice shiny fruits<br />
with a weight of 330 gram. Good firmness and shelf life. Bernina sets numerous fruits on one<br />
plant.<br />
Borsato<br />
Watermelon<br />
Pukaki<br />
High round striped or Dragon type watermelon. Lighter green skin with dark stripes. Deep<br />
red flesh and strong against cracking. First fruits harvested at 12 kg each. Easy fruit setting in<br />
lowland conditions.<br />
Tekapo<br />
Triploid, seedless watermelon. Rounded, uniform fruit with a dark green stripe and dark colored<br />
skin. Vigorous, fast growing plant for lowland production. Tekapo works well in diverse soil<br />
types. Consistent in taste and fruit size.<br />
Tekapo<br />
164 | Enza Zaden
Pumpkin<br />
Tropical Range<br />
PU 001<br />
Flat, smooth type pumpkin. Dark green colored when harvested, coloring to brown<br />
when mature. Weight of 5-6 kg per fruit. This pumpkin is outstanding in multiple<br />
ways; 10 days earlier maturity than the standard, higher fruit set per plant, heavier<br />
fruits with longer storability and high virus tolerance. Best performance under real<br />
tropical conditions from lowland to highland.<br />
Enza Zaden | 165
Resistances<br />
Tomato<br />
Pepper<br />
Scientific name pathogen ISF<br />
English name<br />
Races/<br />
Strains<br />
Code<br />
Scientific name pathogen ISF<br />
English name<br />
Races/<br />
Strains<br />
Code<br />
Viruses Beet mild curly top virus - BMTCV<br />
Beet Severe Curly Top Virus - BSTCV<br />
Viruses Cucumber mosaic virus Cucumber mosaic CMV<br />
Pepper mottle virus Pepper mottle PepMoV<br />
Tomato apex necrotic virus<br />
Tomato apex necrotic<br />
virus<br />
ToANV<br />
Pepper yellow mosaic virus Pepper yellow mosaic PepYMV<br />
Potato Y virus Potato Y 0,1,1.2 PVY<br />
Tomato mosaic virus Tomato mosaic 0,1,2 ToMV<br />
Tobacco etch virus Tobacco etch TEV<br />
Tomato spotted wilt virus Tomato spotted wilt TSWV<br />
Tobamovirus<br />
Tobamovirus (ToMV, TMV, PMMoV)<br />
0,1,1.2,<br />
1.2.3<br />
Tm<br />
Tomato spotted wilt Tomato torrado virus ToTV<br />
Tomato spotted wilt virus Tomato spotted wilt 0 TSWV<br />
Tomato yellow leaf curl virus Tomato yellow leaf curl TYLCV<br />
Bacteria<br />
Xanthomonas campestris pv.<br />
vesicatoria<br />
Bacterial spot 1,2,3,4,5 Xcv<br />
Bacteria Pseudomonas syringae pv. tomato Bacterial speck Pst<br />
Leveillula taurica (anamorph:<br />
Oidiopsis sicula)<br />
Leveillula taurica<br />
Lt<br />
Ralstonia solanacearum Bacterial wilt Rs<br />
Fungi<br />
Phytophthora capsici<br />
Buckeye fruit and<br />
root rot<br />
Pc<br />
Xanthomonas campestris pv. vesicatoria acterial spot Xcv<br />
Fungi Alternaria alternata f.sp. lycopersici Alternaria stem canker Aal<br />
Alternaria solani Early blight As<br />
Fulvia fulva (ex Cladosporium fulvum) Leaf mold A,B,C,D,E Ff<br />
Fusarium oxysporum f.sp. lycopersici Fusarium wilt 0,1,2 Fol<br />
Fusarium oxysporum f.sp. radicislycopersici<br />
Leveillula taurica (anamorph: Oidiopsis<br />
sicula)<br />
Oidium neolycopersici (ex Oidium<br />
lycopersicum)<br />
Fusarium crown and<br />
root rot<br />
Powdery mildew<br />
Powdery mildew<br />
Phytophthora infestans Late blight Pi<br />
Pyrenochaeta lycopersici Corky root rot Pl<br />
Stemphylium solani Gray leaf spot Ss<br />
Verticillium dahliae Verticillium wilt Vd<br />
Nematode Meloidogyne arenaria Root-knot Ma<br />
Abiotic<br />
stress<br />
Meloidogyne incognita Root-knot Mi<br />
Meloidogyne javanica Root-knot Mj<br />
Silvering - Si<br />
For<br />
Lt<br />
On<br />
Nematode Meloidogyne arenaria Root-knot Ma<br />
Abiotic<br />
stress<br />
Cucumber<br />
Viruses<br />
Bacteria<br />
Meloidogyne incognita Root-knot Mi<br />
Meloidogyne javanica Root-knot Mj<br />
Cracking - Cr<br />
Stip - St<br />
Scientific name pathogen ISF<br />
Beet pseudo yellowing virus<br />
English name<br />
Beet pseudo yellowing<br />
virus<br />
Races/<br />
Strains<br />
Code<br />
BPYV<br />
Cucumber mosaic virus Cucumber mosaic CMV<br />
Cucumber vein yellowing virus Cucumber mosaic CVYV<br />
Cucurbit yellow stunting disorder<br />
virus<br />
Cucumber yellowing<br />
stunting disorder<br />
CYSDV<br />
Papaya ringspot virus Papaya ringspot PRSV<br />
Watermelon mosaic virus Watermelon mosaic WMV<br />
Zucchini yellow mosaic irus Zucchini yellows ZYMV<br />
Pseudomonas syringae pv.<br />
lachrymans<br />
Angular leaf spot<br />
Fungi Cladosporium cucumerinum Scab and gummosis Ccu<br />
Colletotrichum orbiculare Anthracnose 1,2,3 Co<br />
Corynespora cassiicola<br />
Corynespora blight and<br />
target spot<br />
Psl<br />
Cca<br />
Blossom End Rot - BER<br />
Fusarium oxysporum f.sp.<br />
cucumerinum<br />
Fusarium wilt 1,2,3 Foc<br />
Blotching - Bl<br />
Podosphaera xanthii<br />
(ex. Sphaerotheca fuliginea)<br />
Powdery mildew<br />
Px<br />
Cracking - Cr<br />
Pseudoperonospora cubensis Downy mildew 1,2 Pcu<br />
166 | Enza Zaden
Cucurbita maxima x Cucurbita moschata (Rootstock)<br />
Fungi<br />
Scientific name pathogen ISF<br />
Fusarium oxysporum f.sp.<br />
cucumerinum<br />
Fusarium oxysporum f.sp. radiciscucumerinum<br />
English name<br />
Races/<br />
Strains<br />
Code<br />
Fusarium wilt 1,2,3 Foc<br />
Fusarium crown and<br />
root rot<br />
Fusarium oxysporum f.sp. melonis Fusarium wilt 0,1,2,1.2 Fom<br />
Fusarium oxysporum f.sp. niveum Fusarium wilt 0,1,2 Fon<br />
Colletotrichum orbiculare<br />
(ex Colletotrichum lagenarium)<br />
For<br />
Anthracnose 1,2,3 Co<br />
Verticillium dahliae Verticillium wilt Vd<br />
Verticillium albo-atrum Verticillium wilt Va<br />
Phomopsis sclerotioides Black root rot Ps<br />
Rhizoctonia solani<br />
Rhizoctonia root and<br />
crown rot<br />
Nematode Meloidogyne incognita Root-knot Mi<br />
Squash<br />
Meloidogyne javanica Root-knot Mj<br />
Scientific name pathogen ISF<br />
English name<br />
Races/<br />
Strains<br />
Viruses Cucumber mosaic virus Cucumber mosaic CMV<br />
Fungi<br />
Melon<br />
Rs<br />
Code<br />
Papaya ringspot virus Papaya ringspot PRSV<br />
Watermelon mosaic virus Watermelon mosaic WMV<br />
Zucchini yellow mosaic virus Zucchini yellows ZYMV<br />
Squash leaf curl virus Squash leaf curl SLCV<br />
Podosphaeria xanthii<br />
(ex Sphaerotheca fuliginea)<br />
Scientific name pathogen ISF<br />
Powdery mildew<br />
English name<br />
Races/<br />
Strains<br />
Viruses Cucumber mosaic virus Cucumber mosaic CMV<br />
Px<br />
Code<br />
Pumpkin<br />
Scientific name pathogen ISF<br />
English name<br />
Races/<br />
Strains<br />
Viruses Cucumber mosaic virus Cucumber mosaic CMV<br />
Fungi<br />
Lettuce<br />
Code<br />
Papaya ringspot virus Papaya ringspot PRSV<br />
Watermelon mosaic virus Watermelon mosaic WMV<br />
Zucchini yellow mosaic virus Zucchini yellows ZYMV<br />
Squash leaf curl virus Squash leaf curl SLCV<br />
Podosphaeria xanthii<br />
(ex Sphaerotheca fuliginea)<br />
Golovinomyces cichoracearum<br />
(ex. Erysiphe cichoracearum)<br />
Scientific name pathogen ISF<br />
Powdery mildew<br />
Px<br />
Powdery mildew 1 Gc<br />
English name<br />
Races/<br />
Strains<br />
Viruses Lettuce mosaic virus Lettuce mosaic 1 LMV<br />
Bacteria<br />
Sphingomonas suberifaciens<br />
(ex Rhizomonas suberifaciens)<br />
Corky root<br />
Fungi Bremia lactucae Downy mildew 1-28 Bl<br />
Fusarium oxysporum f.sp. lactucae Fusarium wilt 1,2 Fol<br />
Insects Macrosiphum euphorbiae Potato aphid Me<br />
Spinach<br />
Nasonovia ribisnigri Lettuce leaf aphid 0 Nr<br />
Pemphigus bursarius Lettuce root aphid Pb<br />
Scientific name pathogen ISF<br />
English name<br />
Races/<br />
Strains<br />
Viruses Cucumber mosaic virus Cucumber mosaic CMV<br />
Fungi Albugo occidentalis White rust Ao<br />
Cladosporium variabile Leaf Spot Cv<br />
Colletotrichum dematium Anthracnose Cd<br />
Peronospora farinosa f.sp. spinaciae<br />
(ex. Peronospora effusa)<br />
Code<br />
Ss<br />
Code<br />
Downy mildew 1-11 Pfs<br />
Melon Necrotic Spot Virus Melon necrotic spot MNSV<br />
Papaya ringspot virus Papaya ringspot PRSV<br />
Watermelon mosaic virus Watermelon mosaic WMV<br />
Zucchini yellow mosaic virus Zucchini yellows ZYMV<br />
Fungi Fusarium oxysporum f.sp. melonis Fusarium wilt 0,1,2,1.2 Fom<br />
Golovinomyces cichoracearum<br />
(ex. Erysiphe cichoracearum)<br />
Powdery mildew 1 Gc<br />
Podosphaeria xanthii<br />
(ex Sphaerotheca fuliginea)<br />
Powdery mildew 1,2,3,5,3.5 Px<br />
Insects Aphis gossypii Cotton aphid Ag<br />
www.enzazaden.com<br />
Enza Zaden | 167
General Terms and Conditions of Sale (Enza Zaden’s ref. no. EX08)<br />
Article 1 - Definitions<br />
1. Enza Zaden shall mean Enza Zaden <strong>Export</strong><br />
B.V., having its registered office in (1602<br />
DB) Enkhuizen at Haling 1/E and registered<br />
at the Chamber of Commerce Noordwest<br />
Holland in Alkmaar.<br />
2. Buyer shall mean the natural or legal<br />
person entering into a contract of sale<br />
with Enza Zaden for the purchase of<br />
Products.<br />
3. Parties shall mean Enza Zaden and Buyer<br />
jointly.<br />
4. Party shall mean either Enza Zaden or<br />
Buyer.<br />
5. Products shall mean seeds and planting<br />
material delivered by Enza Zaden to the<br />
Buyer.<br />
6. Processing shall mean the treatment of<br />
the Product including, without limitation,<br />
the treatment for the improvement of<br />
the sowability, germination, plant quality<br />
and/or for the prevention of pests and/or<br />
diseases.<br />
7. Price List shall mean an overview of the<br />
selling prices of Products that Enza Zaden<br />
publishes and distributes from time to time.<br />
Enza Zaden retains the right to change<br />
those prices at any time.<br />
8. Incoterms 2000 shall mean the Incoterms<br />
2000 drawn up by the International<br />
Chamber of Commerce in Paris (ICC).<br />
9. Product Specifications shall mean the<br />
information provided in Schedule 1.<br />
10.Resistance shall mean the information<br />
and terminology provided in Schedule 2.<br />
11. Naktuinbouw shall mean the Netherlands<br />
Inspection Service for Horticulture having<br />
its registered office at Sotaweg 22, Postbus<br />
40, 2370 AA Roelofarendsveen, The<br />
Netherlands.<br />
12. Order Confirmation shall mean written<br />
confirmation of acceptance by Enza Zaden<br />
of the purchase order placed by the Buyer.<br />
13. Offer shall mean the specific sale<br />
conditions offered by Enza Zaden to a<br />
Buyer.<br />
Article 2 - Applicability of These General<br />
Terms and Conditions<br />
1. These General Terms and Conditions of<br />
Sale shall apply to and form part of all<br />
contracts of sale of Products entered<br />
into by Enza Zaden and Buyer unless the<br />
Parties deviate explicitly from one or more<br />
of these provisions in writing.<br />
2. The applicability of Buyer’s general terms<br />
and conditions are hereby explicitly<br />
excluded.<br />
3. The Product Specifications and Resistance<br />
Terminology, which have been attached<br />
hereto as Schedule 1 and 2 respectively,<br />
form an integral part of these General<br />
Terms and Conditions of Sale.<br />
4. Any provision of these General Terms and<br />
Conditions of Sale that is considered to<br />
be null, void or invalid and therefore is set<br />
aside, shall be replaced by a provision that<br />
approximates as much as possible the<br />
nature and intent of the invalid provision.<br />
The invalidity of one of the provisions shall<br />
not affect the other provisions agreed by<br />
the Parties.<br />
Article 3 - Purchase Order and Order<br />
Confirmation<br />
1. Enza Zaden agrees to sell Product to Buyer<br />
at the rates set forth in Enza Zaden’s Price<br />
List valid at the time of Buyer’s purchase<br />
order.<br />
2. Offers made by Enza Zaden are without<br />
commitment and will lapse in any case<br />
after five working days.<br />
3. An agreement (hereinafter Agreement)<br />
shall be considered to be made between<br />
Enza Zaden and the Buyer upon Order<br />
Confirmation or upon acceptance of<br />
an Offer. No rights or obligations shall<br />
therefore arise between the Parties until<br />
the Order Confirmation has been sent or<br />
an Offer has been accepted.<br />
4. All purchase orders are subject to seed<br />
availability and may be prorated by Enza<br />
Zaden. Buyer shall not be entitled to<br />
damages if Enza Zaden elects to prorate<br />
any Buyer’s purchase order.<br />
5. Enza Zaden shall always perform its<br />
delivery obligation to the best of its ability.<br />
Nevertheless, Enza Zaden shall be entitled<br />
to deviate minimally from the purchase<br />
order placed by the Buyer with respect to<br />
size, packaging, quantity or weight.<br />
6. When placing an order, Buyer shall report<br />
which information, specifications and<br />
documents are required under the rules<br />
and regulations of the country of delivery.<br />
The Buyer shall be responsible to inform<br />
Enza Zaden of any formalities that must be<br />
complied with to enable importation. The<br />
Buyer shall also provide Enza Zaden with<br />
information on any required certificates,<br />
phytosanitary matters, import documents<br />
or invoices.<br />
7. Enza Zaden cannot be held liable for<br />
delays or non-delivery of an order due<br />
to Buyer’s failure to comply with the<br />
abovementioned obligations. The Buyer<br />
shall be liable for any loss or damage<br />
incurred by Enza Zaden due to incorrect or<br />
late information.<br />
Article 4 - Prices<br />
1. All prices stated by Enza Zaden in its Price<br />
List and/or in an<br />
Offer are:<br />
- in Euros,<br />
- exclusive of a handling fee of EUR 25,<br />
which shall be charged if the value of the<br />
Products ordered is less than EUR 250,<br />
- exclusive of costs of transport and<br />
insurance,<br />
- exclusive of VAT and other government<br />
levies.<br />
2. Enza Zaden shall invoice the Buyer for the<br />
costs of Products, plus any other costs<br />
such as costs of transport, insurance, VAT,<br />
etc.<br />
Article 5 - Cancellation<br />
If a purchase order is cancelled after an<br />
Agreement has been made, Buyer shall be<br />
required to pay 10% of the invoice price<br />
that would have been charged, without<br />
prejudice to Enza Zaden’s right to demand<br />
compensation in full.<br />
Article 6 - Delivery<br />
1. Enza Zaden shall deliver the purchased<br />
Products to Buyer within a reasonable<br />
period of time after Order Confirmation<br />
and in accordance with the planting<br />
season.<br />
2. Delivery times agreed by the Parties<br />
serve as an indication but should not be<br />
regarded as firm dates. In the event of late<br />
delivery, Buyer shall provide Enza Zaden<br />
with written notice thereof and shall allow<br />
Enza Zaden a further reasonable period of<br />
time to deliver the Products. In no event<br />
shall Enza Zaden be liable for damages<br />
due to late delivery nor shall Buyer be<br />
entitled to end the Agreement made by<br />
the Parties.<br />
3. Delivery by Enza Zaden takes place<br />
carriage paid to the agreed destination<br />
(CPT) Incoterms 2000, after which the<br />
Product shall be for Buyer’s own risk and<br />
account. Buyer hereby authorizes Enza<br />
Zaden to select the carrier and to charge<br />
the cost of transport to Buyer.<br />
4. Enza Zaden shall be allowed to make<br />
partial deliveries and to invoice each<br />
delivery separately.<br />
Article 7 - Payment<br />
1. The Buyer shall arrange for payment in<br />
Euros within thirty days from the date of<br />
invoice by transfer into a bank account<br />
specified by Enza Zaden.<br />
2. The Buyer does not have the right to<br />
suspend payment or make deductions or<br />
set-offs.<br />
3. If on the thirty-first day after invoice Enza<br />
Zaden has not received payment in full<br />
the Buyer shall be in default without any<br />
notice being required.<br />
4. In case of payment in installments, the<br />
Buyer shall be in default without any<br />
notice being required in the event of<br />
late payment of any installment and the<br />
remaining installments shall become<br />
immediately payable.<br />
5. Contractual interest at a rate of one<br />
percent per calendar month shall<br />
be charged to overdue accounts.<br />
The contractual interest due shall be<br />
computed over the total invoice amount<br />
inclusive of VAT. The contractual interest<br />
shall be charged from the date on which<br />
the Buyer is in default until the date of<br />
payment in full, with part of a calendar<br />
month counted as a full month. Each time<br />
after expiry of a calendar year the amount<br />
on which contractual interest is charged<br />
shall be computed increased by the<br />
contractual interest due over that calendar<br />
year.<br />
6. Enza Zaden has the right to proceed<br />
with extrajudicial collection of overdue<br />
accounts without prior notice being<br />
required. The Buyer shall pay all costs of<br />
extrajudicial collection which are deemed<br />
to amount to at least 15% of the amount<br />
to be collected with a minimum of EUR<br />
250 ex VAT.<br />
7. Payments made by the Buyer shall first<br />
serve to reduce the extrajudicial costs of<br />
collection due at that point, then to reduce<br />
the outstanding contractual interest and<br />
finally to reduce the oldest outstanding<br />
invoice.<br />
8. In the event of the Buyer’s bankruptcy,<br />
liquidation or suspension of payments,<br />
all Buyer’s payment obligations shall<br />
immediately become payable and Enza<br />
Zaden shall be authorized to suspend any<br />
further performance of the Agreement or<br />
to terminate it, without prejudice to Enza<br />
Zaden’s right to claim damages from the<br />
Buyer.<br />
9. Enza Zaden’s office in Enkhuizen shall<br />
be regarded as the place of payment for<br />
all amounts to be paid in relation to the<br />
Agreement.<br />
Article 8 - Complaints<br />
1. Buyer shall inspect the Products upon<br />
delivery or as soon as possible thereafter.<br />
Buyer shall determine, in accordance with<br />
the Order Confirmation, whether:<br />
- the correct items have been delivered;<br />
- the correct quantities have been<br />
delivered;<br />
- the items delivered satisfy all quality<br />
requirements expressly agreed to in<br />
writing by the Parties.<br />
2. Within five working days after delivery,<br />
Buyer shall notify Enza Zaden in writing<br />
of any visible defect or shortcomings. In<br />
case of non-visible defects, the written<br />
notification should be made within five<br />
working days after discovery of the<br />
defect.<br />
3. The writing notification shall provide<br />
the consignment information (seed lot<br />
number, the packing slip and the invoice<br />
details) as well as the basis for any<br />
complaint in such a manner that Enza<br />
Zaden or an outside expert can verify each<br />
complaint.<br />
4. In no event shall the Buyer return the<br />
Products unless otherwise agreed by Enza<br />
Zaden in writing.<br />
5. If Enza Zaden does not receive written<br />
notice of a complaint within the applicable<br />
168 | Enza Zaden
time periods, Buyer shall be deemed to<br />
have accepted the Products and the sale<br />
shall be final. All claims for damage or loss<br />
not made in writing within the applicable<br />
time period shall be deemed waived by<br />
Buyer and Buyer expressly assumes and<br />
accepts all liability for such damage or<br />
loss.<br />
6. If the Parties are unable to resolve a<br />
dispute regarding the quality of the<br />
Products, either Party may order<br />
an inspection to be performed by<br />
Naktuinbouw, with the Party proven<br />
to be wrong paying the costs of it. The<br />
inspection shall be performed on a<br />
certified sample and the findings shall<br />
be binding on both Parties, without<br />
prejudice to their right to submit disputes<br />
concerning the consequences of these<br />
findings to the bodies referred to in Article<br />
16.<br />
7. If a complaint is well-founded, Enza Zaden<br />
shall have the right to replace the Products<br />
in question or, at its discretion, credit the<br />
Buyer for that part of the delivery.<br />
8. In any event, Enza Zaden liability is limited<br />
as provided in Article 12 below.<br />
Article 9 - Reservation of Title<br />
1. Enza Zaden shall retain title to the<br />
Products until the Buyer has complied<br />
with all its obligations towards Enza Zaden<br />
including but not limited to payment<br />
of invoices, contractual interest and<br />
extrajudicial costs of collection.<br />
2. The Buyer may use the Products delivered<br />
by Enza Zaden in the ordinary course of<br />
business but may not pledge them to third<br />
parties or otherwise use them as security<br />
for claims without Enza Zaden’s written<br />
consent.<br />
3. If the laws of the country where the<br />
Products are delivered provide for fartherreaching<br />
possibilities to reserve title other<br />
than those contained in this Article, such<br />
possibilities shall be deemed to have been<br />
agreed by the Parties. The provisions<br />
contained in paragraph 2 shall continue<br />
to apply if it is unclear whether other<br />
possibilities to reserve title apply.<br />
4. At the first request of Enza Zaden, the Buyer<br />
shall create a pledge on all proceeds from<br />
the growing of the Products and the sale of<br />
them.<br />
Article 10 - Force majeure<br />
1. In the event of force majeure and without<br />
judicial intervention being required, Enza<br />
Zaden shall be able to wholly or partially<br />
suspend execution of the Agreement or,<br />
if the event of force majeure persists, to<br />
wholly or partially terminate it. In no event<br />
shall Enza Zaden be required to pay any<br />
compensation to the Buyer.<br />
2. Force majeure means: any circumstance<br />
that could not be reasonably foreseen<br />
and/or influenced by Enza Zaden and a<br />
result of which delivery is impossible<br />
or frustrated wholly or partially. Force<br />
majeure includes at any rate war, risk of<br />
war, riots, floods, water damage, fire,<br />
transport difficulties, unforeseen technical<br />
complications, breakdowns, strikes<br />
at Enza Zaden or at any third parties<br />
engaged by Enza Zaden, blockades,<br />
bans on import and export, full or partial<br />
seizure or requisition of stocks at Enza<br />
Zaden or its suppliers by civil or military<br />
authorities, lack of transport capacity,<br />
non-delivery or late delivery by suppliers<br />
of Enza Zaden, machine breakdowns,<br />
destruction and other stagnations in the<br />
companies of Enza Zaden or its suppliers<br />
as well as scarcity as a result of which<br />
delivery is impossible or frustrated wholly<br />
or partially.<br />
3. Force majeure also means any<br />
circumstance that gives reason to<br />
rely on the harvesting and processing<br />
reservations usual in the seed industry.<br />
Such circumstances entitle Enza Zaden to<br />
deliver to the Buyer a pro rata volume of<br />
the order, without prejudice of the rights<br />
provided in the first paragraph of this<br />
Article.<br />
Article 11 - Product Information, Use and<br />
Warranty<br />
1. All illustrations, catalogues and<br />
statements provided by or on behalf of<br />
Enza Zaden about quality, composition,<br />
weight, measurement, treatment in the<br />
broadest sense, applications<br />
and properties of the Products correspond<br />
as closely as possible to Enza Zaden’s<br />
tests and practical experience.<br />
2. Buyer acknowledges that any information<br />
provided by<br />
Enza Zaden in relation to the quality (such<br />
as viability, germination, mechanical<br />
or genetic purity, seed health) and<br />
performance of the Products applies<br />
only to the tests done by Enza Zaden,<br />
to the specific seed sample used and to<br />
the specific conditions under which the<br />
tests were done. Buyer agrees that the<br />
abovementioned information does not<br />
constitute an express or implied warranty.<br />
3. The results obtained by the Buyer will<br />
depend on such factors as the place of<br />
cultivation, the conditions prior to and<br />
during cultivation, including how the<br />
Product are stored, the climate, the soil<br />
and crop protection methods used by the<br />
Buyer.<br />
The Buyer shall be solely responsible<br />
for determining the suitability and<br />
appropriateness of the use of the Products<br />
in the different conditions and/or for the<br />
different purposes.<br />
4. Enza Zaden provides all Product<br />
information to assist the Buyer and under<br />
no circumstances shall Enza Zaden be<br />
liable to Buyer for results deviating from<br />
that information. Enza Zaden shall not be<br />
held liable for any information provided<br />
in relation to Resistances as defined in<br />
Schedule 2 and/or Resistances to diseases<br />
indicated per Product.<br />
5. Enza Zaden shall not be liable to Buyer for<br />
any Product that has been treated and/<br />
or conditioned and/or manipulated in any<br />
other manner by Buyer or by a third party<br />
on the Buyer’s request.<br />
6. Buyer acknowledges that Products<br />
delivered by Enza Zaden are not fit for<br />
human or animal consumption.<br />
Article 12 - Liability<br />
1. Enza Zaden shall under no circumstances<br />
be liable for special, incidental or<br />
consequential damages (including but not<br />
limited to lost profits, lost goodwill, lost<br />
revenue, lost production, lost contracts or<br />
lost opportunity).<br />
2. In any case and to the greatest extent<br />
permitted by law,<br />
Enza Zaden’s liability shall be limited to<br />
the invoice amount of<br />
the delivered Products related to the<br />
problem.<br />
3. Buyer hereby explicitly understands and<br />
agrees to this limitation of Enza Zaden’s<br />
liability.<br />
4. Article 12 may be also invoked by current<br />
or former personnel, directors and any<br />
third parties engaged by Enza Zaden,<br />
including heirs and legal successors.<br />
Article 13 - Intellectual Property Rights and<br />
Use of the Products<br />
1. Buyer agrees that all intellectual property<br />
rights relating to the Products shall at all<br />
times be and remain absolutely vested in<br />
Enza Zaden and Buyer shall acquire no<br />
rights thereto.<br />
2. Buyer agrees that Enza Zaden has the<br />
exclusive right, title and interest in and to<br />
Enza Zaden’s trademarks, trade names<br />
and trade dress (including designs and<br />
color schemes).<br />
3. Buyer agrees neither to register, nor to<br />
have registered, any trademarks, trade<br />
names or symbols of Enza Zaden or those<br />
which are confusingly similar to those of<br />
Enza Zaden.<br />
4. Buyer may not use Enza Zaden’s<br />
trademark, trade name and/or trade<br />
dress for any purpose unless otherwise<br />
approved in writing by Enza Zaden.<br />
5. Under no circumstances shall Buyer use<br />
the Products and/or its components and/<br />
or its harvestable material in any way for<br />
multiplication and/or reproduction of any<br />
kind of material.<br />
6. Buyer agrees to allow and fully cooperate<br />
with any inspection by Enza Zaden<br />
for the purpose to verify any possible<br />
infringement of Enza Zaden’s rights. Buyer<br />
shall allow Enza Zaden or a person or<br />
company appointed by<br />
Enza Zaden to have direct access to<br />
Buyer’s premises including, but not<br />
limited to, its greenhouses, administrative<br />
and farming activities. The term ‘activities’<br />
shall be understood to include activities<br />
carried out by third parties on behalf of<br />
the Buyer.<br />
7. Buyer shall fully cooperate with Enza<br />
Zaden to defend its rights against<br />
infringement.<br />
8. Buyer shall ensure that anyone who<br />
manipulates or somehow receives<br />
Products from Buyer shall comply with the<br />
obligations set forth in this article.<br />
Article 14 - Suspension and Dissolution of<br />
the Agreement<br />
1. In the event a Party fails to perform any of<br />
its obligations under the Agreement and<br />
such failure continues for a period of thirty<br />
(30) days after written notice, the other<br />
Party shall be authorized to suspend any<br />
further performance of the Agreement or to<br />
terminate it, without prejudice to its right to<br />
claim damages.<br />
2. If the Buyer is liquidated, files for<br />
bankruptcy or is granted suspension of<br />
payments, its payment obligations shall<br />
be immediately payable and Enza Zaden<br />
shall be authorized to suspend any further<br />
performance of the Agreement or to<br />
terminate it, without prejudice to the right<br />
to claim full compensation from Buyer.<br />
Article 15 - Applicable Law<br />
These General Terms and Conditions of Sale<br />
and all Agreements are governed by Dutch<br />
law. The applicability of the Vienna Sales<br />
Convention is expressly excluded.<br />
Article 16 - Resolution of Disputes<br />
1. All claims and disputes arising out or<br />
relating to the sale of Products or to any<br />
provision of these General Terms and<br />
Conditions of Sale shall be first referred<br />
to mediation to be held in Enkhuizen (The<br />
Netherlands).<br />
2. If the Parties fail to resolve the dispute<br />
through mediation or in the event that<br />
one of the Parties refuse to mediate,<br />
the matter shall be decided by binding<br />
arbitration to be held in Enkhuizen under<br />
the Rules of Arbitration of the International<br />
Chamber of Commerce. Enza Zaden shall<br />
however be entitled to summon Buyer at<br />
any time to appear before the competent<br />
court in the district in which Buyer has its<br />
registered office.<br />
3. All rights of action against Enza Zaden,<br />
its employees, directors and members of<br />
the Advisory Board (‘commisarissen’) and/<br />
or third parties engaged by it, including<br />
heirs and legal successors shall lapse after<br />
one calendar year of the occurrence of the<br />
incident that gave rise to the action.<br />
Enza Zaden | 169
General Terms and Conditions of Sale (Enza Zaden’s ref. no. EX08)<br />
Schedule 1 - Product Specifications<br />
1. - Introduction<br />
Vegetable growing has become a highly<br />
specialized and intensive activity. As a result<br />
of the ever increasing demand for a better<br />
quality, vegetable growers and plant raisers<br />
require an improved quality of basic material.<br />
The demand for specific seed forms and more<br />
information about seed quality has strongly<br />
increased to better influence emergence and<br />
required number of plants.<br />
Seed is a natural product. The often varying<br />
environmental conditions thus influence<br />
final results. It is therefore often not possible<br />
to give detailed information about seed<br />
performance and other seed characteristics.<br />
In order to meet customer’s demands, ECS<br />
has drawn up quality standards for the<br />
various seed categories.<br />
The specifications mentioned are ECS’<br />
minimum standards. In relation to<br />
germination, the specifications are based<br />
on the use of ISTA methods. In the event<br />
that the seed does not meet the product<br />
specifications mentioned, ECS will inform<br />
their customers.<br />
2. - General Definitions<br />
a) ‘Normal Seed’<br />
In general normal seed has not been<br />
subjected to special processes. It is sold<br />
by weight and/or by count, depending on<br />
the product. Normal seed complies with<br />
the EEC standards.<br />
b) ‘Precision’<br />
‘Precision’ seed has been subjected to<br />
additional processes. It is of a uniform<br />
size and has high germination capacity.<br />
‘Precision’ seed is sold by count and<br />
complies with the standards as provided<br />
in the table below.<br />
c) ‘Priming’<br />
Priming is defined as an activation of the<br />
germination process in order to break<br />
seed dormancy or obtain a faster or more<br />
uniform emergence after sowing. Primed<br />
seed is sold by count.<br />
d) ‘Pill’<br />
Pill is the product of a seed pelleting/<br />
coating procedure. Pelleting is defined as<br />
the process of changing the seed form by<br />
covering it with filling materials with the<br />
main purpose to facilitate easier sowing.<br />
Also additional ingredients may be<br />
added. Pelleted seed is sold by count and<br />
complies with the standards as provided<br />
in the table below.<br />
e) ‘Filmcoat’<br />
Filmcoat is a full covering, usually<br />
pigmented layer around the seed. The<br />
original seed form remains intact.<br />
Additional ingredients may be added.<br />
Filmcoat is used for insecticide treatments<br />
by Enza Zaden. Filmcoated seeds are sold<br />
by count.<br />
f) ‘Basiscoat’<br />
Basiscoat is a pigmented layer around<br />
the seed. The original seed form and size<br />
remain intact. Basiscoat is mainly used for<br />
fungicide treatments by Enza Zaden.<br />
g) ‘Germination’<br />
The germination figure mentioned is valid<br />
from the moment of delivery. Germination<br />
figures refer to the ISTA procedures.<br />
h) ‘Genetic Purity’<br />
Genetic Purity is defined as the<br />
percentage of plants derived from a seed<br />
lot that meets the variety description.<br />
Schedule 2 - Resistance<br />
1. - Terminology and definitions<br />
a) ‘Immunity’ means not subject to attack or<br />
infection by a specified pest or pathogen.<br />
b) ‘Resistance’ is the ability of a plant<br />
variety to restrict the growth and<br />
development of a specified pest or<br />
pathogen and/or the damage they cause<br />
when compared to susceptible plant<br />
varieties under similar environmental<br />
conditions and pest or pathogen pressure.<br />
Resistant varieties may exhibit some<br />
disease symptoms or damage under<br />
heavy pest of pathogen pressure.<br />
Two levels of resistance are defined:<br />
I. High resistance (HR): plant varieties<br />
that highly restrict the growth and<br />
development of the specified pest<br />
or pathogen under normal pest or<br />
pathogen pressure when compared<br />
to susceptible varieties. These plant<br />
varieties may, however, exhibit some<br />
symptoms or damage under heavy<br />
pest or pathogen pressure.<br />
II. Intermediate resistance (IR): plant<br />
varieties that restrict the growth and<br />
development of the specified pest or<br />
pathogen, but may exhibit a greater<br />
range of symptoms or damage<br />
compared to highly resistant varieties.<br />
Intermediately resistant plant varieties<br />
will still show less severe symptoms<br />
or damage than susceptible plant<br />
varieties when grown under similar<br />
environmental conditions and/or pest<br />
or pathogen pressure.<br />
c) ‘Susceptibility’ is the inability of a<br />
plant variety to restrict the growth and<br />
development of a specified pest or<br />
pathogen.<br />
2. - Information per variety<br />
Resistances in varieties of our crops will be<br />
coded (see coding list at www.enzazaden.<br />
com), unless indicated otherwise. In case<br />
a variety is resistant to more than one<br />
pathogen, the individual resistance codes will<br />
be separated by the symbol ‘/ ‘.<br />
If in a resistance code of a certain variety<br />
reference is made to certain strains for which<br />
the resistance is claimed this means that no<br />
resistance is claimed to other strains of the<br />
same pathogen.<br />
If, in a resistance code, no reference is made<br />
to strains of the pathogen for which the<br />
resistance is claimed, resistance is claimed<br />
only to certain not further specified strains<br />
of the pathogen and we hereby disclaim any<br />
guarantee that the variety will not be infected<br />
by the said pathogen.<br />
170 | Enza Zaden
Schedule 3 - Information per crop<br />
Crop<br />
Product<br />
Germination<br />
%<br />
Seed Size mm<br />
Genetic<br />
Purity<br />
Crop<br />
Product<br />
Germination<br />
%<br />
Seed Size mm<br />
Genetic<br />
Purity<br />
Cauliflower Precision 90<br />
0.20 or 0.25<br />
round sieve<br />
90<br />
Butterhead, Batavia,<br />
Iceberg, Cos<br />
Precision 93 98<br />
Others Brassica Precision 90 93<br />
Carrot Precision 85<br />
Celery Pill 90<br />
Chicory Witlof Precision 85<br />
Corn salad Precision 85<br />
0.20 or 0.25<br />
round sieve<br />
0.20 or 0.25<br />
round sieve<br />
0.20 or 0.25<br />
round sieve<br />
Cucumber Precision 92 99<br />
Red beet monogerm Precision 80 0.50<br />
Red beet multigerm Precision 90 0.50<br />
Eggplant Precision 90 98<br />
Endive Precision 90<br />
Endive Pill 92<br />
Fennel Precision 90<br />
Fennel Pill 90<br />
0.5 round or 0.2<br />
length sieve<br />
Butterhead, Batavia,<br />
Iceberg, Cos<br />
Others Lettuce Precision 93<br />
95 98<br />
Others Lettuce 95 95<br />
Melon Precision 90 98<br />
Parsley Precision 87<br />
Sweet and hot pepper Precision 90 97<br />
Radicchio Precision 88<br />
Radish Precision 92 0.25 round sieve<br />
Scorzonera Precision 80<br />
Spinach Precision 85 0.75<br />
Squash Precision 92 97<br />
Tomato Precision 92 98<br />
Onion Precision 90 2.00-2.75<br />
Leek OP Precision 90<br />
Leek F1 Precision 85<br />
0.2 or 0.25<br />
round sieve<br />
Watermelon normal Precision 90 98<br />
Watermelon seedless Precision 85 98<br />
Enza Zaden | 171
www.enzazaden.com<br />
Enza Zaden <strong>Export</strong> B.V.<br />
P.O. Box 7 | 1600 AA Enkhuizen | The Netherlands | tel +31 (0)228 35 01 00 | fax +31 (0)228 35 02 00<br />
© June <strong>2013</strong> | Enza Zaden Beheer B.V. | Enkhuizen | The Netherlands